Appointments are higý ai '67 Nassagaweya Appoinîments of council 1 committen, represeotatives o10 oulside boards and commis-1 sions, and special staffees for, 1967 bigbligbted Nassagaweya 1 Cooncil's inaugural meeting Wednesday evening of last week. Clerk J. C. Meîntyre was re-i appointed to the sis-way posti of clerk, Ireasorer, tas collec- 10e, assessmenl commission- er, welfare officer and boilding superinlendent. M. R. 'Mac' Anderson seas re-appointed as- sessor and Mrs. Vera Cockramn wsea again named assistant clerk. Roads superintendent Grant MeMillan was also re- appointed. At the sanie meeting, count- cil adopled a recommended salary sebedule and eslablish- ed the levels aI which each of their present employees work. Minimum and maximum salar- ies were oullined in the hy-law they appeoved. Oiher employees appoinled 10 work on a parI-lime hasis included Fred Edwards, cure- taker of the township hall and the memorial plot ut Brook- ville: Sam Scott, township of- fice custodian; J. S. Norrish, scbool attendance officer; E. 1. Parsons and A. N. Norrish, liveslock evalualors: Nelson Hownard, poundkeeper; and George Oredge. Ed Cairns, Jim Robertson and Cbarles Lasby, fence viewers. Rates of pay for each of thene were also estah- lished hy tbe by-law and some raines seere granted. 00gb sehlsoahord appoint- ments included Ross Catîhert returned la the Milton hoard ani Duncan Molfat reiurncd tu the Acton board. A. R. Service we re-appbint- ed 10 the Milton Fiee Area Board and Percy McGillivarY and Jack Mimne 10 the Acton board. Councillor Anne MacArthur was named t0 replace Reeve William Coulter on the Hallon Region Conservation Aolhor- ity. Reeve Coolter sai*d be had spent five years working wilh Ibis group and wanted a new appoinîment from the town- ship ta carry on in the posit- ion. Councillor Ross Gordon nas returned to, the Grand Ri- ver Conservation Aulhority. Reeve Coulter mas named council's delegate to Nassa- gaweva Planning Board. Maur- ice Newton and Gordon Agnew were re-appointed ta the board 1ur îwo-year terms. and Grant Campbell and Aies Near for efle-vear terms. n New planning board appoin- dtees are Fred Benson of Camp- hlight inaugural bellville and Douglas Beatlie of -Eden Milîn. They replace Stewarl Cramp and William Lowry, wbo bolh had seeved lbree years. Reeve Coller, Roy Wood, Ken Moore, ten Andrews. Jack MPhail. Claode Inglis and Coancillor William Mabon we re namcd 10 the Campbell- ville Communily Centre Com- minice. Members noîed a new commanity centre commitîe will he set op laler Iis year to bandie the centennial park t Eden Milîs. Caunetias own committees were al re-appoinîed for 1967. They are: Roads. Deputy - Reeve Wil- liam Hoey, Councillor Ros Gordon. Peoperly and building, Gor- don and Hoey. Assessment and planning, Councillor William Mabon, Councillor Mrs. Anne MacAr- thur. Personnel and office admin- istration, Hoey and Gordon. Finance and wefare, MacAr- thor and Mahon. Legislalion and hy-laws, Ma- hon and MacArthur. The reeve is also a member of al commillees. Tbe first named in eacb case is tbe chairman. The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Januaey 11, 1967 Mr. and Mrs. Robet MDon- aid and family of Georgetowen spent the New Year holiday wilh Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mud- die and Sheila, Milton Heights. Derrick Hornsby and family, Harold Ferris and family, and Guy and Edylh Wilson, al if the Milton congregation, have just retorned f rom a large convenlion of Jehovahs Wil- nesses in Mexico. NASSAGAWEYA TOWNSHIP COUNCIL sarted off ils f irst two-year term on Wedniesday even. ng of at week aI the inaugural meeting. Clerk J. C. Mintyre had each member swear the oath of office and Rev D. Nicholson of Campbellvitle condacted the invocation. Seat- ~Phot- ed infrontaeDepuy-eevn W.A. Hoey and teeve Wi lam Couter.Sandng ae Coun- cors Wil arrMahon, Anne J. MacArthue and Ross Godon *Alfve are eunees from ast year' couci fCennetb Ketchen oif Bramp- ton, a former Miltonlan, was recently elecled president of the Brampton Life Underserit- ers' Association for 1967. Oul-of-town guents present for a New Year's dinner at the bhnne of Mr. and Mes. John Dukes, Meadowhrook Drive on Sunday were Me. and Mms. 1. A. Duken and Mes Kirk of Ha- milton, Arcbdeacon S. A. Kirk and Mes. Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. David -Pocock and giris ail of Guelph. CONTINUES WITH FURTHER THE5 PUBLIC SCNOOL BOARD of the Township Mrs. Doreen Mahon. Trusees standing are Shool Area of Nassagaweya for 1967-68 was Jack McFhail, Art Gbson, Carlo Bryce and offically sworn in aI the Nassagacceya Coun- Claude Inglis Mr. Bryce ix the only new cils inaugural meeting last week. Seated in member elected to the board. front are chairman Horace Blyth and secretary BIG REDUCTIONS S ep araCite JARM SLAN(,EDYK Local woman hurt Mes. Charles Menefy cf Bell St., Milton, received neck in. juries on December 31 when the car she wsa driving collid- ed with a vehicle driven hy Harold Siguedson of Oakville. The cars collided t Trafal- gar Road ad Upper Middle Road, Oak:vlle. 'Mr. Siguedsan eceived bead injuries and a passenger, a son James, two, wsan ut. winners To improve Work as la tubegin an a $2,5W,000 rehidng paogam un Highway 5 rcen Tansley Bridge to Waterdawn Town Linito cunvet itu a loue- an,. h ghway. Major ni msc- lions ih extru anes1fr hoth -- lefI and rgb hand loenssare. '~planned at Brant Si.,Gueph 'J3Linc Appleby Une and Wak esLine intersections. Teafi lghts wll be plce d ai Guelph Lise and aI Brant Street. Lat year 4M50 veicles a day leavelied along the Bulinglon section cf the road. This soin- ber is espected ta reach 15,800 vehicles a day sn 10 yeae. ART MELJANSON The eadwcrk is enpected 10 bc compleled hy 1970. ANGELO TONELLI Miltona Pharmocy 246 MAIN ST. 878-2343 PRESCRIPTIONS Picked Up & Delivered FREE DELIVERY ON LY ONE cm làjiI. Fr agmaInfore Phone 853-045 kno one ne. e R Eam ................ tnm Pln &hva the W- ýMci, aan Hosiacu eaU oatiîn*tîrnîaîmiuiî s IN EVERY DEPARTMENT E Up TO54 0 ALL ITEMS ARE FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK 0 HUNDREDS 0F ITEMS ALL DRASTICALLY CUl IN EVERY DEPARTMENT CHECKOUR REDUCTION TABLES DAILY CEKFOR BELOW COST PRICES 1 Note: Ail Men's-Boy's-Children's Outerwear-Dras tically Reduced to Clear MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION1 Town of Burlington DOG TAGS 1967 Dog Tags ore avallablu et th. fellewlne kocations te March 31 onlyt Coote's Store, 2090 Kilbride Road (Kilbride) Wilson's Hardware, 566 Plains Road East, Burlington Lowville Variety Store, 6179 Guelph Line <Lowville) Civic Administration Building, 426 Brant St., Burlington After that date they may ha purehaied only feem the Tas Section of the Teaaavy Oeportment, 426 Brant St., Burlingten. D. W. FARMER, C.A. January 3, 1967. Treasucer.