Young Couples Want t'O Buy Your Idie but Good Used Furniture IRTHS IN MEMORIAMS FOR SALE C LAS S IF IED R AT E S 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED- 16 SERVICES 117 REAL ESTATE DEVINE - %Mr. and Mrs. Trry MPHAIL-In lovng mcmory of 'RUG 9 x 12, hall runner to WE DO kitchen cupboards, re- Deine of R.-R 1, Milton, arc my dear husband, ýNeil, who match, amost nom. 878-3526. creation rooms and alteratiaits. W lu ac t plcascd 10 announce fhelic h passedl away January 14, 1966. lc36-2311 Telephone The Canadlian 191 Main St. 878-9812. 9c36-233 antR chLd of their son, weight 8 Ili. 2 A faithful hushand, one of the &EIHdyr rciat 78-2341 Champion Milton, Onario EPRECD okcPrCrptdadDaaldCw oas, t Mltn Dsti lspi leu ew $99. 57.50 monthty. Cresi BIOtTHS. DEATHO. MARRIÂGES, FORTKCOIOMWMRIAOES, EN- Jeirs memnt in Milton. and Horscs tai on Monday. Januaey 9, 197. May God grant him etrnat rost. ' Mt. 13.236 MEN2IS- N rh-go. AyPO . 5,Mloo Atways rememliered, Margc. Hardware,_Milton._I_36_2316 FOR SALE. FOR RETC. - f.imnmoc5W i 0or 0 * chone 878-9543.24HuSrvc MACINStiloa- (dth 'e' u0 Y906-2367 24HuSevc MRE-Bill and Margie arc c36-2362 ADDINO MACHINESfotype- oh..tii Eglîttn v pleased ta annoonice the birth M-HI--t oin cov %riters for sale or rentai. Phon .. ,t iindt1.1 -h enreont. A YOUJNG mothler wishes ta of their son, Terry Ernest, M AL nloigmeu.878-962, Harris Stationery. CONGO VENTS. canos OF rtHa.NoSs- $1.25 fo s t i es o. care for children in lier oson Lic. Nos. 133-RP 208.C-2 Toronto, Ont. af aur heloved laîher, Nui, home, seight 7filis., 5 ozs., an Milton who passed away January 14, tctf-4I7 homeexcelent caesandsuier District Hospital on Wcdncxday. 1966. PRVIaNorel an MEMORIAM - $i1.5 Pultc Pc1 er ue o wn. vision fiven. 878-6373. 9c36-2312 IM 04 ImdaePseso Jaur ,16.POEt orefPrn LSUDDeOIe lA e.uocalKL - tATcm$.4 per. unIc.Wte U9-04 ly doatd fossioncmtt Jaur .16.Sadly missed atoig hIfes WOYleeding costs less. Feed for pro- DedlInethslautia. pm oLALESaTE-y4.ccclmolc3-edroom hbrick lbungalow, ncw TAYOR-.r.andMr. dwn uitly remcmliercd every day. fls! Sec yoar Panina dealer. BOX NUMBERS t. hO fM. c- t5c ddiiomi. u LOStOR SRAYEDattacedaafagc attedentc TALY--ran r.Ewn Aiways rememhered, Jim, Ma- ic36-2245 LS RSTAE tafched ard.e,6H96 mrt-e R. Taylor of 1209 Pcltit Avc., nïon and bioys, and Bil, Pcggy-an ecdyr.64 mot Oakilc, rcplesc e10an and son. c36-2363 2 NEW snaw tires and tubes DEDNES12N NTU DA 2 HOIJNDS, Losovilte mou,- 17 REAL ESTATE toge. $119.80 PIT. nooncc th irili of ticronPontiac sheels. 670-15; set of -____________________________tain area: 1iblocuetick; i white, 3-edroom hungalow ai Hornby. daughtcr, Kimhcriy Dawn, sloop seiglis, in good condition wight 8 Ils., 3 ont., a Milton CMN EVENTS 678-4314. l:62Ï 6 The Cndian Champion, Wdnesday, January 11, 1967 blckan r3. Pon 88 LARGE 3 BER M Thsom i qayorV District____Hospital___on_____________ 6513.___ 1c36-2371L.A. 2-edroom liascmcnt ap- Distct1 oxita.onDeEmlir _______for___sale,__ 4h Line AFPROXIMATELY 5 w s BUNGALOW artmont. Taxes only $180. Teen Dance at 'Boyne Centre, and No. 5 Sideroad lhehind Omn- s VEHICLES FOR SALE 8 HELP WANTED ago, Pekinese, sandy colortng L-stoned fieptcegand tly 2g-edroom bungalow, nom for- Sat rday, Januarv 14, 1967, Sy agli gencral store) or for week- mt oht-arig, apiei oomiiL om 526 N A nce omrofan cmic2 J. . and Sqoires. Admission ly home delivery, caîl 878-9306' 1957 FORD wagon, 2-door, V-8, PART-TIME sales hotp, maie ille area. 854-2235. 1ltc36-2338 fnse o.r yrdcrtd xigol ENirEET '.0 uevie. c626 c62 uornaic, radio. neso tires, or lemale. Milton area. Write morîgage. $10.510 forthis cosy utIley ENGAGEMENTS PRSuperv,500ed10c506fo364is1cos6-2t7l Rochre, Patermo Hall, Friday, YGI WILL LIKE liuyifgyour Good hoy. 878-9757. 5c36-2376 Personnel Manager, Box 234 SETEmi olîc uglw Mr. and Mr. 'Edwin Neweît of Jnay1,96,soordbbuligmaleeils and coal ai -99- - L-WGE l-s-- Burlington. 8c37-233 axd white, Camplielîvilte vicOi- Phone 878-6797 buglw R.R. 3. Miton, are pleased 10 Jaalry 13,t967, csosoriadiony huildg pelvle Qik 15 VLSANbs -ity. Answers 10 Teddy. Camp- 17c33-f Stella Parton annonce h0 ngagmentofgdmisione5c.Lonc proide. sevice Hili qaiit. Pionesassngo,9nofurier eed:1957 FEMLE sles lerffutlorhervill 854230 aftr864-2m306___alter___6_______ their dauglter, Sharon Rose, 10 c36-2324 Campblilville 8%42232. ttf-4t6 Asi van delivery, low mite- part ime. in domntown store Itc36-2368 Chste&Vod 87-05 r 71 David Lloyd Deforest, son of ______________ge. 878-2013. 5c26-2027tf (not grocery). pleasant morking 878-60 r889932 Mr. and Mrx George Deforest, Miton Girls' Pipe Band dance, 3-BEDROOM cotage, large liv- 1953-- coTONtChe.sstakampion Box 13FORCRENT EAL &TAEWBodEs176 Milton, Ont. Friday, Januarv 20, Canadian Le- îng room, kilchen and sun- ro53k11gON ooChe.asle-83-381 O ET ELETT RK gion Hall. Dancing from 9 - Il room, large corner lot. privale tru, ,no plaîor 20. hune A OOiacaulatihoca eseanf Berrys orchestra.hoAdA heach 10ouryards amas, Gm-189 Mi S.-Milton A. E. LePAGE p.m. wy r 878-286 eveninos. 5c36-2374 handle a complele set of hboks. 3-RGOM aparîment. 878-2644. Mi t MARRIAGES mission $1.50. c37-2342 Beach, 7 miles trum Barrie. Apply in rîting with fuît par- 13c36-2300 *REALTORS LIMITUD Ashgrnve Womens Institute Phone 878-9762 after 6 p.m. icafars and references. Champ- $ 17100, 3 - hedrunm hrick hlouse, Memher af the Toronto, Onario wilsosra Ruchre inSlow- --___ c36-2378 For Your Next Car -a. in Box 120, 8c36-2320 COMIFORTABLE room ih lrektenadivgmo, Mrlssoso garage.______________ 878-6050. 13c36-381 large kitchen andrlivingrrReal KAd RU-Gu r. aidWe Mrs.wnarttown Hall on January 27 ai OAKVILLE Piano Shop, dlean- TRY VOLIJNTEER gnoups or in- gage ful hasement, close tuoschools.anGavle-TfagrRa Line, Burlington, wixli 10 an- ..3. v HAMILTONPies ne ae.Slcto a aganý iduals ta help decorate Halion t BEDROOM atiartmeni, ad- $18,500, 3 - hedroom hrick house, saeBrd nucth araeofterLunch. Admsston 50c. c36-2354 prices of fully recandiini p BUCK HMLO Manor for Valentines, Easter, nts nnly. 878-9994 aflton 5. L-shaped living and dining 53 Years' Continuous Service nouncest Ihter iao liiroBrment and upiglit piaos. AT Halloween aid Chrismas sea- l3c36-2373 room with fireplace. yongxtdaglte, ina ouaThe annual meeting of the Special. mahogany 5 4, grand BRO usns. Phone 878-9595. 8c36-2359 F-.6NIacrDersm, enîl- - d, close ta 401 sm~%IAE Reg. N., to -M. Eric Karu of Hallon Agricullural Society w'il1 huv Knabhe. heautiful tune,6ors od BELL 18Thms i, a - men only. Phono 878-769. Hwy. Asking $7,500. MVILTON AJiN 2.0 1966, in Lomille Ufnited ment f Agriculture Board ville, 845-3579. c36-231 8"30He ated 13c36-2386 10 ocres, close la Milton. Asking ACREAGES Churcli. Room, Milon, an Fiday, Janu- Self e-$8,Wan.$6,500___S5,40_-_8___10_acr ary 27, ai 1.30 p.m. c37-2369 CAR, TRUICK & TRACTOR TI. SECRETARY TREASURER 2 FIJRNISHED roims, lied- LISTINGS WANTED FOR parcels of land, some treed, RE.nwadueover 2,000 :TO-OOEATV Om. doubile lied. 878-9248. SPRING EUYERS open aid on pavement. Terms The Halton Junior Farmers ReySpinfeload tused, tck ATO OPEAI13c36-2328 to suit the purchoxer, DETS ruin audy aury2,al ies, low prices: flts fixed, 7 WANTED -MEDICAL SERVICES FUNSE Lm o ete al 1%7, 8.30 p.m.. Masonin Hait, SI_0-,___esFURNISHED1.00 ro---m- tony genîle- tu 2Hmy Milton, Ont. Dancing 10 oel ilno,8.0.W pt nmiigt: mon, 247 Elmmood Crescent.87-07M TN HORTON, Mrs. Mae D. - Sud- 25 g have liatteries for maxI cars GG01) ased wandrolie. 878- SmFni r hn 878-262.953-25 87857MIO denly, ai Toronto, on Wednes- tuBî ety oceta d and trucks. Milton Tire and Ra- 3119 7c36-2377 RR .HrhOt UNSE erocoe1c6 IMAUAEHM day, Decemher 28, 1966, Mac D. mission 8.25 each. $2.00 Per diaînr Service, 191 Mitl St., 878- ______1,_________Ont.__17c36 5t8,900ashn pie, 5HOoME ootuHoton.L:b36-2343 2711. lctf-419 RIJOBER ire buggy. Phone 8b36 tU Plna an domose 18n. Non rie 5-ror (Dt motn idom of K. coopt.uIPhack hanndom. whettenilio Norton of Prince Abert, Sask- Dance will hc heîd at the Kil -- 8786192. Cal alter 5 p.m. HERES YOIJR KEY TO A BIG cuuking. 78-2056. 13c36-2317 bvricogalsow.3htedrmsnm atheon mthrofKenelibride C entre on Saturday, Jon- tAG lsypit fCn ch27 INCOME - MAIL TODAY ELECTRIC MOT 'A0ER ined living and dining room, of 44110., Ont., Samuel of Van- uoy1,8pmpnsored by adian Champion staff photos. THE W. T. RAWLEIGH CG. HEATERS mîlli freservce. hardwood flIons, moliogany i ouvr. B.C. and Hrry of Vic- hoilrid4 8Cmmuspnity Centre 5x 7 smo St: 8 x 10 siec $125;: HAY fnn D.iry catîle. Thon- LTD., PooMto yr 7-35 aeldrceto om l toria, B.C.; sister of Jessie tof Commie omiler ecetrplus tan. Cash must accompany nghhred Feed Suppîx. Concord iet -8-Y ýneMlo yr 7-3f45 haelng, gare, asphaît drie Toronto, Ont.; John of Calgary, Admission $150 per person. Prie- irden. En quire nom ait Champ- 889-3Ri6.elieu,2257 D ept -24H, P Alla.: Arthur of Caifornia, US. os and relreshments. c36-2365 ionnaffine, 191 Main St., Milton. $6000 FIRST mntgage boan. Gentlemen: 1 m ntrstd n OFO AL front lied. landscaped. S5% morîgoge cor- A. and William___of__Edmonton,__e_ ctf rsd- . iligtu a8%. ho morld famous Ramleigh Line ouirn, adul home, central toma- HigI-way 25, eies for $86 monlhly I.P.T. At. adWlimfEdotNotce residenin.ofltheg a pay This is o tovety home. Alla. Notice:ince Bbertuseliof the aft hon oolnu Gond credîit ecord. Wrile Box on o îokinn, suit liusiness gentleman. Acton Area Saskatchiewan. arY 11, the parent teacher in- ALE 7adanCamin7-29 f ul-time hosis 887.1c622 30 ocre camping grounds, nice- CL _______________ROUC FRe poleseente RE co SELF - CONTAINING 2 - lied- y wooded. ponds, ecluded, TO BR LY STANOV, Vasa - t Haml.ed until Wcdnesdoy, January 18.- - LIVE pnultry, goose and dock ho n aao il uîIro aporîmenî for o fomity of open area, îernific vieso, han- Ion onSunayJanary~. he ameinterview appoint- 1.000 BALES of sheai sînoso. iahers. fealhen ticks. Higliesi eti4. or 5, electric lieal, $65 per dy fnn hihing la main eoads 8894 196, nk hs o 1 ea, Vaament as previously aranged 878-346. 2c36-2331I prices. We caîl. Write 1. Zoner, Naome ..... ...... ...... , mn1Th, incMoffat. Appîy in Pr- and toson, Con liedivided in 73 SnkvmilIlbcin effeci. c36-2327 - -__________-- 792 Cllege Si., Toronto, or Address .....son.....e-a--oSStaion ic Moffot. imo. _________________ Funenat as from thie Mac- t 1* OOO BALES of hay, 45cpe phone coyllent LEnnox 5-0724, cx- Citv Prov. - ___13b___ 6-2339___ Nali and Son Chaisel on Thurs.- Bingo. Came one, came ail, tu hale. 878-2698. 2c36-2S, enings 63-1793. 7cl99Iif 8c36 OFCIo ros u- For Service & Satisfaction day, January 5 illi inerment .oly Rosarv Hall. Milton. Bm --_FFCE,1_r_______fr-__nul in Evengreen cemelery, Miltin, go starting Monday, Januory 30, 2.j000 BALES of has.' $35 pCr SOMEGNE lu taire aven pay- nished or unfurnished. Wilt mo- 4 acres, $2.800 orCosi 1967. 8 p.m. Sharp. Progressive Ion dlivercd. 878-338. menîs on 1963 Mrcury Monter- COLD HEADING dify 10 suit tenant. CenIrai loc- 7 ocres. $4.900. $990 doon. weekly jackpot. Speciol ruunds. 2bi36-22941ns' 2 - donr hardlnp, ed and alaon. Heal, lighl and ater sip- Excellent vieso. rolling hilîs, BRIAN B EST Door primes,. Excellnt parking ---- hte with ncd and bilack lea- Toronto manufacurer of lioll pliod. immediate accuponcy. Ap- pond sites, t mile [rom Atan.Retoan Inrnc CARDS OF THANKS farltis Sonoe nd ciperait- CLEAN noalcd sîraso. Witl de-,îhi-r inn nion. Excellent condit- Standard and Spocial Sctems ply Haltan and Peel Trust and eloan Isunc cd 'oy Holy Rosary Mens liver. 87"-369 af1r 6 p.m. inn Phoîne 878-6984. 7c3&-2356 and Rivets, eouires expeniene. Savings Company, Milton, Ont.Mi S. ito, ii 1 wul lketothnk r.Ed Goli 36-2334I 2c36-2323 W-- cd sel - up men aid operolors 13c37-2298 30Mi iMloOt I motd lke a îhnk r. R- Goup.WANED T BIY. csh orIn Nationats, Waterhury - Par- mosrdst odtstiaf o! Mhi in-The 'Milton and District Hoti. GuAlniYoh34-edhas a Il tNPCsu nscadfrnish- nelGreenwood - Batley aid LREH M A K H LMES 878-6292 878-6592 tcultural meting witl lie heldisîcaw.Bo linglas64698 nn d appli onces. CampletelManville. Douhle Sîmake Solid LR EH M A KH n055 mhile I mas a patient in tMondav ecening. January 16, ai 6346907 236-2293 ;les ihs OO sae nt ELETAEBOE the7os2tafois. thodishes.5,p'g.,anssemUioeHall, J-- in Headens. Sloters. Trimmers 2 slureys, hot mater heat, 2 RA SAT RKR COUNTRY HOME - 2-edroomn thehopial asoIhoe ho8.5 .m, i Ie nin al,,BRIGHT, cdean. 00 sîawnn iquns or anvthing usefut. Clt and RaIl Thneaders. Excellent nalhronms, emodeltcd, large hungal oiih gond sined kit. sent cards. Pine St. Ms. George ElliotI wili i mm.square hales. Aassinen. i nstîme. akvilîn 8274554. apportunitie,, Rcplv sttng oge, ATNgarage heltso upor sae c36-2340 . Lyle Kennedy. show h er slidesaon h er recen I 6220 Bell Schaol Line. 878-6275. 7c3g-234i espcrience and fuît parlictalarsgage 84 Chorcli Street living raom. 4-pièce liatflllt trip ta England and Scoiland. 2c36-2337 In hasemenî divided, foroedi air Thanks toalal our friends and Memhrships due. The pulici - Highmays 401 and 25 Iiocated nent la telephone neiglhors. mho comfoted uar vtd c36-23151 APPLESI McîntoshCocblaeds Box Numkser 118 building) il hecat. large single cor ga- sorrcn in oroncnanr.Ry- TeCnda Champion COOKSVILLE 17c36 raenieyldspdlo z oat wt aurreenuhreoei.Wart Genîîe. DliiMsr.nn ad agond8 M ANED Th Cndin-__ 132 s 250 wilh ravine ai rear, -Iathî mt atoulent, Godn rs1Brngso ao ananes Ry -- -836 277-1461 Asking price $15.500 witli Rev. Jelfanes and Rev. Chrisien- Herhert M. Dedge. R.R. b, An- Bousficld 87"-355. 2h3g-2302 WGMAN ta mind children.îns utll o ucis son; lso îhaiks for the lovely tunshomwere marricd Januany (-2pn68248 83-3tArMUJRRAY) .thrnisnu V.L.Afolt Art ca-e loers received fronmatt of you. 10, 1917, are cebhating their 1 -IY---MLE 13c36 choh .LA alrtP- c36-2292 Kuschnik family. Golden Wedding Annivensory 1DtS8I WASHER. Apptv Cana- ok this mcck. On Sundoy, îhey 3AIASFOR SAE ,nîe EsIaurano t, Mlton laza. P ST L LERKS 6 ERICNVESTMENT PROPERTY - 1wudlk otakalniy millbc ie Ihome lu relatives and -SAEPOTA-6 ERIESFu3pene$6.0036i6po fIenmoun ldtiesforhank he8c36-2iShei hme RR.1$4,375 - $5.425FulPie$60.Thspo areds and rlaties foreaIcie cofrinnd 2-at then hume. RhR. 10 YORK pis, rn ni od.EXPERtENCED edr and Pos Office O armtpcrîy consixîs of a 3 - storey nord s apftes in roienta,.9a 2 ot ikn the Phone 878-9448 aoficr 6 p.m.« 1maintennonce mon. Cati collent, MILTONOntario ED. McMULLEN 2d hause mhinh hox heen dividcd wheIma aptinii Mltnaftternoan and fnam 7-9 L 3e c36-229 A o 250 8h2- 12 Acres an nIa 3 self - contained apari- Diansito D.sitand Dtr. se-a... vnning. c3hetlan p26 For lait parlînolars as toqua- e Pîosîening. Cement Work rmenîs, comprising a total of Daen r. adSeff, onr. e- _______________ tYERODSàadpe.ictinmuneienîs and ap- a Chimneys aid Fireplaces Stone nouse 16 eaoms with 3 liatlroomns. gienu aese n saf orIe FOR SALE vil h nenos lidîn. Phoane Camp- a r i plicatian lorms secposters on a Eterior Stucco Camig5nomsbnnooe a e onl$26.coteSi2,520. kidcne etîvilte 854-9897. S3c36-2383., ualiy CnrlCamn -omsoehue c36-2385 Ken Shannon. --- display ai Posi Offices and Con- 0 Pastering Repairs fineptace in living rom, sep- Il.xso41 6,oExsig fi16 __________________878-______ pusBOXERts socsSue3vimnebhsMannId.,entSsuperlicisPhre Adon 83n181wnrae Cinîr rs., Applica-f. xne6 ACtoniti853-1s IAW FILING equipment. 878-manîden wt -ak zze.Mrs. ions shotd 6e sent lu Civil Po88 aandnngnnhînomorîgago ai 7% illi monlly friends and relatives for visils 99.i3 s1 it.mond GEonrke. Aclon, 853-1 Esperieeced Gualîts Conîna Service Commission. 25 Si. Clair 1 cor gachnag.iande2treal n C- aytI Bof Cros.2P.adI an gfiaio hak t teSIGNS of att kinds, Ray Guay 2760.3c-50Sprison9umdfrepn Avenue East, TORONTO 7, Ont.. seîîing aI pne and spruce cammittee of the Milton Brick 878-2150 Ictf-597 , sB gvrm ihîn poitîioneai Cinadiae Me' BEFORE Januors 26, 1967. re.owtxs Co. or hei gits.Speial1 - - t i- 1terCo.Lîd. Mitone. Qo ile67T-25. 8c36 Peter P. Looser brs.Lwax. 25 ACRES - Beautiful appie Cha.f or.Hninugr ses LODat riae i go LA- pCte ouBE g ovrnl n R C..,Gnî ln6T16and pean archards, ttaliof 20 îhnk t D. onennuse LOY crnge3i gndio P dan aoslhn,îrs amd So,. lcatshnuld bliexeper- Carpentry 100 Acres and acres monkohio, S acres in and staff Ion Iheir kindness and dition. 878-95%. d -b0Pdm.HandMn e uAplcn 'IÂR SPrm n rmWr ush. iocaled in Esquesing, cor mliieI as paien i OL - ASHGND eas1ngErin, Gel., phone Candan 927-1 ieeced ineal aspects ni GuaitYFrm cae hieI asapaietinGL FSHINED-ro--tin-'5485. Si38-2379 CadtraI Operalions. and prepo ous cdRS FrFam n rmWr rc t eL20.008 miList6.0 Mi36n- istictHoBilal op. fosc. Compblebville 854-9897. cd il dcvelop and impiemnet a REOUIRED 0 ear leain Godprdciv el accml damn rîgoge0000hck6aI07% c3-SI Bb hmsn c36-2384 qualilv conînol pragram inctud- odpoutv efarwih on.Mtgebckt7% 1 would ike to hank nuses ingR----in Inspection, I Halton Cut Jail Phone 854-9886 large barns. sheds and ioveby Colt Tom Rennetti 878-2521 or a udstikeof1MithknuDsrse Hs 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE PToe-s nspctioCounty o- .R. 1, CAMPBELLVILLE. 9-noom Stone hbuse. Would 878-6292. pndita f of Mhioin Dstrindct os. nracnssî espelAu int. nd ula,lov range. S4200 la $5.300. 16c11 milke aitractive iorm for TIPie AuilPrnh,îinonars pciad 6 monlhs. hanse lancier, good maler sup- 56,000 DOWN - 47 acres in Es- siderotion, also thonks to friends. ONDEE42 laeiTe uevsr%%l eott wocle scme. Speciol SAE LMTE itîhh bade; 1957 C600 tlut cab,. and have fltIsupport of top Mosuh, hvittvfibcd TreReoa lha. 3Pie $6 01.000. r 401 iong eo. pave ro. hns ctlDrta sec as.otut he BASE LINE - MILTON plaim. 87-6338. 4636-2295 mngmn. ýihmnmhee 27 B" andADSEVCE chne. ic $000. $98 PRINCIPAL. INTEREST & Canadian Legian Poppy Fund m-no-m-- llii'ih mieenim 27 hnigh5 8vpe- NDSRVC frte liobskets, mhite 1 Ui oai BADGER hiarnncanens. silo This positione w'niiîcinîcresî nI age. Esper8,nnnd preîenred. Patur Fam TXE MGTHL - la wa apaiet nUUsitl.Si-rnoadrsanaltonaCedan hash manted, Pstieck h AXSMnaiom, -en ayla fo hi oeyuîaesadotaic fend necnoi% eorning ahout 56,500.' rc uglw etal o cerely, Tires and Batteries ing nqipmenn. EanI Seass, Min-'The compans ,ît suoffers an ex-, Permanent position ilh For arrangement cali Secladed 50 ocres mith slrong naied, nomprisod of living c36-2297 Art Cliarlton. neapolis Moisie deater, 87-6406. celleel range ni Iinge henefils. ,gnod 1 lngce eclils. Applicant FOMSAIoming Stream. Would make raom. spaciaus kitchen, 3 licd- 4c3g-2308 ~~ils hbcpmparcd la work FOMOS quetretreot on excellent Pas- rooms, hothroom. fulhase- Th -aml f thelaeGre Com n aid sece le w4c0238Wrilc gi incompilee delaits!shlt îsek. LANDSCAPING turc property. Close ta maint ment, FA. gos heaîing and TRusel fay she Ieego me sikei s edunation, age hone878-263 rnad. Roasonahin lerms. hot mater tank. 6% N.H.A. Rust fLMrinmouad ntie a UIRYALMASERmspenenie ectons demi Aplv rîtOne / -JLUJ mangage. Open ta offer aI tliank their afriendsenceondclneigh-r. hosfor their hlep aid ecu- Th iefor ire wrriers. 5 EIGARFRSAEIELcmlee a-D BROWN, ___163-f$16,500. Immediate posses- aeetduring his lns ad gienr- Titie m . s EHCEFRSL tîs impîd Cîerk - Adminisirator, vvantea bereavement. Speciol thanks tosin U.A.W. for Ithe hlaItand the lad- USED TAESEE ad 16 VGLSWAG. 5c36-291 87-Rpl shol b d- Adminisration Building, ently need more tome and For Ail Your Real Estate ies mio gvetheir ime 10 serve de 'lt:BaeLrMlon n. Da o ntyhmes for wailing goeaveDr usa.db3 tokResva byrs drpomtla:cu- n lunch. Also MacNali Funoral* 1965 OHEVROLET i ton I83 -agrtadAm aas, USED TRUCK TIRES pick-up. $789827. 5c362335 MANAGE R 0F AUCTR LIMITED leaus service, naît pour Gili- srneRqimnt Margaret35andnAima -LaMa.s1i.G. son WiboughhvLimited reps-e-Inrnc Reurmnt c36-237 In ai19i3e, i-ba pick-up, ANDANMEE iNgliesi cash prices fan dead or sentotives. 878331 tom mileoge. 878-369 aller 6 CAAIA ETRdîxabled noms and liorses. AL8 -69 ANYTIME p.m. 5c36-2322 CO. LTD ic. No. HGC 349~C65 226RP65 Anna&Archie Cairns l7c36 ýe% &&ATTM wPhoneu 878-6980flotion? 'Place23a7Co Mssnfiereet Eas 840MArERwht pu gcd I bs3lCAL 80-367 198 DSEL- Citation. in good Ps.fie o 7,.UCnt ail U Phone ZEnith 9-7950 34DMnst.RR-Ai ast TO JY? To Reni?,Trnspor-