14 WANTED TO RENT 117 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 'A SMALL aparinnent, sutable for business girl. 878-2037 after PRIVATE SALE 5.30 p.m. 14c45-2871 " Red brick house, large pictur- CENTENNIAL bail gomos, taque corner lot, near J. M. varlous sises. Caîl col-le ct LAST ONE LEFT .Denyes schtol. 3 -oo-y bed. Gorgeown 877-2890. rooms and bathroomt upstairs, 14c452869 AT TIS PICE all. spacious living mon, din- l4c4-286 AT HIS RICE ing roomt and kitchen down- APARMENT, bouse or farts, as nt stairs, futl basement, it heat- buildings included, in Hornby 's/lIy $9600- ed. Excellent condition. Avait- ares. CatI 878-6369 afler 5 p.mn. OWNER LEAVING AREA AND able May 1. 14c45-2875 HOME MUST BE SOLO REQIJRED ta rent. as soon Attrantive large 4-room semi-de- 878-9545 as possible. 3-bedroom bouse for lacbod borne, etra basement lc44 small family. Apply P.0. Box nodroots or roc. room as de- 695, Acon. 14b37-477 sired, treed lot wi h privacy, C ri & Nod encllent terms for hesl ac- C rstie& W o d 800USE for family of 7 in cepîrd offer. REAL ESTATE BROKERS Milton ares, good. references, (Locaîrd in Acton) 8 anS.-Mlo lease preferred. Phone Camp-18 ManS.- ilo belîville 854-9936. 14c43-2734 Now is a Good Time - 2 OR 3 BEDROOM bouse wnlb Why sot tît your property smal bars, a coopte of acres of witb $14,7010 fult price, 2- bedroom land, Milton ares. Option te olucco home, living room boy. Oakvilte 845-802. .A/ th b A C il al-mn book shelves and i4c45-2936 JPN4ACK I x.L.IV SI.J trlace, kitchen ib dis- -t- ara. -pioco - aIn,-tati 15 PERSONAL CORNS? Use Lloyds Crs and Caltous Salve for painfut corss and callouses Oickly ef- fective. 98cet Elsleys Pbarmn- acy. 5c45-2562 LANEX conlaining 60% lana- lin ix an effecl ive scalp treal- ment or excessive falisg bair, dandruff or itcby scaly scalp. Greasetess. Satisfaction cor mo- noy back. $2.25 jar aI Estey's 'Pharmacy. 15c45-2554 16 SERVICES MACIfINERY installation, fa- bricatisg and weldisg. 878-2241. 16c45-2985 DA'VE'S TV Antenna Service, 14 years exporionce. Tomrs and acriais. Al mrk guarasteed. Phono Campbellville 854-9934. l6c46-2992 ED. McMULLEN Contrector 0 Plaslerlsg, Cessent Work e Cimneys and Ftreplaces e Exterlor Stnîcco e Plaslering Repaira Phono Acton 853-1818 16ctf PACONI REAL ESTATE BRORER ACTON - 853-1650 84 Cbarcb Sîreet t localed nenl 10 telephose bulding>t 17h37 lstocy brich 6-roomed bouso mîlb allacbed garage, os cor- ner lot, close ta dowstomn shopping. 3 gond sized bed- raoms. kitchen. living and se- parale dining raam. Hast ho n '-slorey brick bouse, situaI- cd on large lot, fealures etre large kilehen and living room, 3 bedroonts and bath, also atlached garage. Qualifies for V.L.A. 10 acres in Nassagaweya ils sem 1-roont cottage. sitablo for wekend ntreat. 100 acre farm, in Hornhy dis- trict. basement. it heal. rcreatian HOUSE FOR RENT $125 a month, Ytiedroom brick bungalow, ix laws. COUNTRY HOMES 124,010 fuît price, 3 - bedroom brick home, bait an a butl with a lovelv viow, large liv- ing roam wlih broadloom, en- tra large ki;chen wilh dinisf area and lunch cccnsoer, 4- picce bath and vanity, flI basement, laundry and s1cr- age raam, partiatly finished recreatias racm. $16.900 fuît price, nom homo un- der canetractian, white brick, 3 bedrcams, living raam, kit- -bon ilh natural cupheards, 4-piece bath, fuît basement. Terms. FARMS ,0 acres, large stase hcme, al conveniosces, hank bars, on main highwav, corser prapor- lv. Asing $58.00. 100 acres. larege stane bouse, ai bank bars, siualed on mais raad. Asking $50,0010. 200 acre farmn, in Horsby dis- Due ta recent sales. me roqairo trict.e nmlistings. 5acremre adeigfrs in Kilride disrict. 100 acre farm, in Campbeliviloe Dead Stock Removal For these and cîbers, cati ycur LtMITED local Keith ropresentative. Higbest cash pricea for dedo dlsabled cows and horses.r CAL OPERATOR - ASK FOR Zenith 9-7950 Lic. No. 73RP67 97C67 16ctf Walnut Ranch Ltd. Crlppled and Disabled Coma and orses 24 Houe Service Lic. Nos, 13341F»20C4 Waterdown MU 9-1044 lieUf Peter P. Looser Carpentry Forts, Frame and Triss Work Repaira - Alloations Phono 854-9886 RR. , C5èMPEILVEiLE. 17 REAL ESTATE For Sale in Acton <GLENLEA) 3 6-ROOM f 3BEROOM M00- BRNi 'BUNGALOWS $16,100. to $16,500. " Low doms paymest. " Mortgage arranged 10 suit purchasor. " -Ready f or ceupancy Marcb 30. Acton Phone: Mrs. Roach 853-2164 Milton Phone: George Gitto 878-3262 Mrs. Stel[a Parton Milton 878-6705 17c44 There is Room For Laughter E In Iis spaciaus brick and frame bote ilh ils chant- ing living room and large stose fireplace. roomy dis- ing ares, big family kilcee and etra wasbroomn on main 11cor, 4 ocmy bedrooms up- stains and 4-piece balbroom. waik cal 10 sust dock over 5- tachod garage. The brigt aikoul basement is finish- od compietely mitb a smart kilehen, living noom, bedroom and 4-piece balrom. Dont miss seeing Iis large modemn home, iocated ix exclusive nighborbood. loso tu sebooi and shopping. Price $25.000. Almost New 4 - bedrocm brick home witb largo living oot and attrac- tive kilcbes ilh mabogasy fiisbed cupbcards. atacbed garage. ocaled in good seigb- borbood, close ta sehool and shopping. Price $22,500. Let's go to the Country Room for a pony os Iis large acre lot iIh a dlean brick and frame home with 7 t rooms and batbroom, nom oit fursace, etra wasbroom and lausdry room, on paved road. 1juil a fom minutes f rom toms. seboot bus for ehildres, tait shade trees make Iis a veny désirable seîisg. rice $20.500. Farms&Acreages We nom have a ehoice lot cf gardes farms, also beef. dainy and hanse farms. 50 and 100 acre parceis cf vacant land. CatI as and lob thet aven. Cal your Gibsos Wiloughby Limiled represoslaIives. THE AD in this space last Anna&Archie Cairns week ,was stopped be- 340 Main Street East cause it got results. Poe87-9017c45 C-tf Dundalk, Ont. Dial 923-2812 p Br WC Caîl 878-2095 878-6057 17c45 For Sorvice & Satisfaction Cossuit REALTOR ANDI 310 Main St.. Milton, Ont. 878-6292 878-6592 HFSLOF RD. - 3-bedroom clay brick bungalow, L-shaped liv- ing and disisg room. hutches m.ilh lots ai cupbaard space, 4-picce bath, semi-finished ne- creatios rcom. fuit sasemenl wilh atilily noots and mark- shop ares. This home backs a park anea, close la schoois and shopping, cil forced air heal, sIorms and screess. Ash- ing price $17,800. Carnies for $91.53 P. t. & Taxes on 5% morîgage. Cati Art Peacoch 878-6292 or 878-6447. JUST LISTED - Sotid brick 2- slcrcy bouse, localed ix Oak- ville, close ta Miltcn and siu- aied os a t'!. acre loI. Ideai bandyman's propcrly. Lisled price $15,900. Cati Bob Cross 878-292 or 878-4892. IDEAL INVESTMENT - 4 on- y, 10 acre lots, siluated ho- imeen Milton and Oakville aI Omagh. 500 f t. fronlagehy 875 fI. in deplh. $8.000 cach milb $2.000 fult doms paymenl. Ba- lance as a mostly basis ai 7V2n% ixtenesî. Don't deiay - tboy miii he o od hy Easîcr. BEEF FARMS - We have a good seloction cf farts avait- able, pricod f nom 135,000 for z as 88 acre fanm ta 507,000 for a 114 acre farm, close ta Mil- ton. "Forgel the Easler Bonnet" and take ot additiosatlfife isar- asce caverage os yoar bus- band. Il miii be the besI pro- tection you bave ever pur- chased. Buy and SeIl Your ,f Properfy the Moderr 0 Way 1. TIROUGH PHOTO M.L.S. Methers of the Drampton Real Estalo Board. 17c45, TURN To your friendty Champion Family Want Ads and aee ait of tise bargalus offored. )AUL S. STARR and Company Ltd. REALTORS 3ramplos - Guelph - Orangevitte oodslcck - Milton - Hespeler Ayr - Cookslown BUYING OR SELLING REAL ESTATE 8 Farms lb Homes 0 Land * Businesses Contact aur MILTON REPRESENTATIVE BARBARA KING 100 «artis Street Phone; Milton - 878-3551 Brampton - 451-1510 3 Bedroom Bungalow Lowville Area 10,500 is an exceptiasally las price for Ibis seat frume ban- galomwllih as acre of land, and ascthor building suitabi; for morhshop or lot shed The wel)tIreed loi bas a front. age cf 104 fi., os a good gra. vel road. Taxes only $156witb sehoot bas ai gaie. Inspec lion by appoistmenl. Wooded 5 Acres with Lake Frontago S9.000 for Ibis 5 acre, choiei home site wilh 700 fi. front afe on lake and 500 ft. front age on a good gravel road. $3,500 each for Ihese 3 goc( home sites, close la lake mil 150 Ct. fronlage and 300 fi deep. $42,000 1cr ibis ehoice 100 set, farm. silcaîrd in Erin Tmî on agood gravel road. bas] bars 50 s 100, good briel bouse, buildings allit ixe .lq. LEGAL 120 AUCTION SALES 1 17 REAL ESTATE An Attractive Farm Sheiburne Area 220 acres, ix Amarasth Tmp., farts in good stato of cultiva- lion, bas 160 feul plowod. ready for the '67 crop, 65 n 72 bars. 25 n 45 machine shed, 7- room s1050 block cosstraclod home. furnace. runnisg aler and bath are in. Askisg for $10.000 domn. Toal price 131,000. CALL WM. HEN'ORY Shethurne 925-5673 - aiso - M. K. Handry REALTOR The Liquor Licence Act NOTICE 0F APPLICATION Licensing District No. 5.1 TAKE NOTICE tbat Maton Country Inn of the Twp. of of Nassagaweya. in the Cousty of Maltos, wilt make applicat- ion aI a Special 'Meeting of the Liquor Licence Borad of Ontar- ta o b eld at the Carat Roont, Knighl Hall, 6 Sanfard Ave., in the City oi Hamilton, in the Lounty of Wentworlb, os Fni- day, the Tirty-First day of .Aarcb, 1967. aI the hour of 10.30 oclock EST. in the fore- soos for the issuasce of a Dis- ing Lounge License for thse sale and consomption of liquor with mcclx and a Lounage Licence for the sale and cossumptios of Il- quor for the foltaisg premis- os: tbe graund f toor Dising Launge and Lounge of the building ta ho ctassifîed an a botl and presestîf erected in the easterty part of Lot 7, Con. 6, af the Township of Nansaga- weya, in the County of Natts. Any persan who ix resident in the licensng district may ab- jecIta the application, and the grccindn af objection in writing sbalt be filed with «r. George C. Gage. Q.C., deputy registrar cf the icessing district. whose address is 13 ing Street West, Hamilton, Ont.. at toast tes days before the meeting an wbich the application is 10 ho beard. DATED at Toronto this 24tb Gay of February, 1967. HALTON COUNTRY INN, Tmp. of Naxagaweya. Co.nnty ai Hatta. R.. 3 Milton, Ont. 19c45 20 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Modearn Furasture atd Antilque Piees For MISS tERNE DOWNS 0f 376 Woodward Ave., selling in tise'Argiculturel Hall, Milton Fair Grouns, os Tharsday Eveaslng, Mareta 23rd At 7 octock sharp. 1- 2-piece cheterfield suite; 6- Jpieco disette suite; plalfornt ýe rocker; sivet rocker; students Jdesk; small bookcase; chrome tkitchen table and 4 chairs; 3 apiece bedroom suite; 39" con- t tinentat bed; 32" continental c-hed; small chent of drawerx; table and dresser tamps; Clam Jemel 21" gan stove; chromebar -ooal; bedxpreads; scatter rugs; china di nner set for 6; odd dinh os; china; glass including a fox aid piecos; oId and other pic Oe tares; uitcaso; gardon baols it etc. t- This is an extra gond lot ast dlean. ,d Also an antique conigniment bh of about 50 piocox of dishes etc. t. Omners and auclioneor and Hall Board sot rexponxf'ble far any accidents on promises. Oe TERMS: CASH. ik FRAN'K PETCH, Aucioneot. k 20h37 Tel. 877-2864. ~awùeua Ç#dde BIAUTY SALON Vogue Beauty Salon A NEW COIFFPURE Oesigned Just For You - and - OOMPLETE BDAUTY SERVICE DKORAYINO BROA4L00M *Resîdentfl Indusriatl Walter Reinhart Brampton Livetock Exchange Sselgrove Licensed Auctioneer Farm Sales, Household Sales and Appraixais PHONE Sneigrovo 843-1071 Bllon 857-1726 Cottect Kitchener 519-742-7437.1 20tf COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE Househoids - Dispersais or Farmn Sales Chris. A. Schouten AUCTIONEER Graduato f rom Kansas City Audtion Schoot Salon conducted anymboro. Ploaso cati coltect 878-2576. 20c44-tf ROKOOD INTEMATION- AL. ANNUAL ALt-DREEDS Dairy Caif Sale Offeetng Calvea Eligibte for 4-H Club Work SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1967 At 1.30 p.m., aI the Georgetown S ales Area t/z mile Southb of No. 7 Hmy., 6miles north of Interchange 40 off 401 Hwy., on Trafalgar Rd. at Georgetown.) -60 HEAD - Presesling a choico setoctior of top calibre calvex f rom mwhich 4-H members, nom and aid, cue purchaxo the ktnd Ibat wtfl prose ta ho future brood cows. Masy breedors bave atiowed as ta dig deep mbt their bel- toc cow families, thus affording yau the opportunity ta ho the tant idder os really top show prospects. Catalogues available on re- qcost. Lunch available. Rackwood internatIonal Lid. Sale Managers P.0. Box 67, Georgetomn, Ont. Phono 14161 8774101. 20383 AUCiON SALE The undersigned bas recoive. -instructions ta soit hy public il ucian in the Twvp. of Burling- ston, Lot 2, Con. 7, 3 miles e.traigbt nortb of No. 5 l4my. Pand appran. 5 miles South oc Miltas, an the Buringtos - Oak- Iville Tows Lino, nom called Tre- maso Rd. e A fuit lise tif farm impIes- e nts, milking oquipment and2 î;Btigian mares, i risisg 2, 1 isn 1- ing 3, appron. 500 hales cf ont n straw. >For d SATUIUSAYMARCH 23 At t p.m. It CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN, C. Auctionoor, phono 878-2576 d Cterk; Jim Langodyk. )r See fuît list in sent meek's is sue. 236. CLEARING 4.AUCTION SALE n n HENN'T HAIR STYLING i98 Miii st. - Milton CALI. 878-3263 21 FOR APPOINFPENtfT " Modem Equipment " Expert Styling, Colorisg,- Waving. c32-tf ELICTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC a INDUSTRIAL e COMMERCIAL e DOMESTIC e ELECTRIC HEASING Complete Electric Home 66 Chartes St. Miton 878-9513 TV end RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV AND APPLIANCES SALES &SERVICE * Piiips TV& Tape Recordera " RCA. Stores, TV, Appliasacea " Spartos TV and Stereo 222 MAIN ST. 8784445 c-tf * LIUTS T.V. SALES & SERVICE *EMERSON *Color TV and Sterea * Tape Recorder t112 Miii st., Hilton. Phone 878-3208 21ctf s PAINTING AND DECORATINO GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Contractor Indusiria1 - Residential 6. sterior - Exterlor Cali nom for Free Estissates 878-6137 Box 1347, Milton. 2ib45f let odiin.da aa ci, CLEARING f tckSIIemnlWI.,NQ ACx.NDaM L O ait orbable. CTaxes $378.oStcIpems e, School bas a gale. Just AUCTION SALE Dalry, Furnillere ee, ILO S15,000 .P. For forther infor- SIN G ER U H LTR mation and an' appoisîmont- For U H LTR o inspecl, cati Barbara King. Of Implesnents, tiry DAVE BURTON SWN Equlpinmsat LoI 6, 7îb Lino, Erns. on 5 SWN MACHINE Nom omsed and operted by -Sideroad, on SALES - SERVICE Lorne Arthuxr Milton - 878-3551 AI DROMAC FARM for SATURDAY, MARCH iBish PHONE 878-9094 4111 AIROY McDOWELL At 10 oclock sharp. R N A .R Brampton - 5 50 A hie farts, Lot 29, Con. 7 CATLE and DAIRY - Char- E T LRR.3 Mlo Toronto - 677-3230 Nassagameya Tmp., os the Blué tais com, calO aI foot; i More- POE8866 eubîte 1c5Springs Lino. t mite South of ford brifer. 6 mas.; Chartais POE156 I * RAuoter 7c5No. 7 Hmy., on fcrd benfems, due ime of sale; IiitnFbu ete *Auptoltry lsn Hlstein Hereford com, due M lo a ri ete * uhstntuia uits SAt 1.3AY, MRH tc of sale; Hereford heifor, Services and Repaira ona * Free pick-up and dellveey At1.0p.. bred; Brindie cow, mitking; 2 ail makes of seing msacines. 21-tf 19 LEGAL t Jobs Deere, model "A;t Hereford heifors, open; Here- Ford traclor ils chains; t fard ehifer. 6 mos.; Charlais ________________ alo phltr front mountod ssom plom; t bull, t year; 2-unit Do Lavai atn U hitr Notice to Creditors Oearborn 2farrow plcm; t rear Wltking machine; loctrie TAILORINO - RIFAIRS Re-Upbolstering mauntod Ford pulley; I Feury cream separatar.-Cutn ilPuiur AND) OTHERS Bissoil doûble dise; t «.0. 13- IMPLEMENTS - McCorm- Cso ul untr ofrus grain and frlilizer drill; ick Standard Saper W4 raclor; * Tailorisg *Ateretios Chrome iitchen Chairs ln tise mater of tie se eate 1i A.C. harvostor ils cars and traclor chains; Huber 1930 trac- Fe iku n eiey LILLIAN DRAIN, laie of Hal- bay head; t Fax forage htom- tor; bath russisg meil; mcD. 45 * General Repaire r0pc-p n eioy ton Centennial Marionrn haie or; t m6tor pump; i George haler; George Whyîo 28-46 steel H. JENSEN Town of «ilton, le tise Coassa Whito Ibreshor; i Massoy Fer- bary lhroshisg machine; Bissoli *Roasonabte R.R. 2, Campibeliville. ay of Naton. Wîdow, deceas- guson sproador; i MM. 7 ft. iradaor dise; 18 ft. grain augor; * See our slack rack- ed. grain bindor. International 7 ft. pomor mow- 2 rubber ired wagons; 2 er; Cocksbull masare spread- Phono: 854-2323 Att persons having dlaims ag- liat hay racks; i set harrams; er; M.H. 2-frrom ptom; MNH. FRED'S 2le44 ainst the Esiate cf LILLIAN t forage wacono; i MOD. 4-bar ide detvery rake; Cack- BRAIN, lte cf Hallon Conlos- hammer Miil; 2 lectrie grain chut 13-dise ferlilizer drill; 2 TAILORING SHOP PINtINO rial Masor. in the Tamn of Mil- grinder wilh 2hp. mator; S- MNH. inders, 6 fi.; 3-section on, in the Coaslv cf Hallon, cas miik coater and spray IZe- drag cultivator; 4-secios seed Fred Verstraeto Widom. deceased. mho diod os roi; i Surge 3 - unit itker harroms; robbor ired wagon; 217 Main 878-3302 For Your Printing. . or about the 2r day of Aug- (pipes and pumpl; i Cow KanIfliaI rack; heavy farm trailers; ______________ ast. 1964, are requesled ta sesd Kick; t 100 ft. boit, 6"; i rub- MN. bay loader; circalar sam;* Top Qtsallty particulars cf Iheir dlaims ta ber tired mhoelbarrom; 2 elec- Renfrew scate; fasning Miii; ADVERTISING IS AVAILADIJE * Efficient Service the usdersigned os or beforo trie fescors; i steel mater steel slone boat; sugar kdtîle; the 3rd day cf April, 1967, af- irougis; muny other articles Io î100 gai. ail tank and pump; us- IN THIS SECTION AT ECON- * Reassonable Prices. ter mhich date the said Estale namercus 10 mention. od lamber; pile cf fonce rails; OIMICAL RATE-S. EHON1E FOR THE CANADIAN CHAMPION witt ho dislrihated amosg the TERMS: CASH. hay rcpe; sncm fonce; -Ion parties cslitled Ibereto. and No reserve as bease bas ex- chais block; drive boIt spieor; COMPLETE INFORIiITION. 191 Matas St. Mmlto the Adminisralor mi 0w oaie s pietor m bclengisg chains; small articles. hiable fcr any dlaims of mhich pgtvtngndEED & FURI-JITURE -n up farmisg. FE UNTR b il bas natthIes recevied notice. Omner sot responsibte for se- ouI 800 bales cf gond mixed hay; table- wicker rocker; dressers; promises. Daîed the 22sd day of Febru- cdonts. about 500 bales cf slram, somte ms ary, 1967. Ncîbing to ho romovod us- oass 9-piece malsal disisg rom sl ands; dishos; Mixmaster Everytbiag ta Sec moved by SHARPE &NICHOLS, l settlcd for, suite; hed-chestorfiold & chair-:t. lcrelw mmr a pOlt 207 Mary St., Simplicity eioctric mashor; Fri-1 power momer. ISERBOS; CASH. Milton, Ont. 'MAX STOREY, Auctioseef, gidaire cross-op freezer rofrig- Farm soîd. PRA'NK PETCH, Auctioneer, Solicitors for tise Admisis- Clerks; C. «cIntyre, cralor; 4 - plate propane gas Omner and auclioseer sot Tel, 877-2864. tralor. 19c45 F. Baptie, 20b37 sto5e; vicirola; oid drop teaf respossible for asy accident os Goo. Currie. cierk, 23637 n--- Call 878-2461 rnusa V 192 Mais Street * Commercial __________________Ready-made Drape in stock. Lirsik1n For Custom Service APPOINTMENT SYERS 228 Main St. 878-2067 .21c>tf GINIRAL CONTRACTORS BOB LUMBERS Carpentry Contractor Aiterations Customn Cuphoards etc. R.R. 3, MILTON. Phono: 878-9937 21c-tf RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. " Home Impravernenta * Ressovationa * Alterationa * Additions * Commercial or Industria UL 4-2263 CAIL IRVING ROOFING For ROOFING EAVESIDOURING ALUMINUM 511318( ReîRoofing aur Speclahty Carpentry Wark of AUl Iinds 'Phase 87&-602 or 878-303 MILTON - Free Estimates - AUL WORIC OUA ANMWBI 21v-tf GARDIN SEMVCE Formosa Landscaping CONTRACTOR 0 Seeding and soddssg *Weed spreylng *Fertlizing *Tree trimmleg *Patios 878-3263 Z1v-tf WIL DRIWNO WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R. R. 2, Milton, Ont. fPhone Buriington NEison 4-4M2 . CUSTOM UPHOLSY 5 is 1.