DRUMQUIN At an laction of of district levai held as Erie bruocb on April the foiioiog officers eced: District Coi Dave Capperauid; De triai Commanderi George Hsghsnn Dep nect Commander 1We, ray Hutebinsoo. At this meeting branch mas represeti Com. Don Murdoff sports officer) and th, ance trophy was aw; aur omo Zone B7. I Branch carried off t party trophy. ELECTION OiF OtIF O Monday nesi, asit he moothiy genei ing, members iii bav partunity of voing fi ficers of their choiet the affairs of the hi the nasi year. At the lasi general in March, nomination various offices mere 1 as a resait a very r and wmcli contesied scenms to be in the cl Wlsetheyuu areà attander or non-puei member of the Bran. mithin your haodst ordestioy. Within thse pasft me have accomplishi things and brought th up ta a point mhare fi rst eiasn servi*ce org for the Milton dislrici To keep it so, il is of eaeh and every c ta attend ihis imporl tion of officers and the men mhom me t da mosi good for oui our veterans, iheir de and our children. ENTERTAIMM On Saturday eveni April 8, a film shos presenled free of chai main floor. The film is a veey lar one in the Nazic foshion, in caine, ae ing Kirk Douglas, Riei ris and Michael Red@ sea "Heroas of Telen ha a Saturday eves spent. DARTO Preceding the filin dants touroament (det singles) mii ha hldc ing at 1.00 p.m. On floor. INDUSTRIAL DA Renuits an of Marei are as foliomne Hood'n Chieken1 Flinttones 5, Finas iors 6, Espanders 6, ers 12, Hoppers 7. Di HOCKEY Congratulations 50 sponnoreal Banlam ti attained, but mere alely beatan out, in finals of the Georget( nament. This puni year our had remarkable suc, aven la gt ib the sa me say, congratulati, baller luek sent year GOLF Nom that spring is haga, clubs, carts an accoutrements of t are being checked i ding Arnold Palmes Fergusoni mishen te nounce that in a day lis afinlending gi the eoming seanon poted on the lubrot board. If you are a aven a learner, and if la gel in tie "swing" boys, put your nain Legion Notes by charles scola ifficers as sheai, If you are a leurner, tise Fort "Hale-mn-Ose" Grenke miii i and 2 showa you hom. Han rrin' ta mawre ai- go. > smander IN PRAISE OF TUE VICTOR .puty Dis- In tise"Go-Go' duasme IEast) I îuiy Dm1- seIdota heur oI a iosisg ieum esil Mac- îesing wiih a stan' full ai compliments or the vialors, Milton but it buiasppened. steal by On Wednenday, Thursduy f,icn andl Friduy iust, four seumn e attend- f rom Milton, nos Legion spon- urdad to soreal, but muialy under the Brampton direction of Legion membres ha color anteredal a ouroumesi ut th, Nemmarkas Legion Branch, Hilton brougist home a consol- FICERS ation trophy, but more than May' 1Io'lisat, spoke in gloing tartan -rai mees- of the sponsors, sportsman- e nise op. nhip, the couriesy, facilinien or the of- ana last, but by no means ýe ta con teunt, tise food provideal hy the ranch for comtractes of tisa Newmmet Brasais. ýmeeting We dide't sdn any speelaau- s for tise lac trophies but Ita sure tise ieavy anal samne four iaams from Miton starasting iii isa delighiad to meet agais [elealion sistise Newmmuket boys, in )ffing, or lane.a, ushlie arliasoppar- n ragular tuniiy. ticipating Amocgni otiser brasais mem- ah, it lansiers utanding tise gumen anal ta dacîde acting as coacis, manager, e.. ma easwre Cota. Haroldl Farguson, mn n per aaEvans anal Roc Shan- ad many non, se Brancis In viem of ailtlise compii- me are a mental-y reports, our Brasais ganizauion 136, offers aur îhunks la aur ct comradas anal hopec, some ,tise duty day, ta retors lise compliment. ne of us luani lec- DUES vote, for ln my luni notes 1 trassrd think» cao tise importance of payicg dues ir Brancis, on ime, butsincea lies I hava ,pendatts been remindeal ta mention tisai dues nos pubS isy Murais 31 ENT mukes you ineligible su ce- .ig naci, cine dise montisly eopy af tisa r iii ha "Legionary' magazine. Nos rga on tise oniy tisas, but fiar tisas laie members in dafauls eus have spetacu. tiseir admission key racalleal, espionage id featur- LADIES' AUXILIARY isard Har- Tomorrota, Tisurnday, in as grave, To important day for tise ladies. sark" iii At tiseir monsisiy generai ning mail meeting tise guasi of honor wiliibeha ie Zone Commander making hisa nnual ciittise n shuow a Ladies' Bruncis, )ubies anal Metuhars are urged ta at- tend in force anal iear misat tobame tis Zone Contumander han nu tisa main sy FARTS t t is regrettablae Cist tisa ;h 22, 1967 First Vire-Preideci Jean Han- efaidt iii ha unabia toat- Kings , tend ihis meeting an sisa s 7, Super- preensiy hispiiuiized sn Bur- Dumbunt- lingion iospitai. un is Pas( )ingers 5. Praidans Liliac Wells, misa is n Hilton isaspitul. eum misa unfortan- Correction tiesa emi- in a stoey is ast meckas omn toar- Champion, i mus raporird "a Mltons:atea roofingaasntraator" laam han mas tised in magistraies cens, but cor for a braucis of tise un- semi-inaîn ou ansi anal ampioymest insnurance oct. Ed- - mral Irving, proprielor of Ira- ing Roofing as R.R. J Milon, han ankealTisa Champion ta iere golf pointost il mas NOT iis firm id ail tise usai mas invoiveal. th glfer Ties niry mus prinledaaitise aut. Bual- raquent of J. G. Joistsin, dis- - (Harolal tries inspectorof tise UITC.oai e ta an- fiee in Barrie, an a delerres i ta ,or smo a furtiser offanses. As Tise Cham-. olfers for pion dueass oi reguiorly caver mut be court reports, tise came af tise om notice- convicteal employer mas pur- golfer, or posein omiltealtramntishe stry. p ou muni Tise Champion regrets ana si- " mitistise convesienar or emburansmant ta asnrisc tise report causeal Mr. Irving. Large crowd euchre party By Mrn. Cai Paliersnn The Drumquin Womnen's In- stiluta helditiseir ynnsal eueb- re parsy in Perey Merry Sehool on Thursday, Marais 30, andaso n previaus yrars tlms a mas t sueeess tati vent and enjoyed by ail prescrnt. Tbîriv foot tab- les in plus. Winners iaib ligb scores %eeMis s Heles Fordi, Mr,.M. Willia,iiîi, Mr,. Doris Bcia- ,inîi, Mrs. Tîna Hîlîlîidge; cots solation. Mes, H. BradIes' Gents vi nsers sacre Fred LUr teai, Lamne Chamberlain, Terry Jackson, C1i f for d Wriggles. wortb; consolat ion, M. Fether- Tmanty - une lue ky d ravs frram the tables were swan ha Mrs. T. Farmery. J. C. Marshall, J. Pieketi. N. Wiliamson, Mrs. B. Poppieeali, Mrs. J. Cunning- hum, Mrs. W. Masos, Mark Se- cord, Mrs. Ken Giles. Floval Humilias. Abert Mrcbment. Mms Jim Reid. Mrs. J.OCon- nor, Mms Len Buekier, Mrs. C. Wrigicsmorîh, Frconk Hall. Mes. F. Workman, R. Dovidson. Craie Jackson, Chorlie Teisa- bic. Tickets bad beecs stlîl fit speciol luekv drass The lirsi ane, a beoutilul bond made rug waon bv Mes. Johbn Brailles. second, a mans teoie wllet tacOt tu Mes. Florence Wlkee- snî of Aldershot, baoxiof gîîîî cries, William Bous, ;anîd table mats mere swonsbs Mes. Wil- lium Norios of Georgetownv. A deliliua luneh sa,îsseree bs' the members asd a gitboy contaisinf 15 articles mas giv- ais ta evera persan atien dise. Mes. RaIpb Featbesiii, presi- dent, bas woeked mail ta moke ibis evesi a suecess andl she and hber belpers oppreciate al the kinal donations for priars and drams. Proaeeds iii be usealfor commusîta projecis. Wr con- gratulai, tiseime mb ees ,for piae.nsg saab us inirrestîng evrsings lun. Red Cross drive coIIects $1,600 A total aofSIb,600si- ,itsewd baibhe asnual Red Critsscim- pign thtis ear. Cbairenan Paul Kent reports tl55s a igifi- cons inrac oerce b1966 ta- toi af $1.451 and tbasied ail hase sabo morked lu iiviki- tbe campaigs sucerslul,a,%,I as th, bundreals ai Red (etts supporters. The aeeocaptins folite campaîgs mare Mi,. Stark, Mes. Barr, Mes Sm-tafii.J Fa u b ert, G. Wigglesoaerth. Mes. Thampson, Mes. WH.am- li-nMes. Hutcbinstin. Mes. Cîîep. MIs0. SmîIlb, Mis G MitinheosMes, G. Httd. Mrs D. Ford, saal Htllaiid, M0s Dale Brandonsand Mre, 0 Vin- Stable. Me. Kent petiscdinal tit oar the refforts il the L.ttiphell ille Wtimen's Instituta The In- stIitair habaisea sli:mti la îahiah rotsd $133. CLEAN-UP POSTERS Milton Fiee Deparinia i i distributisy seacea I ihtiososd spina dlean-up poîstere ii meek. The poster,,supplied ibroogb Houas Cousis Fier Praventios Bureau, orge ras i dents ta mokr a spise ciras op their 1967 crsirsnitl prie ecal at successful of institute The Drutaqoîn WlI. iii spon- sor a copper iooiing clans ai MaCurdys Castra on Mosday and Tuesday, April 10 and Il. The clans ii ha taughl bya repeesesloîiac from lb, Insui- 'ie Brasais of Home Ecosom- tcban ad iii bc from 10 a.m. la 4 p.m. rach day. Thon, attend- isg arc iii suppip iheir otan The choir of Beitel Unitied (.liii emb balîlt îtkinale porta on Marth 28in theS.S. rums. Mes J. Williamsoseosarsaed the rami mwhiah mas narliai- tesmîrd, siib 17 tables sn pluy. Pizes for the gua ma rc ais'- aeded ta ýMes. Jim Raid of Hoesbv anal BertlLeslie, and Mes. Rita Wilson and Donald ltuicaao cee issers aiflis, loikv deata. A lunch and soc- ial hall houe narre enjoyed. Miss Shirlry Domns and ihrer aher ladies on the staff aiIlfighlield Sebool, Etobicoke, esjoyed a mrk's holiday sn Nasa York. Shirley bad a short vsst mitb ber parants, Me.asti Mi s. D. Domns. Mes. Joan Williamsos laIt ha aire April 2 for o holiday in the sonsy south tahere she milI ais- i a-itber parerntnMe. asd Mes. Tasse Griea aihaie mvin- te homne. Birthday grealingu itu Jack Simpsons Aprîl 3, Mes. Stear T raes ,Je. Aprîl 7, Kiîh Merry Apeil 5, Rouban Ford April 5, Shatron Bates April 6, Riaka Lacs April 3, Kiib Leslie April 4,ad Donald Plant April 6 The Younsg Petple ti Betisel, Haesbva ,nd Ashgroar held haie meeting os Sundov ave- rng, April 2, ai Baihal Cbnreh %%ih a gtod itcsndaisa. Presi- dent Lisda Wiliamson %vas in chîrge. Lunch was proaidad ha Dur- ena Wooîd, Grant Goodinf, Pol Ford and Rosaliid Merry. The Firsi Drumquin Air Rangers ,îrc holding a fashion shotw anal îe.îin the near fa- ed ond mîîîliled ha the girls of mhieb ihere arc 19 mambers, and willhrftforthec.tmisgsea- Lets MARCH Un Sufety! Ai hia ime of pear, yeu'i probihly notice a few foilli driver" on the rmmd. Dossi let the fine spring weaiber and the bare eoads lempi yoa la dis- cord sofa driving babils. Carefol drivers Iravel et a reosonable speed ai al l imes, if pouce a eareful driver, wby nouifinal oui abut CIA'u Automobile andl Aecident Innaaaanee? For information, eall: THEA KUZ CIA Automobile, Aai=e.tl and Siekness, entu Fa liy Liabiiiîy, Homa Pruaciu 3242 Lower Base LUne W. S..1Ni MulePhane 17p,9741 LeAý stop uttempt te Chunge counrty's nurse committee A bld hy Actas Reeve Her- hart Hinios la ravisa the moka-sp ai the aossiy council commutter ohirh wnul sagas- iota îaih the aosniy nurses, taon ths-oed ons Tbursdav ai- Racce Hisios spossoredal mati os toaprsonnel corn- mitîce meeciing dasignaiing the coonla personnel eonsult- aînt R. R,î and counvastlici- titi WlliamnîShaîîpe -'s the 'it at enibesotiihe nagai iaicammiiiee. AI Thora- das meeting, hameae, the minutas marc revisealons a rea- ordad vota aI 25-7. Dcputy- Recta Alan Day aifDaisilla and Dapoîn - Raavc Charles Masaîs af Miltansunpporleal Me. Hinions motion, Reane Hinion opposcal the dca aI honing the Wardes andl thae hirmas of lb, per- sonnel commiiicr and board of healih os tha negoiiatisg commtae. As the maaisg's end ih mas resolvealtha aommiliie maulal ha mode up ofithae haiemes tif the tIaoetimmittees. the wailen. ihm peresitaco tnsut- ant an te ou tv soliit or ii adoeelecied offiiol lave aI theobtîce namad threac. -Tulipa are push ing ap ihrough the groosd in local eardens, andal olot of robins hava bren spotied. The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, April 5, 1967 11 HOLIDAY IN BIJRMUDA able holiday in Bermuda. They Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Will- flew domo and spent a week at mott of R-,R. I Milton raturnad the Iiarmony Hall Hotel in home receniiy from an enjoy- Puget, Bermuda. THE SAVINOS SEASON 19 HERE 111l 36" Printed Plisse - Reg. 59c NOW 49c 36" Plain Terry - Reg $1.19 NOW 89c 38" Dan River Hoya - Striped and Plain - Reg. $1.79 NOW $1.39 36" Cotton Jacquard-Reg. $1.19 NOW 89c 45" Printed Hopsack Linen - Reg. $2.98 NOW $1.98 45" Cotton Broadcloth - Reg. 89c yd. NOW 69,c yd. 36" Cotton Prinîs - Reg. 49c yd. NOW 3 for $1 36" Wide WaIe Corduroy - Reg. up to $3.98 NOW $1.98 yd. DOUBLE KNITTING WOOL Reg. 89c par 2-oz. Skein NOW 65c THICK 'N' THIN 1/ Price NOW 55c 2 oz. Sk.in 54" Wools for Spring Coats and Suits I GRIATLY REDUCID Cougar Hunting? Mercury Coogar Hardtop lqaW Get the Cou gar Bounty ut GALLINGER MERCURY! "Car ef the Ver" Ceuur 1500 no oded with speciol 'Inuy Features'. Corne in and suve on this Iuxury package il wausItenogh that Cougar han iseen namied Ciagar Bîuniy Fealures: "Car of the Pear"' On tnp of ihal ee'ae lsuded a oCorwievnlrm aLu -ny Ihis top cal aîlh a whnie pastel ni fealoures poa'd CCmatnrcs.oui uimuanrns kritid-n normaliy puy Cossa for, We eau il the "Cogar na uteetaor lnse Bounly. Coma in and sae what a geai pocas No rrne-vano eSintils a SmcaWti -rdaoBle ientr 5t are a min a ami e- mahe doring Coogar Bountp Dapi. ouIl bhu a Prteattoa Onor adie gurds 0e àatm.aiable sitO cooaar ynurself a bargain, mun ariage Bounty Days service Special Bounty Days Parts Special TUNE Up '~$16. 50 Pa6is lehr INCLU DES --New Spuek Plogs -Disribulor Points -Condenser -Sel Timing -Adiosi Choke and Carborelor 8 RCpi, $400 Extra Chrome Outside Rear View Mirror Sale Price $2.95 Sale Price Seat Beits $295 Reg. $795 each Gaauunger -Motors Ltd. Milton Plaza -NOW OPEN - OPENS 7p.m. DAILY INCL'G SUN.-STARTS 7.30 I~Drive ff 1/2 MILE NORTH OF QU EE EIZABETH ~'aaMDAIN EMCM dm: Pm,>& MICHAEL CAINE- THIPrREOOS D'Il M1FILE 4-QUEEN ELIZABETH WAY 1 *FREE IN-CAR ELECTRIC HEATERS ' FOR YOUR COMFORT ON A CHILLY EVENING FIGHT CANCER Volunteer Drivers Are Urgently Required Phone 1 878-2400 CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Guarantees a beuutifuilown OR YOUR MONEY BACKI Famaaa 50-OREEN AU PURPOSE 7--7FRTIuZEI Canadas ini choice in latan fer- tiizeen. Balanced formola - Nit- IBlli oges. Phonphoras, Poianb-nafe to ose, clean, odorlens, duniles frne flowing, easy la apply. Pro- daces thiaher, greener grass and bealibier rooi ngniems. Cecom- msnded by lawn rare expertn everywherel GoarasieeRi esulîni 80-lb. bag $499 204lb. bag $1.99 40-lb, hag $2.99 5-lb. bag ..89c AVAILABLE NOW AT UNITED CO OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO Bronie S. Milieu 878-391 ...........