Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Apr 1967, p. 12

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12 The Cavadian Champion, Wednesdap, April 5, 1967 INews of the Districti BURLINOTON Water consomption hbrrr asI monlb mas 121, 500 gallons - j as campard ilb 115,370 gal- lons uned in Fabruary 1966. Su foir Iis year t6e Public Uilities Commission bas pump. cd 255,870 gallons. ACTON Mivoiî Let DuubN laid cituivil 1-itlîicck ,a -,uleluiude]f uth 1e lieus cent annual fbarnssilh andneaping idean draoned up by members ufth1e Niagara Parks Commision son firsl prize in a competition. Rand v Lidkeo. on Acton boy mbo grodualed from the N.P.C. sebool Iis yeor. touk on the prîjscl ut deueloping idean for landscaping 16e Acion library. His idru caugbt lire ond il ulvelupad inlo acloss projeet sshich won tuat pire for 1e boy subo designed 1he modal. The model in la 6e onilable ta the twnsaid the maor. and heithuughî umne genlure oi appreciatiln hîtid be for su.auj-ti ut te denjo er. Counicul agreauf a ltter stgn- euths then-cnasuould bcthe niant appaîtpriuîe as utex pressing iber îhanks ACTON celant uekin the iidtsif the IrnlernaCital Banlam Tour narrent. but ai licutîn seau abe ta rent Aclun arena al bu nesi dist,, uuiî cfans delav in iheir prugrain. Syipîrenîlu a ocmbivatian ut -haingîtaadeepoand the-uarm sucaher renaiîed in the George- tusun ice spifage. Th ice plant Ibere i v unis 50 h.p. cum- pared ta Actons 75. ST. GEORGE'S Communion service held on holidays Bs Mrs, H. Richardson hcl iiiSi (Georgeu t Anglican Chluii, o.îîî l n \l.uuîi 1induîand Cotilviuivuf il .ic Siiuii8Ul.a.1u11iî. aprIl i u-iul11W us'f ' li , andiv t ,h,î u nlit, i Itil n ul Bini .ui Si Ccr,,sWA Pue..- ,innoi,, ,te %, D Jci Mi,. DullcIittnd Mas.R. li,-fulî,u lThotîi ps,o Me]- )i ai l iiliue tutu1d t)înfl bkta ii, h.îîlje Kinug guI .a ptîeu fl.ii,uluf Harrî is i- te marlucu GEORGETOWN 'Rigt o n the tiens of a pro- jecîed residential expansion in Georgetawn word came tasî week thal Sid Sitver intends 10 bud a targe business block odjoining his store on Main St. 'N. The btock will bouse o number of relail stores and offices. Anuther new build- ing is also planned hy Hollon and Peel Trust and SavingCo. juil iiitbe nortb. Residents Las the middlenc lion ut Glen Williams village wiii h ave nalur ai gas made avoulable lu îbem lter Ibis vear, il has heem disclosed 6v United Gos Cu. The service usill beslxended lu Ibul area beluseen the mvi h ranch ut the Credit River paralleting the Ninlb Lihe and wbera il passes îbrougb the middle uf he village. Georgetown's Jr. C. Raiders cuuld lune as manv aseighl membern ufthIis vear's club il a new age limil being con- sidered 6v the 0.H.16 sino- truducad. Tha O.HA. isn- idering nellîng t6e 20 vear-ald limîl bock hall a vear. Rud Pîenvunood, Jîm Blair. Terrv Lane, Tomm*v y Aran. DonNor- ton, Muke Cammion and Rau Steusarl. ail plaved their lasI aRaideruilm ushen the% llut lu Aurura. Kent Rabinsonins the vole planer suting un the lenua. ERIN A $54.000 additiuîn iiiErju public vi.hiiil has been ipprus'- cul. The nvuaddition isilI in- Jaude [lo neu clasroois --and the installatio n ot lire daarn in6te hallsi l te old section ai the ,uhauil.Cuinîract han heetilet lii Landoni Cuiniruct- ion ouFergun Three hundrd menv sue pie-ent Io enilun the npicy ,ta, put s entertinment and he excllenlenl of the ecumin- aind aI 16 te Erndistrict Lians l clu raus dînnar. The lnlgrandt prize ut$2,450.00 %%a l, hred uon tiva tickets, -meiofuuhiuh usure held joint- lu Wî vern uscea1. Gordon Sîvupusnan vd Nelson Roîh- hîuv 2, Noirman Nixon; 3. Kau Jaiukutin. 4, Vince Mauntord. Jint 'uinuell. Tîbb Miller, Bert Akin-, 5.lack McKî nnonuof Glîuph. I4ILLSBURG Illuertuuv tooîk lie secoînd ý,aune 'il the O.R ttA. Ita- icitsuis6-4 in 16e Luca n Ild rio t ,k a 3-2 luIr, pcruiudl le.,tIrec hcd it li, 4-2,11 îîe end oit ha nec- onîd. Buth club, 'nagged a pair un 16e fival chapter. Humi hiuggoa~ls uuerenscoaed bDuin M\,Ken7ic, Liusiuvn Montguim- e!ru. Mika Kalapaca and G. McArthur. Ten ofthl1e 18 pan- ali,%ettu tîderton OMAGH Nine join church on communion day Bp Ms. Ceil Patterson ConauuataionuIo liMr. and1 Mis Riuk Rî,îu ui onth1e hirIhr of1 Ibuir-iccuini-nuv iMltan1 th-pitlIon Mauch 3f. and tla Mi anîd Mas tuîbam Gilfien bu bh, lbthilf hcir onivoa Mueul 31 anvdlu, Mr.and Ms. rabias (allies on t16e ieIb tf bhel n oun .Ap i2. Mi-s ut Sîî,u pnt ber I -,ur)lid î%ssusîîh ber grand- piteiiis. Ma. and Ma-i Fiond (,-(i Paiterin Ja. houifdas- -d il uuî i si t-iand lîmilv. Mr iandu Mas. Aden Baurnîsn in 1'tiietîl are silrn tua r liai Mi-. George tHamilton in Comnmunin waheld aft O uluPshlîtuChurub on .pîîl 2, (îîîîîîîg liii 6he lei- l%,ilis s -rh hile useau-Ma. andîulMis F A. -ieii.Gisen J-uvin andilMa,. DîtudtLasu lu suaýorcet cni irned uununicanIio îulet irie. B3,rb.raIrutîlîîîuiStevu Lisv iuc e Fru ni sMecKe ad Div%, id ifPua, uc k Eleven têhies Play progressive euchre At te M,îchecuchre paaîy huld uv Sýoch uBlack Mamans Iiuein Ligny Hall. there uera Itablesmît prîîgravninve cuchre. The i nuers era Mm MaNil- son Sark, Mas. Frank Peu- cock, Fred Grant and 1. Fetd- camp. David Louson mon the dour prize. A fucky dram lue o quili milI bc beid ai the April meeting. Health Unit's annual report Lack of st-aff termed "chronic problem"l Securiof and keeping an adte- qoale number ut qualified snorkers toc tbe Hallon Counly Healbh Unit was termed as a cbronic prohlem' 6v former Medical Otticer of -HeaIî6 Dr. Arcbie Bull in is year-end re- parI on 1966 to aNtIon Counly Council. Dr. Bull, wbo officially re- signed on December 3t aller 14 and one-baît ears of service n thecouoly, said, "aI some limes i usanponvsie ta ecule a suuîlicieitl narnîer oail but mont outflict ime aurstf han beau below hase lme." He tadicastd, "no doubt parI of the problem is relucanceoun the parI of elecled represenla- tiven lu npend las money 10 pop salarias aboya Ihose being otlered in olber aleus. UIn- doabledly il in mucb easier 10 carry un agood programusvilh adquale sîtaf" The ausal report, mhicb Guides present as 1967 centen As part ufth1e White O.îks area. Girl Guides ut Canada Cantanniaf projeci. threcegirls tram the tnt and 2nd Miltun Girl Guide Cumpanies tuok pie avare racantlyin i presnnting lu Mas.JL Johnlîîn librarian ai 16e Mitotn public libran oa cupv out"The Sîurv ut Girl Guidas iv Ovliarju bu Kaîber- ne Panabaker. At the pra-cu iion. Monica Andres. Lie-ja Windmlter and Arfene exlended cfreeings traintha Girl Guides ut Catnada,î .nu evpressed the Six baptized at St. PauI's SiRis utfuan isera h.ptzead darîngtthe .Suvutas înîrnîng ,rieai Si. fauls United Chuiuîubbu Ras I L.Grabaut. The chîlufren us-re James Jonathan, -un uot Ma.and Mas. Robaeranrkine. 194 Rîseaplace C. David, sn ofuMr. and Mr,. K. liîan.RR 1.Mil- lin; Duana ofitMa. ,înd Mas. Ray Marrison, 137 Wakefîeld Rd.; Loran Wayne anut Manda lina. rhiidren ot Ma.ndt Mas L A.MeDouaol 399 Georige St. and Lvnn Ma- rie, daughter ut Mr. and Mas. K Metntîîsh. 38 King St. -Mitonv Curling Club bas hean ganlad a licence luierv iu uîbulic baverages. -Weekandse atbhe r mos pretîs uwarm. Monv oppard onv the stecet mearing shorts. tIibrary boc iniai prc>ject isi-h tbal16e book,' us fî%ilhth1e hinloan i1 Guidues in Ontarito,wuoaId lui a beightened interani iti t lif te great nt Gîiiding hb adnaul on Ibis pruvi nuce bt Atvi m)Iîid. summarizrd aIl Health work during t6e lasl pointrd ouI the drop il nomber ot cinics and the allendance figure trom1 reporled 16e previaus year due la the Public Healh1 es heing away tram mori an ighl mark period toIt, haie mass res ignalion iv Lember. The paymsent of $298741. lieallh Unit etîtpluiveen hoar tuinemib einacune the maor plrinjutithi1eL evpenditaren in 1966. Tht are included $15,541 tor ployer paid benelts. AI pendituren iolalled $357,1 and Ibere mon on entir surplus ut $239416 on %uuars uperalin. The figue ersn drap I j uni over $80001 the 1965 casl ut S365,926.6 The number of commi Xi whicb ufth1e dIclad ,and .1 ridas vinv in ,r the A PERFECT WEDDING Siarts witb quality jewellery from engagement ring bo wedding ring and the couples nachange of gifts. A DIAMONO IS A LIFETIME GIFT Chaos. witli confidence froff l8 M int. - MOSan Bu thdav grcetingn i, Stceu Dilhs April 7, Jottres Bihh Ap rit 3. Rus Mlas April 6, Debrar uu: rlB.,h April 6, Robin Rowuhut Congratulations tu Mr. and ,%is Doîuglasn Green on their ueddùtnit,inncsrv April an5. heMn u Acbntconnî,îing histari- adnw TeM i u ... cal item,in contieu ion '%i t h Sr V e "o"Lo Il hed dioirIng'67'snNew "Go" L.o [ci lvunds iti . 1 'iithPe ng ula mrnngcvic oioam $4.00 complets Sb% ilithe Suuun l l i-,I ciýhinei .-'slu iIlv uw t to c l* the Wiiiiuii a i.' i lî, prc-nuruc iiun, ,, inîcuic, ch 133 Main East 878-2131 an' Bihle,, a Cr\,ntl 6bapismal _____________________ h I mdole al rils Purchase Your Centennial FLAGS aind DECORATIONS \IA# From the. Optimnist Club of Milton 0 Ail proceeds s. ha ssed for the promotion of local youh work end community service. *Canvanners will bo calling on you in the near future. *You may obtain tuther information bg calling the toi loing afler 6 p.m. 87843445 - 878-9286 - 878.9083 - 878-9069 878-4438 -Unit ble dise aveu reporled during yeat, the pear leaped significonttp nth t6o1 63, 42 over the t965 total ut total 2t. Biggest single increase mas Ibose that ut scarfetlefaer and vlrep- kr mas tococcat sure Ibroot. Tbere Nurs- urre 36 caunes repirted in 1966 rk for -'smpuired tluoniîn v even in t965. îming The number ut canen ut inter- 1Sepl-tilous bepatitis %uas also, on t6e up-swing, froas 1210o 26. 46 ta During the wsar le wr aid 172 cbild he,lîh linicu, helut .-, Io '"'dt tia ti i liulllllu %%a-, Il, Unitn fl44 The wpieu ,i- le fig were 28 clinie-uuî1h illtotalfal- arex- n dn ilcre, 7,505 aidren ,602.'79 mere ireoled and 14.950 tu-re noted esamined. Trealmeni uas eiim- i t 6e pleled on 8,604 uhild ren and th1e namber tf teefb ne-ding relit- ment lulaffeet 22,425. ted o andar Il was noted the greatenl cmn- il. pbonin ban been pi oued on the inico- pre-sehool uand 16e junior grad- es of ebjîdren. The extenion ufth1e tesling lu includenaome 3,000 cbild ren eemn lu bave I., ad very good renalîn Th Rob school Vandats tsmashed, a window t0 gain entry 10 Pa rview Pot,- lic School on -No. Five Sideroad over 'ilaster weekend. A tapa recorder and fili projoctor, valued aI an esimated $M,0 are missnrg froin the schooi. The Ihieven alAn ransacked the sehool office. MUTANG SPECIAIS Corne help us Celebrate! Mustang's 3 fBrthday, à w at TRAFALGAR MOTORS G.t our «'3rd Birthday Treat"l special fecture package and save on the. World's hottest-seIling Hardtop! Coma ivnuwa nd look naethe led Brthday 3rd BIRTHOAY TREAT SPECIAL FEATURES: Trou! equîpped Mustang. S oaa boas ga cn gel the Wnrl dv ballast-ellîng haedtop cuas plate mîlb spaciol eqaîpasat package aI o speciol Bielhdlat Saing. Whol a deaf1Nu ana aise con 6014 a candia. lulatsoaala 1111.1vp-a sr itca ra pa s titi Doo unnutiguatOs *LuauiO GT hn00 1vtv tain *nittiîtiblackuvinîi interiu, Must get a Mustang! ýýýMOTOýRSF OP ID) CO. LTD.76 409 Main St. Milton 878-2369 plan is lu continue ibis on a cumpetitina basis bel mee n classrooms and sabools. Heultt nurses visited 11,067 familles during 16e pear anda summarv ufth1e nurses' work- ing boucs showsn1lbper cent mas Ypent in sabools, 21 per cent in 16e office, 36 per cent nîsîling homes there par cent ut clinirs, nina par cent ai pr nataal classes. unepecnto ither actjyitie, ,tnd t1 pur cent travuelling. A total of 2,852 Ieauhinus cuufi.reneseeeulnuueul andtservice %vsngis-en lui 35,059 ebjîdren in 89 lementas sebouin. An odditional 1,926 highsnuboal staden tn suera as- amined. WARTS AN HERBAL REMEDY Utnigutla yWARTS ut. uO.n iuai. feeatis n nti MVd wti AT ELSLEYS PHARMACY PE CI AL! FRESH - HEAVY ROASTING FOWL OVEN jf READY 4 7 HAL TON POUL TRYPRODUCS Down Gardon Lane, off MiII St. 878-441

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