Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Apr 1967, p. 14

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B2 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, April 5, 1967 Sam Finnie returned as presudent Halton Co-operative Medical Service At a special hord meeting ot Hatex Co-operative Medical Services Marsh 29, the folon- ing sere appointed as the nens esesutive for 1967-1868: President, Sam Finnis Sr., R. R. 1, Hosnbv; past president, George Robertson, R.R. t, As- ton; vice-president , Wlliam R. Hume, 66 Martin St., Milton; directos, R. L. Davidson, R.R. 2, Acon: direcior, Mrs. Roy Wilson, R.R. 4, Milton; secre- tary- treanurer, Mrs. Murray Tasker. R.R. 1, Milton. Also onthe board ac ise irs loing direciors, Athur B. Harris, R.R. 1, Burlingion; Al- bert HunIer, R.R. t Norval: Harod C. Biggar, RR. t Oak- ville; Clifford Brown, R.R. 3. Miton; Tom Aldersox, R.R. . Horxby, Dr. J. W. Tureci Mii- ton: Francis M. Wilson Jr., R. R. 3, Georgetown. Mr. Wilson i sa nse diretor on the board replacixg J. Nor- max ýBird of Georgetowss, who has retired afier severalcr ,f service onthis board. Dogs roaming bushland kili deer, attack sow Large dogs are roanling thse cltar. indlcating it may have busblanti ut Naxagawcyx. belxnged lu somgeone wbx ellIs- John Wilson, ot RR. 2 Rock- er ddo't knoxn wbere It mas or wood, repartcd Smo of thse anS- didoxt care. mals kilîi a young edcln- ix M Possibly due gothIe gunfîre, barnyard the Tbursday betore tue dagu bave not corneclune Coud Frlday. Lat Monday, lu the buldings nînce, but do tbey returned sod attacked a appear 1n nearby fields. purebred o, before une dog Fanners ins the ares ae mas sbot by Mr. Wilson. warned lu be on the leokout Thse dead dog wax wesrlng a tor the dugu. Gree,,hse Vegetuie Cru wers te elect ive te urea hourd By C. Warner Grcenliosse egetahie(Taxi- ats Lctisce, Cucuinheri Pro- ducri he ciaîtiles of Hal- titi. Peel. York, bîntetî. On t i,. anîd Dcurhaîm are meeting otîý%etedas, Aprîl 5.,îl 8 psm.tutosective persuns lu the Di,tit Grceehuîîse Vglahie Prdu.îsCommilscand tio members lu ibe tisai boaîrd al Otario Board). Tis meet- ing till ibc neid i the Bard Rîointaxriot Osparimexi ui Agr.clîurs ,and Fîod,.3EBitza- beth Siresti Brampton. The Marketiing Board sili hase coxîrol ofi the marketing if al Grsenbotiit- vegetabies. Periiins engagc.d in ail lornîs (if in.rksiin t escept direct lx consumer)I iili he icensud. Minimum prices witi be es- lablisheti These pices o-lit be decidcd hv the cîsmmiltec o ise tbai ypua decclat this meeting. Prcst5cari0 hcchaxg- cil a, ,ina eosav Fuxds iiti perateIsiisplaît wilii hepali bs ibe prîttier II cuil b, eccssirs loi ai lt lu i,,Il.s eput ,andl ii ses, Fessiiill bc p.itl.ccttc lu vIoivolutte ofpîîlîchi (%otmuch ner pttilcl i docîseî This plan lxsîînp andrsitc persuns nul o-citistilti g- anti ili bc pîtîsectîlsîl111 th cor I in i-r:jt i, tAc pan Tlîîs ispe ii cl Ittu shîtî ici er bc xecess,îîshoý%v loîng aseîch pîtîducetcae outt is resycînsîbilti îesinCite iroiig tbe planîx ib euicid %alliage. Thîs meeting is a chance Io ask an% quesiiîîxs rsgardiîig the regulaîiîîîv. ishtîbplpan. titi %o, orrpsesesttse gruiers Ioi help ui thie plan ltor thsnxsîî.r Thsi xill bc at iitielni noi green bouse tegetible prîtu lce ,bîoild miss. Mrs. Murray Tanker is the nesvsecrctary-treasurer as of April 1, and is replacing Mrs. Fred Edwards svho is retiring. Afler tIhe business meeting, Mrs. Roy Wilson, on behaîf of ths board, presex ted Mrs. Rd- wards ss ith a gift ix token of their appssciaiioii for her pas sears of service. lits boîlget-setiixhltimte in Halion. Lcllboards and com- mi ssiotn'shbies-ssbmitted rheir needs to sioneil and the bud- geiillbe briiighidclownxxt s%%"k. to do by doingîx Bp GeoSE Taylor Oui Mtrcli29 andî30 it al- a ltn 411 Agricualii Club iic-ihicissritllsd fliithe coin- ing s priigtrm, inih îttlthe -,oc c iii u ici nîtit %ti f il- iý luiii inîet s helc i îr îigaillialîlori ieiîtg ,i[lt Bo ttis Cîîîxîîuîîîîs ('crite. %,ilexhel lActix itiettilisi cri- roId ltlii- Ocittît(Communiiii ii ('entire To d caitecr liii 411 club titeitbets bitseiiiinedotiis tr cure of he iîi dililleti ,Liili ,îîîl,îhle inx[lite (titnts At eacb mtingili-,i crai 4- Iciý s îrtseciiic-dhit i alks o aroaspects iof 4-il1,and Juiort Faixici tittik Waliter \iirilvgiiii. .a4-li club leader. sp,îk,- Il) the Millti earea n111cm besrsinxfeixn.iactitd4ir andî Rutîssl Murris ils,, 4-11 m,,mbers untshe asi top-i luiiinxemhers, Doldîî,îl c- litrctad Cuislîsite. pl,îîîeci sh,îi icîtîtîscIl,% mîîsi abhoutî441 Club scîîk,,îand i lis.îheih Notinxgîîîî i a bi iescriptîtiniof the 4-11 nulaiOih o Ilil,(nc armers nt cost fntaio î tepartînexi iof .gri Thse applcant nixîti ird bt ctinîplei(ti lîrîi s itti\ing a dtileclstreesntiiofsevd- s.,ccomixix.îiiilh% ii tig iea tceîptsiii.it4ed -Paidin i Full".ti ;ihe O ltt h rîl Rip- Top judge Holtoia mon Bp Henry J. Stanle.y Fl zaetdbNoren. i o the Stîtitin4-11 Agticiitit Clob isexîhers ttrn illn titis a lîrsI liaiiiuite Al C.itniiiin Asisýhîtiii lgttg C tut p-liiixn A totaIl of109 4II-rs Itrouti crîîss fîîî.îL.î p [cti ic ilttil fti,[bi l,hilsihFoutîs lon titi i piisible 811itand ionst ali a( KitclhenerFlii, -th t - li tp s " i %ji ;i bs titi ý , ic iie iin P il 1i-tii 4Il 1.-vt Gi ii tîsîtî,lirs fui t. 1 loiltt411 C i-i 1 .\ al ii. 1lllîîî,î411l Cun i t l,îiîîî411Il A, 1i c C ltb si t e -s ti i titili ýlt in By Henry J. Stanley Agrculure, lîke avs indus trcisr iii espîncianti mcci the iscbntloical ,îdîa, es if thi e du. recuires, c u cd capital. Tii elp psoitde tii capital the fOnaioîu(,uern- mentîl îrîsgb the Deparimeni ofi Agrculursand Fooîd, bîs creaisd aCaital Gravis Frît- This prnuirannm s iiiprovîde ltxacialLisisaxceto laemers It make captal împrîîvemexls ris heui,îsms n%.Adis t anti ici bîtîcl st ,r - avalable unom ibe Oxtîrît, Depasîmexi iii Agrîtliîe andiFood.t Under iis prograns Capital GritisLire .îî,îîl,îble flit armn tlr.itna--s. tbuc cîîxsruc tîn.rex- ttsttin o eslaigemextifper- maxi x ilrm siraclures, l.rm aies supplv,, îxciudîvg prîntis anti %%cils,.ecrw eo asdti Itltienlargement. Uxîler the Capital Gants Peogsanam rus asmer wlxîîs grîîss inctîme the previttus oar is atileasll$3,000mav appi fur granlîassisiaxce. Inlhis pro- gram, lrmer includcs a part- nership tr a corporatiion exgag- cd ixthehbusnesssufilasming The larmes must uîv the lanti ix whîch the capitaîl gravI is 10 bc uscd. The amoeunt of assstance for lamridrainage andlarm slruc- turcss iheOb433/3 pertcenof the cositf the imprsvcmexilsl up liu a maximum (it 0.009 Per a rm lxIntire case (ilia part- xership tr corpoîratitan the maximum grant is the samne, $1,000. The assistance- May ap- pisonun oe imprîlvemexi or a c,îmbisatitîx tf imprnvcmexts. The capital Oants programn forsfarm mwater supplo is ta psitvizJr litiaxcial assistance lu Ontario farmers lu aid them in pruvidixg an adquaaesuppiy of ater for their livestuck anti cetpi. The tains pond psogeam i i ii, îly tperateti by the Ontario Deparîmnrt tan Agriculture anti Foîod and the Ontario Depart- mexl of Energy anti Resources Managemntnv isrh ASRD A participation. Fritsidedtihlb5 tatcr suppis dvelpmenrîîîesithe îppro priaie rsguiatiîîvs.the Onarioi Goverx mexit iti1pis 911 pur cent iof appruit nul cuisi tutc ti i f tcl ti criftrîls. up Il, a maximum grai oftt 5M 1per lisser, anti piontsup lui t max ttniimgrant fS509pur farm- Under the enerow ptics .l fariner is elîgîbie lx ippîs lits 40 p-.r uni tif the suri l i pit dcil oe p iii t ran.îrîîi i 590f Pst fariser. ln .tes iof prier- sbip tir ciiipit.iiiit ltiv xi- mumngrantist9Ol This ,î js.,ne sîî îlîle fruse ut htt\e(qîjmgmîuIo tise ous es. and brss.,îndîldtiti scesforti lst ekget Thoe1n ,l ntttiappit oice(\ r-ni alîshcns il nevt ex te, s luh hîilt andt iersiîreîluussn stnsttule fielti enlarcenieîsmu 4-suinc susesclusive ofithe mvi ers metn lahir and tutu h The prtngran iftr dang mver aperitdo ii t, This vili enîlle ie rurit Io h)e sert Mosi tcis Applicatiouns iv ho nmle ans, inte îîurungithetuel ver pcriuuti heîuitis ttpril i. 1967. A Icumet us-b utis ligi bic tr a griottunuis mubîmim applition Imruus omtinm cunlsmor tdisruict flîu- - the HERES THE PROOF A maxnutho makes $5,000a year earns 41,icent ssvery minute bu mrks: the $10.009 max is paid nixe cents a min- ute; anti the $200090 max gels Il cents a minute. The $1100, 000 a year esecutive drawss85 cents a minute. So front nom on, shen someoxe savi "Wail a minue, youit kxom exact- y hum mucb he is cusing yoa. Toe welcf is tNp rke « àày cdi sde évII Twenty-six of the calves of- J. N'eelassds, H enby, rmdciv- fered for sale at thse ninth an. ed $40 from' C.oM. Botteosa, nual Dairy Caîf Sale as Oak- Indianapolis, Insdiansa, for a ville broaght $300 or more. daughter of Thornîxa Tesai Su- The top price of $800 mas preme, also $400 from Alvin paid by Floyd Watts and Sons, Barger, Cickasa, Oklahoma, -MaIson, 10 ýHarold Tarzwelt of for anoîher dassghter. Georgetowfl for a dauglter of Romandate Mapte Tors and Other good prises included Donlaron Citation Lisa. $375 Io Hugh Bealy, Milton by Second highest prise was Keimyr Farm, Sbanty Bay, On- paid by Ctair Dolson, Norval, taris; and $335 paxd by George to D.R. Mcntosh for a daugh- and L.H. Leaver, Campbell- te r iof lorrrka Tcxil Supreme ville, to the Ontario Reforma- and Mai lisChrstiie Rtisl. toyGuelpht SJersey named winners in pictorial contest HALTON CO.OPUNATIVU MUDICAL SUNVCBS officers heiti their March meeting in the Mit- on board room taxe mweek and eiected Sam Finnie an their president for axother peur. Mr. Finnie ix shome here mith reiring ecrexary- treasurer Mes.F. Edmards, lefx. andi the nem- iy-appointed secretary-treanoree Mrs. M. Tas- ker. Mes. Edwards' reignation wan accepted mixh regret narier tis yenr, and she max pre- sexteti mith a roken of appreciation for ber three geais of serie at iaxx meek'x board meeting. (Staf f Photo) 4-H Agricultural Club training is invaluable to tomorrow's citizens vtutu Schitii. Lois Hunier anixitan iiless ,ith Hlitin Luîîis itînitî Fait er mcm- hc,er . pl.iried lie îpiraititi s ofithe Jimutîît Fiisei., iiOn- imto. and it,- îppîîiuities i tilaihî : iisuii1peuple hv î,ioiîiitttht sicrginizatiii The xew 4-i- i lm'lcarn ru do, hi Diing>" %%ahowin lu% tiuuîh andui %%ai ii. tf par. xiua nur-ta iuio f il -ii., li t-il in lialiotntandî Peel Tht-I.îl.îîî have- heexel- eý- uvr Sesec ut ttc pus itio,îsnt heur local club Bllon 4-H Jersey - Guernuey- Ayrshlre Calf Club President, Mrrai McCaig: t ics preident. Caroli Smash seie; crutarv, Elizabeth Norrixgiiin, prcss repoîrter, AtartNurse. Aclon 4-la Forage Club PreSuiiti. Keiih Aithen: tise- premdien. Bill Lsbhs. serarv (t) ilSx.cktîe prssesu po er,(isitîge Mc Phatil Aclon 4-Hl Catit Club Pt,,,icientil Sl i ,shsi, prresîcicritKeillit ui-ti .sec- tars tltslîsh.prsss ru Mfilton Phurmucy 246 MAIN ST. COSMET ICS t e1ttuIS ie Du Barrtyt-Mus Factor Chanel No. 5 Agrocy for LAURA SECORO CANDIES MURRAY HOOD DRIVE-IN Base Lin. Rouad WesI t f llhway 23 sMillen Open DaiIy to S p.. Flday & Saturday te 1230 amn. SUCKTSCO F1AVOR. CmIS CH ICK EN 12 Piecms 1 Sercu stFour 14 Splecves is 16 r2erves Seven 18Serves RîchI 21 ~ P dleceesNne 24 Pi Sevs12 32 lServesl Ntorh MaiSon 4-H Hostein Club Presîdexi, Ted Bron; vice- tresident. Murrav Briiwxridge; sscr-etarv, Laura Hendcrsux: press reporter. Mars McCees South Halîxan 4-H Holstein Club Fresident. Larrv Bennett; vicespresiiei. Paul Beeit: secretarv. Sandra Bennect; press rcporter, Diiug Stokes Halion 4-H Beef Club Presideni. Bill Jacksîîn, vice- presidexi. Peter Sîvecimax: sesretarv, Diiug Garîfhttiîe. presssrepotrter. Fat Sixýetisait Halton 4-H Conuervaion Club Presîdent. Lis Hlutiter, vice- pressdext, Murray MeCaig; sec- retarS. Neil Robertson: presss reptorter, Doug Stokes. Haluon 4-H Electris Club Fresident, Neil Robertson; vice-presiexi. Pets Seetman: sersiarv, Dîîug Stokes; press tpirr.Verna Thompson. Halean 4-H Corns Club Presîctexi. Cari Mîddlehruuk: vice presidex.Murraslrown- rides: sec reiarv, FElizabeth Noitringtin. prets repxîter, Dite Atîsîitit liaison 4-H Forage Club Presicletit. Donît MeClurs. vice- riîvtii. Ted Brîttîxre ir ,VoiiiiThititpsiit, res, repotrer, John Nurse, Several Jersey herds in the areaecoxtrilxuted ninxing ex- tries in the Jersey Ai-Canodian Piclosial Contest recently. A large number of awards wtto the herd of B. H. Boit and Son, Norval. Bulls Bramptont Aimning Sis Acone mas reserve champion ix the yearling heifers ctass, and in the tswo -vear - od cows Brampton Sleeping Bijou mas champion Champion, reserve champ- ion, and honorable mentions went t Brampton Prixcess Eureha. Brampton Aim R Cor- ý and Brampton Sis F.sreha ;the lotir-vear oid cîos cote- surs. Fixai winncr irom the herd mas Brampton Bijou of Rur- eka. mho mas reserve champ- ion. aged conss. Norval Acres Favorite Jens, hetoneing t0 D. H. MsCaig and Son, Norvai. mas given honor- able mention in the yearling heifers clans Rock Ela Asme Diana, own- ed by K. Bita and Sons. Horn- hv, mas reserve champion in the two-seur-otd coses. Maurice C. Beatv of Milton wi xxers încluded Hieblons El- te Paxsv 8, reserve shamnion af three-sear-otd cows. Lindale Echo Susax. honorable men- tion in four-vear nid cmxx, and Lindale Echo Axn, champion in aged sowx. Halton Plowmen set October match date By Hensry J. Stanley Jack Taylor. 1309 Appteby Lins. Burlingtax. bas bren choses as the fl5w secrztary- treasurer of the Haltox Piom- mens Asociation. Jack is the di reeror of the Ontario Plow- niens A ssîcîa ion frum Iis ciutvi li previaus vears this allicesba, beex held hv the Agrîcultîrîl Representati ve. George Ssvnx. tIvice-presi- den, %vassbtirmax of the first ciret irs meeting of thse As- stiîtiltix bld in ihe Agricut- tîrîl Ofices Miltun, on Mareb This pear thse annuai match mutl be betd on Saturday, Octo- ber 29. in Nassagameya Toma- ship. Tom Hoseden ix field manager and George Readbead the assistant. A Furrons Oseen compelillon is again bo be hetd ilh Jaek Marchmenl, Mrs. Spencer Wil- son and Mes. Jim Read an corn- mite. O)n Saturday, September 9, the annuat Junior Plonslng Match ix cheduled. Boys and girls ander the age of 21 coins- pete for the hoxor lx reprenent Ballon ut the Iternational Fiowing Match. $3.09 CHOOSE FROM 30OF PONTIAC'S MOST POPULAR MODELS. $.9 CHOICE 0F COLORS, SPECIALLY EQUIPPED, AT SPECIAL SALE PRICES $4.14 .a_______ $4.62 PARISIENNE rLAURENT1AN 1 STRATO-CHIEF SPORT COUPES 14-DOOR SEDAN I 4DOOR SEDANS U $ 5.25 erestoday's brand ofexcten efl'le Eny bauty andluxryarneualled Pontacs conmy 4-dosrsedan l rayfs-aksyigand extra laxury inil rie lss i neo the allers Il the prestige and prîde $6.1 2 inthr u cigften-s ttero b97 . otpplr falPnic.ta laasge hPnic 7.11 Spacial Sale Pricesi Speclal Sala Pnicesl Special Sale Prical $8.10îgrrdetxlll,,,,, i otac htasî oe îtPnîc rilv 36 Ic- 1: 5$9.09 PONTI1AC DEALERS HAVE PULLED OUT ALL THE STOPS ADD TO YOUR DINNERS IN THE MOST EXCITING SPRING SALE IN AUTOMOTIVE HISTRI OR BUCRIT SPECIALS Enjoyyour nawcar aow! Ail Pontasson sale arecequmppcd su. n. V8 mth Powerglidxen..een I NSURANCE Bus.iFrensch Fricsteo Destt rade-j,, alloencesl wîîh the 283 su. n. V8, tînti atit pomer sicenung and poser SeveSi0V Wide Sélection! mîxtishîxîti, pushbuiion radio, rear- brakex ut xpeccal sanîngs. Andi ask SIX Rotin > .... .. . . 0e Cet mon. y-saviag seat speaker, oheelcoxers, white- abouithedealson Buicks. Firebirda. Col. Siaw .. St Tadng Post dents! mails. Anti you cao order thse 327 Beaumnonts anti Acadiansi SIngie Order Freneh Fric 20e Six Packs. of Houey O ......PHONE 878-6028 re]o sm i 9B £ :i:oir£ fi e 1[ 5à = il Wll hve our rd«Aulhorized Pontiac Deaer in Milton: RA F R eady MILTON MOTOR -SALIS LIMITID Milts oln.070.37 ~UDYMilton, Ontario _________________BE SURE TO WATCH TELEVISBO MASTERS GOLF ON THE C.B.C. NETWORK APRIL 1 Bth AND 9th. Grants available to fE one-third improvemer 1

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