A GRAND SOCIAL IEVEINMO as enioyed last gogo dancen at the UAW Centr week by trainees aI Haltes Oppotunity Work- Severa> spot dunces prizesmissee nhop Enteeprises retaeded adult woekshop and students and trainees ars shos senior studants of North Halons Sunshine break in the progeam. School. They dîd th twist and al the nemest Dance for retardates is "swinging" success A social evening end dunces for relurded students and ad- ults mas hetd Wednesday eve- ning of lust week in 'Milton by officiais outh1e North Hlttun Association tue the Mestatly 'Returded. That it mas a decid- cd suecesu mas shows by 1he fuel the guesîs ut honor dune' cd steudily from 7.300lu Il p.m. und wouldn'l even take imte ouI for cake and bol dogu. "We cant gen tisem off the dunces lonr," smiled NîHA. M.-, president Bob Kunerva By Mrs, lames HaUntu A very successful esebre par. 17 seas held by the Drumquis Women's Insitule on Thurs- day sight, Mrch 30, ut 16e Percy Merry SehonI. 'Mrs, Ralph eathersons, 16e presi- dent welcomed everynne lu the party and wished lhem un e- igyable evenisg. There mers 34 tables of sueltre in play wilh prises going lu t6e folloming, Helen Ford, Mrs. Morice WiI- liamsun, Mrs. Doris Beruardini, Mrs. Tisa Holdridge, Mms. Mary Bradley, ýFred Lister, Lore Chamberain, Terry Jackson, C it tfo rd Wriggles- wnrth and Madilh ethestos Imbu played s a mas). Lseky draws were won 67 Mes. James Reid, Abert March- ment, Mes. James OConnor, Mes. Lenard Buekier, Mes. Clitturd Wriggtesmorih, Char- tes Trimble, Foyd Humiltos, Mrs. Gludys Marshall, Frank Hall, Ms. Ken Gites, Mark Se- cord, Mes. Wilmsr Masos, Mes. James Cunningham, Mes. Mar- gurel Popplemell. Mes. 'Fred Wuekmun, ýMes. R. . Davidson, Craig Jackson, Murice William- son, John Pickelt, Cameron Marshall and Mes. Mary Parm- ery. The lucky donr pizes ers mon by Mrs. John Bradley, the tonkcd rug; Florence Wilkin- ,on, the mallel, Bill Bailey, 16e box ut groceries and Mes. Wil- liam Norton, the hol dish mats. Lunch mus seeved and a social heur enjayed. The ladies ut SI. Petee's Ro- mas Ctholie Chuech hetd a cuchre pary one S at uerda y nighl, April 1, t the North Tra- (algue Commueiîy Cen tee. mhers ers five tables ut su- chre n play mith the pices go- isg lu the foloieg issers, Mes. Cuis ýBealy, Mes. Jim Hamilton, Ernest Marin and Craig Jackson. The tuec k y drams ere mon hy Mes. îRalph Peatheeston and lue Ellis. Lunch mas served hy the bout and hustess, Me. and Mes. Chartes 'MCarros. Their sent suchre milI '6e os May 6. The Bayes Reereation Cnm- milles hetd à cuchre paeîy os Piday igbt, Mareh 31, ilh 14 lubIes ut suebre en play. The prîtes mere mon by the toltom- isg wiseers, Mes, lames Cas. ningham, Mrs. Arhur Peacock, James Cunningham and Bob Pearson. The tucky drame mere mue by Mes. George 'Mur- sh, Mes. Gerald Teeeycke, Met- ville .Doby and Mark Secord. Lunch mus ssrved by the cnm- mitîse. The sent esches iI be on 'Fiday, Aprit 14. Aeniveesary greetiegs lu Me. and IrMs. Fred Wuekîîîas, mbo mill celeheate their eddieg as- niversary un April 6. Me. and Mes. Spencer Wilson and Jeun visiled ecetlty witb Mes. F. C. Shipp ut Esses. The fuemers Ihere are busy wilh Iheir spring seeding. US members ofth1e ýHnrnby Acioneelles met t 16e home of Mes. James McKay un Thurs- day, 'Mareh 30, for a demon- stratiomron beead makieg. They mudevWhile breed, piza, raisin as 6e headed for the record ployer lu put os asother (ast tee. "They sure dig Iis mod- ern music," 6e sid, us 1he ýlrainss uta euls hallad watt- ed lhrough the hall und close .o Imo dozîrsn yousg re lardules did jime, twist and go-go gyra- lions on the dance flonr. Prises for spot dunces and th, refresbments mers att do- sated by stores in Milon, and the UAW Union gave thent free use of(16e hall. Il mas the irst lime the senior studens ofnIthe ira tout und alsu some nId Iashioned bord caedy. Press reporter for the dus' mas Eliza- beth Norrieglue. Me. and Mes. Leslie Ruttedge relurned home un Sssday by plane front a tes dav vacatios in Tulsa, Oklahoma. While us vacation they visited mith Dick Wallace, un uncle ut Mes. RaI' îedgeý Fred MeCrrusuof Suttoe vis- ted for o feus days last meek mith Me. und Mes. Fred Woek- mas and tumily. Tihe Mrehy Actlenettes mel un Saturduy, April 1. auth1e home of Mes. James MeKuy. Cathy 'Neeands, t6e president, upened the meeing ilb 1he 4H1' Pledge. The roît clt "Wbeee your ascestors came fro, mm.'s aswered hy 16e 14 members preseel. The home ossignmenl mus lu some types ut heead or cheeses (oued aI your local store. 'Mes. Roy Wil- sus led in 1he discussion of Eurupean and Itatian tonds and uthet disîtes. Dstisg 16e business il mus deeided Ihal a meeting moutd hi- beld auth1e hume ut Carol and DrIens Leslie lu diseuse Achievemeel Day. te the kitch- su Irese types of pizzas mere made and bret, cabbage and greensul laads and Hue- gurion gona ers made. The press reparler for 1he day mas Mary Jean Maxwell. Blrtisday greetiega 1< the tut- ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. O -ilmih Tu*sday 9 am. le 3 pes. 9 ams. to 9 p.m. 184 MAIN ST., MILTON (Desis Jmsslless fidg. ELECTRIC ITY US OUR BUSINESS DosaI be sa'flekerer wltla Eîeetalelty. Col an expia-tfor " HIATINO * WIRING *NEWJCIRCUITS *ADOITIONAL OUTLETS *OIJTDOOR LIONS FEATHERSTONE ELECTRIC 87"4378 Associtions Sum and '6e oduli rain HO0 P.E. worksho lugether for o s and officiaIs sorns "leerifie" evenise. 51.1ers, bhrs mers also issited and lhey aIl enj. nisg. Special fa'i coastees and Map supptied free thtc porîmeet of Trod tou'ing :elebratin Donald Plant onA Gaîlaut un April humr Stout andr ponce un Aprit 9, Waters os Aprit I0 den ou Aurit 11 Hamilton un Aunri Ansi versars' grig and Mrs. GageL witl celeheote thei niveesory on April A tees danceen 16e Boyse Comni os Salurdav ni, Music milI he sufi and the Squires. HALTON "ANOR Scotch Block ladies hosts to March birthday party By Misa LottUs Moore and Mra. M. Warbans The Marih birtbday party %vas under the auspices of the Scotch Block Womes's 155hi- iue.iiThe iesnîeraimyeî and be The ladies erailetcend cilre' hmcnts. The conveser of commusis- aflaîrs, Mrs. J. Hupkins, a Ib,'oîiyining speakecr, sselsiin n lu o hi.'parts. Tee ladies of the WlI. lurm- ed a choir under the direction of Mrs. S. Harrop mith Miss J. Fish as accumpanisî. Their sisgîsg,- was s'ei'y much esjoy- Patrick's, the peogramn had a real Irish flavor. Gles Murray ptaved seleclions us the ac- cordios, Susan Currie demon- straîed as Irish dance, 'Mrs. R. re in Milton. Barber sang "A Little bit of er and other Heaven' and Mrs. Donna Irnin us durinegconcerh those witl' Marrh birthdays were caled lu (Staff Photo> the head table and received pa- per bats and favors. A large birtbday cake comptete with candtes mas brougbt in and 16e birtbdav sose was susg. This wsfollowed by a hounteous lunch. J. Beglen thasked thec presi. dent. Mrs. C. Rowsey, and ber ladies on hehaîf of the resi- shs Shot dents. nhn col On Frlday afleenoon, Marris inees (rom the 17 a very instructive film mas up had been shows 10 the residets and social 001>5e. 'lafIL Il was a fiee presentios ndiuaa flm. shomisg a tire in a bus- pitlI Il mas a film aIl should lu1eaeî ee spcciatly hospitat staff. J oteaffair . We are grateful lu Mr. Nor- joed the ene- îrina ad Mrs. Hamilton ut cors iscluded the kitchenstsaff for asother Lef ery Pleasant esesisg os Sut- ipe Lapi s rlav March 18. The audilor- roug ' ie e- iiii Oas suîtabty deeoroîed for ide and Com- St. Patrîck's day and 1he eue. nîng svas Irish in music and refreshments. sgbrbus Aller a lew murds (rom Mrs. Ap rt b. Glor Norrînglon 1he music outh1e 8,il6 M rWia ,îliu starte.l tues tappisg and 1 ,Mhael Fl' auds ctappisg. J. Boland catI- McalFip' cdlur square dancing and resi- Donna Marie dents who were able, joined sn. 0. Kesin Hinsu- me entertaleleg mitît mus- 1, and Garrv i, vvre Mr. and Mrs.Russel Mc- ri . Donald, Mes. FroîstJ. Bolasd, etines lu Mr. Mrs Hazet Ssom. J. Watker Lourses. wou and RHwet r wedding an- Tea, cuffee. cake and ice ý 7. i rcam ssere serued lu brisg a ilt bc held al deliehîful esenisg lu a close. munity Centre . Bugles thasked the visit. ight. Aprit 8 r.ý and invited them lu retors plied 6v J . C' on Palm Sunday Church service mus conducîed by Rev. Dr. T. Dustan of GrucesAnglican Church, Mlton, mith Mrs. Wat- ers as orgasîst. He read te 241h Psalm aînd bis prayer was for world peace, for 16e Chureb throughout the morld, and for the sictu and suffering. On Mondas evenine, Mureh 20 the residents isere agais en- .eii.iineîl bs the Bsrliogios Cosser! Band unilsi the dires- ut lE. Curleti Nine scies- lions were played. We are in- deed grateful lu Ibis fine group ut musicians for a pie usant eve- sing ut music. Refreshmests mers served hy t6e Musor Ausitiary. Miss L. Moore espressed t6e îhanks ufth1e residents. Tise ladies of St. PauaIs Unit- ed Churcb Choir in Oakville provided an aftersoon of sue- red musicons Wednesday, Mueeh 22, under the direction ut Mrs. Pomley. Mes. D. King sang a solo as did ose ut unr residenîs, G. Williams. Mrs. 'A. Bostnck opened and closed the progrues mith a tew mords. Il mas a very -pleasant afenoon and a bearty note of thasks mas extended lu the vis- ltors by Miss L. Moore. Atter the program the ladies served refreshmenls. We hope lhey wiii reluesa again sonsi. On eatsSueasy aflernoon a geoup ut young peuple ksown as the A.Y.P.A. (rom Si. Phit- lips Anglican Chureh in Bue- linglos visited the Manor. They moved among t6e residents sisgisg Easter hymnu and lso led in eommusily singisg of hymn favorites, called (rom the audience. Their grnup was nul large but their enthusiusm made up for Il. They served refresbments pronided by the M ane and promised lu relues aguin in sommer lu laite residesîs for car rides and walks. We mîlI lonk onnard lu seeisg 16cm. Mr. Allen expressed the thunks ut the residents. -Polteeis Gakvitte are ut- îemplisg lu locale asn il tank- er mhich dumped a large quas- lily ut heavy bunker nil os Higtnmay 122 laut week. The nil formed a pont 100 (set long and 25 test wide, seneral inches deep in the median mest ufth1e South Service Road. P. L. Robertson Girls March 30 Ladies' bigh single, Aice Brush 256; ladies' high triple, Donna Grenke 635. Other gond singles,, Alice Brash 255, Witlie Wilson 234, Dut Corp 239. Other yood triples. Aice Bi osb 623, Wîlje Wilsoen 610, juan Smith 588. Ai lene McCon- ne-tt57,.Lireen Southl564. Heipet won 2 for 30; Seeney, 5 for 26; Coules. 4 for 23; Wil- son, J for 21; 'MePhait, 2 for 19; Greeke, 3 for 19; Brosh, 5 for 18; Mrray, 5 for 12. Wedn.sday Niters March 29 Ladies' high single, lods' Fer- rier 216; ladies' high triple, Lynne lBurke 551. 016cr eood singles. Nettie Witsù.n 217, Leone Ftariîy 213. Lynne Bsrke 309, 205, Diane Ferrier 202, Muriel Gray 200. Other good triples, Marg Giay 522, Joan Doer 522. Vera Phillips 515. Artenes team is the seusons champs. Early Birds 'March 31 Ladies' 6igh single, lune Gostd 383; ladies' bigb triple, June Gould 748; mens bigb single, Les WitIs 290; mens high triple, Reg Thomas 762. Other gond singles, Audrey Mason 228, Reg Thomas 289, Kay Shields 219, Chris Burton 201, les' McCeltand 209, Ivan Crvderman 238, Stan Marsb 21i, Dean Gray 288, Hilda Park- inssue 234, Elinor MeKeer 233, Doug Pickett 200, Reg Gray 222, Joan Waters 221, Les Masos 208, Hilda Rigo 209, Jack Gould 236, Jack Parkinson 261, Ray Waters 226. Other good triples. Ivas Cry- dermas 616, Hilda Parkinson 610, Joan Waters 616, Les WiIls 736, Jack Gould 631, Jaock Park- inssue691. D,rolhv mwsn 5 for 18; Hilda, 5 for 17; Andrev, 3 for 24: lune. 2 fiai 16 SIîs. 4 foîr 32; Les, 2 for 19. LowVille March 31 Men's high scores, Jack King 743 (340, 237). Ladies's high scores, Amelia Bassett 705 1293, 219). Other gond games. 'Martene MorIon 695 (222, 2841. Shirley The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, April 5, 1967 87 96.Marlene 3for 95, Stu 2%Ofor ~ 93(4, Linda 5 for 93, Austin 2 for 93. BiIll>egg 2 for 91. a = 24 Club Davies 574 (261), Bertha 'Pow- 88arch 29 ell 525 (268), Linda King 528 Ladies' h1gh -single, Shsirey (208), Roger Wallace 563, Pat Sim 315; ladies' hih titir, Gowland 502, Jeannette Paquet- Jane Knox 706. te 510 (M4), John Bridgmnan Other gond &sin gle s, Jane 552 (226), Mel Davies 612 (235), Knox 292, Sue MtcIean 265. Stu King 645 (240),' Wilt Bas. 1c odtils hre sett 620 (233), Jis Neweti 577, te odtils hre Jon eFrsl58 (1, 92,Sim 696, Gladys McKersie 599. Hazel Pegg 203, Me> Hood 228, PFlorence won 2 for 123; Shir- Jack mon 4!/ for 97V2, ill ley, 5 for 119; Donna. 7 for 113; DeForesl 5 for 97, Mel, 2 for Erma, 0 for 51. DONT MISS UT! REXALL STARTS!APRIL l3th Ob TIURSDAY - APRIL 13 THROUGH APRIL 22 10 SIG DAYS BO Sure ta Get a Copy of the Big 4-Page, 2-Color Handbill E L'SLE Y - PHARMACY 878-4492 Afles Houn 38784961 212 Main Sit. - Milion MORNBY "Prizes a-plenty" at euchre parties WHO READS NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING? 0 WHO IS the reader of nemspaper adserlising? This s sot a hypothetical question. Research agescies hane found some of the answers to the question during a quarter Century of sludy: 10 HEIS ikely ta 6e more inelligent asd more literate thon people who respond to other advertising. 0 HI 15 likely to haue more money to spend than other people. 0 SHEI S over 80 per cent of the momen about to go grocery shopping. 0 HEIS neaely every man consîdering the purchase of automobiles, trucks or traclors, 0 10 SHEi s older, she gises advice on fonds, electeical appli ances, sewisg and parties. ID IF SHE is a teen-ager, she sets the puce in selecting skirts, slacks and snealiers. 10 IF HEi s a teen-ager, others follow hîru mens shops, cycle shops, and sports stores. ID THE NEWSPAPER reader is someone looking for a house to rent, or somnone trying to rent a house. " HEI S a lawye looking for a typist, or a typint looking for a job. * HEI S a tycoon looking for a cadillac, or a salesman looking for a tycoon. * HE 15 a boy looking for a puppy, or someone mith a litter of mongeels needing homes. " HEIS a buder looking for a boat, or a banker looking for an issesîmient. *b HE OR SHEi s the mhole local communiîy with us- satisfied wants and needs. DO IT NOWI (Join the Mustang Generation) WhiIe you can get our special "3rd BirthdayTreat" and save on the World's hottest-sefing Hardtop! Toay'sîbhe day la decîde ta buy Ibat Mustang youse been dreamtng abouti And loin the Mustang generutîoni NEur chaîce af entry-tbe burdtop, the convertible. or the steak GT-styled Fastback 2 + 2. Wth oser 100 options, yau cas make yoar Mustang dîtînclively youes. AndIto reully nase. eboose the "3rd Birtbday Treat" ettaipped Mustang hurdtop! Drive home in a new Mustang. Wbut un entey you'Il make! "Must.get a Mustang!" IVERY 1967 FORD CAR 18 IACKED UP SY OUR MORE COMPREHENSIVE 3-POINT WARRANTV. TRAFALGAR MOTORS 409 Main St. East Phone 878.2369 "3rd Birthday Treat" G T Huod ailtain rsignei inuers s Wheei Lin Mouaidngs *White SîdewailTir es8 Ktitted Black Vînyl Iteriom *ChieînofetCandyappie ted. * onr tdge Guards OSprngtimeyelion o0' .Rocker Panei Meaidinss Thunderbird Oîusond Green e Deluxe Wiheet Coes Lots of sparkle at a special Iow price.