Milton minor hockey, House league happenings NOVICE Faut Sproat cicked for tbree unassisîed goals as Cret Hardware sewed up a 32 de- cisoOn in quarter-final Novice action. Sproat scnred onoce in the fient perind and lwice i0 the second. Terry Nova and Steve MeCucbeon shared the icnring h000rs for the Litle Pontiaci. Frank Home and Bon Cle assisted. Sieve Wilson rifled home a pais from Kein Hood wiih 35 seconds remaising as Bebekah Lodge edged Mowbray Fuels 1- 0 to take the fini garne of tbeir quarter -final eries. PEE WEE Van'MePhail. Bandy Hnw den and Graeme iddell nei- ied firsi perind markers as Canadian Tire downed Milton Lumber 3-. 'Maurice Curlin earned iwo assisîs and Bos -Potier helped out once. Sieve Ste. Marie had the only ce- ply for 1he Lombermen and John 'Mannerow and Randv Hood nssisied. Ken Austins îwn goals pnc- ed Honds Chicken Kingi ina 3-t in over Milton Pharmacv. Gordon Meechan fired the o16- er goal for the winn00cm Hen- ry Brynkus aîsisîed lîvice for the Kings and Keiîb Austin, Gord Meechan. Aihal Bobert- son and Riek Jubb had single belpers. Hugh Campbell net- led a relay from Gary Hunt for the onoN Pharmacy goal. BANTAM F611 Cohlen scored four im- es and P611 Bamsbaw added a single as Bell Bros. doiined Local 4970 5-4 in 16e firsi game nf the 'Bantam quarier-finals. Phi1 amîhais 121 and Gary MoGougali had assisîs. Rick Lowe, David McKee and Dave i'eelands scored for 1he Local. Gave Neelandi. Rick Lowe and Neil Bradburv assisted. Novice Wayne Wharrans mn, first period goals, paced Beech Bros. lu a 2-I vicinry over 1he Little Poniaci in Novice play- off action, Monday. Pme Wee Mark Hynîl and Ken Fay scored for Fay Plumbing and Marty Cairns and Gary Law- rence replied for McCuaig In- surance as the leami fuughi 10 a 2-2 ie in Fee Wee quarter final play. Bob Siringer. Gary Gooding and Sieve McCann assisled for the Plomb ers andi Gave Robertson and Bill Clar- ridge helyrd oui for ýMcCuaig I osorance. Bantans Despile a 3-2 losi oui Modas night. Bell Brus. adrauccil lu the Banians semi-finals on Monday night. A 5-3 victoey in 16e firsi game of the goals 10 couni series beld up. and Bell Bros. won the round nev- en goals 10 six. Dave MeKee, 'Bob Bratdbury and Rich Lowe seored for Local 4970. Deiler Isinburg, Fred Vanderfleel, Neil Bradbury and Dune Neel- .Iiîdî .ssislcd. Craig Smith liaul hîîh Bell Bras, goals. F611 Collen had one assint. Wayne Emms and imrnSales ne tted markers for Western AthIelic Sopply in a 2-I vieînry over Milton Police in quarter final first ganse action. Bob Busk had the only Police goal. Higgins layoff - Monday J. Simpson, G. McIntosh. M. Colling. C. Ford deleated S. Nadalîn. B. Porter,.AA Cairns, B. eadhead. B. MeCuaig. G. Nesil, S. Lockie. G. Carruthers defcaled K. Moore, . JCballinoe. M.MMa- "on. D. Havsward. F. MriD. Plulenir .Pet- igreis B. McPhail defeaied N. Canscron. D. Hill, B. MClure, R. Carberi. B. Si. John. M. Beatr. T. French, . JKight defeaîed M. Phelps. J. Noble, J. Browno.M Basberry. Mlxed Social layoff-Tuesdlay E. Million. P. Nichols, E.Fos- ter delcaled . Farlev. L. Far- lev. L. Walker. G, Walker. G. Sîrain, . HSirain. G. Car ruihers. B. Carruiher-, defeaîed G. Fletcher, N. Cîulîer. M. Coulier J. Flecher. . Bosser. J.RBusles B. Mc- Phail. G. McPh.îil dele,îled D. Merrîi. G. Merrîlî, A. MeKin- non, B. McKinnîn. S. Nadalîn, EE Nadalîîî. . Basiles-, . Pearen deleaîed G. Nesîcîl. W. N Ivei.JBrîîusn, M. Bruon Mmced Compellîlve layoff Wednesdlay 7.00 G. Merrî. G.Merriîî, .Mc- Kinnon, B. MeKinîîn deleaîed H iddiiil-u. MBell. S Legale. N. MeKenzie. F. Marin . FS6. H.rrop. N. Harriap delcaîed M. Ezeard. E. Ezeard, G. Walters, P. Waî- S. Nadalîn. E. Nadalin. R. Bus Rc.B Peiren defeaîed N. Cameriin, M. Cameron, A. Hon- i . B. Moîîîu D.Biislev. J. Rowley. K. Today, its the ste nI Canadas iird and largest naclear genea lîng staion. A porner- fulesampleonI ow bcnvy industey bas geoun sn Ontario. Ontarios indusirial grorth as belped proidenastandard of living lbal rankn among the wrolds higbcsî Il helpeil lu ctalte 102,000 newjohs in 1966-nnd ighee payiog jobs. Our wages are l8Oý, per capita above 1he national average, and nue an- emplopteent ate stands aI oniy 2.51,,. Lifleia Canada han come a long nny. Bal Iis is osiy lth beginning. Yoa cao heIp make sare opporînsities continue to de- velop. Ont a: nbcn shopping for pice and quafity, SHOP CANADIAN. eajOY hospiel A combiord junior and la- dies bonspiel ai the Milton Curling club on Wednenday ni lani week wan won by Hazel Porîer'n rink wiib vcie. nkip GeOffrev Woland, econd Mac Booth and lead Robert Wat- tesit was the ira ltime ibai a benspiel of ils îvpe mas beld ai the club and club spokesman Mrs Ruth MeKinonnreports. il %ias ici i iliccesifui". The Piler r iink %ii. lic top uoi lle ,!.iu ic i loi, the da% Secound Iiiah tiigale,, ne lias Stcve Clements' rink \i l Pal Noble as-viceskip, Brcnda Philli ps as secoind and Joanne Cannonna, leail Mikle Wonds rink witil Lois Tbnm psonnan viceskip. tUrsula Tucrk as sec- ond and Bruce Barber as lead wa te hîgh une-game iinner. Hemn L. Hemn deleaied B. Wheeler. E. Miller,.AA MilIe, H. Menein. Wednesday 9.00 . Fanler, L. Farlev. J. Noble, P. Noble dcfeaîed P. Bar, G. Barr, . Leslie, A. Leslie. B Tas]or, B.Durnan, .Dur- nan. J. Fetcher deleiîcd C. Oreciman, . MSweiman, . Ploleiny. A. Plîlemv. Colts PlaFoff I Under 7 years espeelence) S. Nadalin. E. Robertson, B. Core. B. Pctiîi sicaicil S. Har- rop. K. Plat[,i. FTîletzka, M. Basberrv. J. Simpson, L. Furia,n.A Miioa J Huahes delc.îled B. Tavlîîr. L. Arhic, C. Hunier. B. Readhead. K Moorec. K. Durns. B. Mc- Clure. A. Falk defeaîed M. Benlîr. 0. Y.rm. A. Cairns, R. Bows-eyv Figglns layoff Frlday 7.00 F. Martino. GPlîlemv, J. Pet- ligreis B. MePhail defeaied M. Phelys. J. Noble. J. Brown, M. aberri. Mens Coýmpetlslne Playoff Friday 9.00 B Si. John, K. Moore.DG Pîolemy. F. Wright, 8; vs, C. Sweetman, PP Sweetman, H. Ensms, L. Sampion. 5, G, Pnrlev. B. Frame. 2. Noble. J. Challinor, 9; ss. G. Merrilî. J Simpson, A Cairns, A. Falk, 4. F. Martin, M. Phelps, S. Har- rop. G. Jackson, 8; vs. . Rosi-- ley, 3. MePhail, L Furlan. B. Rowiey. 2. P. Barr. S. Childi, B Cure. F ison 8 vs. S. Fns- . Col ler . Roberson .Lele, & ONTARIO'S GROWTH RECORD Ontiario, lanadas industîîual hvaiiand, ac- courus for abou40% of thenatiiunisg,.ss national produci, andl cuntriuues lmousi 50'», ofthe directtaxes. Oîntarioîid usiies nun s, paît aivI si billioîinucirh nf ouds aiinuaily lu uecld Markuts. Bp 1970,iti scspecd ihai Onariai ihruv- inncusncach omnuniiy ai Sheridan Park nill grow tuenable 6,000scientists and sup- poriuo1 pcrsonnel 10 aid Ontaioan u faclurrs in providin new and better peuducis forc(noadians. ONTARIO (VOVERINMENT TRADIE CRUSADE Onoarîment ni Econonmîcs and Deelorient ChisoIm ets9 ussists Bp John McLean Aller a week off, the Pro- Am lnop swong back in ac- ion on Tuenday, Marcb 28 wiih Brunb downing MeCon- neli 9-6 ini the opener and Tur- ner îrouncing McCulcbeon 7-1 n the second anme. on Thursdav nigbî Cain loppeil Wilmoti 12-7 in the eariv anme and in the nighicap Champaun edged Fille 87. Larry Arbie and Blackie Gae- tan eacb firedIiîe goal, and iddd an aiii ,isl i tl ic i li iictuiî Ar( Biooîks tallie) tvicue and Ken Thompson .idd- ed une goal lu complele the sî.oring. 016cr assinîs weni lu Bill Brush (2), Stoney Burke, Pao) Maibies, Brooks and Tbompson. B race MeDuffe (2), Brian McDufle, Gary Nay- (or, Wayne McConnell andl Gong Peddie accounîed for the scoring for MeConneil. Assints wenl lu Nayior (2), Brian Mc- Dulfe (2), Peddie and Nick Collisîîn. Brian McDuffe bad iwo gouais and singles nient iii Wayne Timbers. Nip Gervais, Wayne Howden, Don Aiken- bead and Art Brooks as Turn edoweed McCulchcîîn. raw- ing asisi s were Hiasden, Ger- vais and Timbers ilh ,a pair cach and Bi ian McDulle and) Brooîks. Bepising fic MeCut- cOcon was Bruce MîDuffe asý sisled by Ken Thumpson. The MeDssffe broihers i-d the way in the Cain iriumph uver Willmnîî at Brian scoreol five imes and Bruce tallied four limes. George Chishoim. John McLean and Norm SiaIt added singles. George Chishoins had nine assisis t10 bis credit antd MeLean added fine. Bruce MetJuffe a pair and Brian Mc. Duffe une. Repiying for the losers wccc Stuart Goîbel with tbree, Wayne Sharpen irno, Norm Pieminglon and Adam- Louis Nadalin led the Cham- p0ux squad to vicinry as 6e polied three goals. A pair nf mark ers came frons Wayne Howden and George Brou-n and Thomas added a inglc. Brian Lawrence asised lOre imes. Brian McDîîfle. Ben Andercbeb and AI Chalmers bnd one eaeh. For the Fie ccciv Wayne Sharpen fired ihree goals and singles came from Rons McLeod. Fraser Flans anîl Don Nueeands lalliedl apair. Assiss rereecredited lu Dighi Mas' 12), Jerry Prvke, Hass. Dure Pinkev andl Neelanils. FORDS FACE ELIMINATION Friday ai 7 pin. Mlton Nov- tee Fords bost Caledoula in the tird garne of te005. HA. Novice "BI' finals. The Fards are dawn one ganse In the test of three serlea. Cale. donla wante seeond ganse ait- ter tihe teama lied6inte open. er. If the Ineats loue or til tlsey'tt te oui of the finals. Playoff schedule mic Mi Mnor Hockey Association hiccIca îe 114lasi r 0l(s s aturday, Aprit 8 9.00 9.50a ni. - Noice Semi Final 9.50 10.40 a.m. Pue Wee Semi Final 1040 1130 arn - Bniam Serni Final Monday, Aprit 10 5.30 6.20 pn .m. - Novic Sui Final Tuesday, Aprit Il 5.30 6 .20 pni. Kngis svs Harris 6.20 7.10 p.rn -LiNs îîh\ s' s Park Farrn Wedneoday, Aprit 12 5.30 620 pm. Noicv Finial 620 -7.10 pin. Pec oScni Final 7.10 8.01) p .. llaiiîSeri Final 8.00 850 prn Midget Final Thîîrsday, Aprlt 13 5.30 6.20 pin - 'e WeceFina) 620 7.10 pm. Baniarn Final S.turday, April 15 8000.50 -Mid1icî Finil 8.50 9.40 a. - Novke -Final 940 1030 ani Pue Wee Final 1030 11.20 1 Bl3lni nFinal Be Prepared for Spring Work: Have Your CULTIVATOR and HARROW TEETH ~harpèîed(e #4ctik»i *LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED * HORSESHOFS FORGED Waldie's Blacksmith Sliop 16 JAMES ST. MILTON CENTENNIAL at RICHARDSON'! DISHWASNER P--,. *bOtan scd yn.., ancnlClo kk it.O .Oscteks.., t S'n O Panes 1ey- dis.. tlounaaOth. i.? a.n o g k«len *'ica n ". so . -lec snhu *elsac_ c h- nb. uetc-se$ ~288 ELECTRIC RANGE Th.. duGE ff ,eu.us8,bs "dh $2299. The Canadian Champion, Wednesdlay, April 5, 19675 TANGLES WITH DEER gated the resulting collision. A large deer bounded across report the car received $200 Highway 25 soulb cOf Spey- damage and the deer was kil- side Saturday evening. ed in the entanglement. -The The trouble was, a car wan car was driven by Andre passing that very spot at ibal George Dyc, 336 Peel St., Ac- very same tîme. tons billon O.P.P., who investi- uinemploymnent insurance is now avEilable for Smost employeeî of FARMS, RANCHES, îNURSERIES, GREENHOUSES, HORTICULTURISTS, imFRUIT, VEGETABLE, SFLOWER GROWERS. employeles: il is tlayon, odvanlaeta llnd out if pas arc ligîble Tue the anemplapmts insurance protection 1w is affect far warkees in agriculture and hacticulture. employers: I f yau base people waekiag for yoa, there arec egulions that pas must aditece ta. Il s ta paur adnantage lu Sel camplete particuars imnsediately aboat anemploymenî insaraste Par yoac workems. Gel full iafermalion sac ai your aeaeuîoffice of the UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION GOVERNMENT 0F CANADA 7383(C) w . SAVINGS (SELF CLEANINGI ZERO-ZONE MOGEL 134L71: 13 co. fi. of siorage space, mith 105.w lb. freezer comparmnent. Aulomnaîîc defrosi in fesbh fond section. Twin crisper convesience - 2 adjuslable sheives - covercd aluminons meut pan - egg lray- space-savlsg Slor-A- M WITH Door shelves. *89.TRADE Autooeatic WASHER COl h. .1 th. 4.1.- 1a panes Y.,il os etanas ,t., s OecO -0. scii. cegO ce n c y Fuil., 1239 0 YOU CAN'BUY AT BUDGET TERMS WE WILL MEET ANY ADVERTISED PRICE - ANYWHERE' DICADfCIW'S RADIO &TV ICHARDSON J~J 0MAMINM. - MLO 87".949 Ce~% *!! CPm Daeefor unp.unnsio in 91,tePieicn GeangStion il e oo f o r' lre stn c e c r ta os It seems like only yesterday this was a farmer's field When shopping for price and quality, Shop Canadian