Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jun 1967, p. 12

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LOWVVILLE 12 Tih. Canodian' Champion, Wedeesday, June 7, 1967 Rev. Griffiihs accepis call to Cape Breton Island church By Mc. A. P. Coulter At the reglar morning ser- vice of 1e United Citurch on Sunday. May 28, Rev. A. K. Griffiths offiiated u lit e bap- timai service when te follow. ne babies wtieChrislened: luisit ilM urras son of Mr. andi.lMis'.ivitis t.elliiig; Lyno 'îl.i e. daughier ut M. and Mis, E. W. DeVeau and Tino Eslein, daughler tf Mr. and Mis. Clris Brading. Hutv Con- îvovon as obserîedon June 4 i Zimmerman and Loo-ville, trlex Mr. Grifflîhis -assist- ed 6v Res. Arnold Malîhemi tii Espaîsula. Il is xtubregret thal me learned bhai M. Grifflîhi bas accepted a cati 10 16e United Chsuech ai Lîuisburg on Cape Brtoî,n Island in Nova Scotia. His niisdues egin on July . The general meeting of the LiiyîeUnied Charch wo- men %%as hld in the Junior Church hall oin Wednesday nighi %îîîh thi ladies of St. Geoirgo', ehurch and Kilhride United charcit as gucîts. The presideol M. G. Malmslrom mlcomzd every- ose 10 the meeting and con- cuclcd a short business ses- sion. Il as reported hai a iaino had heen boughl for use le t6e church hall snd il s sl..cied that il 6ebc, as a memorial 10 the ltît Mrs. Vernton NMeArîhur. The worship service withba Centennial Iheme wss in the charge of the aflernoon unit. Mms. A. K. Griffiths read the sripture lesson from Dueter- onomv. chapter 8, followcd hy the Mciv Year's message as delivered 6v the laie Georges . Vanier, Ibis Govereor Gen- eral of Canada. Il containcd an impassioned plea for national unilv and mas read by Mrs. R. Colter. Seeral members participared in t6e bidding prayers for 16e provinces. A geoup ot ladies from East Plains United Cburch Womn Story f rom Farmers' AI'manac entertains Nassagaweya group The Ladies' Aid and Wa- Be. Shea singing, 'How great mens Missionary Society of Thou arc". Mrs. Mullen regret- Nassagaweya Presbyce ri a n fully îendcred bier resignation Cbarcb met an Tbursday, as presideni and Mrs. Dredge June 1 ai 2 p.m. ai the home agreed 10 complete the year ni Miss Jessie Dunkie, Met- in that office. calfe St., Guelph. The Affiliaion Service ai Si. Mrs. Morris as president, Andrew's Churcb. Brampton, opened the Ladies' Aid meet- June 28 ai 730 p.m. was an- ing witb a quolalion an d nounced. thought for the day. The hymi Min. Roberto, as consv'ner, 'Uno thcehis around do 1 read an inleresting scory from if t up my longing eyes" was the Farmers' Almanac of 1967. sang and a special message In tis scory an old man read from Miss Esther Lowe. speaks te is son of the mosi A quilting was planned for important book, the Bible. Sec- the eek of Jane 13 ai te ond lteitis is the seed caca- home of Mrs. Robinson. Cal- logue. He says: Youacannot ring for the dancers and cita- thumb throagh the seed cala- perones on Jane 24 ai te cen- logue ihoat believing. Neyer, enonial celebratioo was dis- my boy, 6e without these imo cussed and a commitice nan- great books - the Bible tbat ed. An invitation te a bazaar tells of the miracles and the and ea ai tbc Suoshine Scbool seed catalogue tbat proves on Jane 9 was read by Mrs. them. Robrts. Sîngine of te Mrs. Frank Habaway, as hymo "Gaide me, O Tboa gaest speaker, gave a paper Great Jebovab' eompleled te f rom "Tbe Family Hoor" pre- meeting. sentcd bv Mt. Dennis Taber- Mrs. Mullen presided over nac le titled. Heaven - the the W.M.S. groap wicb fol- Home of the Saved. lowed. Recordings mere play- DuingO lunch. servcd by Miss ed at varloas imes uroagit- Dunkie and er sister Miss oat tbe meeting, beginning Minnie Dankie. devotional ire- wtb tbe beautîfol voîce nf i.ordings ere plaed Jean McKim invites frierids to opening of new building FriendifaIJean McKm of Mlton sit hi pleaîed lu learn the n\% Beltsuood Park House, the re idencL tor pbysically dlilîIvd \oung aduls which is the lîrs(i l il, knd it Canada. i licialîs ipening today. "We ai Bllsoo'ls should lîke lu share iis proud ime in the bîsî-ýru i tar resîdence mth ourlfriend." savs Jean. The of- lictal opening is heîng beld iis .ilrtitin lhdesdayl ai 2.30 p.m.t, usthi Hon, John Yar- Local inspector at Banff school Me. and Mns. Leonard Mc- Mdil of Campbell Ave. return- cd home Saurday afler spend- ing t6e lailt-o mcdli ai the Sîbool of Fine Ars, Baf f. Aberta, ubere approximalelv 70 school soperinlendents and i nspeetors represeting ail pro- vinces of Canada assembled 10 di seu educationual affairs. M. McNeil as oie of 16e groupîbhosen 'by the Depart- ment of Education t0 repres- rît the Perice of Onaro aI iis annual coîference spon- ored 6v the Canadian Educat nialAssoeiation. ELECTRIC ITY S OUR BUSINESS Dont t e a 'finlcrni .411 Electrielly, Cali an expert fr " HEATINO " WIRING *NEW CIRCUITS *ADDITIONAL OUTIETS * CUTOOR LIONTS FEATHERSTONE ELECTRIC emko, O.C. Minuster of Social and Familv Set-vices for Oniar- 't tificiating. aid touaislIotfo] Open bouses milI alnse, hld this eîening ron 7 îo 9p.m. and on Satardav aid Sundav aflernoons from J to 4 pm. Jean. sîho s in Apartîcîcît 314, wold beglîl toilcome :tnv Milton frîenîls tî sue the build- ing. The building. ope ned on March 1 of iis vear. is the e sîlît of a pilot residence t6e Aduli Cerebral Palsy Instîlute of Metro Toronto, operatrd tr the pasi elgiui ears. PAINT $3.99 GAL. Reg. $895 Clearance sale of fresh paint. CIli., Shermin- Williams, Moores, Gliddens, etc. Thousandi of gallons ai- ready sold to Readers of such nemspaperm as the amily Herald, rie Press Wnnkly aid maîf others. OUR GUARANTE E If you arenvol satisfied etuni unased portion for complet. refund.-Outside: suitable for mood. steel, concrete, etc. Co- lors: white, primer mhite, browi. yellom, batileship grey. medium grey. shalter green, bright med, barn red, cream, back, turquoise. - In- side' gour choice of gloîs en- ome, latex, semi-glosi. White, primer mhite, skp bloc, ligbi grey. light green, ivory, beige, canary, yellnm, pub.k turquoise. Puy in full or 50% deposit. Save charges, Ontario resi- devis add 5% sales tan. Mini- mum orders of four gallons or more shipped anywhere in Canada. SHERMIANS HARDWARE LTO, 537 Quenn Mest, 1 Dumper baierste b.ost sDwllagtoe, as sapanfte tomi Those cîtizens mbu belieVe tai Burlîngion sbould remain an indepeniut imanicipaliiy if possIble, mli soon ae a chance 10 exprecs ieir opin- ioîns ptablicly. ilumper stiekers bcaieg te itaie "Barlingtîîn" in bold let- tees uith "Ours 1% A ice Towen" in script beneat, milii onsale acrîlsithe tome Iis Tîhe Cilezens Commtîce for Ais lîlîeslîiBueliglon ncce"ttli polled ity tele- phoîne ,pp-)ivintels' 1.00res- dents of the ltin on the ques- îtsionofamalgamnation mith Hamilton, t, haching the caro- paign. Wîlh pull resuli t8 e cent againvt mlgmto îviîh Hamilton, 16e Coî,milre feels Burlingionians mili 6e cager 10 pablicly proclaim Iheir independience. Some of tise humper sign i mib e one sale in Milton for tbose nortb Burlinglon residcnls wmin uap n :ituen. COMPLUTE LAW AND GARDEN SE=VICE Ne lob to0 emelilor tee large "cComploe.Maintenance ServlIe " Free Estîmtes RAINBOW LAfNDSCAPING Cal070.2741, 0784097 1.- RUSTIC PICNIC TABLE AND BENCHES Tht5'-1 talit ti i tîtit. knoty suood charm tai citiiilikus lii,,ts tre.olid aid sill nol f511 ouI. l.,sîlî tibii.,pat f ue storagu'. îlil, tlt s 281 sx 211 bîgb. $39.95 2. CALIFORNIA REDWOOD PLANTER Bitititii tl n îliab.lltu tîîrai int-h of ibis planter -d1 iaciii s celuilu uîîoor ouldoor patio or 1WdA i,24*'$11.00 3. HANGING REDWOOD PLANTER ll.ttîiiil t \uite îîîîîîewîpatio wth ibis attractive Itian5ingif lîiu'î iii Ciflîîrni.î Redîîood. Complete ~îî5îî~îg~î,îî 11 ts$5.50 4. SQUARE REDWOOD PLANTERS Tb ieve it îl(c) î,îîse Irîtnmth ibis brass-bound sqîî.îîCafttI,îîinii Rclt%îîîîd planter. Suilable for outl-t itiiiitsî it displav of your favorite plants ,,îloel SF-9,8'" widc, 7VV" bigh - $3.90. SF-11 , ',- %ie, 9V'61gb - 3450. SP-12, 11W4 %vdIl'. Iîîgh $1.00. 5. OCTAGONAL REDWOOD PLANTERS No cotrnetrs Iot c,vttttsl iis ebaeming eigbt-sided plattîsi, of o loittil C.lifîîeîia Rcdmood. Availahie le tl ticîî,îîcnî.colt ie sModel O0 101" ide-S0. 0FP 12 .1 2 wicîlî-$5.00. OP-14, 14" idle-S6,25. 6. ALUMINUM LAWN CHAIR tigbt, sttrclvconistrution in higbly polisbcd aum- ini.'tttoirecl scaitîtakes il esceptionally coin- fortable. Lîtstrîtus, îseathe-eeistaît mebhing. Reg. Valsîr 5S4.95 citcb. SALE PRicE .- -....... .$~3.9900 7. CHAISETTE LOUNGE Ft sîîcd 70" clîîîseite bas finger tip control of îîîîtîschack, assîîî îg maximum corofort. One- inIt Iiglîls' l)ishetil lumînum frame. Weaiber- t uisitit eihligin lia.ssoredlt. ubs.Two-ncb arm test Eeog. valute S950eacb. sAl,E PRICE$79 eu lquar 8. 24" DELUXE FOLDING BARBECUE Folds flac for storage against garage or basement mail. Tabolar l-egs. easy-ranning $1 wbeels. Fils bandily in car t ronk. $1.95Sa 9. 18" FOLD-UP ECONOMY GRILL Blae baked enamtel bowl wilh foldiig îripod legs. Ncw raîchel grill adjusîmeni. Perfect for travelling.$59 10. BARBECUE CHARCOAL Star Grill Grilling charcoal, from long-lasting bard- mood for perfect picnics. 1-lb.. bags. Reg,.8» SALE PRICF ................. ....9..... 11. BARBECUE CHARCOAL Same as (10), n '-lb. agi Reg.49c. SALE PRICE 39c SAVE ON THIS LIMITED SPECIAL 12. SUPER DELUXE RIDING MOWER Big momer performance priced tu seil. Thte aIl ncw "390' fealures single-lever. 4position mowing iteigitl adjusiment - IVa" 10 3'. Cals a side 25" sceatit. Nom more manocaverable witit fall rear axie differ- enliaI and 3speed transmission - 2, 4 or b mpb. Will ride casier and gise beller traction witb ide-lread pneamalic lires front and rear. 016cr big Plus fea- lares inclade powerful 5-b.p. Briggs and Stratton engine, pinion slcerisg mt etra rigid lahular steel steering sapport, nem flip-top bood for casy access 10 engine and front pivot asic 10 mînîmîze scalping and permit aIl 4 whccls 10 $3 97 hug ground contour.$3 97 L =1 UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OP ONTARIO Dronte st. Mlton 878-2391 mas inlroduced and prescnted a shit entilled "Ncii Begin- nings" under the diretction of Mrs. M. K. Campbell, ceho gave 16e commenlars. Thcy were assied 6iv four ladies of the local groos, Mes. J. M. Rclheadl Mr,.C GeeCAl ling, Mis. IR.l)t an.îu d Mis. Brutce Mille .and iii la- dies ud.' ini the costoume of the early 1800's. The ikil dem- onstraled hoce 16e firsi o men's groupi mere' formcd for the aid of foreign mission mork and other religioos par- poses and provided a great deal of information, inspira- lion and humor. Refrrsbmen is -sere served 6v the e'enig group atnd a so- cial bout- enlosed 6v aIl. Congratulations arcexetend- cd to Lotuise Lepage, Grade 13 student ai the M.M. Robinson High School sîho received a special ascard and pin for the bîghv:î standing on a special univers ils maihematistest. Louise bas bien at.tepted ait the Watei loo Uniîersity in 1he arts degree course. înajoring lit matbcmnatîs. The termi mill begin in Scptetît ber. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rouie arciitof t acamnping trip o tht. West tua-I. Thcy repot antaierniggbîvisit ai tbe hotme of Mr. antI Mt s Donald AIkin- son, La,.îînbc. Aihetta. syhere bhei tîso iat isit ivith Mr. zutttdMis.Lîtte Cilter and ta iv f Edmotnon. Mes. LeotîadCttilsoit, Mrs. Goredon McCav and Fbilîp Cîtaiton ttvitîîldthe gradua- tineecaI Y.trk Inicer. sil.,'r.tit. tot Fuilî fIer- n(ti Gant Colsîît.fA., son tsI Mr. attd Me,. L. W. Cîtulsox receiîid bis Master of Arts degeee ai ibis ceremonv. and congratulationis andI gotîd sishes arcexeienditI Io hlm. Speelal servisic w-Il6echeld ai the Loceville Uoitedl Chîîreh on Sondas mîrniof. Jone il. ai Il a.. hen the Lîîwvîlle United Cburch Women seill hîîld the ancîtal Thanksuflering Sersvice. Special speatker ill be Miss Gret,î Gauld. retircd Ulnited Chur,.6 Mi siî,n.trii%%htt served ai Formoîsa. Plise noie change of lime tof service. Those atîendîng are inviled lu lunch ltuhicserved in the churcb hall. At 2 p.m. a Me- murial and Dec.uration service xvilltike place in 1he Unied Chur,.h Cimveece sith Ris'. A. K. Criffithsinivcharge. Floîw- ers shîîuld be placeul heure tise tommencemeni t f the ser- %i Ic e RESTIVO'S ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT & GROCERY STORE New POMATES, 10-lb. bag 65c Large Size Floridla ORANGES 31 c doz. Fre h Frozen Canadian Fancy STRAWBERRIES 39c box ROYAL BOUTIQUE e LOOK SUMMER P0SH Royal DISPOSABLE" DRESS of KEYBAK* Nonwoven Fabric by M MD&n+~n4JdisttttMv AMAZIèV $1~50 plus any4 EXCLUSIVE * package fronts of OFFER M Royal Desserts. MAIL TO s ROYAL DRES5 OFFER POST OFFICE BOX 6397. MONTIREAL. QUE. Ra.11- f.tîîinei Royal JELLY POWDER 10 packs 89c 6 Flavors Royal INSTANT PUDDING 7 packs $1. Royal NO-BAKE PIE FILLS . 49c ea. Snowflake SHORTENING 3 lbs. 99c Can. Fancy Tomato JUICE, 48-oz. tins 3 for 99c Lean Pork SPARE RIBLETS..... 3 lb. 98c Can. Pa kers Thrift Rindless SIDE BACON 2 lb. $1. Lean Vacuum Packed COTTAGE ROLL 59c lb. 87"378Toronto, Ont. unand LM M-i EXPERIENCED HIADER OPERATORS Ouickly Achi.ved Socurity Long Terni Expansion Program Excellent Fringe Bendits Relocation Allowance Apply ln wrltlng statl ng education, year's of experlence and type. of machines te C. K. McKenzi. PARMENTER & B'ULLOCH Division of Textron Canada Uimited GANANOQUE, ONTARIO Applications will b. kepi confidentiel. HERE'S JUST A FEW GIFTS DAD WILL REALLY APPRECIATE FOR FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 18 KACK a DE-CKER BLACK & DECKER POWER LAWN EDGER TOOLS ANDo GRSS TRimmER SUNBEAM BLACK & DECKER HEDGE 0 HEDGE TRIMMER TRIMMER LAWN FISîHING CHAIRS TACKLE THRE ARE PLENTY MORE IDEAL OIPTS THAT DAD WILL REALLY APPRECIATE - COME IN TODAY MITO ADAR "SACRE BLEUI" gaspi the nopert chef "Charles" in amazemeni as is helper, little Pierre staqgers ix 16te centenniol Iitchen uit6 six bagi ai a ime. What'i in the bagi" Wby, il's the ingredients for Nassagawessa Tomîshipis giovl.sîzed ceni- mial cake, whîch Charles and Pierre are bosy bakîng these dayi in the ktchens of Mohawk, Inn Tbe publiecoeill gît a chance l ec metheir creallue ai the remîshipi celebratiles in Mohawkb Racesay une 2and 24 here theaction is. 1 am uonoeing if t pinson kn,îssthe ps-clisfirnsensling ai atnnmttas lelmer lht'uuglt thceimails îideteaudadttiis' caldte ýice. Sucb a let-ler %,,seit .a lievsu ees .îguuix F,lce. tîtîliig tit in t hîs terrible tragedv utitch b.îppened a liii ieeki .sgsîin Klhide. t mli uap h, Ibis pinson, visa ýe;kmalîciîos pi evaicittit a sc.,cdtlos ecutse' lor a bit ic tf h,îiî'andt dlccît. usîilh It oc iota o tespeil o>ipnicipli. Il the po ic hd eicquishes thiis pi ce offleachenuo me as I ro,'u eld, t1sîtîtli, tthînk. bxom chere t 5i cil a dlec- ise aid hate uhe colpnit pan- ished. Seacbsvour betn.yopour- txignificntncteîlii. ,aid con- gralulali voorsu-If ox heing a dvediixibe-woxtl nu good.î Yoa sbruîld 6e ashocted la sigi situenitme, am not,,shamcdru of mine. Mes. Ama. R Carso,uî Kihide CO PA YLT D STm DSTRARO & CMoMRA .BM MINTENANCE hERVICIR BOX 08. MILTtONtINT. 878-2206

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