>OMAGH Mifso n ve te iww hom, By Mca Ceeu Pailersox We welcome Mr and Mes. Harold (Paddy)lWWlson ta te d iricinoving tram Mlton 10 ut ir new itome an No. 5 Sideroud, lormerly owned hy te Green lamily. Mr and Mrs. Douglas Green andt tamilt mcved taxi meek t0 ihicrrceentlv purcitased home on Belî's Scitool Line. f Tit O mof h Preshyterian Siturcit seiool pieaic milI 6e hieldai Keisa Park on Jonc 25 att p.m. A ibaptismal aervice was iteld ai te regular morniog service ai Ouagh Preshylerian Citorei on Jlune 4 miten Cirisiopiter <,i-rgè. lfant son of M. and Mes. Fred . Wrghtl mas citeis- iened ity Rex. Stanley Smit. Piends are pleased la know taI Ken Lawrence is doing oeil ai iis home. We are sorry t0 report taI Den i Lawrîénee enlered itnxp. lailfor a chesk on lune 3. We jon lrcnds n wsing itm a %pe.ly recoxery. Miss Betty Lawrence and a friend, Miss Nancy Moser ai Loion, ocre Asitors recent- ly o it a coliege lrecnd, Miss h Mary Dunean and 6cr parents, Rev. and Mrs. Dunean oI Ota- I'~wmu ont taler spent a 1cm days at Espa. Betty is a studenl ai Wsern University Mcdical --.dL Scitool, London. Blritcfay iieings ta Betty t~Lwrencec on lune 5, Mrs .1 m Brosenrtdge. Etaîne Lmbt, Don- MR. AND MRS. ROBERT WOODLEY mre married on April 22 nd RImeLesle. Keran ai Geace Anglican Citurcit, Milton, ix a candlelighl, triple ring ang lmrt lison ddn ceremony. Tite bride is te former Francis McMasier. e;naiversaries ta Mr. and Mes. (Photo by Milon Photographie) - oheri Roman Jonc 3 and Mr. and Mrs. Cliford Janes lune 4. Woodley - Grace Anglican Citurcit as te se tng for a candelaitra undt triple ritîg ceremony on April 22 o Miss Francis Rose McMistcr, daugiter oI Mr. and Mns. Froxcis W. Meliaster unît Robtert Mecî Woodley, son of M. and Mes. Andrem Wood- ley. Dr. T. Dustan officîatcd witlî David Hoiedex as argon- ist piaying te Processioxai Fraise My Soutlte King of Heannon. Tite soloisi, Mes. Ber- ry Clements sang te Wedding Frayer axd Dit Lord Most Holy. The citurcit as decoraled wit mite snapdragons, pink carnations and mhite citepsan- temumi Tite pews me re marked mititows ofIwhitle salin ribiton, pink rose6idq and Lily aifte Valey. Tite bride, gixenin omarriage ity cr latter, citose te sim- plicily andel cegance af a linen bricat goien. Tite scalopcd neck-lixe and steeves ocre ap pliqued mit fixe petl roses and te empire waistilie ac- cented mit a multi-petaled rosette.Tiis ofset tite slim A fine skirl mit a deep inverted plet, al of miicit mas tam- plelly banded ty te samnt ap- piiqucdfliomers. SuEk illusiox cascaded iii a fuît icrîgt xii McMaster tram a simperosette oa te samte labrie. Tite bride score thte peari neekiace taI hec moter more miten siteoas married and carried mhitte tut- terfly roses, Attendine ttc bride mccc Mci. Carat iBobihiciRowney, sister of tae bride as mamaon ,)f tenon: Miss Sandra McMas- te, sisler oifte bride, as maid of itonor; Miss Joan Kubiinga ai Toi ata andJ Miss Anne SIai- ,fe fromt Windsor as ibrides- mids. Tit itrîdesmaîds sot- roîîxded te bride mt a fliirry af itl pink clored cage dres- ses. ver" simpix edged ix mhite cttox guipure lace. Ttc effeel mas compileeitit maiciing bond iteactpiées. TitWeJUnidmbtidJ'staids oece Miss Katy Giffits icI Bon- linglun and Mis., Cailîsv Daig leisit oi akville, and te fbm- er girl mas Miss Lino Frost. Titir dcesses ere tee pink, mode along te same fines os te iricsmaids. Ailcarried pixit sensation roses. Axnco Wiodicy. irttlier aI the groom, cas test mon and te sters werc Peler Bradley ai Guelpit, Andrec Stitea oI Lon, Scul and Josepht Fleik of Londion. 1 Tte brides moter chose o v9ý THE ENGAGEMENT ix announcîd of Lynne Elizabeth Young, R.N.daugiter o! Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Henry Young, 94 Owen BlvdI,. Toronto and Dr. Titomas M. Maxwell, son o! Mr. and Mrs, Homard Maxwell, 233 Eimwood Crescent. Milon. The wedding iii take place in Workminster United Citorcit. Toron- to, on June 17, 1967. Titi bride is a graduate oi Kingston Geniral Hospital and te groom is a graduate of Queens University. drecs af Leicsiat Bfte fsiion- ed fromt fixe sitk orsted. Tite top mas imporled aiceon lice mt smalt cap steeves and gentix scoopaît necklinc. er ta, sas the same toes as te dress, accex ted mitilue xc- xci haies.Mes. Mcliaster more a corsage aI Golden Garnet sweeteart roses and carrîcd a gc.l parie. Tite groam s oter chose a btusiting pixit sitE innand ace ensembletiemt mateiting itat and oxîler whitle accessor- c-s and o crsage oI May Day Tite recepiiox oit place ai te U.A.W. centre on Martin Street. OBITUARY Mrs. H. Riddolls Mes. Elfilinda Riddotls. wife oI G. arry Riddotts of 316 Martin St., passed amay on Wcdaesday, May 31 ai Miton District FHospitai. Mns. Riddoiis, daugiter oI te aIe Me. and Mes. N. L. Smit, as haro aIiteitood in l890 Site tuas educalcd ut Bell ieood PS. Guelpht ClIcgiale and te Toronto Normal Scitoot. Since comixg ta Mit- ton site iad iteen active ix tte John Milton Ciapter aifte tIDE. andte Anglican Citurcit Womex aI Grace Citurcit. Surviving besidea ier itus- btand arc a son Wilfred Eaci Riddlof clBaie dUnfe.Que- bec, and lieo sisers Mers. Ina Locke ai Toronto and Mrs. Win- ilrcd Irsix of Ancasier. An otiter sister Mes.PFlorence Rîltitîto andl fou r iroters Or- in, Wiiired. ixiax d FPicit e Smit predeceased itee. Panerai service mas from te MeNait ond Son Cliapel an Sot. crday mt Rex. Dr. T.M. Dus- tan tîiicialing. Itermexi mas ix St. John Norsasi.emelers, Toronto. j-Tite chitidren arc stlbusy Snearix evcre everxixg. ishitix for te neirwspeckied t1mai pianied recextvini te pond. 1 -Woritmex have sîarîcd te 1leor dosnex lad bouse ai tite i rontaI)ite miii pond propere - Our Readers Write - FARMERS'BRIEF WAS NOTHING NEW Dear Jim: I ssicld ike la express te tanks. of te Jireccors and members aifitalton edieralian of Agriculture on te excellent coverage givea ity Roy Downs in Tite Champion on te recent Pariiers' Marchitol Ottawa. We arc: truly graleful taI 6e mas ablte to c it u us, 6e said il mus a sigit taI 6e ont for- gel for a îcite anîd isold have tlaogrcea cîithint. lic cnd t, along suIt many otters mere abtle la vie itetremen- duos cramd fromtlite speaker' ptfarm - an excellent van- tage point. Siace i was ane of te peope citosen 10 discuss te farmers' pruhlemci slaîed in te iriel, il was necesiary toc me ta go la ttawate ai lernoon prextous la te mur:it, su mas sorry tai I mas unable ta trancI ity bus m it h e Cxlaiftose fromt Haton County. Tite flt corn- mîitee met for finai arrange ments on te enenins ai Map 23. Il is itere mitere t would ike ta seltte record straigitl, itrotîgitl la mvattention intce cîlIuina "Harlay 10 Haltox ity Dr. Harry Hartey, M.P. fr Hal ton and i quaix. I 1refer ta te Parmers' Marcit miicit toak place on Wednesday, May 24. i mas present daring te peesen- talion aifteirief tate Caiin et ty te leiders aofcite Marcit. They expected an immediate answer ta titeir hielmiicit itad itemn ite taods of te SHARON ALLEN Miss Sitaron Allen, daugitter of Mr. and Mes. Stanley Allen of R.R. 6 Milton riceiixed ber dipioma in Pitysical axd Oc-'a cupationai Titerapy, May 29a in graduation ixîrcises in Convocation Hall, University ai Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ai. lin and Siarons sistîr, Mes Alan eeney. attînded te cerîmony and following gar- den partuc on rampas.Sitaron s nom compiititg te requir- id egiti montits oi interxinq. Site iii spînd four montits in Toronto Hosptais and ueo in <ixgston. government for approximately 24 hoors. This did sot give te goverroment ime ta sîudy and cisaus ite malters in te bncie.' End ai quate. Tietrtrhoth ie malter is taIte preliminory hrief mas publie knowledge for 10 dayx itefore te Marcit and canlain- ed al ltai sas asked for in te main iriel taI mas pre- senlealatite Cabinet, sit6 tle exceptions ai lacIs andt figures ta hock up or dmands. Furiher, tha e e isnolting acwin ixthe hiril thal had nul iteen presea led ta the Miaulter ai Agriculture or the gavera- ment itefore. Ail te points in teitrief itad iteen requested by te Canadian Federalion of Arriclture andthlie National Farmers' Uniont in iriefs taI teyitad prescnted ohIt tiis year and laI .Tite Mareit mas la inîpress upan te govecn- nment te foc, taIt eeneeted saine ACTION. and il %vas te Federal Daicy Poliecv annance- mcxnttaI itraghtl il on ai titis lime. The apeeiliplanning crm- millee, a ofiicit I mas a nemn hec, itad arcanged foca ca ordina trin Ottawea in lita purc son oif liard Possersitu moite aItlte arrangementsIanrte Marcit commili eessuithte fox. erximenl, Maunled Police, te Ottaswa Police, Par ks Depori- ment, etc., and bha s ta bc ram- nîended flra îtiaraugit taitof oeganicoat. Up unil8p.m. ann'clii 231the agreed plansoercetaI te special cammili ee isas ta DIS- CUSS te irief wtti Itle Prime CENTENNIAL MEDALLIONS Titis meck Centenniail Med- allions arceitxing disirihuleel ta local scitool eitildren. The golît colored medals are beixg gisen ta ail icitooî ihildeen in Canada initonor of ttecourt try's cenlennial yeac. ONTARiIO THE BEST Milton Reeva A. Ledmitit axd itis mile spent foucr da,% sai Es- po 67 in Moxîceailfasti mei. and mere impressed hi lite whioie sitow. Reeve Ledmiith saut "I nîoy aeprcjodiced. bt i ttoagit thlie film in lte On. tario pavition mas ltehecles ltere mos I 1îîîtld torge everv- axe ta sec il." -Titree ciidrex tramt Doit ville reccived abtrasioîns mites cars drivex 6v Oakviile ond Brantford mcn collided os Higitmay 25 near Speyside Sun- dlay alternoax. FDON'? FORGET THE IOPTIMISTI AUCTIONI IATURDAYI JUNE 10AT MILTONI GRANDSTAND- 1.30 P M. Purchase Your Centennial <4~ÎM4~ FLAGS and DECORATIONS Froni the Optimist Club Of Milton 4' and assuît in local youth work and community service. Canvaseera wiliIb. cllinq on you etariing May 24 FOR PURTHER INFOMATION OR PLACEMENT 0F ORDERS CALE 878-3445 - 878-9286 070.9003 878.9U69 070-4430 078-9958 878-3397 10.30 era.mndMay 24.bAnen-a 103adheonrMayt24eremnî- t;n ne ix l la epre esnoted Atg 8 p.min i aybc3 e. Pow- eAts8as asked a p r.nPhl- eslfan lite t aprscitreitad seef n athae Hmodate. e wax ts e bhnge maudeitave tas6 read, ten iPeime Miniavetere res. Oren teie d MiSaue mldGmen ni. STite mas lacommnoniscussion. Dx My 2tabcndiscusain. lntt Onrcit4ang eIltri. ma rod ii cita nMte. Pie asond t his cabntM.îîîîîtliteamd ais lietadnutMe.ersidla ca theleditîMr.Plait c rent le otemessarednt tecrisis iesslite near as. H tpeloized forth ning asteaHe pli eeting, saling taI e temed eibock. He cturned aoldlite lime lie rede a fieiiited readitcgte bni. lie an ho ta os for a lew minutes. lai ail ME mi The Canadian Champion, Wednasday, June 7, 1967 ail the allolted ime there mas for thte meeting in doing soaxd did n01 gixe Mr. Sauve, ýMinis- tee of Forestry, ime ta answer for his respoxsibility ta somte of te requesis made in the brief. This irrttated the French Canadian members of the cam- mittee and qaile a healcd ar- gument went ex betmeex te Ouebec leaders and Mr. Greene ai this point. We were then tld that te farmers had assembted in front ofl the Partiament Build- ings, su the meeting odjoarn. cd inside ani we ment out ta our places. We sincýrels hope thal this cearsup te miscooceplia'5 taIthe bnifmas something Again, our gralelul lhanks. Yours truiy. AR. Couller, Scretarv, Haltcn Fe eralion of Agriculture. NURSE GRADUATES Miss CarIa Joan Overend, daugitter of Mr. and Mes. H. P. Overend, 395 Broadway St., Milton, gradualed on May 27 f rom Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital, Kicitener. rils, bal couid n0t1agrece mt i lit a iesaid! and thon itad louve ogaix, itaxdixg lbhe Ë eelixg axer lu M. Onen. liuler ai Agriculture. Me. Greenc proccecddta tel cse preseol al Ihalthcd itaP aingec Announcement 8892 87 -8 11w'm w ART MELANSON C. B. *Bus' Kntiit. tif Kx'ii'sMaxiWearî, 202 Main Si. E, aîîxur,oxcalitt Mel- ansox heccame a panîxier in te business, effec tise MaV 1. 1961. Mn. Melanon, fanmer1ismai- ager ofte store. tas been ix- piîved tersi nce commeof Min in 1948. Ha t, maired, isîit luitv ans. dliving ioMiiliii Yo'e a edi FORD FROM.. TRAFALGAR MOTORS v BEDDING PLANTS It's Plant Up Time Now. Choose Hardy Bedding Plants From Our Selection lncluding " GERANIUMS 0 ROSE BUSHES 0 PETUNIAS 0 MARIGOLDS 0 SALVIA " AEYSSUM 0 eSNAPDRAGONS 0 HARDY MUMS 0 TOMATO PLANTS 0 VEGETABLE PLANTS CHOOSE NOW AT Milton igreen7hoiuses MAIN ST. AT ONTARIO MILTON 870-9501 SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CHICKEN AND RICE SOUP sl.25 CHEF SALAD ROASI TURKEY DINNER & CRANBERRY SAUCE MASHED POTATOES OR FRENCH FRIES COLE SLAW SRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 878-9061 WeAr Open very Day ?hroughout the Year UNDORESTAUIRANT' 18 ain AIR CONDITIONEO Miton 1 tv. Phone 878-2369 409 Main St. East