Something OId, Something New, Something For You BIRTHS CMCHOMlL - Mr and Mrs. -Bert Churchill (nee Lcastro) of 256 ine St. Milton, are pica-j sed to annoaince the birtis of their son, Anthony Mark, weight 7 ibs., 51 arst., ai Miton Dis- trictriHospital on Mondcy. Janej 5, 1967. A brothesý for 011, Steve, Christine and Ronnte, DAVIAU - M~r. and Mrs. Maur- ice Davicu (nee Sadie) of 123 Towen Line, Milton, Ont., are pleased lu annoance lise birfh of lieir third daaghter, Sara McCann, weight 6 lbs., 7%4 os., aI Mlon District Mospital on Jane 3, 1967, Sister for Haurice Jr., Catherine and Sasan. FARROW - John and Eleanor (nec Powell) of Chaîsseortis anonethe compielion of their cenlenniai projeci, a boy weighing 8 tbs., at the Owen Sound District and Marine os- pitl, May 31, 1967. First grand- son for Mr. and Mrs. R. Farrow of Chatsworth and firsi grand- chitd for Mr. and Hrs. Chartes Powell of Loseville. GRPFITHS - Mi. and Ni-s. Wifred Grffths tnee Davies) of 145 Bel St.. Milton, are pes- sed ta annoance the blrth of their son. Jon Ronald, weigt 10 ibs., 1H azos., aI Milton Dis- trict Mspital on Jane 5 1967. PLANT - Mr. and Mns. Ion Plant (nee Arnold) of R.R. 2, Mornby, are pieased ta annoance thse birth of ibeir son. Thomas Arthar .enry, weight 7 lbs.. 8 oz.. ai Hilton District os- pitl on Jane 1, 1967. A brother for David. DEATI-S PODWINSKI, Michael - At St. Peles Infîrmary, Marilton, an Salai-day, Jane 3, 197, in is 60h year, Michael. brother of Joseph of 122 Onario St. Soath, Hilton, Rosai-y wcs rected aitihe MacNab and Son Chapel witb Reqaiemo Mass in Moly Rosary Churds on Taesday. Interment was in Evergreen cemetery. RIDDOLLS, Effilinda-At Mit- ton District Mospital, on Wed nesdcy, May 31, 1967 înher78tis year. Effilinda Smith, beioved sife of George Menry; dear mo- tier of Earl of Brlinglan; grandmother of Ni-s. Altan La voie '(Judy) o Montreai cnt Doncida, Christine and Paul o Barlinglon; and sister of Mrs Ina Locke of Toronto and Mrs Winnifred i-sin of Ancaster. Fanerai service was from th MacNcb and Son Chapel or f atarday. Jane 3, with mier ment in St. John's cemeteny Norway. Toioto. ZALEWSKI. Anastasia - At he home, R. R. 1, Campbellvitit an Salai-day. Jane 3, 1967, An etasia Matusesili. in ber 93rc year, sife of the talte Tomas Zalewski. and motiser af Mari tMrs. Wladislaw Zalewski) c Caropiellvitte: also survived b 13 gnandchildren and 10 grea grandcbidren. Fanerai service secs heid ci Moday aI lbe McKeisie Fanera Home. Interment in St. John' Anglican cemetery, Campisel ville. CARDS 0F THANKS We takre Iis oppcrtanity I lisank Oar friends and membe af the ccmmanity for the love sedding gfîs and parly aI Il Ligny school. Special îbanks1 the orgasizers of thse parly. Nils and Madeline Disei 1>48M9 To al my neigbboi-s, frienc and relatives, I wisb 10 exien a vei-y sincere lhank yoa ft t-oui- many acts of kindness du ing lise illness and death of r oncle, with speciai appreciati' to Dr. Syer and 10 Rev. Keil -Hawkes for is consoling me sage. c5-3854 Gladys Featherst i woaid like 10 express n -ncere tisanks 10 reialivt friends and neighbors for fie, ers, gifîs. cards and visuetill while i was a patient in Ms ton District Hospial and al speciai ihanks ta the nai-si, staff and Dr. Aikenisead. eS3826 Mrs. Roy Brea lise famiiy of the talte C ford Jackson Taslcer wish express Ibeir sincere thanks friends. neighboi-s. relaliv and Otis Elevalor C. for a of kîndness, floral tribales a cards of sympatby. Spec thcnks ta Rev. McGown a Mciersie Fanerai Moe. c4-3 Sincere thcnks and apprec lion tao ai- many friends. ne rives, the narses aI Hilton E ticI Hospital and Dr. AiIt head for the nameroasacts kindns isosn Mrs, G. . R doils and ber famiiy dur ber final illness and fuserai, so for the beatifai floral tr aIes and cards af syinpctby. CARDS 0F THANKS t sesis toa ibsisthe nurses and Staff of Milton District Mas- pil for lhier klndissss ta me darnsg my stcy in hospital. A specialtIhanis yoa ta Dr. McKay, Dr. Legate, Di. Richard and Dr. Palmer. Again my sincere tiscnks 10 l. Mrs, Editb Caulson, R. R. 3, Campholivitle, Ont. e53887 Tise family of tbe laie Rrs. Netie Wilson wlsb ta thanis thein friends and neigbbors most siscerely for the masy acîs of iindsess and iteautiful floral tribales shows ta thero aI thc ime of the passlng af Iheir beiaved maiber. We especiaity wish ta blani tie Rev. Nor- mais Yaung for is cansoting wonds. We aiso ibank r. Ales, Mrn. Wrighst, the nurses and staff of the Maltas Rasoai-nid tise Hanod C. HeCtare FaneraI Home. The famity of the lte Hrs. Nettie Wlsan. c5Ç-2408 IN MEMORIAMS HILLS-Is tovinsgmemory Of a dean father, John E. Mitîs. seho passed aseay Jane 9 1949. -Frever rememhored by Ed- ytho. c5-3802 COMINQ EVENTS Cicken 'Barbtecue, sponsoreda by Narval United Chai-ch, atil Rapte Lodge Fai-is. Augasi 26. Tickets os sale. cS-3782 Qili, Crafi and Hobby Show,4 sponsorvd by Mainby Womensf Inslilate aI Milton Agicllai-al Hall, Jase 24, 2-9 p.m. Admis- sion SO. c5-3780 'oi-lb Hallon Association for Mental Relardation Bazaci- and Tea sili be beld aI lise Sas- shine Scbool. Mornby, Jane 9 2 pro. - 5 p.m. ci-3810 Open Moase aI the Mape1 Centre, Base Lise. Monsby, Wednesdlay, Jase 14. 2 ta 4 pan. and 7 10 9 pro. Evei-yose wel- came. Refrashemnis served. ei-798. Sammer Ballet Lessons. Taise thero for serioas reasons or jast for fan and exercise. Condacted by Saliy Shore, licenticte af Ibe Royal Academy of Dancing. Ir- qairies 878-2246. c5-3742 Noi-lb Maltas Associatian for Mental 'Reardation Satshine Scisot concert asihe beld in th Ub tnited Edacatioaa Centre, Milon, os Jane 12 aI 7.38 p.m. Ï Sapper Partly and Antqae -Aacticn, Miltan District Hospi- tl Womens Auxiliary, aI lise *home of Hi-s. W. H. Meiry, RR r5, os Wednesday. Jane 14, aI 6 p.m. Hembers and a friend. h Hi-. and Hi-s. W. A. Boasfield, aR.R. 2. Hilton, will ho aI home ,f on Sanday, Jane 11, 2 la 5 p.m.. yta receive friends, the occasion t beîng the 50h asniversai-y oi ibeir sedding. GuIfs gralefully ndeclined. c3.3538 il A Dance and Diaw sel bî beld on Salai-day evesisg, Jase 110 in the Kilbride Commanity Malt. Admission 115 per per son. Spossoi-ed by the Kilbridt Recreationat Association la pro mole Minai- Basebail. c5-3716 Reanion. Victoria Scbool, Car- 10 lisie. Salai-day. Jane 17, t - 4 rs aclacis. Al tfonyner papils and ly teachers and tbeii- families cor. e dially mnvited toattlend. Come LO and ave a visil wilb yoar friends. 'dter-naon lea wseul h ,-served. c6-3736 - Dont miss the oalstanding s family event af the year - Moiy d Rosai-y Annuaa Gaides Party. oi- Everybody selcome. yoang and r- old. Groands open 2.30 pro. an ny Salai-day, Jane 24. Family sai- :5 per. rais or shine! Mammoth bh penny sale, posy rides, a vari '- ely of hoolbs. Sapper served from 5 pro. la 8 pro. Lots cf m. fiee parking. c7-3671 iy Special services wseiti h eld s. ai lise Lowville United Chai-c ,- on Sanday marsing. Jane i1 rs atIil a.m., wien the Lowvifi il- Ujnited CisarcisWomes sili bold 5o lise Assaal Thankofferise Ser n8 vice. Special speaker sillIbc Hiss Greta Gaald, relired Usit ak. ed Cbarcb missiosary wbo serv - ed ai Formosa. Please not if' change of ime of service 10 Those allesding are inviled tc In lunch t10lbe served ins Il ros cbarcb bal. At 2 pro., a Mer rs ornal and Decoralion Servict ,d sl l ake place in tise Unit,Ê ai Chai-ch Cemetei-y sil Rev.A tdc K. Griffiibs in charge. Flosee! shold ho placed hforetiti 77commencement of the service. :la-c5-37. 1 un" 871 ri H du 24: bc] 85 mi di bz 8 FOR SALE BMONS of ait kinds. Ra: 78-2150. ICI APARTMENT sile nge, $25. 878-6668. t WA'RDROBE and 1 mbinet. Cati 878-2110. 1 PFORMAL ptnk gown. 0. Phone 878-6751 afler 'BOYS' 20" and 24" b arvey Pelligrew, 37 Rot GIRLUS bicycle, in goc lion. Phase Campbeltvi 27.1 GIRLS' bicycles, 24" a sys', 26' and 28". Ecrl l%2538. WATER soflener, fait matie. 3 years aid, goos an. 878-698. 39" CONTINENTAL t rew. 'Roy Carrne, 878-4' Wakefield Rd. 16" ROTOMATIC 2 wn mawer. gaad worki ilion. $20. 878-3406. INTERNATIONAL ri bars; eleciriecreain sel irI's bicycle. 878-4864. ADDING MACHINES wriiers for sale or renta 78962, Harris Stctioei GIiRUS 5bicycle; teni aluminum sleeping Irail in excellent condition. I' REGISTERED Hostein bal. t year aId. sire excellent. dam excellent; pinta pcsy. 9 yeai-s aid. Howard Gowlasd 878-6456. swimmrffl pool, 10' diar. 4 deep, camplete silh pamp. filer sd ccssoiex ~ 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE PLANNING a change in yoar JOHN DEERE traclar; 3-fui-- livestack or poaîtry opeiation? iow plose. 878-9873. 4c5-3827 Parissa bas eipal plans and ideas. IS36 NEW HOLLAND hoiei-. Na. 68, in good condition. 1700. PONY and rubhor ired swag- Phase 878-9387. 4c53768 os. $135; also 1957 Chevrolel, $100. Campbellviîte area af er 6 JOHN DEERE AR. tracton; 3- p.m., 659-3678. 1c5-3884 fuirus. pow;Joshn Deere 4-hon iaise and t horse drasen moseen. ELECTRIC clothes dnyer, 878-93%. 4c5-3789 hatifat candition, 59.95. Goode's 'Hai-dware, George- Mc-CORMICK DEERING 4-bar towen, 77-2551. b49-912 side delivery rakte, vei-y goosi condition. rubhor tires. 878-9846, 'B 414 1NTERNATIONAL emi- 87-3509. 4c5-3790 moanled hot pattey; also 5-ton isaled ct sînase. 45c per bale. COCKSHUTT 7 f t. senti- Cai Hilxburgh 8554574. mausted moseen; 12 fi. trucis lc-37841 platlfairo ilb thracks; Mcssey lI earris 6 f. -way dixc. Phase 26" MEN'S bicycle, nese. 135; 878-6134. 4c-3785 2 mediuem site space heaters. M4 eacb; i large space heater, PULL type combine, model 60. 565. Ail lise nese. 878-6862 afler Allis Ciaîmers sitis Scaur 5 pro. tcS-ý3783 Kleen. gond condition, reason- abypriced; also 1947 Internai-1 17 FOOT 1961 model Beach- ainal truck. Telephone 878-9834. cambon fihonglass boaI with a 4c5-3822 50 horse Johnson electric mo- ton and tilt traiter. Phone K.1______________ Orns 83-007. tc5270 15VEHICLES FOR SALE YOUWVILL LIKE buyingyour 5buildings materiais and coaciai NASH Metropolitan. 540. 878. Crasfrds, Camphotlvitle. Ouicis 3370. 5c5-3820 ;service. igh qaaliiy. Phone Carophetiville 854-2232. lctf-416 1953 PONTIAC sedan, t oses- ALL-WEAMER tet tralere, 63 000 mites. Fan qaicis sale, -steeps 6, ail steel construction Pae 8836. 5534 jframe. Na doses payment. 20 1961 VOUKSWAGEN. in gaad Emonîbi 10 pay. Nase on sale aI ransisg onder. Phone 878-2230 B.P. Cois Car Wash, 341 Oaeen nelween 4-8 p.m. ScS-3829 iSt.. Actas, phase 853-2114. 1b42643-tf 1965 KAWASAKI motorcycie, e ________________ 125 c.c., 1,750 original mites, i e LARGE gtossy pri-Is of Cas- eond condition. 878-2254. adia Champion staff photas, 5c5-3797 'y5x7size, $1; 8 x 10 ize, 51.50; 16FODsdn6 yier e plus tx as utaccompanyla.CsmaI - - 16FODsdn6cyie >ordei-. Esqaine note ai Champ- aatomatîc, radio, in excellete 6ion office, 191 Main S.. Hilton. condition. M50. 878-3616. Ic5-3773-tf 5c-382 r- SYERS Halersity Fashions. 1964 FORD Fainiane 500 4 4tops. slims. sharts, skirts and orsedan. poweer brakes and d dresses by Lagnas. Comptete sîeening. 878-3235 aflen 6. 'and ltesî styles is maîerniîy _c5-3729 îclothine ai Syer's Famity Fash- 1966 MOTORCYCLE. Mack I n ions, 228 Mais E., phase 878- Dcoti 250 c.c.. 30 hp., 5-speed >e 2067, 'Hilton. c52-3469tf transm;ission, equipped fan 6 street an lnack. S60. 878-193. CAR. TRUCK & TRACTOR TI- 5c5-3788 19 RES, nese and axed, aven 2.000 ly Kelly Sprngfield tii-es instoîck, G.H.C. SCIIOOL bus, equip- y-ait sizes. tam prices; fiai fixed. ped sitis propane tanks, igbt ,d 5.25; teheets batasced. St.00.We and ieal fixtares, suilable for in have batteries for maxI cars conversion ta mobile camper. P' and trucks. HMilton Tire and Ra- Appiy ai Oili Cross 'Harvess ý diator Service. 191 Milut5.,878- Sisop, 878-3232; ies. 854-2344. r2711. c52-3473-tt c5-3776 !dl if 1d zh t, ýle .- le .. t7 HATER.NITY CLOTHES ai "Great Expectations". acocmp- lete maternity xbop, Welingon Square Hall, Brant St.. Barlisg- tas. Lingerie. spotsseeai-. afler- no00n and eveisg dresses by Lagnon. Pione 634-4936. Closed Hosday. ic5-3685 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE TOP qualiîy baled bay. 87M 6235. 2c5-3805 HAY far sale. Oaistille 827- 1593 on 827-2667. 2c5-3772 ASPARAGUS for yoar freezer. Campbetlville 854-9952. 2c5-3616 TENDER, yoasg. heavy, roasi- isg fosl. fresb froro the fai-m. 854-9897 aflen 6 pro. 2c5-3855 35 ACRES of bay. standing in lise field. 17 Sideroad and Nas- sagaseeya Tosen Lise. Phone 853-1248. 2b49-904 THE AD in this space lest week .was stopped be- cause it got results. For Your Next Car ... ,MY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 7 WANTED GOOD homes for iitiens. 878- 6022. 7c5-3749 ROOMY china cabinet. 878- 6138. 7c5-3806 GOOD homes for 8-seek-otd kitîess. 430 Broadway St.. phase 878-6987. 7c5-3828 AIL types of Canadias coins and gsatd pieces. Cash. Sesd isi of coins ta 'Box 160, Canadias Champion, 191 Hais St. 7c5-3792 LIVE poaltiiy, goase and dacis feathers, feathen ticiss. ighest prices. Wu cati. Write t. Zener, 792 Cattege St., Toronta, or phone catteci LEnnax 5-0724, ev- tnisgs 638-5793. 7c-19411f 1966 Acadian Two Doori 5h11 aunder sese cai-warnanly. Lic. H69145. 1965 Chevrolet Belair Sedan Aulomalic, radio. wbilewalls, paower sieering, wheel dites and seashers. Lic. 312686. 1965 Pontiac Parisienne Convertible V-8. aalamnatic. radia, poseer steering, paower braises, white- watts, wbeet discs. Lic. L6542. Audiological Services Technician FOR JULY 1, 1967. To service: bearisg aids, TVs, other eleclrasic eqaipment. Training and experiesce in et- ectrosics field necexsai-y. Salai-y: 5,.00 - $6000. Appty la; THE SIJPERINTENDENT, 1964 Galaxie 500 Sedan Ontario School for V-8. power steering. poseer braises. aulamatie. seiesalis, te D a seheel dises. Lic. 77088E. sAs>..,. r%*ri 1964 Pontiac 2 Door New ned ise tires. Lic. K67655. 1963 Pontiac Lurentian T.wo Door EXECUTIVE TYPE SALESMAN V-8» aaiornatic, poweer ci1-r-1 If yoa are dissa-tîsfie.d seli ing, nadio, whiiewaiis, seee discs. blacks witb red inlerior. yoar present stutus and for nt a Lic. 116080. job sih a pay-af orlr Lic. 14080.eoris and a god fuure, 1963 Acadien Station Wagon Ose oseser sisce new, tose miteage. Lic. 49947X. 1961 Cornet Custom Sedan Automatie, radio, sehiteseatis, malar coroptetety avenlsauled. Lic. J4676. 1959 Pontiac Station Wagon *Russi-eal gond. Lic. X5470. Only 5195. 1963 GMC Long Box Styleside Pick-Up Rans lise new. Lic. B88249. 1959 International Tractor Fult air, Stb seheet and saddie tanks. ready ta go. Serial no. 807C. CHOOSE AND SAVE AT sRedfern 6 Limied Ontario Stneet Soutb, Milton. 878-2393 WRITE Champion Box 157 191 Main St. - Milton Givisg fuit details, cge 21-45, Milton and district. Large«t Canadian company ln i1H fild. c BQOKKEEPER (MALE) To handle ail original accoant- ing recor-ds ta GENERAL LEDOSIt TRIAL BALANCE For office tacaied in Multas, Ontario. Give brief summai-y 0f exper- ence. Repty ta; Box 158, The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street East, Hilton, Ontario. abS Supply Teachers FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 1967-68 Na. t - Fan academie class- 13 FOR RENT 100H witb board. Phase 878-829. 13e53803 TENT traiter for i-est, 54 par Iay. 87&-6878. 13c5-3814 FURNISHED mcmr for woris. sng gentleman. 878-2016. 13c4.3734 lIBEDROOM basement apart- mient. Phase Camphbevlle 854% 2495. 13c5-3777 FIJRNýISMED rooro, centralty Iocaled, ligbî haaseiseepisg. 878- 3461. 13c5-3791 FUR'NIS3IED front bedrcarn, close ta plaza and dasentosen, 1842056. 13c5-3745 BLECTRIC HOT WATER HfEATERS wlth fi-ee service. Phase MiltasnIydro 878-2345. 13ottf425 10 MINUTES by bas 10 lapa site. private borne. Itaservations tlephone Brampton 451-4331. 13c6.3779 RESTAUkANT for rani, fulty equipped. avallabie aI any lime. Setet 26 peuple. Phase 878-2079. 13c3710-tf GOI-NG an vacation or Expo? lest a traller at Varlety Camp- tng Trallert, 538 Branle Rd., Branle. 827-1865. WOMAN cas share cottage on quiet lsland in Geari-gas Bay far sammer or part of, with an- otber woman, osener. Minimum expesse. 87M58. 13e53795 ALLIWEATIIER lent trallero, brand nese, camplete witb mat- mrets and canopy. For informa- tian, cati B.,P. Coin Car Wasb. Actas, phase 833-2114. 1b64t OpFICE space, grousd flaai-. 700 sq. Os., 3 large rommx.2 smafl oses, parking, oestral tac. alias. Apply al RatIon and Peel Trust and Savingi, Main St., Hilton. 13c7-3774 14 WANTED TO RENT liBEDROOM apartmnent, Mit- tan ai-ca. by Jane 30, woaikIsi 1couple. 878-3610. 14c5-3769 'BY LOCAL OF. a fficer,2 or 3 hodroom home, reqairet 5hy Ag. . 78-3616. 14c-3727 31BEDROOM bouse, in Mutae, or Campbilviile area, close 1. scboai, by JuIy i. 878-2856. 14e538l3 16 SERVICES No. 2 - For nbytlsm classs 8 HEP WN'ED es vaiou subect. Dad toc Reova MAN ta cat grass. 879-3145. 8c5-3732 PART - TIRE cxperiesced haindresser. 878-9533. 8c5-37%6 WÏEEKLY gaides belp seant- ed. Appty evesings 878-3229. g65-3819 MAN lu moi-k sicady as veg- 'table fairo. 878-9462 aller 5 pro. 8c5-3853 STUDENT would like a job fan sammer, age 16. Barbara Cote, phoe 878-2664. 8c5-3856 BABY silier ta cane foi- 1- year-otd in my home, Ronday ta Friday. days. 878-2616. 534 BOYS or gils as carriers for Globe and Mail routes in Mil- ion. Phone colteet ta Gearge- toms 877-6852. 8c5-3738 (ahitity ta play piano essential). - DAILY RATES - Etemestai-y - Unquatified $20; qaalified 522; specialiît $27. Secondary and Vocatlasal - Unqaatified $20; quaaified $28; Fpeciatist J33. Appty 1o; THE SUPERINTENDENT Ontario School for the Deaf. Hilton, Ontaria. PHONE 878-2851. Hlgbest cauh pries for desd or dltabied come and berne. CALL OFEMAOR - ASM FMR Zenith 9-7950 Lic. No. 73M>7 97 BLUE SPRUCE ENTERPRISES STELLA PARTON Milton 878-6705 Country Home 7-rumm I -starey soiid brick home, an 114 acres, toated as the otîkirta af Mi, bricis bars and garage, i acre orchard in excellent condition, appie. pear, pluro. cherry and cunrans, Askisig $23M8. G. Alec Jolin-son REAIJTOR 8 Mill Street East - ACTON Phone 853-2086 For Service and Satisfaction CnAohul 310 Main St., Miltonn.Ont. 878-6292 878-6592 OUNTRY HME - Sltuated 3 mites coi-lb of Hilton, os .Hwy. 2, witb c beauifit viese af the cscarpmenL Tiss clay brick bungalow wltb at- tacesd garage consisis of c combisation iving and dising mcm.,iitches, 3 spacioss hodraomx, baibroao, flI basement, F/A ait beatlng, lot site 121' x 200. Aaklng prie $19,508. Open ta offer. Terma availabie. CatI Tam Renzetti 878-2521 or 878-629. COUNTRY LOTS - 1.8 acre lt, 241' x 330', situated in Massa- gcweyc Twp., 9 miles fron Miltos. Asiing price 54,88. t ONLY - 10 acre lot, 4 mle south of Rilasn, 500frantage, an paved raad, 977' deep. 51,000 fait dasei payment. Vendor seltaise bacis c liraI manigage ai 714% intereaL. Cati Ait Peacacis 878-6447 or 878-292. JUST LISTED - 4 - hedo-c bungalow is Miltas, clone 10 scisoals, consistiig af a cons- binatian living - famiyrn, dinfing rooro, iiieen, hallh- mcom, basement. P/A gas heat- ing, attached garage, lot clze 50' x 126. Taxes $275. $17,500 - 3-bedmcom bungalow, spaciaus living grooms, kit- cheis, batlsom MfItbase- ment, F/A ait heating. pcved drivesecy, 6% N.M.A. mort- gage, close 10 public and bigis schacis. Cati Bob Cross 878. 4892 an 878-292. 'ROUNTAIINVIEW DR. - 3.bed- mcom bungalow, coisislisg of a living roo,iitcheo. bath- romm.fual basement, 'F/A oft hoaiing. Asking pie $16500. E. S. French and Sons Buy or SeIl the Modern Septie Tank Pansplssg Way - Photo M.L.S. Domextil and Industrlal lerohors af the Brampton Milton 87"-869 Reel Esiate Board. ioarmeriy operated by Office apen ta 9 pro. - Bob Irving) *oiday ta Tbursday, 16e-if 117c5 CLASSIFIED RATES 8 HELP WANTEO 8 HELP WANTED 16 SERVICES y Gaay RELIABLE persan ta care for HOUSEWiVES, ern extra ED. McMULLEN -36tf Telephone -he Canadien 191 man i 6 children during summer money daing telephone sales Cnrco months, 115 ta $20 weekly. work at home. NO invcstlment. electric 878&3341 Chmpiont MitIon, Ontrio Phase Mrs. Strath 878-9529 chter Guaranteed pradact. Lig8htmat.0* 8>attUhIi Cenent Woek 1cS-3801 BUt5TH ZaATit, A. naaAa, i-aMvTUCaaaoUDM AxasAoxa. ffe. 7 p.m. l8c5-37 t er Coi-p. Ltd.,..Box 451, 0 Chlnmnaytand PIlIace kice GAOtU4NTS - N. Chrge. Hamilttan, Ont. 0 O77 .eExterlor 8tticco tck 80 VB FRa-.Rth.-en slseai sct er là .»>e> SALESMEN and women seant- CPlastartna Rpin -Oc.Par40"rd temeah..a nt beecttasa (»e mer dtaffl.) ed fait or part time ta selI cam- siz 9. asd .t sdl m hs.a> etaei.t sb. O . ae im0 plete ine of hame crepro- PooAtn8311 6 pro. C dtM.ena e InaOte fl - *.5 o>trt 91 ne ducts. Write Champion Box 136., C PABLE îictt 1c5-3787 ge er ash " iltionat l»e. 191 Main St., Miton. 8b4-3717 C INe Meaittate- 0.p e pa Ue fse se . icyces. CLAEIInM ISPLAY. liRAI. E TATR - $1.40 par U- irw1h>l5* mRIdem man ta work on SECRETARY Weed Spryn >oi-t St.i . xsaaetas.e Lmit-ti-ans-s iP.-.>F. moder.dairy and fruit farm, 1c5-3811 BOX >esteMBIMt. thi. ofice- 2 dt-.145.. .sperienced preferred, gaad w. For comptete weed contrai ges, f rer house. hydro, fuel etc. Required for doctors office, on lawns and fietds od con- DEADLINE IS 12 NOON TUESDAY Roy Laidlaw. Norval, 8658M23. Previoas eperience an asset. CALL vitte 854 8c5-3746 ile cS-3786 S satary and working con- om s adcpn LADIES or genttemen, extra GdiFomoaoandsa. ad 20; BIR Th Canadien Champion, Wednesdey, Jane 7, 1967 j S can be yoars, eventngs or 878-3263 1 Green ___________________________ pare time. Beetine Fashion Sty- Apyi rtn ihpri 6t lc5%-3812 ist reqaired. Top commission. Aptcniltn ihpat-tbt a 3o ANIMALS FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE Phone Jean Mackenzie 8776376 caars ta: c andi- Georgetowen. gc7.3704 c-385t 10 PIS, 3 monthi otd. 878- Champion Box 159 WantR chLd be, 9443. 3c5-8* tjll SHIPPER FOR 11Mi iMlo. Crtppied and Dsablad Cows ted~k asand* 19 MinSt, ilon .67, 159 il YORKSHIRE ptgs. 10 III'usaii'J. SCPAL WP6IKE e adHoe tc_%-3740) weeks aid. 854-2655. 3c5-3808Yonma rfre.2 u G" - Cycte 6 PNOS, 12 weeks otd; 10 pigs. 0F UNUSED MILES Applyr ____________ incn- we8s8- td. Wtsn cDo3wei2 t I AVAILABLE IN Dufferin sQ.uarries 9 EMPLOYMEMT WAMTED Lc o.13l28Ca rae. 3 ST. BERlNARD paps, regîster- EVERY ONE 0F THESE 8715 aedw U914 ýparator; ed femates, 6 weeks otd. Phone 8865 MARRIED mas, 5 chlidren, aedw MU914 IC.84878-3427. 31111 USdC rean i____________desires yeai- araand work on Mi Stype- SADDLE horses: back geid- mediaieiy. John Hant, R.R. 2, a. Phone ing. 15.2; chesinat geiding, 16.2. Soe re,6244.9537 ey.- Suit chidren or adatts.5.Phone, Trucks HeIp Wanted SinyCek6254.c-37 17 REAL ESTATE Palera 82-310. 3MA38E 9 x 12; ier. Ait 78-2115.' lc5-3793 1 1 1 1 eW «X IF* R YWOI