Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jul 1967, p. 2

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2The Canadian Champion, Wednesdsy, Juiy 12, 1967 DRUMQUIN Teachers bid farewell to studenis, de parting staff at close of school NEW OPICERS o-er nstaiied auth1e oeekip meeing of the Roary Club of Mlton last week as ineosing president Dalton McOuaig received the gavel from reeiing president John Bown. rom the left are J. M. Ledwitb as secretarv, Brt Porter, drector; Me. Mcuig and Dr. Bown, Lachie McKesie, drectoe and Noro- Pearce, eirector. Treasarer Brll Wood and Drector Don Kennedy o-eeflot pensent for the prtare. (Staff Photo) Milton Cou nci B ri Duing a regutar meeting on HI Munday Milton Councli: P 0 Accepîrd 1e omer tendere le ut S. A.Puy and Sans Ltd. for 01 ie condi:ionieg the geocrat Pl offices aI 16e tusen hall. The tender mas Euer$1,4.4MTheloth- cc e tender recc~ived mas Eue G] $1, 538.50, subsitîrd by G.' Bun - dv. Couniltar C. Puy abstalo E cd fr.rm paticipating in thePs suting and discussion. c 0 Nted il mas nul possible CI ta, abatc Itases as requcstcd bv bt many paths ONE GOD many colours ONE RACE many countrie ONE WORLD THIS VITAL YOUNG RELIGION Church Services MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. 8782022 F Christians gtbeeed in the name ufth1e Lord Jesus Christ. (Math. 18: 20) Lords Day B SUNDAY, JULY tth. 1967 10.30 a.m.-Breukiog af Bread. 12.15 pm.-Sunday Sehool, 7.86 p.m.-Gospel Service. Wedoesday. 8 p.rn. - Prayer and Bible reeding. Att are welcome ta Ibese services. For Chrst atsabath once saterdifur sns, the jostiaer the anjust. tha: He mîght brrng os to God. Is: Peter 3.8 THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Liasville - Zimmerman Pstoral Charge 'Corme close lu God and He Nii came close ta youu SUNDAY, JULY tth, 1967 Lowsille United O.urch Guelph Line Organit. Mes. J. R, Davey. 10.00 arn.-Divine Wrshrp Everyuu. elcama No serrec at Zmseeesan Church. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH of THE UNITED CHURCH OP CANADA Main St. at James St. Minister: Rev. C. A. Haincc, BA. B.D. Deganist and Choir Leader: Mes. Harold Magee. SUNDAY, JULY 16th, 1967 10.38 a.r.-Morning Worship. Sermon generIl therne Little knu a men Aut he Bible." Subject - "Mach outIofai atittî". Knox Presbyterran Cborch sili sorshrp îhruugh Jais in St. PauaIs United Church. A Registered Nurse sel bc rer- sent in the cri6 romr. Invitation la al, EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Commerciat Street, Milton Minister: Pator Clayton Cles 8784473 878-3542 The Lrds Day SUNIDAY, JULY 161, 1967 9.45 a.m.-Sunday Sehool Eue ail, 11,00 a.r.-.Mornisg Worship. 5.30 p.m.-Youtb Tirne. 6.50 p.r.-Song Service, 7.00 p.m.-Evening Worship. Nurseey at Sunday services,. Wednesday, 8 p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. Ail Are Warmiày WeleaOmOd BOSTON AND OMAOH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Minister Rrv. Stanley E. Srnith. B.A. SLNI)AY, JULY 1ttb 1967 Buth Cburchc-. and Sondav Schoots el 6ebctosed dur- iog Jois. The congeegat- ions are rnvitcd ta mur- sh:p aI St. Pouls% United Church. Milton,.in the juin t service seith Knon Prrs'oyterran Church. GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Mitton,Otario. Rectue: Rev. T. M. Duston, B.A.. B.D., D.D. Associate: Rev. Canon F. H . Mason. M.A., B.D. SIJNDAY, JULY 16. 1967 Trnits VIII SUMMER SCHEDULE 88oa.m.-Hatv Communion. 10.00 a.m-Holv Cummunion and Sermon. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A local assrmbly ut THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES OF CANADA Pastor: Rev. M. Christensett LORD'S DAY SUNDAY. JULY tbth, 1967 9.45 a.m.-Sunday Schoi, 1.00 a.m.-Morving Woeship. 7.00 p.rn.-Evangellstle Service. Wcdnesday, 8 pm.-Bible S9w. dy and Proyer Meeting. Peiday. 8 p.m.-Young Pecoples' Service. A Chureh You Can Malte Youe Home A Wormn Wetcome t0 Everynne KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister Rens J. K. L. MeGoven, . A. 878-6066 878-2632 1O corne, Ict us moesbip and hum duo; ltlus kneeI before the Lord our Maker." SIJNDAY, JULY 1616, 1967 10.00 o.m.-Muening Wueship jointty* vmilh St. Pool's Un- ied cangrc'grtion in St. Poul's chuech. Ee. Chart- es Hainee conducting. CHURCH OP CHRIST 0MAGH No. 5 Sideroad. and 4t6 Line Trafalgar SUNDAY, JULY 1616, 1967 10.00 arn-Bible Sehuol Claie- ns fue aIl ages. 11.00 a.rne-JMorning Worshtp. 0.00 of the Gosple. ACCOIJNTING EARL G. BLACK B. Commr.' .RIA., C.A. Chattered Accountant Municipal Auditor 0 B.t4163 Main Street P JOn 40 Milton, ont' t 978-6542 r ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER a B.Arch. - M.R.A.1.C. s l7A Miii Street. Suite 2. Actona Telephone 853-2740 or t 20 Stavebank Rd.. Port Credît 274:3428 Office Houes by Appointmenl AUCTIONEERS c FRANK PETCH Aucti oneer and Evaluator 30 Chapel St. E.. Georgetown r Telephone 877-2864 CHIROPRACTORS A. P. KENT, D.C. Doctor ut Chiropractie 237 Rings Court C rescent Corner Martin St. Mondas, Wednesdav. Thursday I p.m. to,9 p.m. Tuesday and Friday 9 a.m 1t0 6 p.m. Satorday Il ar..ta 3 p.m. Phice 878-2031 INSU RANCE CO.OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Auto-Home. Protect:on-Accid- ent and Sickness -F.rmity Liability Farm Liabilito Yoor Milton Agent Mes. Theu Kurz R. R. No. Milton Phone 178.9741 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE FUNERAL HOME Compktte Air Conditioning Sincre. Courteous Service Night or Daî 8784452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, 0.0. 184 Main St., Milton Phone 878-9972 Res. 878-9678 Houes:' TUESDAYS. 9 S p.m. FR1t8AYS, 99 um. 10 8 p.m. WM. C. MIILIGAN. O.D. 111 Trafalgar Rd.. Oakville Offlice H4oues Daiiy including Saturday, ar. C.:ll 845-1511 Eue appuisîmeor LIBRARY HOURS Tuesday, Thursdav and Friday 12 sous lu 3.30; 6.30 lu 9.00 Mondav, 12 nOus 10o 5.30 Wednesday, 9.30.12, 1-5.30 Ciosed ail day Saturday. By Mes. Ceeil Pattersan Me. and Mes. Denois Solder enter tainrd at their apartment hume ru Tht Diptoseat. Ou- tario Street, an Thursday even- rag. Jane 29, the students of ron 60: , grade 8 ctass of Percy %3. Ste rscshoot aifschrch Mes. Socile:irha-. beer tcrcr for he g.rst sar. Abouat 30 happy boys and gi:ls gatheeed at 8 p.m. for a %randerlul e: cing ut paty lu, games, cotests, records and taod sere the highlights tur the teenagers. The paety, hoted hy Mr. and Mes. Solder. il long 6e rememhered by 6cr pupils as a pteasing may ta close att thcie pubtic sehool flte andl sas mach appreciated bs ait. As a loken af affection and respect the ciass preeted rhirrrcachesith a pair of H.Harris, on propcrtp 6e re- purtcd seas tau smati for build- g and which neighboring awnrrs ocre nu: interested in urchasing. 0 Approved pavmcntot ut onts tutatting $92.054.52. e Espiainvd the M i 1ton GirIs' Pipc Band had no1 bren sed for the Centennial Park redicatian and Charch Service since a bras-. band ssas requie- cd ta ptav the hvsens. Mayor ChitIds reporîrd the girts had bero natifird thev svould hc rarticipating on the cetebra- tions in August. e Authorized the building in- pector tu peosecute ans pr- on seho viotates the building egutations. e I oslructed Solicitor T. Hiden tu investigate the rights oI Arcbto Service ta a sater coonectioo tramn the Kel- salie, stece bc sotd bts tarin. e Directrd a letter tualthe :wners askisg that trsucks ap- tcuach the former bus Eaelory propeety train the Ontario St. rad reeentiy costructed ru- ter than using George St. e Was advised by the On- taria Municipat Board the tosons application for appeov- at of dehentures for the con- structionofuth1e 61gb seboul addition moutd 6c hetd usal the quota for 1967 bas bren es- tabtishud. e Reptird ta a lettr front Planning Board Chairsean M. Kernighao. doaliig suitb the suggcstiso tut caveroge bceio- creascd and the cunftict' la parking reqairements, suggest- ing t6e tuen's original mrotion cattcd far parking requie ment-. ta bccomptird witb. e Agreed 1th e alercommit- tee wautd mcc:tseith represett. ta tises of Miltton Brick regard- tng their apptication for water sioce there -assomneonfu- siononO wbrthee t6e cumpany was intcrestcd io the cost "of draming 1he mater ta the site" or hoving il pipcd in.Fi was suggrsted t6e eompony bt questiaoed on sehether it would offer a tetter support- ing brie anocoatian to the tomo. DO AS 1 SAY Golt, t6e popular gamte r mitlions, bas an early bistot ut interering witb duty. Dui ing the 151h century in Scol tond partiament issurd the decrecesurgittg the "gotte" t 6e abotished in fanor ut arci erv. then essentil in delec ing the nation. These effort ta suppres-. t6e gamtessci unsuccestfut, 6r:cver, Fort1h Scots continurd to swaî tl bat], even James IV sehos partioment bad passed Il bhird decrer. tE br- ,ts caeved souaden candte hoiders for seicb sbe espressed ber s tbonks. Tbe presentation wusN made by Duncan Craig. c Witb fond farewsotis, the par-a ty ended sitb good wishes lu s tbe students. wbo witt 6e ut- tending Wbite Secondarvk Schout ses: scar, foiar ces tut future in their ch,,sen car- la eporllng the gradoates of i grade 8 ciass of Percy W. Mer- ev sehoolthte namne of Cecila Patteeson svas omtted. We arer sorey Cecii. Congralations5 and good luck to v:u and Voure clas-.mates.h Me. and Mr. Laery ForbesV veeaiso guesIs ut tbe gradev 8 parts'at Me. and Me... Snid- c Frlends ln thîs district seerei sers ta Icuen uf tbe passingf of Mrs. Lamne kuce of Ok- ville. Si ncere sympotby is en-c tcnded tu ber hushand andc family, Carol, Larrv and John,i in bhei r surrose. Scrgcant Alfred Huoks ut thc Safcty Disision of tbe Oak- %lic Police visited Percy W. Meery Scbool an Tbursday,1 June 29 at 9 am. asmbyand1 gare is ctasing safety mess-1 agc for the ear. He advised thc tueents to use cveey pre- cationsrilesswimng, walk- ing, riding a bcte or in mos- ng vscbictes and hoped Ibeir sommer balidrs' mouid 6e a safe anc. He awarded badges 10 the boss,.and girls of the bus pot- rts:rrandîcommndcr ttem for crs ing of their time and effort n supers isiug students on0 the buscs and ut stops. The Safets Diision bad sp<nsoeed as slety jingte con- test -prizerwi nners ut Percv Mer:-. sesrc Jadv Chase and Rick Taityn. thev reeeived centeoniat sitvcr dotlars for bhvreingles. Grade 8 clans put un the as- scorbi peugrm un Jone 29 ut Pcrcs' W Mers seboal in the torse ut a sit supeevised 6v IheiretercereMes. Susan Soi- At the close of the sehool scaechstodcnt received a rentenorai srovenir medal and isrr thir report eurd-.. Att teachesseotou t ta sec the bases depaet and tru wave the students a guod-bve and happy but iday. Then eafftol en gathered in the tcaebees rarrm far a fore- sveri party for severa t of Ibheir numbvr who are traving for rther techrng positiorns. The parts saseonvencd bs Mes. A. Fisher, Mes. R. Beuseneidgc. Mes. Clasiro and Miss Cher- ringtan. Gifîs serre presented 6v Miss Whitborne and Miss Baae sume atuminum caeved tray; Mes. Lee, a cared atumioamn cake ptate; Mes. Hanson, an aluminum i ras ssith crvstat in- sert and spuon: Me. DIto and Me. Porbes vssre given traîher kev case. Me. White. principat, a perentcd svith o bandsame desk set, Mes. Brosso ridge gisc ing the addeess and the gift. Ai leachers espressed their appeeciation for the gifts and regrets of leasing Percy Merry Sehool, baving spcot a mast rnoyabte yeae in the sehool. Mes. Lee, Me. Forbes, and Me. White wselt e teaching Eue Oak- silte Sehuol Board; Mes. Soi. der sel6e on the Milton schoot staff and Mes. Hanson is planning soitb ber husband for a tour of Europe. A drticiou. tunchaf ice cream. steasebeeries. cake and coffe sas sered and a social hatf hour en luyed. Ciass parties serre hetd and grfts prescnted to their teacb- ers 6v many of the students. Get weIl wlshes lu Bort Me- Mittan, ciglirme.,seho is con- fincd tri bis hume. Wr hope bc is souri ablt lb6eooitagain. Brthday greetiogs tu Judy Saunders, Sharon Metanson. Debhie 'Nertands, Sharon Pres- tige, Kenneth Aldeeson, Carat Ayres. Murray Greston, Mark Patchett, Lyno Stewart, Lioda Kueozig. Roberta Brown, Jolie Soase. A pleasant afteenoon was speot ai 16e home of Mes. T. Atdeson on Wedoesday, July 5 sehen the U.C.W. and the ELECTRICITY IS OUR BUSINESS Dont b. a Tinkerer wlth Eleclriclty. CaO un expert for *HEATING *WIRING *NEW CIRCUITS *ADOITIONAL OUTLETS *OUTDOOR LIGHTS FEATHERSTONE ELECTRIC 878-6378 yuung girls of Bethel coures gatbered for a picole on the lasen. Many cootests mcmeojoyed, mnystery bag. won by Gladys Featerstn; sloganoconlest, Vieki Leslie and Mes. Joan Witiamson; hall throming b:c korrdsi, Me-. Sta:nley Mc- HJugli;, junior girls race, Shel- ley L".ic. senior girl s race. Debra MeHugh rsakiog words feom "ceoytenniai won t.y Mrl. Wiliumson with 40 and Giadys Peatherston; tucky spot, Mes. Fred Tuck. Balloons seere giv- lu t the childeen. A dellelos piesie lunch wai served und al enjoyed a .social time. A vote oE thanks lu the hon- tes, was tendered by Mes. E. Bull and shte also predented Mes. Keith Huwkes with a gift t rom the U.C.W. Eue ber no-g baby son Daniel. Mes. Tuek thanked the sports commttee \Nirîna Jean and Velma Bal for a fine proEramt. About 30 attended Ibis event. Deinition of income eux torses: Blankety Blanks! MILTON 87&-3272 Show Times laY UN.8tht.THUtSI 7 &9 p.m. THEATRE Sturday 2 p.m. THURS..FRI..SAT. JULY 131415 "KALEIDOSCOPE" - Color WARREN BEATTY - SUSANNAH YORK "METRO IN MINIATURE" "HIGHWAY RUNNERY" - Cartoon Saturday Matinea 2 p.m. SUN-,MON.-TUES. JULY 16-1718 "KISS THE GIRLS AND MAKE THEM DIE" MICHAEL CONNORS - DOROTHY PROVINE Aduit - Color "STUDY IN TERROR" - Adult - Color CHRISTOPHER LEE WED.-THURS..FRI..SAT. JUI.Y 1920.21.22 "THE PROFESSIONALS" - Aduit - Color BURT LANCASTER - LEE MARVIN "GUNSNOE MAGOO"1 - Caroon, Satueday Mains. 2 p.m. PLAZA TH E SHOWPLACE 131 Sp.." Rd. t Kerr St. 84"483 OAKVILLE - ONTARIO LAST DAY - WEDNESDAY, JULY 12 'Beach Bail & Easy Corne, Easy Go" ONE COMPLET! SHOW - 7.30 P.M. JULY 13 - 15 - THURS. - FRI. - SAT. "BULLWHIP GRIFFIN" iSTARRING RODDY McDOWALL-A WaIt Disney Production Show Timon: Eve. 7 end 9.10 p.m. i Main.. Salurday - 2 p.m. I RECOMMENDED AS AOULT ENTERTAINMENT iJuIy 1620 - Sun. - Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - Thurs. i "DEADLIER THAN THE MALE" Starring RICHARD JOHNSON AND ELKE SOMMERS Second Big Hit - "BEAU GESTE" WITH GUY STOCKWELL I Show Timon: Main.. Sanday 1.30 p.m. I EVE. On. Compots Show aI 7.30 p.m. "BEAU GESTE" - 9 P.M. THE WASHER WITH A 12 YEAIR - MUARANTE- PRICED PROM ONLY $119.95 No Dowvn $2.00àaW..k AT CHASES,. Home Appliances 181 Tel. Mili St. B7B-3221 LIMITED TIME OFFER TIP-SHEARED ""501»" NYLON BROADLOOM IN EGYPTIAN GOLD ESMAU RUGS, VARIETY OF 5 5 QUATY CLO &PRICES 59. - 513 AT o.YD The Milton Plaza Association MONTHLY BABY BONUS CONTEST MRS. VERA BAILEY, IIORNBY WINNER 0F $1500 In Our June Baby Bonus Award- 0 You Too May be a Winner - Just Depomit an Entry at any Milton Plaza Store or Business

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