The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, JuIy 12, 1967 -5 Esuiesa. Cudi t it fir ai SU M; Gt tel ai Ti tl Gi di fil SCNOOL IS OUT, but dont fret, moîbers. Send In the front rom trom l 10t rigbl the inslruc- yeur loi 10ose of Muions Imo playgrounds lors are, Celesie Scoufield, Anne Weise, Magou ai J. M. Denyes and W. 1. Dick chools for iheir Clarkson, Gail Evans; (second rom), Tins Zink, sommer fun. The chi ldeen are laken tare of by loge Jensen, Marîba Waldie, Linda BiloîkI and able insruclors, learo crafts, take pari ln vari- Jefery Clarkson; (back row), hiz Noble, Marias aous games and suy happy and conent while Reinhardt, Sandy Hutchinson and playground 'mom' gels a clear mack ai the housework. supervsor Paut oster. (Saff Photo) "Just breathtaking" Essay earns firee Expo trip tngrd Falk,. 15, of Mill Sreet became the firsl Miltonian ta earn an espensr-paid trip to Espo. Ingridi mas one of ifty students front Onario an d Quebec chosen as inners of the Espo 67 Sludent Essay con test sponsored bv Dominion Stores Limited. Ingrd waa cheoatdue tlutlb escellence of bier esay mnilte "Wbby I want t10 go 10 Expo." The group lew domo MondaY July 3, visited Espo Monday f Tuesday, Thursday andti Fn day iaking W.dnsday Off for horsebacti riding. swimming, . r and a visit le, a zuo in Mont-. real. A bus %vas chartered for thse group during Ibeir siay in é a MnIreraI. t Wccn askrd about whai she' found greaiesi at Expo, Ingrid. mas unable 10 ansmer "ils aIll AX Skits about modern problems resented bv Mrs. J. Beaton Mrs. Murray Mahon mas the hostess for the June meeting ut tht Nassagaweya Woraen's Inslitule. Foiiowing the del- iciuus pot iuck lunch, Mrs. David DeBlauvv opeord the meeting witb a puera "Can- ada." Tht Ode aitd Mary Stew- art Colrct mere repeaird in unison. Roll cali mas answ- errd hs naming a favorite bird. Mrs. J. R. Henry gave the secretarys report and reati tht treasurers report prepar- ed by Mrs. Fred Edwards Tht membrrs agrerd lu serve tht dsser course 10 the Grade i graduating studenîs, Ms. Edna Gertrude Henry% dird at Milton District Hospi' tl June 30 af'er being ilI for1 10 days. Mrs. Henry was in ber 77ib year. She is survivtd by ber child' res. Mervyit ut Aurora and daugblers Sella (Mrs. Gordon Lucy), Derotby (Mrs. Lorne Eltwoodl. Jean (Mes. George Fetcher) and 'Bety (Mes. Bruce Ervini. She leases ber brothers Jim TTomer of Detro- i, AI Turner ut Toronto and Fred Turner of Brandon and sisters Alice Watson ut Mine- dosa. Lottie Stata ut Winnipeg and Bessie Taylor ut Milton. Born iM Phepstone, Ontario, Ms. Henry mas married 10 tht laIe Thus. A. Henry in AI- sack, Saskatchewan. They ived n Tisdair, Saskatchewan, for tint years before rauving lu, Ontario and seilid in Milton. Mrs. H'enry mas a resideni ut Milton for 25 years. Rev. Chalts Hainer officiai' ed at the tarerai service Jily 3 aI MdKersie Funeral Horne MONKEY BUSINESS Oniy hait the calis Ihat corne 10 the Ciiy and Council Fire Deparment io Jackson- ville, Fia . are reiaîed lu ires. Firernen have dune everyihing 'tra reraoving cals irapped indide walis tu deivering bah- irs. Tbey've heen caiied lu re- m4ve rattiesnabes rom. air conditi'.,ners, cals rom trees, and 'maii 'boys rom fulding garagt doors. The deparimenl taiitd lu ansmel a cal ut a moman whose munkey bad roc Uup a 'big oah irre by say- ing that 0 mwas doubi-ful if any fireman couid ouliira a mon- key. parents and teachers. Following thse business ors- sion, Mrs. J. R. Henry calledl on Mrs. J. L. Bealon who pres. enird three o ber interesiing sits dealing witb modem probleras. entitlîd "The New Neigbbors." "To Be Born or Nul Be Bora." and "ýSt. Peter Look i a Me."' Those assisling Mrs. Beaton were Mes. J. R. Henry, Mes. B. D. Young, Mes. Murray Mabon, Mes. Marshall Pyatî. Mes. Hailie 'Prier. Mrs. Marshall Pyatt express' cd appreciation of the mera- bers to ai]thiose who cotri- butrd 10 a mosi enjoyabte meeting. mitb the inlerment aI Ever' green Crmetery. Merv and Barry Fletcher, Richard and Thomas Henry and Gary and Bill Lucy, al ruedsons of Mes. Henry, mece palibearers. jusi breathtaking, il Iraves you j %peechless'. She pickedth ien Russian, Czechoslovakian and Telephone Association pavil. ions as being outstanding. She i esplaîned that to gel (010 any e real gooti pavilion meani wail- ti Mng for an bour but tatking te other peuple and escbanging t stonies abuta what the other parly bas tees made the mail bearable. "The mini rail was josi fan- tasuec, t'vr neyer sert anvibing Dire il," Inerid remarked. "Quack cures" Can't help you Fear ut sungery tan drive calaracî sufferers imb the bands of quacks. These quacti "Cures" or "mir-acle" draps, esercise, electrit gadgets or borne surgrry rnay cause the eventual loss of sighl. Ont quack bas bers known lu show a drird split pea andi dlaim Ibis mas a cataractl(ens be bad removed f romt bis vic- lira. Catarac i a ot a film grum. ing over the lens. bol a change or clouding in the lens of the ryr itself mhicb blockss ihe normal passage ut ligbl rays through the pupil to, tht retina - the light.sensitive tissue in the hack ut the ryr. Cataracts are not is(ectious or contagious. Tbey are not caused hy osing tbe eyes for reading. sewiog, TV or movies. Cataracta tan occur ai any age. but most arr (oued io the ryrs ot aIder peuple. Tht cause ufthiese 'senile" catar- acts in persons over 55 is nul kom. Today, patients no longer bave lu waii for a cataract 10 "ripen" before corrective sur- gery. Delay on the patient's part lu suhmil lu a sale and etfective cataract operation could matie the removal ut an "tiser-ripe" cataract difficuit. Vacation: A period during mhich you (md oui wbere la sIav awav (rom nent year. Favors setting up own fure1 depta New camping area - - -à." L- j à. v L Esquesing council deciibed a ,udy of the feasibitity of set- ig Up the township's own re deparimeni in the area îw covered by Georgetown ire depariment was in order tt heir regular meeting lasi Peek. Cierti K. C. Lindsay was in ructed 10 contact the Pire [arshal's office 10 arrange for irneone io corne oui and rive zidance. The township signed an ag- ement wiih the town of rorgeiown ibis year oniy af- r proionged disagreemeni about some of the charges. rhe town pulird a swiich on te township asking themn to rmove their truck fromt the Georgetown fire hall if they ido't sîgn by April 30. Esquesing reluctantly agreed tpuy 45 per crnt of the iown's fre deparimeni budget which mounied to 513,145 - and signed. Subaequently rouncillors were influenced by suggestions bey set up iheir own fire de- parimeni. Depuiy-reeve George Currne suggested council spend haif aday in Chinguacousy toms- hip 10 see how ibeir sysiera wortis. Councilior Tom Hill said the irsi requiremeni was volun- reer firemen. He aisosiressed he need for a building wiih an apariment ah ove sosomeone couid be on 24 hour duiy. He expressed the hope some ex- perienced firemen f romt the Georgetown brigade w n ul d join 10 form ithe nucleus of the îrw brigade. Unaned atreela in Gien Williams were iagged wiih lames and road suprriniend- eni Bud Snow was instrucird to acquire tbe necessary signs and erect ibem ai all intersec- tions in Gien Williams. Changes made were: WATCHII FOR OUR SELECTUON 0F Textile Bargauns And Remnants ARRIVING SHORTLY 1 N DRESSES BUY ONE AND GET ONE FOR.. e tnstructed thetclerk t- tosare atarI'eiso ion of oUitd Gas Lid. tu ex- tend iheir business on Cobble Hill in Acion. e Ordered compensation paid io J. S. Aikinson (125.00) and A. N. Stark ($5.00) for sheep destroyed by dogs in the township. Aiso S700 be paid James Ruddrii for one (os des- lroved. Reeve George i Lvprcsid- cd for the meeting witb Orpu- iv Reeve G. Crnie and cour- ciliors Thomas illi and James Goodiet in attendance. A new groop campsite is be- ing devetopeti ai the rasi end of Kelso Conservation Ares, and sbould be open to the pub- lic orsi week. Kelso auperin- tendent Ross Johnson reports. Until ibis year, groups desîr- ing camping space bave used a portion of the park ai the west end of the lake. Bol Kelso wili bost the Milton Rover Crrw's area jamboree Iis sommer and a new campsite mas needed, so a 10 acre sila is being opened iap rasi ot the swîmming pool. "The Rovers are contribuiing a lot of urne and effort andi they are a neal beptp luos" Mr. Johnson sali. The mile la seeude and seclu- ded. It is being cleaneti op andi a well and fouibritige over the ceeek are being consinucted. Kelso dorsnoui cater to indi- vidual carapers but is availabte for groups wbo reserve the space tbrougb the Oalton Reg- ion Conservation Authority in Milton. 9 The lane in the Multen subdivision wili be called Mal- len Lane. e The extension of Haines Crescent down iQ Tweddle Si. be changed frora Back Si. to Haines Crescent. e The right-of-way extend- iasg frora Tweddle St. into the Bennett subdivision is 10 he caiîed Bennett Place. Council also: e Passed a by-iaw allowing for an addiiional $27,000 mxpm- dilue on roads for 1967. 0 Insirucird the treasuler to pay road accounîs of $38,- 387.69. e Approved the proposed capital expendîtore of $50,000 for iraprovements bv George- town district bigb scbool board. auleSchuil epes atlkW My Gospe Alhougb oniy 17 youngsters were on hand for tbe opening day of the daily Vacation Bible School ai Higbway Gospel Churcb it is expecird ibat their number would increase consid- erabiy for the remainder ofthie five day program, extending fromt July 10 tbrougb Juiy 14, from 9.30 10 11.30 eacb morn. 'ne. The program, invoiving eigbi leaders and youngsters rang- ing from babies on up 10 age 12, is broken up inîo a period of singing, a slory limte, piayý urne and a session of crafis and bandicraffs. Rev. M. C. Chrisiensen is in charge ut the programn and ne- reives able assistance (rom Mes, S. Sherrat. Mrs. F. Cook, Mrs. B. Crawford, Mrs. P. Crawford. Beib Crawford, Ste- phen Crawford, Barbara Kemp- ffer and Kar2-n Wright. CHILDREN'S SUMMER CLEARANCE 0 SLIM SETS *SHORT SETS *TOPS AiLIf *SHORTS *SLIMS SUIES 12 - 24 MO., 2 - ax,4 -eX,7 -14 0 While SHELLS and SLEEVELESS BLOUSES They SHORTS Rg$298 ...-....$498 i*STRAW BAGS Reg. $898 --.... $5.44 t4 0D.z SKIRTS lReg. $1698-----$1019 e>J(î FAMILY FASHION 228 MAIN STr. - 878-2067 \ý (-Y\ fyu-mk:\ ý 1 OFFI OBITUARY Mrs. Ednas Henry BIlue Bonnet MARGARINE, 1-lb. 2 for 69c KeIIogg's CORN FLAKES, 1 2-oz.. 3 for 89c Supreme PEANUT BUTTER, 16-oz. 2 for 69c Facelle Moderne BATHROOM TISSUE, 1 ply. 4 rolla 49c Facelle Moderne FACIAL TISSUE, 6 boxes $1. Fresh Grade 'A' CHICKEN .. ... 37c IL CHICKEN LEGS -------------------49c IL PORK CHOPS..................----------65c lb. PEAMEAL BACON... ....-------- 75c lb. Maple Leaf WIENERS .. ------ 49c pkg. BRANDED BABY BEEF SIRLOIN T.BONE c ROUND 89lb * FREE DELIVERY * Joe's General Store 176 Main St. Milton 878-3161 LADIES' SUMMER Sportswear Clearance SAVE MONEY on a FREEZER NOW 25 CUBIC FEET ONLY s2 9 Other Freezers for As Low As $159. ISAVE ON YOUR FOOD BILL 0SBUY ON EASY BUDGET TERMS 0 RI1CH A R D SONIS RADIO & TV @ We Service 200 Main St. E. Whet We Sell Phone 878-949