Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Nov 1967, p. 16

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('~Don Stewart author <~of book on early X 0Canadian furniture - - .111 200 pkctues heiplul text in ne w hok A Guide lu Pre-Cosiederat- ion Furniture ut Englisb Can- ada" includes for the pleasore ut cossoisseors and the en- lightenment ut the latesI re- crolit%. over 200 phoseraphs, includisg four full-page color plates ut uutslanding examsp' les ut Canadian bond crafted turnitore. This i. in eltecI. o picturial guide lu as varied collection at dcligbtlul pieces rasgisg from th e "primitives" mode by the ear]% Lovalîsîs for their kit- chens. ' lu the intrinsicallp beautîlul work ut the cabinet mabers of tipper Canada (1791- 1841) and Canada West (1841- 1867). Eacb chapter deuls mitb a rous in the pionner bousse and in eai. are assembled the pieces of turniture wicb vouold bave hemn fousd tbere n early days. The et supplira ips un buw tu recognize sucb astiqu- es, and a means ut determin- isg authesticits and approi' mate age of eacb type of for niture. Captions accumpany- ne 'be pbotograpbs point ouI salient teatures, dates and wbere the piece was touud. The loremord mas written bv Dr. E. Clark Noble. OBE., member of Advisurv Board. Historie Sites Commite. Black Creeb Pionseer Village. For the inveterate collector, Ibis "tour" îbrougb as imugis- arv pioseer bouse will brisg the pleasore ut recognition and cumparison. and or the amateur a wetcome chance 10 ind the answsers 10 masv of bis questions. BURUINGTON Councîl rec,.nclecl ,a bv-i>î passed one miinth ,îgui.'ranI' ne lb ree sear îerms Iofloffce to council. public utîilies n ,chou> boaîrd îîltiî.als. A petition bearing 763 Hîr- lington reiîlents' signatuîre, wssubmittec lu î.îuncil hv the Borlînglun J,îscees. Ger- a d Beer. presideui of the Jun- or Chamber of Coîmmerce,. îîppused the trcb rlr and aid corc il h,îad oa oblig,îiin Iolutcithe peuple decide wbetber thev atc the lb ree vear ein rîni t her' than the sIo sear s5h51 NOW AN DARK 0 LIGHT FRESH! GOOD TASTINGI 8060 SOURCE OF PROIEIN Mt !MA IET WL 1 tes. TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR CROCER TOOAY-- WN mmmmmm Scave,10e ON FAMOUS RITE DIET BREAD TO DEALER: Y...,.,iýedt..Ct...u,.gent in th. Cd.- p. fi.. of this coupon. Your local RI T E DIET baksv ..Il rad..,. thIý coupon 1 "' Y" u the .. er T. AL R he on su ma the cou P. ofentation for redemption without such comrliancesc,.f.,tit,.,teèý fraud.invoicesprovingpurchaseofsufficien stockofourbrands '-v de f d Y-u " n'. I a - fer p 'es- t c ' t Il ici Il . a ub% it .t.. 'r ' d'mp Coupons presented ust be shown upon re uest and tla [ guretodo somay, at ourop ion. vo a b- 'ta'd 'or a on a ble and redemption. This Coupon iseon-transfera lcOuPOnS S tint for in t h I. d.d . H . T.r. ne 90011 Inly on bInds specllied. rash -Iue 112'0 f"J'Y.nOff., ire, te . y% fn.nn et. I FFER EXPIFit.- Ce 'ai DAYS da d 0ffiC.ý of this publication. Westdn Batteries ES IN TEN (10) DAYS --- ----- --------- ------ 13AKED 13Y Â$ÎW (Staff Photos) YOU ARE WARMLY INVITED TO A BAHAI OPEN HOUSE AND A SHOWING 0F THIE COS. FILM "And His Nome Shahl Be One**" enplaining the nature of this vital young religIon Dad's Restaurant, Campbellville WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 8.15 P.M. EVERYONE WELCOME FRE ADMISSION - REFRESIIMENTS Well-ksown through the dis- trict as an astique dealer, dec- orator asd ressorer of old houses, Dos Stewart of Rock- moud bis week makes tilt de- but as as astbor. 'A Guide to Fre-Canadian Confederatios Furtiture ot Engtish Canada", pubîished by Longmans Can- ada, eues on sale Friday, Nov. ember 3. The Stessaris live in ose ut the seves hotels that Rock- ssood boasted tn pre-Pruhibit- ion days atd h ave restored il and eonverted tl intu two large1 apartments. St was in restor- isg asuther oId stune bouse in Rockwood masy years ugoj thal Mr. Stewart caught the lever tor Canadias astiques. Although he opened the Wea- thervane antique shop sn Rockwood in 1963, Mr. Stew- art feels that the restorotios ut old bouses lin mhicb be eus combine bis esperience mitb construclion witb bis antiquar- ion itterestsl is more ressard- isg tban shop-keeping. He bas hadt several commis- sions alose Ibis lise and plans lu spend more lime ut il sn fu- ture. He i s corren tly resturisg the Denison Denn home sear Acton. Mr. Stewart waa hors sn St. Catharines. Being uof'Pennsyl- vasia Dutch descent on bis mothers side, be pursued much ot bis education in the United States. He graduated fromn the University ut South- ers California is mechanicat engineering and bis profession tobk him to masy places on Ibis continent including a stint os the DEW lise and Mid-Can- ada ise. Mr. Stewart's interest is as- tiques 'begas as a hobby and became a mania". He ut ose lime rast as antique shup in The Corporation of tho Town of Burlimgton 1967 Voters' List Notice is hereby given that 1 have com- plied with Section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act and that 1 have posted up at my office at 426 Brant Street, Burlington, on the 3Oth day of October, 1967, the list of ail persons entitled to vote in the municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. In addition to the above, voters' lis have been posted at the following locations: No. 2 FIRE HALL, 1167 Guelph Lise PUBLIC UTILITIES BUILDING, 1340 Brant Street BOARD OF EDUCATION BUILDING, 2050 Guelph Line POST OFFICE, 688 Brant Street SUB-POST OFFICE, 1019 Waterdown Road SUB-POST OFFICE, 694 Spring Gardens Road SUE-POSI OFFICE, 473 Guelph Line SUE-POSI OFFICE, 4015 Nem Street SUB-POST OFFICE, 5375 Lake Shore Road SUB-FOST OFFICE, 570 Plains Road East SUB.POST OFFICE, 2019 Mount Forest Drive KILERIDE POST OFFICE, 2090 Kilbride Street MILTON F0ST OFFICE, Milton And I hereby caîl upon aIl voters ta take immediate proceedings tc0 have any omnissions or errors correct- ed according to, law, the last day for appeal being the 131h day of November, 1967. DATED this 301h day ot October, 1967. WM. K. SIMM, TownnClerk. The above alto refers to the Resident Voters' List. n this list resident persans who are British sobjecîs, were 21 years ot age before October 1, 1967, and were re- siding in Surlinglon on January 1, 1966, are listed as eligible 10 vote. If you are flot able to check the voters' lisI, please cail at the Burlington municipal otfice, 637-3a51, to establish it your name appears in these voters' lista. THE FINAL DATE FOR AFFEALS 15 NOVEMBER 13, 1967. UT Us YOUR RESPONSIBLUTY TO MAKE SURE I HAT YOUR NAME APPFPARS ON THF LIST. W PRICESI IRA ILA KER B. F. GOODRUCH Speeially Doigin.d for SUN 'N' SNOW NYLON Miles cf ighwey Drlving DON'T WAIT FOR THE SNOW - SAVE NOW YOIJR B. F. GOODRICH DEALER ~1 ........... Victoria, B.c., mhicb carried sutbing made ater the reigo oE George 1.01. His ite is alto an antique butE, being partieu- tarly kees un old glass. Many from this district have toured bis sbop ýdurin thé past years, and be bas gained a side reputotios as an able' speaker 10 local groups. To laosch the 'book, a lunch- con was held ai the Weatber- vase os Tuesday, attesded by reporters, book dealers and* publie relations personnel ut Longmans. The locale mas chosens&us guesîs could tee tbe chat-n- seg home. asd alsu tome of bis oms pieces of tursiture mbicb are iscluded in the book. The luseheos was prepared bv 'Mennonites. Aller lunch, the groop tour- cd the charmisg old stone bouse. jusi rosI of Adtos, which 'Mr. Stewart bas just linished restoring for Mr. and Mrs. Denisos Dessy. Tbe humus bodty bas appt-o- nîmately 2,00,00 sweat glands witb about 2,500 pet- square inch os bunds, forebead and soles ut the feet mbere tbey are Most sumerous. COMPIESLAWN AND GARDEN SUVICU No lob Gtacaman or tac, lange lb ComploaMalnfwnSo Service 0 Frehommes. RAUNBOW LANDSCAPING Cal878-2741, 878-2097

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