~Iîmpu YouTH --ON Aider iewwlists stwrt schnl puper The lasi ai the econd group ai stodesis ta execute physical1 fiiness pragrams lac Centra' niai participation medats ai Haiy Rosary Separate Schot bave compieted the games and are awaitisg medtais, principal Sister M. Aexander reparts. Grade 7 studenta ai Miss Weatherdon have iornîed a Journalits graup la estahilish a schoai nesspaper. The firsi number oi the as yet un-namcd monthiy publica- clan wiiI be avaitabie in laie Navember. Chrs Sehauten, a Grade 5 student ai Mrs. Kaas was anc oi twa recipients ai honorable mentians in the recen i Halion County ire Prevenîlan Bureau poster cantesi. Chimpanzees are the oniy apes known ta make totls REMEMBER THERE'S TLISE FSNLY31% A-- SORE Image of teen responsibility shattered by part-time workers by Janet Ferrier Haw many anlookers ai the poulh grneratian think yoong pople do nalhing escepi go ta schuol, wcar outtandish cloih- ing, dance without a pantner, litnta wld music, and go parking? How many onlookers jusi sec the "caver" ai youtb, in- slead ai the contents sithin? Hua many juni sec the made'ap laces ai the girls, and the incrcasingiv long hair styles o the boys? This week. t hope ta gve yaa a peck aI the oth gen. cration thal exisis, nat the false image. Mast kids go ta school, and tbe fi a ba dont are employ' cd in some kind ai work, and as long as il is honesi wrk. the type ai work tbev du sbauld nt bc ridicoted. This as pou sece, s leading op ta ane sublect - part time lobs bing occupied by stud- rnis. i ask yau, is there any- une wbo cas say thep do sot notice the number of studenis working aller scbool and on weekends? Do yau hear ai many parents having ta have a buy Ibeir childrens clath- ng and books orsupplv them witb tbr lcw shings they want? Itlà;asait! parents are respos- sible for their child as long as ibcy are attrndiiig school and arr dependent. i ksaw many young people wha have mark- cd long bel arc ever leaving scboul, pet are stilI classed as dependents o iheir parents by aw. This duiy ai thc parents docs nt stop the youth iromn C.G.I.T. serves tea Members of Milton branch, Canadian Girls in Training. servcd tea for the St. Paults Ujnited Cburcb Ladies' Auxiti, ary Saiurday aiternoon, reports club member Celesie Scho field. The Democratic Hit Parade MOVES ON - r - ec for Miles This is How 3-The Ram tin the Park Ii and Other Thtngs' O 4- Expressway ta Yaur 5-Keep the Bal o e m ' in i Rllin ' 6-'tIncense and Pepper- Nov. 4 - Nov, il mint' 7-'Lave 15 Strange' Ths Weak'a Wtnnee of 8-A Natural Wamas "5" a 9-'!Daydream Believer 245 a l-Please Lave Me Derryl Graham Il aFrever' of 95 Main S. Drop in and S.. the Childr.n's Christmas Records also - Amps, Instruments, Tapes, Turntables, Written Music etc. Our Book Exchange ta New Open 1 14 MARTIN ST. - 878-2151 See Our Selection of Christmas Records, Music Books and SIjeet Music for Guitar, Organ and Pian [For Young or Young-at-hi seeking emptoyment sehile ai- tendisg schaol, nar doca il keep hlm irom supplying is asen needs. Young people necd a cer- tain amoant ai independence. and as they get aIder, their ndependence increases. Jobs are anc way in which lbcy gain this independence. t know for a iact how gondi leels ta reccive my pay cverv wcek and alsu knaw i1sili nt have ta ask my parents ta boy me samething t nccd. t know t0, that any parents with teens sebo work, appreci- aie iis littir bit ai indirect inancial support. because ihey ealie tbry sometimes van- nat afiord ta otheroise sup- ply im or er sith the cam- modtles ibey need or desire. With their pari-time lobs. %tudents lers manv iacts ai lice. Thev ltrcsta bc respansibte, n that they must budget their maney and use it wiscly. Pool- ish spending. they soan ind oui, aniy resuis in ging wth-1 out the nesi ime araund. 1 They terc consideralian - 1 cansideratian for their em- players and feliow empînyces widens Iheir prospective ai lie, and develaps their char- acter rom a spoiled child with a bag ai candy ta an unspail- cd aduli with a luxury now and then. The change might came graduatly. but Il prab- ablv cames a lai iasier i they are sorking than if they arent. They lear. discipline. sot unlV in the value ai maney, baLi n their character devetop- ment. They soon lears la say "na" ta fast sales talks and misguided advice. What's wrang with warking la drug stares. graccry stores, clthing and department stares, restaurants, iarms ar factaries? Nthing - and if yaung peaple realice this, and cansequently da these types ai warb, why should anyane therciare place the label afi r- rcspansibilitv upon the yauth generatian. Sure, there are a iew wha Hi school happenings. . Special asser to mark Remý Hy shirt Parsons Remembrance Dus. olliciullp beld on November 11, came a day rarlier fac Millon High Schuol students. Humage wspaid ai a special asscmbip on Fiday, Nov. 10 tu thc comrades af the two great acs wbu laugbt îo keep our land free. Mc. Poles, bead af the Esgtisb Depari ment ai M.D.H.S.. led the speciai service sitb the bel p ai severai higb sebool students. The assembix scas aliiciatly opesed wiîb thc sîngisa ai "G Canada". Mary Hadies. a grade 13 student, rrad the scriptore and tbe Gier Club loliumed bp singing a bpmn. The Lrds praper as ccpeated loilaming the observation oI the iraditonai one minute silence. Otiaer tudenta in the pcogram s'n ciuded Ingrid Falk, secretacp ofthie Student Cauncil, who placed the sseath; Betb Wacdl, mho tld ai the istary ai the poppy, whicb as she stutc'd. bus be' camre "the embiem aif tbe dead"; and Rap Tndui who partraped ose ai many men saho looght flac beir contrp and tosi their lunes. The wbole studeni body joised in singîsg the byms "Unto the His" and closed mith "God Save the Queen". Su ended M.D.HS.'s service af ce- membrance lac 1967 bai I'm sure i made many students reatize jusi bow lortu- nate aur geseratias is in living in a time af peace. Earlier in the week, the Student Coancil met and passed sevecai bis. The Council discussed the idea af buine a speciai grade nise assembiy laier an. It was anaascted the photagcapber mouid eiucn ta tube pictures ai asy stu- dents wbo ere absent fur the firsi sut- tisg. Tise Studeat Counctt ahI sponsor isea delegates fromtMDUHS. ta attend tbe annuau Toi. Alpha convnstion in Nia- gara Falls. Toc Alpha is an arganietian concerned with pauib and alcobol and the probiemts i invlves. The date toc laze araund and get inta trou- ble, but there are alsa adulis wha do eaactlv the samne thing. Il aeeateena are always îrying ta prove somethlsg ta the parents or adulis, sehat- ever the cane may ha; units berween the twa generatians s obsolete, and the aduit gen. eratias la generat dors soi choase ta see the yauths' need for recognition and accepi- In spite aifsehat anyane thisks, young people îoday do cealize the value ai responsi- bilities, cansideration and cm- ahaonaI adjustment, otherseise they would sot wark aiter school. Il wauld be a sud world i the teens lived up ta thcir given reputation and dîd sot work, or show any mature traits. Some day, sehen you have noihing bettrr ta do, take a caunt ai the number ai yausg people who seark. Maybe, if pour addition is rlght. yau wlli came up in favor ai the youths. Are vou prepared for the shoek? nbly is held embrance Day the conven tion is set for December 28. ta January 4. Delegates reiurning lrom the convention miii mont likety give the siodent body an oulline ai the event. Tuesday, 'November 7, iound BM.D.- H.S.'s senior boys bankethail team in batule againsi ýElara. The gamne, wbîcb mas an exhibition gamne, mas played mdll and ended in a close score ai 36-35 toc Elora. One point might nai seem much ai the beginnitg ofai game but il cer- tily malien a difierence at the end. A gisausetite tasn undrr Mc. Stev- ens, was iormed ibis week. Nom 'me can especita sec anyihing in the gym upon entrrisg. Kids standing on ibeir hcads, ciimbing capes. backbesds, lcontbcnds, bruken tegs. Seriously. ibis club is fliîd with ptesty ai fus as weit as esercise and usyone interested is invited ta loin. Trpouis for the girls' senior basket' bail tram stactcd an Wednrsday. Coach. Miss Rankin said the practices wili bc beld each Wedncsday lrom four ta live for a whiie and ibm tbhe tram miii be choses. Tbursday iousd the grade l2s writ- ing the SATO tests. These achirvement tests are divided iat an :English section, and a math section. The studenis will lind oui îheircresuiis later an in the peur and it mili give them as idea af their ability sin hese aceas. Thse gMstaut MJ).H.S. had a chance ta capturc ibeir mes as Fridap, Novem- ber .10 by takisg them ta tbe Sadie Hawk- ins dance. The couples. decked oui in verp becoming 'gcuh attire', danced ta tbe music af the 'Biackouts'. Tbe girls, wha had the joy ai buyiag tbe tickets, were aisa priviieged in makisg corsages for thcic mates. These raned tram asy- thing sib teparslcy fine ta carrais. Mur- niage ceremonies were p.erlocmed ai a nominal fer and certiicates of amsecship were issurd. Ail in ait it was a time of lus and pravided as outiet far peni up cinations which surmaunt durisg the scbooi meek. 1Letton te Yeuth i NOT ALL SO BAD ta hlm far is nearsightcd- Dear Sir: ness. i musi say S'm srry ifa ln repty ta the cItter in ast he visualizes ALL af ladaysa week's !sue tram the anany- yoh as dape-addicts and glue maus'Mr. 'iRevated", 1 waald 'niffem. ftrsl ltke ta airer mv svmpalhv Dant get me wrang, 'm cer-1 taintv nat appravlng ai the ac- ta D ive s. ton taien b sanne youthsin the ther hand, i think they shauld eceive just punishment whcn lhey are cuught. 1 only hope Mr. "Revatted" read the remainder ai Youlh Frant. If he had he might have seen sonoaithe iltawisg quales: (1) Less than five per cent af the yousgsters in the 13-19 uge bruckel ever came ln- ta cantact with the law. (il) Students af the .HaIv Rasary Separate Schaol colîected $42.74 for UINICEF. (!il) Stu- Public Schaal are selling bat -nn. push-buttas radia. dags and pap ta, rais. maney far UNICEF. Jusiokaud u uI sec much the same everywhere. uJ The 'M.D.H.S. Studeni Counci Front] assisi tbe hospitai n their dis- aster esercise. What about the 18,000 youtb- fiai people wha wutked 35 mites os Saiurday, Nonember 4 un aid ai the needy cbiIdrcs in Afica. lIli bei Mr. Revaîted" wuss't there. if same ai todas's citizens mere mare accurate and iess basiy la ibeir criticisms. the smaii misnrts ai today's re- beliius yauth mouid probablv becanse smuiier. Proud ta be a teenager, Yaurs truty, Trevar Houstan, 13 B. M.aDiNS. (Fromntite Front - Thse Front ugrees thase seha did the5spraying, and Chose sase shoauld Ie canvictcd. Weedlng oui the bad appies wiii Icave a far better tante sn the resi ai the basket.) TEENAGERS PROVE -REVOLTED' WRONG Dean Sirs: 1 a replay ta "Revolted" anc bts revoltng remacsisnlate- 'MIXINO BUTTER' - FOR ARM MUSCLES Kiv Forbes and Mark Aikenbeud ai Bruce St. Public School Now used in Milton "Movement and growth" us themne o; provincial phys. ea. THE tNVERTED SNCM - FOR BALANCE Sharon Chrsie walks the siraight and nuraw in the Grade 6 reqoarerrenvs ai the Pi1 Physical and J-i Educution lests. Principal ai f reort cards lote Rememýbrance Day mas ab- secved in It Milton pubic sehoals Fidap, supervising principal E. G. Poster reports. J M, Denyrs principal W. J. Ciow was rcported illlh is- fluenza last wecb. Because hi s ign:tore most appear on al repoart cards sent from the sehool, bis itînes mav deiav rrcc'piion of1 cards bv Denyes siodents' parents. May He/She i,:ke note ibat eisrmbrrc iii te sainec issue mention mas made 1of a 35 mite maik bfied recen ils in lamil' tan by somne 17,000ipc-upu-, loir the mosl parterlieyc'his thev didsiitbuui a.s miicbas a cents revtoter.i ion persan- aily. Ten. incilentlîlv.vire The psrudonyni "Rvled' mav bave been for the besi. ttc/She bas ai lcasi avs'ided being chargM i ssiidefaînatian of cbaracter by Shit IPacsons. Gerce Adams. Janeti Ferrier et ai, in regard la is/ber ili advised renîacks on gue ssii- WHOOPED UP t fineand LSD.Mary Njiholt makes ibm Ne/Site map also read cisc- where in the same Issue ai the iaitomeen carr vings-on ai 50 years ugo. May have becs Sunsnmne seniors there him/taersl?vit ioer ow Yours rerv îruiv, vstpo e rtw 50 vears od Senior studeals ai Stansii Sehool visited the Black Cree The irsit esson ta leurs in Pianeer Vilage noth ai Tara dthie art ai sel-defesce la wben ta iNednesday, and obnerve > ta kerp your glasses an ie as ai mas ttved in pi program A sertes ofI ecises atmcd ai "mnovement and growith wus adapted by Millon Public Board ibis peur. Por anc 35-minute perlad weekiy, students ai J. M. Den- yen and Bruce St. public schools are bussed ta the gen- crut purpose room ai Martia St. Senior Public Sehool for participation in POnt and J- One, code names for prilmury and junior aihletics. Due te their sehools prox- imity ta Martin Si.. chlldren attending W. I. Dlck public sehool get a uitIle cuira exer- cisc watking avec. Each claso's teacher talloss the depariment's coursc ai !nu- dy. Students are marked aot three areas, inciudiog spots- manship, physical skills, ansd participation and eajapmnent; and cas reccive a rating ai strang, satisiactary or weak in each categary. The pragraro is ioliowed by an Iniermcdiute serles in grade 7 and a Senior groupisg la bigh sehool. it's bad enough. ta he a quit- tcr. But is morse ta finish something yoo never shuld bave siarted. ON CO-ORDINATION leep through a mnovinfi hoop !ie ied Fetday, a tour ai the Miton 'ire Depacimesi mas bcid, In- ciuding a look ai the Olirelgii. ing ettutpment and a f itm. Asuembly the same day bad 1kenmnbrance Day" as lia therme. CLASSY TRANSFORTATION is stili ibe message framt ttardtop witb power steering, power brakes, auto. tri Campletelv Reconditioned. GALLINGER MOTORS 1