Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Nov 1967, p. 15

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HALTON MANOR Successful dress up party greets Hallowe'enî season By Me. M. A. Waebanka One of the mot succesaful "drens up' parties mas hld aI the Haton Cenlenniat Manor on riday evening, October 27. The auditorium mas decorat- 'qd is the tradition of Hallow- een mitb mitches, cats, gob- lins and pumpnis lA waa a woldeetul sighl lu se the ide sariety ut cus- tumes mrs by the many resi- dents and saff members, and the building mas iled mith laugter and fan and ail n at- tendance, residents and visi- tors alike enjoyed a happy eventng. Mes. Stan Allen, chairman of the Manor Auxiliary acted as Master of Ceremonies and afler melcoming al Eose pres- et lu tbe parly, insracted Ibose taking part on the proce- dure Au folluw Ar the cumpe- titions is the sarioas classes. Fllowing the "grand marcb' nE att those n costume an en- joyabte program tonte place. White the judges were select- ing the contest inners Miss Elizabeth Anderson, grand- daugter of 'Mr. A. Anderson, une of our residents. sang se- eral solos. Janet Ferrier pay- ed the guitar and sang n mes. tern slet and Darlene Ferrier offered a namnber f lap dances. Slasere appreclattn w as ex- tended ta Mrs. Bernadette Sec. afini, Mrs. Alice Alton and Mrs. Gayte Etheringlois of the Catbolic Womens League mhc son tindly acted as the iadgcs Obocolale bars and apples mere distribuled to att esid ents, and Elloing the selec- tion ofnEthe sarouas prize in ners 'Mr. and Mrs. George Mac- in ere chosen Centeniial King and Oueen nE the party. Mrs. Allen and ber feltos Aasiliary memers spoistrei this esening is their usual catp able and efficient manner and a sincere Ibantes s estetideî lu tbem and the staff fora seey deligblfut eseiig wbicl concluded afler the serving cl tea, coffee and dnugbnts. Congratulationsarmesetende 10 att the prize inners as fol loms and me say "Au Revoir' 10 the itches and goblins tei another pear: BesI decrated wheel chair first Mrs. Martin, second Mr Anderson; besl centennial cu5 lame, firsI 'Ms. Sham, secun 'Miss Becher; best centennia dressed couple, first 'Mr. an .Mrs. Cutriss. second Mr, Small and Mr. Buck; best Ht loeen costume. firsl Me! Pearce, second Mes. Metzger besl atlelic costume, fies EarI Leaser, second Vers Re nolds: esl cumic cst5ti fi-st Mrs. MeMatteis, secot Jim Beglcy: musl original ce lame. fisI Agnes Boss, se ond Miss Lot Moore; be! single cenlenniat costume, Mr Frbes. On Tbursday aflecisoon Se tember 28 an impromptu ce ccrt mas gisen is the comm room by the Misses Sheila L es, P. Haire and G. Defore Songs ere sortgtitb guit accompanitnenl. Everyonee joyed it very mach. On September 30 many oftt residents attended Milton Fa Despile the inctement eat att reported an enjoyable ternoon. We are very proad our display and prizerinis at the fair. Claurels service on Saisi Oclober 1t snsconducted Rev. Christensen of Higbs Gospel Cburcb witb Mrs. Cci tford aI the organ. He tok message frmm Ibe sixtb chai 0f Marte, verse 31. On riday. October 13, Ail Canadien Talent Society Hamilton presented a con. at the Mano. Ynur repoi was unabte tu attend duc te nens but those attending ported the talent mas outsta ing and everynne thorou. enjoyed tbe evening. Refrg mens ere servcd bv the N or Auxiliary. Cburcb service on Sunday. Oclober 15 was conducted by Res. Dr. T. -M. Dustan of Grace Anglican Cburcb iîh .Mrs. Wa- ters as organist. Dr. Dutai' tnnk bis message from 2nd T-1 motby. chapter 4 verses 5 and 6. On Wedneaaly, October 18 the monthly irtbday as hetd in the audi torium under the auspices of the 'Manor Auilia- rv. F or sever ai vears the Mous- tain Union Womens Institute bas sponsored the October par- ty but due 10 circumslances beyond tbeir control tbey were unable lu do so Iis year. Tbey did suppty eacb birlbday res!- dent witb a favor and card and for Ibese sec wisb lu tbank tbem mot sincerely. Mes. Allen and bier faiîbful assistants tonte care of the ba- lance of the party. A most en- loyable progrars consisted of tap duncers Milissa and George Cescon, accordion player Anis Lee Blubm and counry music by Grant Delin and Bruce Tv- rell. A bountifut lundi of assuet- cd sandwicbes. birtbdav cake and tea and cofee brougbt Iis pleasant eveiing In a close. Tbe cburcb service on Sun- day. Octuber 22 was conduted 1by Res. C. Hainer of St. Pauais United Churchi witb Mes. Mc- Gee ut the organ. Miss Marco Clarleson sang a lovely solo. JRes. Hainers sermon seas on rthe familiar stnry of tbe prudi. a gaI Aon. 1- Large Congregation hears Rev. Comnerie tEmmanuel Baptiot Cburcb bad a tati day ot challenge 'v and blessing tbrougb the min- istry of the Res. Ray Comrie, LLGb ,wbn mitAs bis wite and ,d farity are ai present un ue- ýd tnugb from Chrizera Biblt a Scbotl Zambia. A large cuis h gregatieti both mornilsg anc 3feseniisg beard speeches aise dsaw films about the mnrkbcbe ing doise there. r The teachins of studeuts [rom many fair-nff places, In- r dia, Congo, Rbudesia. South Ir. Africa and otber nations nf s- Africa, speate welt oE ibis ae- id credited Bible scbool. mhict ai alsu prosides gnod accommo- d dationsfnr yuung mnarried s. couples studying tbeology te- l- gether, sume rtariig t10 e s. mole parts of the world to r; teacb and preach the whote st coassel oE the word of God. !Y- C, M. Cnmrie sressed missiun id intresi dues nul commence s ai Bible seboot tend 10o be ef c- fective. fI must commence ti et Calsarv. Cumin g sincerely ýr' lu the Tbrose oE Grace, al power is gisen for esery nec. ep- Onty there can the student il on- -missions sas, "Here am 1, Luic tons send me." st. Has4ng the power and auti. tar rus utf Christ in their conse en- crated lises, ihev possess seb; ibis wortd mosi desperateI ur nceds today - peace with GoÉ air. îbeough the tnrgiveisesso ler sins ai Catsary. af- 1 f Mr. Cumrie poinled ounI îb ,ers 50 mass, avenues are open t tbe student Iodav, lbe must ýday faIts equipped Eue educatier by medical, lileralure or asialio way Fieds. btes ln closng. Mr, Comrie eci ptrphasized strung missionar the morte cas only be accumplis y or cd mhen there is a sIeon icet cburch ai home. dedicatedt rter the support ut missions. Sre- 'Musical recresisment Car ýand- fenm the tenue voice ut Vi gblv cent Rse ut Burlinglon wbî 'esb- rendition ai both muenir Mari- and esening services mer mach appreciated. The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1967 63 ."ii 0L Wedn.sday Niters October 25 Ladies' high single, Frais Hunier 301; ladies' igb triple, Fean Hunier 690. Other good singles: Leone Fiaity 227- 268. Shirley Mac- ray 205, Sandv Pacsons 21A, ladv 1-eweli 204, Diaise Ferrier 218 -231, Jîî.îî .'amîpbell 207. Jean fliillips 200, r o Huici 209. Other gond triples: Gail Couison 556, Salis' Laing 513, Leone Fiarity 675, Wiibeedine Van Geunssen 518, Shirley 'Murray 539, Normna McLeod 515, Betty KingdoE 518, Diune Ferrie 612. No. 1 won 2 or 2; Nu. 2, 5 tue 5; No. 3, 7 for 7; No. 4, 0 Eue 0; Nu. 5. 0 Sr 0; No. 6, 0 oc 7. Novemnber i Ladies' igb single, Norma MeLeod 298; ladies' igb triple, Salis Laing 635. Other guod singles' Ariene Hulas 238, Connie Duguay 204. Salis' Laing 208-256, Le- aise Firitv 211, Mueg Prince 204, Gait Colsun 230 Diane Ferrie 218, Shirley Muray 212. Frais Hanter 210. Other good triples: Ariene Hulas 598, Gil Couason 532. Mrg Prince 522, Leonie Firity 510 Norma McLeud 626 Shir- ley Murray 507, Fran Hanter 540. Lvnne Burke 549. 48 Alley Rockers November 6 Ladies' higb siisgle, Brh Versirucie 283. ladies' igh triple, Ys'eine Tcusdel 710. Other gond singles'Yvone Teasdet 264-250. Myrna Miles 261, Marg Benion 256. Other geed triples. Mariene Morion 705. J une Geuld 680, Donna Fuy 634. e Pin Heuds won 2 toe 35. 1. Scttlebums 5 Sr 229, King d Pins 2 for 28. Kool Kts 5 tue 28, Hot Shoîs 5 or 28, Four -Pins 5 Eue 28, Ditters 2 [or 25, Head Pins 2 lue 23. N. i mois 2 tur 4 No. 2, 7 Sfoc 12; No 3, 5 for 12; No. 4. 5 1- tocS5: No ..2 for 2; No. 6.10 t oc 7. c- Ladies' Special ýh Nosember 7 D- Ladies' bîgb triple. Ku' ýd Shields 261; ladies' hîgb triple >Audrey Mu-eu 61)8 Other gond sngles' Audre' tO Maseis 220-249-229. Ethel Arr le eId 211-207-219. trene Githeni 239. Jean MeDule 233, Edrit Dawssei 211-202, Millie Thuita, on 207. Mary Fergusois 202. e Other gîîîd triples' ElVi f- Aenild 637, Kav Shields 615. t trenes c'en 2 lue 9; Ethel' 'y 5lor 7, Jean', 2 for7. Bert' il 5 lite5. ,d. Ratepayers of Nosembcr t7 d Ladies' hîch single, tret Pets 287; laîdies' hîgh triple, t cisc ets 6n1 tie', igli ingl, h- jack Chaîmp.îus 333, mer e- hîgh tipleJice k Chamrpot at 764. ý Other geîîd sngles: Ses id Porter 232, Ed MuLeeti 241.J of Hiekes 221, Haroîld Jarsis 25 254, Gord Molths 228, Ken Pt 257. Jim Cumvin 278, Jîm Gwir ia 264. Bette Omînu 252, Clari 10 Crdîneli 215. be Other gued triples' bec Hi: ton, ey 632, Hareld Jarnis 645. B fio Cairns 606 Jbue Celinn658. bi Giisn 647, Bette Gwinn 640. Beatniks, won 7 Site 37, Hi M- pies 0 toc 36, Saleiy Pins 5 1 ary 35 Cenuries2iore30, Aveisg tb'- 5 li 28, Spîlîrcs 2 lur isg Bloopsis S lue 19, Coiii ci B 10 es 7teor 18. Early Birds Noember 10 Ladies bigb single. Audrey Mason 282; ladies' igb triple. Audrev Masn740; mens igb single, Jack Gouud 281; mens higb triple. Jack Gaald 694. Other good singles: Jack Parkinssun 268, baise Gould 254. Pieu E. 244, Kas S. 241, Einor Mc. 239, lvN Mi. 233, Ray G. 232-227, Reg G. 226, Hilda R. 222, Droibs FP. 222, Stan M. 221, Ede C. 220. Norma Mc. 224, Hilda P. 215-215. Dean 216. Other good triples: Jane Goaid 692. Rus Gray 667, Reg Thomas 652, Duug Picteet 637. Jack 'Parkinsois 625, Nîtema MueMurphy 618, Ray Waters 608, lys Mi.Clellund 607. Fred Rigo 604. Bilt S. mon 2-5 foe A0. Rap G. 37 Sr 9, Jacte P. 2-4 Sr 9. Sudie 1-3 tue 6, Ede 1-2 fue 4, B rce 0- for 4. Holy Rosary Nunember 9 Ladies' higb single, Asia Wîndmller 244; ladies' igb tiple, Asic Windmultee 629; mens high single, Frank Ped- tlla 303; mens high triple. Frank Pedulua 777. Other gond singles: Duug Haslam 264-226, Chartes Vais- den Brîîek 264, 'Franke Pedulia 260, Mike Belvedere 246 - 221, Heisry Vundenheanel 237. Anise Wollaston 224, Caolse Heaps 224. Mars Backiey 203, fusa Sehouaen 184, Kav Hanter 183. Other gond triples: Doag Haslum 712, Heurv Vundenhea- vcl 633, Mike Belvedere 628. Charles Vanden Bruete 620. Vic Heups 606, Bert Churchill 605. Caroline Heaps 548. Anse Wavl- lasion 533, Kuy HunIter 531, M Vars Buckles 529. Beet's Bomiaaus mais 7 or 49, Lumusi's Lamentees 4 for 35, Rus's Thiteens 3 toc 229, Gords Clippers 5 tue 25.Belve- S deres Kisgs. 3 Sr 23, Petes, r Pis Pals O tue 22. Gos' Trims- mers 2 lur 22, Charecs Vais den Broek 4for 19. 7 Youth Bowling 0 Basiam: Sieven Smith., 206 sîingie. Steven Smith, 354 double. Caibs Raste. 141 single; Karen McLeud. 287 double. v Junior: Tîmmu McCelunî 187 single: Robhs Reid, 289 double; Susan Bradley, 164 nsingle; Caths Rusk. 275 double n. Senior' Wayne Brown., 212 t single; Duican Ramsay. I38 e ltouble. 31 Lowville Novembere10 el Ladies' higb single, Linid King 275; ladies' higb triplt l'S Linda King 643 ; men s igt l'S Single, Jacte King 326; mes' hîgh triple. Jacke King 730. Other gond singles: ýRugi W. 215-250, Gordon H. 204, Kar Ce c204, Reg. S.230-221, Melori I-K. 201, Jacke K. 219.Pl02 j.Marlene M. 228, Ameia B. 20- nS Phil C. 201,- Bill D. 250-256, Jii ý N. 231-257, Hazel P. 255, Jacqu P. 238-251, Shirles D. 202, Mai ýe ha H. 206, Sm k.248. Berîl fc B. 201-211. Met D. 212. Hres 9- 203. em Other gond triples' Stu1 isn 618, Bit! f. 691, Jim N. 61 ce Jacque P. 627,Rogere W. 66 Reg Sý 635. ;t- lli Stu K. 'on 2iforJ31,Jack1 wi 7 tue 32, Mcl f. 5 toc 30, M2 cisc M. 0 fue 36 Bill D. 7f, lp- 32, Roger W. 2 tue 34 Bill [ne four2S LindaK.5 fr 32. es, 24 Club 21.- November 8 leLadies' igh single. Eute Pink Teandel 632. Other gond singles: Shirley sim 238. Pink Teasdcl 237. Other guud triples: Shilev Sim 610, Eiteen Dumns 601. Juan Smith mus 4 for 36, Jane Knox 2 tue 34, Thelma Buustield 5 for 30, Phit Ras- heres 3 tue 26. P. L. Robertson Girls Nusember 9 Ladies' igh single. Arlene MeConnelt 287: ladies' bigh triple, Dunna Grenke 634. Other good singles: Bannie Fay 258, Audrev Hamhly 256. Other gond triples: Audrey Afambîs 606. Marie Murray 605, Bonnie Pav 603, Anu Chuchmach 593, Witiie Wilson 591. Grenke mon 7 for 10, Seeney 7 fur 9. 'Brush S tue 7, Murray 0 foc 7, Hambis 7 for 7, Scls- ezi 2 toc 7. Smith t for 5, Hel- pet 0 for 4. esitul thaks Chel for h/s werk Receni lite esacuaitis. drills, iaIinstructions and the n- aaguratonulaoefire pro- .edutes manual ai Mlton Dist- rit.iHospital won praise toc Milians Fiee ChicS A. E. CIe- ment in a citter reccived hs Milie Menday. Hespital adminîsteator D. E. McQuate said the introduction oftihe nets maisual and revis- ious ta the hespilal's gencai ire regulatiens - neiessiaied hy the espausîtte tf the hospî- ta] - bcd iakco ChieS Clcm- eoi about six weeks. "Mr. Clement bas devoied mans hors in ibis accuaisnd %earc gr.tefui Soc hi s contri- hutîio,"the ]citer poinird nul. tl weutd lîke tui express oui appreciatiîn tu members o corclueorMe. Clemeni's par- ticipati(it." 6Ceancil detided Ioi Srmard 4 .a.epy outihe ilutter, wilb iheir T n cogratulations addcd, to 7 he Miltîo Fiee Area Beard w hich gos-ens the ire bei- tade. O.P.. huile hvetigetlee on 48 genmi ewrn 29 to 'November 4 inclusive, personnel of Milton Detach- ment Ontario Provincial Po lice worked a total of 944V4a bours and patrulled 6859 miles on area highways. As a result of patrol, 20 charges were pre- ferred, Il tratfic violation wurnings mere issued, and 10 veictes were safety cbecked. There were 70 convictions te- gislered n Magistrales Cni.rt. There were 12 properîy dam- age acidenis investigatcd and seven peesonat bljueT acci- dents, resulting in tA persons bcing injured and prôpeety damage tolalling 114,215. There were Il charges preferred as a resutt of the abuse accidents. Causes of accidents mere speed 100 fast for road or trat- tie conditions; failtot yield rigbt of way; fai]to1 stop at stop sigis; improper passing and improper parking of se- idle. There were 48 gencrat occur- rences during this period, in- ctuding fise comptaints of dam- age 10 mail buses in Esquesing and Nassagaweva Townships, ose person cbarged witb us- saultt une peesun cbarged witb obstructon, one Femite esca- INSUR ANCE Ad COMPISPI LAWN id AND GARDEN SERVICE Ne lob teesmail or er tao large of 0 CempleA. Maintenance - Service 0 Free Itmates ei RAINBOW to LANDSCAPING - Cali 878-2741, 878-2097 pee arrested and turned over ta Departmefll of Reform Tis- stitutions, une Liquor Content Act investigation resulting n une person being charged, one stolen auto reoovered for Me- tro Toronto Police Oept, one stlen auto eecovered and three youths arccsted for Loin- don Police Dept, one promilse found Insecure ai nighyt, and several comptaints of huniers trespassing investigated. All, other occurrences were of a miner nature. *PRESCRIPTIONS ELSLEY PHARMACY 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 878-4492 - After Moues 8704961 FREE DELIVERY - REVLON COSMETICS K H ELSLEY, B.5c.,PhM. GOODYEAR FIRST LUNE OR ATLAS SNOW TIRES AIl Sizes on Stock in Black or Whitewall Free Installation and Free Wheel Balancing OR Wheel Bearing Repack with each purchase of 2 tires. STUDDED TIRES AVAILABLE You Can Get Goodyear Blackwall Tires in any size installedl for as Iow as - - $1349 each WINTERIZE - before it's f00 lote! *GENERAL AUTO REPAIRS *TUNE-UPS *24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE * FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY LOCALLY DURANTES ESSO if's D ~UMONT Simprovemeint time nw LIVING COLOUR ALUMINUM AND DOORS UnSplng KEEP OUT FIES AND IIISECIS CONVRASESIlLY foi PROT> FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION- WITHOUT OBLIGATION, CAL ALUMINUM INDOWS * DOORS, AWNINGS, IÎN Telophone 878-9632, 878-619 ELECTRIC MOTORS Wl CAN SUPPLY SPARE MOTOIS UP TO 40 M.P. I REPAIRING & REWINDING HOME _ FARM - INDUSTRY lWe carry bower mofora, drlt sw, applenem DIRECT SERVICE HANCOCK ILICTRIC 25-C W,141 1111si. a e w. n . Mlton, @.Mwm 72lma" Ac«, O.ugmlwn we really care. Highway 25 Just North of Hwy. 401 878-2079

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