"Milton in the poat" by R. AL Clements Town's early Iighting system fire brigade, water reservoir (Continued tram lasi mcciii Istise minutes ai tise Toms Couscil of 1886 you milIl ird it recorded tisaItishe tender of Thaman Turner for igiting tise street lumps. supplyivg il and wicks and cimneys, be cccpted ai four cents per iamp per nigisi. 1 dont remember jusi brin long Tommy Turner iad iis gien tous cosiruci, but 1 mus preity senali boy mies 1 sam hlm icndisg ta tise lump pot ai tise end ai aur street. iIowever, ln iesse a campusy kns as lise Bal Elecei Ligisi C. ncgotiated wus tise toms and set up aur firsi el- ectric ligisi plant in 1891 an a irame building t lise esi corner ni Elizabeth and Vic- taris Streets. Tisvcancers carried on for a fese yesrs and in 1895 sold ouita a campasy knawn as the Milton Ligt and Power C. f capital oai$15,000). Tbe principal stockbaiderv more John Stewart, Rohert Stewart. Jobs Huvior. Sidney Young and -Duncan Dewar. Street detalaby Ktow mere sery mucb improsed and ex- panded. Sbartly afler, iis plant was moved ta a site t the rear ai tise present cream- ery on Commercial St., and hy iis time the lights were up an very igb paies and the elec- tricias ent round irana paie ta polo and ioered the ligbt witb a rope ta renom the car- bons. This compuny soid ouIta the Corporation in l899 or 1900 and sborily ater this, the toms buili a nom ligisi plant jusi east ai the toms bail. Riby Ellis muv the elcîri c- ian t this time, t a salary of $50 per montb. The Ontario Hydro Electrie, whicb mas on- pavdivg sers rapidly iv the province t tbis time. as iv îouch mibIbe owamnd asu- ter segtiatians and uà plehise- te ut the ratepayers in 1913, the toms mas fiiaily canardt- ed ta the Onario Hydre. Befre itse town took oser, and for a iem ers ater, the igbtv ere ail turnod off t midnigbt and the toms mus in durness and the electrician ment homo - that iv escept Sunday night. Thon tbey mere turned att ut Il p.m. If ibere mas a big dasceoin the iomn huit. for a tip ai tma doilars, the etecîician mauid keep the ligbts an an etra hour. Attr the Milton Light C. moved out ai the building on Victoria St.. a compusy bnomn us the Milton Metul Shingle and Sidisg C. started Up. but lhey dids't seom ta ast vers long. i rememe horIe place qaite moul, for i mnnked there ose sommer batidayv us a rivetter. The $250 to 13.00 a week I got soemed a lot oi mosey. Bebore the daye ai mechasi- cal stano cruvberv. me find in the record ai cousicil minutes ai Fehruury 1886, thut tenders mre sked for deivery ai 30 cordy ni largo stase ta the juil yard. This tender mus amarded ta a Thoas Jobnvlan t $1.99 per cord. The stune. once iv tise yard hehind tisai igi stsiae mal. mus broken inIa small piecos isy prisasers miso more undor sentence of bord ahor. This broken store mus later tram- ed ouI hy tise tomr and put an itur streots. il made a gond foundtian for prescrit pasrd rouds. Isle cracking o tisebhum- mers on tise stase could bc ieard for some distance out- ide tise jil yard. I-Hard lob- i- or toduy seems ta meus pusis. > isg a guaslise lumn esamer or h raking Up [caves.) OUiR WATERWOMUC il mus in 1806 mies first son- ious mention ai mter art f lire protection mas brougist up i n couse il. It came usder miss mus knomn as tise mater, ire and lump cammittea. t' By Octaiser oai htisiyear. ai ýe engiscer iad made a surve) v and estimate ai 114,810 for2 o300000 gallon reservoir on ust ide ai tise mountuin mitt v pipes etc. ne tn duae tlmetenders mer st lisuity clied an a 500,000 gai laor reervoir, tma miles o it igit incis pipe. tiree-qurtet ie ai a mile ai sin incis pipe. rtc, ir hydrunts and 800 fret ai base. Six tenders ere recoisei and sn May ai 1887, a Tarant, ires receised tise contruct a 5s 18,00 ad tise toms isued di Is bostures for $20,000 te lui y cure ai tise venture. r- For tise original survey un W estimate, lise engireers h re mus 156.90. Ho mas later et V. ployod ta supervise tise mvi: ltins. A mne named Jobs Irmin Mi was iired an inspecior at 75 t]i cents per day th, uthor Editors Note: As is oma r contersial praject, Russell M. Clements oi 192 Quees St.. Mit- ht tov, bas compiiod a coloriai cl glarce ita Multons orier t days. Wr hope reuders ilii ind is rrcollectiavs isterrst- ieg.w Mr. Clemevîs as borr rn Milon and aparit ram tbe s ime be spent mitb the 3rd u Cavadian Mount R ifle s ira Soutb Arica and averseas mitb the Caadiar Army Ser- vice Corp in World Wur Ove. ho bas sport is estire lite is Miton. He wa a memtber ai tawv caurcil for five yearv mome s time ugo, avd a membor ai the ire brigade arauvd 1905.e He atievded ailitary scooalv iv Toronto avd London, and for seserai years wus captain ai the Milton Company ai the Larve Rifles Regiment. He bas hees a momber ufthte Maso-t sic Ordor for aver 61 years. Ho îosed the lamy bowling club k in 1924 and bas heev an os-c îhusiast ai tbut sport oser t irco Ho retîred a-. Posîmus- ter in 193. The Champion would mol- came writlcv rrcollrclions ai the towr's early days Irorn other. ivîerested in husing such historv pre served and puhlished. il was estimatcd the sprivgs they îtevdcd lu use would produce 20000 gallons per day. The survey shuwed an estima- led fuîlt ram the reservair ta r tise Town Hall oi 200 fot and tIbSfane guad suificievt pres- sure lac mary years. The cast iran mater fountis bal as prested ta the d taonhy the Royal Tempiars p ai Temperavi.o Society in kt 1889, and now it-, prommvent- re y in thse Costîgan Memoriai Gardev at the ostravce ai our an Town Hall. mas irst placed py quite close tu the rokadwuy and a mas certainv a welcome oasis le ta passing horses and catile. th I i alsadat its hase a -.mall hat asin for dugs. This bus- ne in i vowcas-red with cemn f Ansd e munt argt the s ca-t rvzocup that mas fast- e ened ta the top witb a chair for the generai public ta use. thal very oanilary cup tisai thousards and thousands of isildren and adulis used - oefore tise days ut germs. FIRE BRIGADE i didol lfind in anyoyilithe Ild toms minutes misero Ibis uows ever bud ose outIhe uld type bard pumps for lire Pro- ection, but in 1890 a tire bri- gade mas orgasized wiih Ima rees and ore ludder wagon, These the mer pulîrd by tand witb a rope. The tire bhief mas io receive $6.00a yeur. eacb caplair 54.00, und the firemes S2.00 a year. This waa rataed. for by 1906 f wbes I mas a member, w0 foltt if cents a tire catI and the r saine for a practice sigbt. Il .asualiy came ta belmeon 18.00 and $12.00 a yeur and our chiel wa, gottisa $50 a vour. Miltas bus garea long wuv sisce ibat day. Wr nom bave a fuît time lire chief mwils 29 firemon or cutI sn aur present brigade, mitis tbe very lalost ap - ta - date oquipmost and a spick and spas f ire bail. The tiremer îoday recoive raob arourd $350 for Ibeir vear's service. 0ur tire protection cast for the year 1967 iv estimated ut $15,575.52. Howevrr, in mv day as a firomar, me serviced only the toms. Tnday oser bIgade services arousd 100 square miles ai tbe countv and cas îrstantly ho in toucb with ail neat'by lowns for assistance if seeded. BOARD WALICS Betore aur nidewaiks more paved many yoars ugo, aur maths more aillmoodon and il mas a daily commos sight ta soeto mofaithe toms wonkmrv, Walter and bHarry Pitober. siarting out fruo the rear ut the towr baIllmitb a wboel- barrow ioad ai planks and spikes ta repair uns broken ares ail uver towtt. An itemsinbte council min- utes ut 1890 shows tbat a con- tract mas givon ta suppiy the toniour-by.tour cedar scast- 1ling atIl511.85 per îbousund asd îmo-iacb piso pianks ut1 2.85 per thousard. Today fossr.by4osar inch ced- ar costa around $180 pertbou- ,ard. and imo-iacb piso plankv ai a good quaiity are around $375 per tisousand. In 1899, the tain employnd two audilors ta cbeck op or aur books, ard tboy oacb ro- ceived eigbt dollars. In 1909, or 2f years luter, Ibis mas raised to S12 eacb. To audit tbe toms bocks for 1966, it 0051 arousd $2,100. Here's anoibor little item toc you tu pondier avec. le 1886, uur county rate was $184.57, and ibis year the 1couvty raie is S59,014.11. lContinued itent meois Tisebigi nems for Iis report iv tise succesful White Ele- pisant Sale eid t lise fir grurds an Oclober 28. Is spite aiflise inclement meatiser. ihere muas a good turnaut and there mas some spirilod bidding for name ni tise items. Grass receipîs mre W43 and alibaugis abillhs have rat been received as yet. itla senpected tha isa e iiire- alize aiout $400 profil.,miicis of course is ermurked for aur yoib worb and ciie pro- jects. W. ceralnly miis ta puis- iciy enpress our uppreciatian ta Jack EllioIt, Ciris Sobout- en and Tiny Hopkins miso once again voiunteered their ser- vices un auctioneors and misa of course did tieir usual cap- able and proficiest job. and me mould certainly he romis in n91 îbanking tise people misa turved ouite gise os- Iis fine support, tise generul public and also cisirma of tise cammitece Ian Roberson, misa deserves a great del of credit for tise effort ho put 51tiis campaifs. Tise puni imo meetings, me hase isud a eaI gaod turrout ai sacrbers. attiougis tiere are still sverai umangst the missiaf. We are ail nieun te sce and greet tisee agin as soan as possible. We ail euavlvad Halloween ifisout piking up any seci- aus bures and iara pleused to report ihat tise chistdren misa mere in Miton District Hon- pitli mre rat let out, s pres- ident Heris Higgs and vice-pro- sident Jack Petigrew pros- ented baskets ai goodies oa ho- isall of our club. Heris and Jack and yaurs iraly atended tise recent meei- ing of zones 2 and 3 ield ai tise Optimist Youiis Centre in Burlinglen an Sturduy, Oct- cber 21. It ms nec ta havse our good i riend. and tise feliow respon- siblc for arganizirgoaur cdois Bill Vivian. Puni presideat oi tise Burlingior club in attend ance t aur lsi meeting andI ais a sever ai prospective memr bers. A most na joyable evesing mas spont hearing ai tise mon dose by our vry special guesa tise Res. Douglas Hall, miso mas intraduced hy is cousin, Optimist Ken Orr. Great in- teresi mas sisomn iy al pre- sort and corsideruble discuss- ion evsuod mitis Res. Hall ut- ter is formail alk. Athougi tise Res. Halls bu- sic trade is architectural drutirg and building design, he sprat ise yrurs ils tise Metropoltla Toronto Poice Deparîmovi unlil ordained fise yeurs ugo as an Anglican prient. He is presentiy roctor of St. Dustas Anglican Cisurchin atise contre af tise "Little ltaiy 'area ai Tornto and is poice chupiain and court chaplain. as meil an c huptain ta lise Aagican Young Peope of Toronto Di- ocese. pres4oua to ie present loca- tion.,ie srrved fer Imo and a hait yers as chupluis aiMiii- brook Maximum Sccurity Re- formnatary t Cbourg ilS special cutis ta Kingston Penv itentiary and tmo ers t St. Asdrem's in Scarboraugis, andI visiting chapluin ai Don Jil. In Toronto, ho is knomn as tse "Fuzz Priet.' Ours'naeesbertbtp drive is slowly building up isterant, but me al must put a lthl mare effort inao il if me isi ta buiid a roui vrong club, ni tets al set a goal for ourvels. os and 500 mise cun brirg it tise mot nom members by use tisse me compiete aur firi seur of eperutios. As e tels ee you felomv ou ai tise nSi meeting wmisaisve t heesonoticeuble by pou 1absence. i -Tise Post office remiad! un ta mail letters and prcel for Christmas orîs if tise f are bound for foretgn courti 1-ies. Deadines for surface mui J to Britir. for instance. at 1- Nov. 21 for purcein and No 29 for letters. Wedneaday, Nôv. 15, -1967 BS7 It is mucis safer ta lisait your speed than ta sped yaur Oimit. EL ECTRIC IT Y US OUR BUSINESS Dont ho a Tlakerer svtb Eleotrlclty. Caîl an espei for *HEATINO *WIRINO *NEW CIRCUITS *ADDITIONAL OUTLEBS *OUTDOOR UGNTS MILTON OPTIMISTS made tise tirsi instalimeni for tiseir dora. ion to Milton District Hospital. Tise Optimumt have pledged a îem patients' room ta tise ospital. Here Chacune Thomas, secreiary af tise Optîînists presents tise fis cheque to Hospital tidministratar Dalton McOuaig. (Staff Pisoto) FEATHERSTONE ELECTRIC 878-6378 Notice te Electors of the Town of Milton NOMINATIONS FOR MAYOR, REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE, SIX COUNCILLORS, SIX PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTES, TWO HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSIONERS For the Municieality of thé Town of Milton FOR A TWO-YEAR TERM wili be held in the Gênerai Purpose Room of the Martin Street Senior Public Schooî MARTIN STREET, MILTON ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1967 From 7.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m., E.S.T. The Voting WiIl Tahe Place on MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1967 at the Pollowing Pèces: Sleep in comfort NORTH WARD: EAST WARD: Martin Street Senior School Union Hall, Pine Street with an electric blanket Winter doesn't ook haif 80 grîm from undorneath an electcîc blankef. WIth the thermostat, Ils lghtweight warmth keepa you t the tome ove, comîcriable temperature, ne mater what happent oullde. Duol controls let husband and wlfé each dia the precina warmth they lîke bent. Cost? Far Ios thon you'd ever Imagina for so much comfort and convenience - and operates for about a penny o night le keep y ou worm and cosy. lnn't that a whole lot chooper thon wintering la Floridal MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION 250 MAIN ST. E. TELEPHONE 878-2345 ... even for littie things lk mini-skirts and monding Baraine - an atagant, []Q ior rTecs.and botessln Minutes ICIMne. dana. wimplanear t .1 . trilgtatitehan, Strastitvttaa, 'dgagsaE] Pertvt stitohas. ra.ide thia treaettined aven vo 2 ana a nesota ambroiira Q Sema an tvoll lien aJIltha fli buttos, buttonvalea ithout nainattoatert.ns Q []Na astarnatin etion a charte, ns diailv, no discos ta ChneaCItven adlastttits aoeiag tmachine sssldon tension ctsnretely asttteatisally []iJesama have - eaieeered tiyr Osarte,. Chise of Cabinets. Sais. mater seettmea. Baie ra.aises Orom$100. Ses and sew a BERNINA ait your dealer' today Other Machines f rom $60. U Cabinets and Consoles to Fit Most Eistîng Sewing Machines - Convert Vour Present Machine int an attractive Piece of Furniture -..--..frem $39.9s We Service and Répair Most Typés and Makes of Sewing Machinés SOUTH WARD: Agricultural Hall, ID At the same time, the opinion of the electors upon the follow- ing question wîiI be obtained: "Are you in favor of thé Province taking over 100% of thé cost of éducation in Ontario?" Electora of Mlton are hereby requlred te tek natice: 1 . The above is a correct statement of the question to be submitted. 2. Mondlay, the 27th day of November, 1967, at the hour of aigis oclock In the atternoon, in the office of tise Cleris, Town Hall, Milton, is appolnted es the fime for thse appoiniment of persans ta attend st the polling places and at the final summing upof the votes by thse Clerk. Poils Open ut 9.00 a.m. and Clos. at 7.00 p.m., E.S.T. Deputy-Clerk of tise Toms of Milton. Milfon, November 1, 1967 Q fTl IstNEWS* * riî Club -I - - - - m "tu M qLF-1.ý--ý - -:le, %171F naqwq Mm5P7 Il 1 - -- - 1 ý - - - -1 -1 - ---, - - - - - . . ý. . -. . , ., . -. . . .7 . , ý . . 1 - - ..,