Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Nov 1967, p. 4

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4The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1967 QpoStsforum Terîy Nova and Kevîn Mc- Ccp seored a goal vaci tu1 gise Firemen a 2-0 i nover 'Muw- bras Fuels in te Novice divis- on o te Milon Minor itause Iragan. In cter Novce act- ion, Pontac, brt tae Cccvi club 4I and RatisIrl ic- tint 10 a 4-I drîrut its Baecc Bros. John Rostees lîred a pair, miile Ted Hilîz and Kevin Hosiden îallied sngles loirtae Pontiac e. n. Beud Lubinumian mus te lone rnarkvmnan Crevi Roitrt Frar scoecd imica 1r Beecb and is tino goal liori oas sappurted by singes rom John Noble and Peter Tbompsun. Don Rîddell %as te Reietait mrkvmun. In te Fac Wae division, IloodsCbîî tan Kings lovi 5-3 tu Milton Lumitar miile Can- udian Tire salvaged a 5-4 in ceer Milton Piarmues mit faur tiird period goals. In otitaiPueFacWac tion, MiCu- ig seorid a sourd 6-2 vîclors over Fav Plumting. Chartes Atenet scord a biat trick and Allen MacKinnun and ýRon Rîîlv addad sngles for te Lombertnenv oin Blair Bourman. Rards Rodg- eris and JeIl Durhamn noîcbad singles in a iosing cauoselor Cicken ings. Jeff Smitht cd Canaidiar Tire ivit a par and Wayne Warren. Ross Fullar and Van MPtuil uîldad ingle%. Mite Ford scorad Iice 1r Mlton Farmacv and Kent lsmond and PauaiMatn ialievi one apiece. Andv Wvsrnan and Ron Cola pacad McCuigs mwitb a pair racit and Mite Lesii and Les lie Bromn counîrd singles. Strie Marusitaîl and Marc Hv- ma wrc the marksmen for Fau's Three hat tricks in Pro-Arn action By John MeLean Lasi Tuevday evening Wilson and Feddie plaped 10, a 5-5 tir aller Turner itad tanded Mc- Coîcteon a 9-5 rimmiof. In Titursduy nigitl action Chain- pauo tota t-t verdict fron Edmards and in te finaifume o temwek Cin noteted a 74 itory oner Hilîn. Wayne Thiber led the Tur- ner quad ilitihtrcergoals. Nip Gervais fired a pair and singles mmi t t Ron Liermnan, Renato Bertolli. Brian Me. Ouf e and Terrs Cairns. Nip Gervais led the assisl parade mt four setile Lierrinan bad a pair and a single mas counted by MeOuffe and Cairns. Doug McCceon led tus train in te loss as te tal-lird tsice. Muray Grente, Dave Lawrence and Dennis Sinclair itad te oters. Art Brooks and Law-- ronce mere te assistants. Ted Kennedy and Ken Tbcmpscn racit lid a pair cf inarkers for ýPedcltn and Bill Joye added one goal. Dong Pedde. Bob Lawrence, Titoi-- son and Doug MeCuccieon as- sisted once reth Replving for Wilson ere Bruce Bell mitit two and singles from Art Brooks, Nip Grivis and Ron Ftillips. John Heipel 2, Wayne Hoinden (2). Brooks and -Fitilipv 4mew assists. Wayne Sharpen mus ithe top mon for Cliampauo as te f ied a liaI trict and ndded an nîisi. ter goal getters ere Louis Nadalin, Bob Burli. Calson, Jncb Cliampauon AI Chalmers and Smithi. Trrry Barber fron Bob Nes-rl as te only scor- ing play fron Edmards. ln Ithe Cin mutiny Lloyd Zuesl fired a tut trick s-hile singtes sere noîclirdb'y George Brosen, Tcm Ranmsitam Bruce Gaies and Wayne Sharpen. Olcit Cin, Amnie Vannesi, Tiispy Tii- liet. Wayne Homden lilped oct once anod George 'Bics-n dres- imo assints. kHilîz ihad tino goals froin 1Wayne 'Bell shile Jin Johinson 1 nd Jin onaldson lad singles. Oonaldson s-as the onlY assist- ant. c Recent expansion of the Bantain division of te -Milton Minr House League set-up cao be accepted as an indication cf te coinuing inleresl in minor hockey in Iis tdtwn. The es- panion necssiates anewsscbrdule whicb mas be found on e thescepages, The expansioni ncrrased ihe Banlam bouse league fram M four la six eanîs. Due 10 the extra ime naedcd arrangements L bure e ienmade 10 bave the lc froin 6.30 .m. Saturda mcmn- i ing unil I p.m.w Nip Gersais and Harold Timbers mut boandie te coueiof h dues for te new ieams. Thte addition of te new tramns sinrîls gý te total 10 29 minar iockev trams in tbe lomo, not counting two sels of Mondas' nigitlers sciici tîakes in anoîber 70 boys. Acloîs Taneers bas-e issued a pIeu for Inlermediate players from te MilIce area 10 Irs' ouI for titat tram. Tbe Tanners, one of ses-an cam s enîeredia tbe OHA. Intermediate League milI bold praciars Friduy, November 17 and Sundas. November 19 aI lite Aclon Arna. Anscne- interesîrd sbould phtone 853-1638 and ask for Roy. ter îaams inte league are Port Elgin, Durham, lora, Cbellenitam IBramalea . Seaforlt and Hespeter. Mlon Mercitants face o-bai Managrr Abe anton des- cribes as "a make 'cm or break 'em scitedula ibhis wrek. Thr Mercitanis. e.'o nouu-cvelosI îbree fumes and won imo, tarri 10 rangevilla Tbursday, Oakvillc Friday and return borne for a Sunday nîgitl gama against Qatnille. Sîrerîssille losI crIsvne fume in forand brai te Mercitanîs le. ce. Thte firsl fume ccuid be dîscurded as a matter o ciraumslanaas. Mrciatns met tem is-e mn shoriand Paîlersan, te Sîreals' le goule rubbed tem an more titan one occasion 10 secura te 4-1 iclory. Homever. Fridus nîglIls dispias berrr rfi lilile racin for exause. For o-bal slaiislics mullers Strectsmille mus outsbol ut bot mertings t ite Mercianîs and titeir viclory verr atilir lasi Tuesday. Witite exception of acouple of sperdy formards and a couple cf defencemen mito cao rralîy bliser sitots from te point, te Drbys dont really serin tu bave anybods' ousianding. but selttes in hoctey fumes. In al tbrcc ins basv displuved a knuck of potief te biscui n thr basket from angles whii.i normully s-ould eam impossible. If tae Drtvs, a firsl vrur club, continue iis style of plav tes-couId iba reasonubîs assure4 cf a iigitinsuccesîfut dritulin te Suburban O.H.A Junior 'C' lcp. Mercitunts are stilI giving srious cnsidruion to neye plavers filing paillons on lietat. Manager Abte PrIon stresses a rcel for defencemen. Formard Gars Dean and de- fencamnan Jîm MaKennu botmade titir de but Fridus and nitber lootad vnlite a plver of Junior 'C' calibre. Te Merihant eserutise is unicus to0lovit a a nein e- cmuii t1 tlite lam. Jim Citaltles. Ciallàbis.jý 17 s'aar-old. 190 pound lad and a grade 12 studeni t Applaits Colege in Oubville. Hrslarred on Applaivs football tram antd apparentin bas a promising professionai football carrer abead cf iim. Hom- eser tae >voung atileîa claimls bc ssants 10 mata is future in professional itoakes. Ciaîkîrs missed plaving mt Elobicobe in te Junior B loup iecausa is scitedula mut lite club and scitool didrIt jise The Mercitant scitadule apparentlî fils btlrr. If te ments espectations itc could rot onîs unctor te defenca bal pros de te spark te tram nerds. Hanesu racng enbuslasts milI bc glati10 iear Mohawsk Races-av ssill bc open for an additionul fivr dus,.Ther meel milI mun 10 Dec. 16 rater titan Dcc. 9 s staîrd ercher. The extension sili add fise racing duvs 10 thr 270 dars Thr Jockey Club as aliolird for te vrur. Dec. 12 selbe a durk dus- and rocing titrer Salordavss Dec. 2, 9 and 16 milI ibe conducrd in te flernoon. :an't score goals, Merchants outplay, outshoot Derby's but the score is a different story Strervilie Derityssauntllr- .1 10 a 7-t1svin os-rMilton lacitî hicaFrîday iiigit. vs-vs Sîreca i lila's louîîi sun invlîstarts adfli.v seconîd win over Milton. Marcitanîs ave mon to and lovtthrea urnes vo fui tiis seasca. Marchants tacked support n nal and failad 10 lollosv va, s itîogit Titas oulsit Siîaai-vîlle 4329 bituînomore cdgd cidvivcvoring ppr Craig Broshb iutad in on tae righ itnîg and val Ted Hood op for te irst goal cf goal ut 4.47. Slreetuvtttr provlded t b e lss,tan a minutle viîeliîvud's govi. iim WOîk' iean J.tImsin. B.Kalapaca . Paîkv. Davies. D. Stringrrand L. Blctmore ail score4 for Stretsville led t teend ANOTHIR FRUSTRATING ATTEMPT: Mercitanis outsht Streets- ville 43-29 Frday Alîhough thle shots on net are deceiving. M4ton did domnate the play in the second and third periods witit ittle saccess Hern Gary Dean pressed in on Streetsviîle goale R Fessey (Staff Photo) Flyers beot Oakville but suifer first Ioss Nadîtlîn Flacli laJ îîîcîia Manager Joe Wilson said te Fivers roujîcaîl lakciic 71TT97îs iloOdîlc liic ii) Oait iasî Tuesdas,îîîdlbten Iolllîii iitoli vîbt si t dci i lilîvi pi.iili firsi gaime o bit c ases 10 ai vii iglivîslBuilitigîvn. Burilnaloicîc Mondas ivgitt I Eîîîîi Lsîlrs-n and \tl.i i a îv i lvii Mil- os',vin iin Oîkvîiic ,Fargo- ,o içlî theol goal fir Orlilîtt lat îvsîî.g ,9l lieî n tlî l, v cl h i and i tl,-n oaciviarigscvlevio the vvsî. îs,,vî,iicucitand ltae gîrne Milto aalnîliPiîlI lit, and Ranis, 1-lisiden lircîllte iîna ggoal ifor Loll.î4970. Tsvan îms in taeMidgel div- ivîlon tviiiPark Farin dos-n Lavimit,3-2 and H.imv edge Knigblv 3-2. MIte Fraune p.îced Park Farm sith a paîir and Wayne Emin svcîred ltae Ibird goal. Leros' RavnoIds and Neil Brad- bars sîvvraîlsinglas for lita o-- Bohb McKee, SIc Robtstron and Bobi Knîmles comrnined lvor Ham', titrer govaleffurt. SIasa Ciamani anvi tas Wilson scoiedîlfor Knigitts. pi.îved good hockey lor te sic wopriods btitloff i lh italIstanra. Juveniles piav in Bramalea Svndas and ituvt Brampton itci a Mvnduv. Thte greater te obstacle, te mure te glory in oercoining aI teenmd cfte second. Bot Icains skaled malt and stock sîriclîs a titlg and almnosl rio itdv contac. t h cita jriitae firsi pariod. Suit goaltendaer for Streels- tille. R. Frssry, played in place cf regular Sundv Paîlarson. Milton outahal Sirerlsnilir ALVIN SMITH RUNS 'MILES FOR MILLIONS" Alvin Smith, an l8-eeur-old student froin Hespeler. and one of OSO.s long distance runners.. parlicipaîrd in the "Miles for Millions" ment ut Hamilton on Sunduy, Nonrin- ber 5. Alvin compîrîrd te 35 mile distance i n ss and a baîf bours. He ran te firsi 21 miles and maltrd te remain- ing 14 miles. He mas 30tit in te buge grop of participants miticit mas esimuted ut 18,900 Alvin wsansponsorrd itv Se- erul staff members ai OSO., te total conribotions cf te sponsors being almosl $7 per mile. As a restait cf Alvins ef- fort and drierinination. te rais- cd approximutelis 1230 for te Hamilton Fond miichit in - îendrd 10 itrtp nedv people in Africa. lip Brunit. regular juvrnile goutander. replcerd Dale Dus- ninig midmav titrîug thlie sec- ond pariod. Sîrcalsvilla navar bad a vitl on te Milton sel in ther ast 12 mi nutes cf te second session. Domnitrarird Mercitani coacit Cd Smiss cspressed bis disuppoinîmeol u ithte leain bol said Leon Stictîr. Gary Dean, Craig Brusit and Ted Hocd morkrd bard. Manager Alan Parton said alibougit 'Milton oulstoltteir opponentis tbry bad but s good scoing opportunilirs. "If lite y scored on rvrrychtance ltrv buad ibry slill mould bave lovi. Thte sits on net dont nieun a îbing." defenceman Jin McKenna, botit saw titeir first action witb the Marchants and bothpins- ed Ieill Dean plaved especial- IV well. Referees handed out a total cf 85 minutes in penalties, 45 to Milton and 40 10 Streets- vilte. Milton rao into a rasit of penatties whlen the referre tevied a bencli penalty 10 Mil- ton for something a fan had apparcnttv said. When Milton plavers disputed the cat] a 1penalty for drîaving the gaine mas i ssued and seconds laler rKcvin Hall wenl off for charg- Sing and a 1er minute miscon- Cdc. Bothtrams plaved three men 10 a %ide for some lime tand vou iusi couldolt bus a seat in the sin bin. 7Milton Minor Hockey House league happenings P ia l -naiiiîi.1 Brll Bros. ssampavl Keit Ceai slae93.In vter Ban- tmarcioln, Lcal 4970 baith cd to a 11 i lia utMiltonv DepI, Store and Bell Bruîs. (isiîorvi vkatd Itu an 8-2 vie- ivîrs lîver tae cm Iatali Phit Colen paced the Bell Bics. squad ssitifour goals. Bîvue Homes ired a pair and singles 'anti tuîDarîvi Grah- amn, Toîm Wilis and Gars Mac- Diogail. Gary Lawnrence, in Salas and Peler Mulee îaiiid singles Ivr te lovin ln an rarliar garne, Bell Bros. braI Naeslanlamns8-2. Gars MaaDougall ragistered a baitrick, Kerrs Kiliben ired a plir antI singles en lu1 Toîm WiIIs. Pbil Kiltcen and Dave Andersoin. Riet otit aild Allen Avais scored 1cr te New Banlains. In tecter Banîarn gaina, Randslv Hannoin corad loi Milton Dept. Store I 217 MAIN ST. MILTON W! FEATURE "LONDON FOG" MLL W!ATIUR RAINCOATS The Wealberwear of Distinction" n "ego, Navy alacit, BrowenChaeaU ilGrey la FORTREL AND COTTON * MACHINE WASHABLE A Real Ail Weather Coat $40.00 Wth Zip.Un Uning - $4995 HI! I FOLKlS We are Now Open for Business AT THE Corner of No. 25 Highway And No. 10 Sideroad (Formerly Reed-Redfern) NOW KNOWN AS --- CARS&TRUCKS UNLIMITED 0 Please take 10 minutes and drop in and say hello -- w. have a number of cars and trucks for you to choose f rom -- and more arriving daity. Beat the CoUd Weather ---DEAL TODAY CALL AND ASK FOR - MEL SMITH, ROY LEGGO or GORD HOWARD MILTON 878-2393 Alil Ex-Service Personnel und Their Dependents are invited to take advantage of a f ree Legion Service MR. C. F. WALL Service Bureau Off icer f rom Toronto Office will be at Legion Branch No. 136, Milton, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1967 L il 1 bý 12.30 p.. 80 gine skiled adice on veterans benef ils. Anyone wilb questions on War Disability Pension, War Velerans' AîaceBrn-Out Pension, Trealment, or Hospilal Care, is urged ta caîl or write MR. C. R. ANDERSON, SERVICE OPPICER Phone 878-2661 - 878-9728 afler ix

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