The CancadenoCharpinn.Wednasdlay, Nov. 15, 1967 7 HORNBY IeýcnuO Cancer Society field man speaks of patients needs LAINO THE WREATHS for the Remembrons-e Severai cubs and organîzatianis donated Dey service t Victoria Pas-k are Fred Johnson reaths. ond Mss. Joyce Murdoif of the Milton Legion. (Staf f Photo) TOC YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND the fuit signif- M. Whistler,. foiiawing the servis-n as Vtoria cons-e fo Remembrons-e Day. Leonne and Kim Park Sarday morntng. Whster ges a lesson fsrn their mother Mrss(Staff Photo) KILBRIDE First Kilbride Scouts, Cubs cha nge cha rter f rom Bu rli ngton The Mens Gouop Comnmile ai the Firss Kiihridu Cahs and Scouts mt Mndapuvesisg sn the Sunday Shoul raom ilh nine ps-sesl. On Octabr 25 the chaster mas changud fsrn the 141h Bulinglon ta the Fisst Kit- bride Scouts and Cuba. leaw»,noved hat thu gs-up taku out issurancu ta caver ailtIhe cammillue memburs. Thues-st mas 17.50lus- the puas. An evuning bas hues piassud fus- faîhurs, Scouts and Cuhs un Wednesday evenisg, Nov- embus- 22 at 7 p.m. in the s-an- munily cents-e hunMs. W. B. McGsegac wilt bu guestaspea- ker and show a film eniticd Thu Alaska Earthquake. Il is haped that al fathuca iii maku an efort la attend. Thse connsttee mumburs wiii suti Christmas trues as- ais tis puas. Ssoutmastur Fcud Arnold an- nauncud thal the Scouts have bes askud ta maku a sign foc Mauntsburg chus-ch simiiac ta the signa the Scouts made and dunated ta thueKitride community last sommer. Dan- aId Cousas chaiced the meet- ing. The Faith Mission in Canada, mobile mission unit. is hure ie Kiibsidu besidu Kilhside Unit- ed chus-ch. Thse Faits itlon in Canada is sot a sust os- dunominat- ion. but rathus- as intecdesom- inationai monument, ions-lias ing as as auxiiary ta ailPr-m lestant s-uschus deiros-oasa evangelis-atmus-k. Yau are inited lu attend spuciai services in the mobile unit conductud by Misses Douo gan and tMsMulan. The Sun- shinu Mous- immudiatuip ailes sshaol bugining Navembes l features film stsips, conteats and ps-les. Famiiy survis-us as-e nighfty ai 8 p.m. communcisi Sunday. Nuvembur 12, Satur day uxseplud. Mn-. CMII Frets, Mrs. Elm2 Bllard, Mss. George Colsor James Wuihus-l, Cii Fs-t; and Frank Cartwight ert isses-s ai the Goad 'Nigbboi Euchre Club ast Monday nigts at the commonity cents-e mitt fine tablus ai pcagressivt uuchre being piayud. Mss. Ja mes Wthus-uit as the lus-k innus ai thse dos- ps-lue. 'Mss. Charlttu Smith anc Mss. Lois Risharsdon mer winners aI the Sos-l Eueht Club last Tuesday. Mss. Car Gesvais mas hustuas fus- the gs-uop. Ren. C. R. Wsagg opened the annuai bauaac and sua ai the United Chusch Womes ai Kil- bride United Chas-ch in the Sondas Seheel s-uum ast Wed- nesday ailes-nous. Mrs. H. R. MeDosald and Mrsv Wsagg anuse hostesses. Ms- and Mrs. Gosdan Harris and iamilp have sld their- home on Tivs Road ta Ms- and Mc. Edard Vrkalk and famits, formes-tp ai Wood- bridge, Ont. The Harris' are rsidisg ai No. 10 Sidesoad. R.R. 3 Camphetliite. Mr. and Mes. Stu King and famils ai No. 10 Sidraad as-c nom esiding as No. 5 Side- s-ad asd Ms- and Mss. Rap Sneiting and famils have rec- entis manud !int the hume fus-mes-tv uccupied hs the King tamiip. Withecl Fard ai Kiihride iv a patient as the Joseph Bsast Memoiai Hospitli. hiie Ciiif Fsetz ai Kiibsidu St. ila apat- est ai Miltun District Hospi- a. Mrs. Luyd Coote bas re- taraud hume romn Joseph Bsat Memasiai Hospital, Bus-- linglon. Mc. R. Z. Wicker ai Kil- bride St. is home aites- being ja patient ai the Joseph Bruni Memoiat 'Hospital. As piannud as theis- aclin- ils prugram, thu Tees Dsop- In Ctub membuca ent ahead and hetd sheis- han ride and ieser toast is vpite ai the rais Salas-day night. Thavhs ta Andy Tylas and a fem ai the boyss. the wagon mas so- rerud wilb a tarpaulîn ta keet 3 them dry. S Aitus- the hay ride tbraugi 9 this disti-cttise teens ment t' r-the hume ut Ms. and Mrs. Owu tz 246 MAIN ST. r 8 78-2 34 3 t COSMETrCS h Elzbth Arden le Preparotions ýy Du B.rry-Max Factor id Chanel No. 5 re Agency for mi LUASCODCNI en Yemm. MNicen Rd. whc thus eniiisud ,tieerrttat and dancing turrerds Tise membeers ps-cen ted Mrs. Yemm mitih a pus einaP- precialitîn lits-thets - hîpilalitv ducing tbe seaoav ndt lMr. Tsios fer ting them on Ithe has sides ths-uaghaiîithe sua sus. The tees members have caived unoaeh nmoeusand mes-e able li paschose a vies-cilpas-- tahtus-coasd placer fer their dascev and othes-events. Ailt buse teuns deverve a grua t duaai ofredit. and thansvi, also due ta Milles Schutt, mho kin charge ai the group. The November meeting Ofiaa the Hornby Wamen's Institutu mas heid on Wednesday aiter- N sauts, November 8th, ast the0 home oai Mrs.Cecil Pattersatt. t Mrs. Clifiord 'Wriggteamas-th. o thc president. wetcamed the s' ladies ta the meeting whis-tsIl mas opuned sn the usoal man-p ne.Fine ladies fram Dram-a qaîn tnstitate and Ima fronm he Scmc th Block tn-titutei \% ,.ge tý ithle meeting Tihe cil cait -A cure tfs- the hices" was ansswered hv t3 nsembcrs and samc ai thej guvîs. Some of the suggest- ins acre guting OUaI far1 aalks, caiiig a fsiend forac a cheers chat. ar ding samu-i thing rua ealiv like ta du.c Tmu ltters mure ruad frontm the adapted Chisuse chiid,( thanking the ladies for their1 support. Mrs. Hagh OConnor1 sepred a Chrismas parce]t htd h en sent ta this chitd. Mus. Wlbert Fard. heath ettavuner, mas calud an for her lroram. She introucud Mc. Chester Service ut the Scotch Bockh Institate mho gave the malta,."Nuune is rich cnaugh tu he aithouaia neighhar and saggested raies ta fliasa la bu a guud neighhur. Mrs. Grdan Sirain oftihe Cancer Society 0 Miltotn cas istroucud asd ,h, in tacs ist raduced Roy tielanca, une ai the ficidmes Ofi the Cancer Saciulv warkisg He face a muatinifocmative îaik os the mrk ai the sac- cia'. mhich iv hrakus istu dlv- iiuns. sach as Otario mhere there arc i4 districts and aur imnmediate district iv hrukes clowan toto 10 asits. He also spuke os the camp- aigns ras each yuar for ce- scas-ch is the service ta cancer patients and for transpartat- tsn ai patients ta cinics for reatment. Mrs. Strain tld ai the. rcat nued foc drivers ta transport patients and aiso e-- piained about dressingv. Mr. Delanev ansmered suverai ques- ions. M rs. Wriggiesmurlh thanked the gusi speakers for and taikta the Instilute. Dssslng lb. buosess peciod, N cira. Wriggteswucth cepacled k on the desectltuns-hean she r sad aîcendud ai Stewarttawts e ons Nonember 7. Mrs. Patter- 2 s reparled as the pions for( bue pcagcam tac the biclhday t partv ta he held aI the Masur as Nuvembur 22. At the Dec- s-mhuc meeting. thece miti bu t he usuai exehang af ifus. MIr-. Pe-cc M ercv evîusdud a i vote ai îhanks ta the haslesss [or hec hospitalily, aisa ta the Drumqain Institatu foc visil- isg mitb Haraby. Mcs. Ratpb Fcatherstos exprussed tbe picavoru ai the Dramqain lad- ies en being able ta bu pres- est asd enjun the pcugcamn. Fotiumisg the viegisg ai The Ouesn and rupuatint the Inali- tale grace, lunch mas ses-ved hv Mcv. Wiibcrt Fard and the hostuva. Mumbers ai the Narth Traf- algar Cummasitp Club betd thuir annoal social auîing ru- ceusly when thev unjoyed a dinner parts aI the Hause Tan- ushauf, Huttanvilie. Faitaw- isg the dinnur, they went an ta the Odeon thuatru in Bram- pion ta vethe shuw "The Greatest 'Stucs Ever Tuid", mhich was vus-v mach enjoved hv ait. The Narth Trafalgar Euchre Cluh heid their muekiy rachre parts os Saturdas sight. Nov- embr Il. There mure nine tahles ai eacbre in play witb bue peizes gaisg ta the fultuw- ing missers - Mrs. W. Bu- cuit. Mca. Ronald Kingshatl. Mcv. 'Raiph Fuaîhurstan. Tes-sy Jackson, Walter Barnard and Chartie Brown. Twu dram psi-- us mure heid with Ms-s. Jussie McCasn and Wiiburt Nis being the lucky uses. St. Stuphen's Anglican Guiid hutd a very successiol commage and hume baking sale on Fciday, Novembes- 10, n the 100F Halt in Milton. Mcv. Cliiiiiosd Honte- was in charge ai the baked gaudies mhich mure ai a vus-y chais-e vaciuty. Theru was alsu a good cariuly aifaud ctuthing and Thse Eden Unitud Chus-ch Wumes huld Ihels- annual lus- kuy dinne- in the chus-ch base- sent an Tuesday nlghl, Nan- embur 7, wiîh a s-s-wd aI 2t0 allunding. Ms-. and Mss.Jobn Giltup welcamud thu gusîs aI he duos-. Me. end Mes. Geaorge Thom- aon ineu Shas-s-n Busselti hacs annaunced the as-rival ai a baby daoghtuc aI George- toms Memaciai Huspital on sVednesday. Novemhec 8, fis-st gcandchiid fus-Ms-. and-Ms-s. John Bussuil. -Ms-. and Ms-s. Ges-sy Hamil- taos, Kent and Rendra. visiîud on Ssanday with 'Mr. and Ms-s. Runaid Maieau ai Pas-I Cced- Ms-s. Elsie Baur oai Moton is visitisg for a iew days wilh Ms-. and Ms-s. Arthus- Piant. Friends in this district as-e sacs-p su huas- hat ltiîe Lacs-p Sammit is a patient in, the Sick Chiids-en's Hospitali n Tos-anto, whucu hu is beisu îs-eatud foc a sues-re case oi pneuoaia. A speedv rcsoct-s- iv mishud for Lacs-y. Blrtbday greetingi to Ms-s. Eas-t MeMilian, mho wmut cri- uhs-ate bus- hicthdav on Nov- embus-10. The HarebvtUnited Chas-ch Womus hetd their assuai Fail hazaa-in the chas-ch hase- ment us Satarday. Navumher Il sith a gaad crumd attend- ing and a vers successiai day repus-ted. Ms-s. Keith Hawkes gceeted the gusîs as the duas- and atso afficiatin apuned the hazaar. Birt5ýAan greetiru> su Yvonne ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. Optmetrist Tu.sday 9 a.m. go S pes. Frlday 9 am. o api& 1 184 MAIN ST., MILTON (Devs is JeelIesnid..) bis-lhday os Nuvumbes- 17. john Hannais bas bers en- jaying des- hunling fus- the pas wek aI Bocks Plls and mas ose ai the lucky iettaws su shoot a dees-. Congratulations ta Mr. and Ms-s. Normas Haynes me rews Presbytes-ian chus-ch in 'Bramplun. The yaung couple as-e sesiding In thuis- nuw home an the Sixtb Lise. Mc. Haynus is the sas ai Mss. Gerald tMuchmenl and the lte Nus-- mas Hayses. AN EXCITING SA-LE4 r OF GAS RANGES & GAS DRYERS IBEACH 30"f This Beas-h Modet gives pou automotis- s-ook and hold oves timer . . . four hoar minute mindler ... A-Temp' aven contrai . . . c4 speedp-set top borness. . . IndivIdluol borner bomîs -..Lft off aven door with window ..Ovesliîgbt ..Swing aut Braiter- SAVE $3612 NOW$1 8 8 -88 SIMPLICITY DRYER For those who want heovy duty con- SAVE stucio ndecnoyof opertion - $61.07 Simpiicity gos dryers mth vacuum drying principle gives pou the safest, economp of gos aperatton.wth NOW $8 MATCHINO WASHER s259.'s As238.e SPECIAL SALE PRICE IWide choice of Ranges and Dryers at Special Sale Prices NO DOWN ON SALE NOW AT YOUR APPLIANCE DEALERS IPAYMENT-EASYI DEPARTIENT STORE AND UNITED CAS SHOWROOMS CREDIT TERSI PAYMENT ON YOUR GA LLJU IE A SPICIALS THIS WEK Christies Brown and Whte - Reg. 39c - 4c Off Label ROLLS -- Now Only 29c eacb pkg. of 1 dox. Chrislca' Buftermate BREAD, 2"-z. loaves .... 3 for 63c "New" - 2 Ply - Closent Thlng t0 CIotb Reg. 37e Eacb PIcg of 2 Rolle Facelle Royale TOWELS Now Only 2 rolis 45c Freah Good Si:. EGGS ........ 5 doz. 99c American Large Si. LETTUCE .... 2 hoead 35c American Long Green CUCUMBERS 2 for 25c Macintosh APPLES -------- 55c 6-qt. bskt. BANANAS ..l..................1Oc lb. Hot Hous TOMATOES ..........2 lbs. 35c Tangelo's Large Sze ORANGES -- 35c do:. Fresh Fowl) Boiling CHICKENS .... 25c lb. Chicken LEGS or BREASTS --- .45c lb. Fresh Park Farmer'. SAUSAGE ...... 39c lb. Park SHOULDER ROAST ..... 35c IL Fresh Loan HAMBURG ....------ 3 lbs. 99c CHUCK STEAK .......... ......65c lb. Fresh Butt PORK CHOPS . .........55c lb. Fresh Lean Bac PEAMEAL BACON ...69c lb. Maple Leaf BOLOGNA ---------3 lbs. 99c Fresh Maple Leaf Vac Pac SIDE BACON, lb. pkgs ....65c lb. A L FON S OS FRUIT MARKET 172 Mill St. Milton 878-2460 FRIE DELIVERY TOWN 0F BURLINGTON NOMINATION MEETING 1. The mýeeting ta nominat. candidat. for the. offices of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Rauve, Councillors, Members of the Board of Education, Members of the Public Utiities Commission end Truste.. for the Separte Schooi Bsard, shall ha held on Thursday, November 16, 1967 in the auditorium of Central High School, 1433 Badwin Street, BSrington, b.. twefn 7.30 and 8.30 pm. 2 Polling, if required, shail he heid on Mon- day, Decemiser 4, 1967 from 12 o'cloch noon until 800 p.m 3. An Advacce Poil, if required, stall be heId on Saturday, December 2, 1967 fromn 11.00 a m until 700 p.rný WM. K. SIMS, A.M.CT. *MINMOTO*R SAY2LES B Uý P 1- Ie Te A -A -L I 'i