Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jan 1969, p. 11

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~ke EsinÔîau VOL lflO....ra.. 'le MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARV 29, 196 4- Foeete s Armploîr tocs or the tle. W. DOmr Mco o' s tleo coce 20 munoicipal efficilais Queen's Parh lutsWdrro eomore, Il is miha e oo deol of pleosue tAc I mers mich yo lodop ce sol ie motioe e proesti cf e5oliocioc and disceussion choc mili rstât in a spser of rogionsi gcrrmmeol foc the Peel-Hlo Oece- Whoc I ose aoee te sop wil ho o contotine proposei for Aher nrgeezioocf yeer loral genemooet. I ose scsggcslieg thot me con rmpioy chic proposai os a hattis fer fetore eogocsetocs. Perheps ocixhie ceelce mosAn, agremeet ces hie obloti e o arompiltecyslrm. FEELMHALTON LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW COMMISSION To dole, coeaidorotioe ha boe givn to the Report cf ste Pool-Halles Loral Goremmeet Reniem Commission, exd 10 sthe sebseiselees prepocoti hy the masicipaltiis te conncoe mith cici sbodp- Telle bore hee bol mith represeelalines cf the Coclty cf Pool asti mih ocrerai ef tho meeiripalities te Haicox. I amn ooîicficdtihai the Local Govrmoel Ronire Commimsion, etbhiohoti in Jely of 1965, masoa dcnicrc xccpcionatly meil-ceicet the porpoeoef inrelvng lordl rositiets ie lte sohject cf rrgioia goneeot. Tho Report ef titis Commissioe has performo d lithe essentiel feriesio ef rlarifyleig for os Are local opieion cf mit fortm cf goeeeclai mosl soitedti thAr regice. Arces reciticcîx have roxreycti te my Doparcimeex e niesodiy onorimoos rejecbcce cf cte Rrpanl's remmrentio ltaI te regioe ho dinided entc à rorel ondi DESIGN FOR DEVE LOPMBNT-PIASE TOO ' ~ Ment meet has bren heooghe formeeti Oc cte provnciel levai choc has itecen most heipfol le che estabhiishmect of gloteraoi ricecia for Are design oati implemrntelies cf cem forses cf lcal goxoreimeci ohoghc the Prevnce. Wr h axe rereinedti he repocts cf The Select Committc oe Thte Monic'pal Art eend Relteot Acs, The Ontario Cemmitre ce Toxation (The Smitht Commiclor) ied The Select Cemmitere Report cf lte Legiclolueo on tht Smith Commitîco Report. Muoolf whao mie haro dolcrmed se empiep fronese o sties TOWN OPPICIALS onnordieg incied Cierit J. McGeacitie, Cosciller Chares Pey, Ooep-Recxe Ren Hercis oeil, oceedino-Ceenribior Coic Smiiiie anti Reine Aoccen Ledmisit. ,GOVERNMEN as proposed by the Hon. Darcy McKeough s 00W compilotin e the publicotioe cf "Degn foc Denrtopmexc Phoase Tmc". This puhlicetion combies my scocemeet ce cegieola gonrosmeet mich cher cf che Prime Mceislor's eati .repocrets e . cm ilmeet 10 rodosige che institutionscoflocet gomeremrec ix che prooince.- This miii he dose on the hecis cf echon-cetreti rogtcns choc miii coner hclh orhee ond rorel erros. TIE ONTARIO COMMITTEE ON TAXATION Moey cf cher reesens mhy ibis policy mustl he xcrmed os imporocine for the sord dcnolopmrrec cf cici Provnce heve boe mcll tiocomenîrd ce che Report cf The Oecario ConcieiOe on Toaaioe. It mes pointd cccl in theit Report chit the inedeqoaec scor cf mccc monicipel oeils h ex receltetin ea chao cc syscere cf provncccl greels te, locel gcvrnmrnt chet coeent aeqootly componcece for inheee Oxeanciol mehcesses. In eddition, the coccfliclieg porpocs end goals cf nom crocs compecieg juoesictics cee bcdt ho cecioliorti hy ccrcngtheeieg Are priceily srltixg foectcoe of muncipol hbudgets throogh the impirmencecice cf lenge molci-poopoco enils cf rgiceel gcxeeemen. The Commicier chsrcd fihet " coold nos hope bc felill or mandete cf prodoccng e 'tex ond reenuecycrmt choc is simple, cier, eqoctehir, efficient, aeqoaec end es condocin o 10the soceti gecsech cf the Perince esceit be ticnisrd' mcchool rccommendirg chenges rn tbe rsiscixgstructure cf locel gonceement'. MTARTS In tho rrnicm cf The Merrpctitee Toronco and Regice Treesportetion Scody, ord shrcegh tiiy contct mith monicipal pleening officiels, my Depsesment box hecome cocnîxord cf cho ecessicy cf regiool goneremoenl b the formuletioe cf comprehcnsixc tend-ose plans and tienricpmet proposais. Thc MTARTS Report ohservestchoc ".regieel plencreqoire che foul parcicipetion cf hcch lcol and perincial gcrernmrnts exnd oppaeeelp the preelt siteation has not prodoord cheo xocosery inrrst and partcipotioe. Oetp whrc chre s aocaol adminiscratine unic hencng eochceity oner e longe orro end ample resoorcos cee a pion mhtch mighc bie colird rogiol he prpaed." The poblicatioe cf Accoe reports and thoco ceeximooccsupport for che prieciple cf rogiceel goneemeet hec led Irea dremetto rice in poblic concece for lcol rfcrm in Onterio. Rcsidentx cf Ontario ore nuc loger prpeced tc coolet the loch cf cc-ncdixolion in the pronctioe of rogiceel serviccs ord the lecit cf direction in the gecseth cf che regiol commoeity. This sicuatcine s prrprcoocrd by che existence cf eemccoos, frogmened and ovrrippcng municipal eed speccol porpose jociscictions. A municipal strucolore shceIdicelrdhby frmy rulatdnthe drmoroic cocepc cf rcpreenteloe hy populton. It chooid he cf odoqooce sire 10 compcccetly odmceistrr orto-midc fonctions. To recoin che ieceress asti participation cf rrscdoncs, tf is esseetiol choc their epacrmt cf municipol gencemeel ho ottcceced the direct erspoesihiicy for o longe eemhrr cf important fencîtions. THE CRITERIA FOR REFORM Accotdiegly, me hae rericmed thr reports cf chcsr sentrel commissionts on tht finonces, stroctore aed orgonicotton cf locel goncemment ond fromt chece se hare eccrpccd ctghc ceitorie for che deicsgn oed implemeececcon cf rogionel gorereiment in che Province. Thecc e cirie hane hemn phlicshrd in "Design for I2enrlopmcnc-Phosr Tseo". Wich chrse crîcerie in mnd and in che iighc cf the situetion rxcsccng helmeen Mccropoicen Toroxn end The City cf Hemitox, I am pecpcccxg tht comhcxoticn cf perls or oit cf tho Cooety cf Eatioti seith tht Concy cf Peel co creoe o syscem cf cegionot goxerent for chiicar. 1. COMMUNITY IOENTITY The finitîcricexeon rerexchecoacrgion most exhîiceca encr of commencîf ideltcy. There ae cererel eccepîrd cxdicaocc cf tht paîtern cf commonccy incereci soch os gcogrephy, eonomcics and 'occielogicl cheraernctc.Incsomo aces of a rgoncix spssible choc ai] soch indies will notl e cpereing te the sae dirctlion. Foc esompir, e commoncîf mey ho dcscinccly lied 10 ont rogon by rsotof e googrepi chercelcstic soch ex the pantern cf netocel drainge. Atthoe me fnitchis commnity may asohrie losly cclaed bo a dîfferent ore in cerms cf itseooiii ýi iain Morovr surie pertocolat indices mey hoe clcergitg mclinie tand the fotore rlocioncip of a cocmoncty mich a cegcon sabnot hre decocmcned mcîh croe ptrcxcocc. Wr hnlcore thet the rcodcrs mne hav arterîrord b date crdccacr fihet e trc censo of commoniiy dors oxit rn the Prel-Halcon ara. 0f corsemenyoelrmrnis cf divrtnty ae nridnnt aire, hec me are conrînord thot chece cen hoe soctehly incoîpocoîrd trio oct sysirmt cf lerge othon-cenrd cegiors. Wr coco thai rimiler patterns cf lard ocilioecicnitendtuocc icolerd aoaseiflioli riscirg oouic'e endthec.meny of thsierssresofothec tioexOttrdocoss tht encire tegien. I moold lite 10 hoe moto specîfîr on chic eopic. Wr hae dccignaend foc conoidecoccon codoy on area choci s mcritrd hy srrocal distieci geogrophiccchcoctriclicx. From tht estorn rdgr olet rcrpment bo the Ecohîcoke Creoi, the terceix is domîxaed hy on aimelos, ot.etir siocico olaint. At ils oreateol rococo, Ahis foosoce LAUGMINII AND CLAPPîNG, Esqeesing orniliers anti doer Deimor French octeeiip ouni dc 0itr o her aouto miten Doecp MoKeogi tiiiorei bis Melcon-Poci cegienol oeenreent mcr5ce imess. Frere leh ore Roer Gere Cocrie, doert Frencit, Depecg-Recnr Teom Miii, andi Conrcîlers Ken Mercsholl exil Rossell Milter. oxttndc os faet ccclh ex rite Vdllae of golton. As e rreoit, on lthe epproximebe rthe administrotire orea mith the ercxcing paccern cf colonel drainagr. Tho firsI mep ihoc s aicachotiI telic copios cf chic ccaeomenc ictictos ity e heory sie tcho apyceximair hoondaxoes of lthe cegion's mocorchotis. Cepies miii he mode eraiehir ai ccie end oc codep'c meeting. General etihernce te petterns of' noterai drainaer mi hoe a henoeflî obthepenpningand admmnistrationcof majorseme rîPîcts andi mi essist Ce te deignaion cf oras foc fuctr tesidenot anti rocreelionel drrolopmcnt. Inchie Pni.Haitontregienlm1cshccopointoutlcdpepndernc ofcas-mrxl ancteic affccrotes. Thost pconidr imptp antblins brimore che rocs commonclies in the tegien. or mnil ai hoîmeex ihis ctgtcxand thr majeortrbanconcratincxers eoslrrn and modemn bocdocs. frofic scodîns cacnîrd out foc monicipalicirs cf cte erea anti projections mode in flic Metocolian Toconco Area and Regîce Trenspoclacion Scody >xosggosc an important reest on soc h cx1ornat linkis foc porpeses of enittloyeyt. Bot clirso stodiescrooel asmniic hac this rlancrncap bcdinsig. Thtfemc cwt f sptccfic kinds cf roipicpmrrc oppeonitis in anti Houern mi atit impetox tuean alteady h1181 caocf onhon gtemii. Aisomenarccpaeetaciflie cicacacteo cfcrdmnral doeieopencin t racill brcomenccm-oedircnîed. Thenîchrrqcont demard for avaxiycofrctioealcaod soccifacdcciscci thereoiontxnaes REGIONAL Nassagaweya 's representatives react strongly to proposai Rooroioc 10 Musicipal Affects Mioisber Dsecy McKooogh's proposai foc Itliebn etid Peel Couelirs mocn't slrong frcm te oeboe oras bol rural rcprseebolirrs eltche meetieg in Qsocrs's Fait sere bitter al somte of Are suggestioes. Me. McKcougit innctrd eqoinics fcomt te 200 oSnoiliors ati admicistralors aflor he heti finshrd ooclinicg lthe rogionol gonere meet pprooa. Neecogomy eeno Bill Hcry chorgedti he goenment's inentcioe mmc lei "diseefrorchise the sehoir cf rurel Ontario." Ho saiti the Dopoctooelt C)f Edocalice bas olneati dose il. Naceegaseope has corihseil 10 cvry tome in the aea for ycors and cee lte govemmenb sogit ce forchor Aiseefmacsle the rural ores bp geoselt pattorns. Tho township notre, hic noire scccng and oetr, xecd ci max "ebcolebely mrong- ce bae cte regiecel goerercon "nep hy - POP." prit one stroke el OSe rCstey rom disefreechise iies of quare miles mitose famnilles ose soobieti. "'Oahnli, Beollegîce and Miealesaogla ait lcrii baid Are deccy ce hase one inmer hemi the rural acrs," Mer. Hotcy saerd. 'Wc haxeolt haro oaorsefa miA Are DcporOscocbt ef Eduaoe and I denOt shieh mou,1 ha serrosafol mih pe- oithe." Thte Miclocxî dr srpped cpen boftte mt Mc. Hooy "1 dlo nt brumee m e are disonfrenciig esycne hoe repicot. Ht coiti cee pecpose cf the regionrt gosrrnmreb plan ma oîotryeandhnrng ruroaad orben people togecter." Drpocp-cerrr Anne MacArthur cf Nexcogaeep mec eqoeiip epsel bp Mr. McKeogit's preseebocice. Afît hoiectinet - officiels tend foc ttooghc anti blid tirete b "cites bord" on il for te ccxl 12 mnoctis, ol mose'tlceg befote site mos on hec fret, esticg ehp lthe mixîsr rrpeolrdlytmpOsied te deocrotio procoss mtee cf mes chnios the propocel mos gcing Oc he pot sheougi no mraiber sehet lte towshiip seonbrd. Theo mieisbcc's plaio b ir once tme-Ileetit cf te township in seibh o Miltoc-heced orea andtiho pcccibilp cf loxing tbc top hall' cf tho cticcihi ce te Guelphc onea seere eqoetiy gattrng ce towshilp reprocenlolmves. Mr. MoKeogit odmîtedthebb marer ledi net hee discesseti miA W cliigteen Coocultp reprrosonaeirrs. Tho minsier repoestedlp esephosizedth e pies mac a "toctatire preposel" Ac cmn bc nariol le arcemseodolc icdlnldeal prehicoos. Ho saiti se seeeiripalioy meelti ha ahble t eseorcise veoe pomer cvr the prepoait lcgllaties, homesr Nqasagamoya coctclues Aro 9Urban reps resigned SActon, Milton mayors ask questions Gibcon bold Mn. MoKcougit he mootti lite 10 sec someoxe from lice towshisbp on te comotitor dccscsieg thr proposel mcAh Welingtonccoun c for calticg ie te top baif cf te township. Mn. MoKeogit coptîrd the commîtbro mootti bore (o loch eitlite goeeta tingsinc anp egreement. C aeodoni comwn s hip rcprrsenbebiOrc more aiso srri ng ced obet te mincstot's propoxels sere gen. Thcp egreei te rorol eres serc sperceir soibird ondi ceehr bo efford Cittires Aid Sciety eid or Hooltit Udit leefits secitoot parcicipoting seitt lte mole effluent and hronily popoltbd orhoe monîcipoities. Hoseeor, ltcey orgeil lthe rorol oreas citoolt gel ropresectto on regioxel One questiceo oct more eicpiacccacflie ptcposal 10 diteant ait prescit municipal coonicit "Looks lice poo'ro firieg ail cheronoeer hrip, and the poiti help is geisg le bttke ovro" M.PP. George Roe, nisihlp opsel aO oher reorlice ef Nosoagomepo votra tu Are mielesor's proposai, seldti he pre oter lte meeting tAc ho inoetis le mem Mo. cReougi 0e discos kocping Are serthoe porbtien of Naceagamopa le the PeclHelîes rogion. NASSAGAWEVA DE LEGATiON, al itosening et tho MinIsers pion se chop cte township opartx incti Coîcoros James atoln anil Gerdon Agnoe Dope p Oncve Mrsc Anne MacArthu and OARCY LIGHTS UP ant iusoauo bis reort mit Mlesn Mayer Bries Boas. Tho Minisors plaoul ebluamp mmcl ef Nessagamope, pars t Eaqooicg asti parc eg Oahniiio mvit Milten in a regienet ascif miita 12,500 poaon. -(Staff Phebes) somne tacets Litai ceprseniaccres front flaion andPel sendri.gid gvreci en t for holi to cooriies- but titeco oece mary objections anti qoestions felcmcrg Monicipal Affects Mîniccor Darcy McKtoogics olline eftche rogcon Wodcexdep bidton inapet Brxan Orsi octeti cte mîncstot cf hoe mas gecng ce set op gouide lires for salatrs ordet ite rex ryscnof gooetnmntnihoceoioodocaxexat Thte minister cepîoti cthe gocnmm ntirod lcke tuctom somte cccnctroi fron Qoorno Pent octecrgioneand settngsalies nieus conratry ce pn mecplenx "Un lest scctie arr estaittisioti flic Mtccc Mayor îcec hock, dccce coîglie fiace tecikcpccy. Ma> ryeiBccalscdcsagceed clth thc coins toc pceig a msee mane commitce tb nogotiele lice bsec tiec regionet goxernmrct proposo]. Thte commicîro mil ie composeti cf titrec membrs frose rcit coonbyan once front Orosgentite. Theo Mayor ctougt one penson front reoit monccipeily ctootti hobc bte commiblet. "It tirpentis sehere o mae comtes frcm sebt fls hics miii hoe," hie osceseti. Acbce Mayor Les Duby, of tentative proposai acittie edgccg e domocrtbî proposai coolti pecscblp meet pcocess, sectisortme deorxrtemrt better cf bseo bitos eechce choc in theo frîngo oroox mes gixcng 0cr" came fii and titen Acces somoi conor. Ho olsc emealgomoco an fine pers. Prel, actot icf a rrcent bixf itd oti c h fric, mas seore redy foc ch ome Guelpht wse o ccl coî l gonecement thon comparable oich lthe Helton, on opinion itelt iedeby. Kitchecner-Watrloo orea? Wox Wii riclios boendoritc lthe proposai concîdecoie ite chaneo "No" coud cthe oreisser. tîgt of Gepits itrief? 0cr boord of edtieîc? "Thetenlre cf Goripits brief No,-Imol cees bo precenve te subtis quo", Wifl ste provncial goneresmeel lte minicbor replird, "SQ se heve cre orp lati accexolion plano? roc discesseti il miA hc ients Yrs! Excpbswen itmwas ociOan fan.-ocre or sol Acton's eiseoycrs bAc Oi Mopor "Stromer" Eseserson hernocilt naehaie's itciip," Me. cf Georgetowns, le eply le e Dty tico te oribthr roi cf qucestion mon toîti cte proposai cit toe c cte orcter fige cosfermed 10 Are M.T.A.R.T.S. of Helcen. Acbce bas dseeys ctcdy. h rcit close cocthe Gelpht area and fan remoroti front inflee Ootnilbe mopor MoLoon hy places 1dme Missiscooge anti Andecson cait i s monbcipolt sculcen cmmcnitcrs. mcc mdlling ce moît mîit axpono 'People in Aclon are oiexîrd or lciondly lers. Milton comactix Guelpht," hc osserterd, coonicillors teegitet. Tht "esprcidipy miith iospilais." He Qairnilir mepor mcid he opposoil octcd if lte proposat foo Abo indirert olocties ef maintien ef serre sceîic asti ecî sectci he A regçieol cearcil insseoti ef chane. hp oppointinrcts heom ech ef The sescr mcid Are Guelphit ho lemer lier segiecel resorclit heief mas eot rociee ntil The mieleler mail Ahie mue afin reiniaehe A proposai mcli ifl coeiable. "Woeree soepen oo mes quille possible rchangesa le rsiis," he doclriae. Arlec reremmanstions reud Whoc weil Are slpdy ha ha mode. implcooroot? Missiasoaga maor RebertoI l Iaetoy, 1971, the minister Sport scoggostodthe An gieeai it0epol ëkIapo ýeNw Second Section. VOL 109 -N 36 'f 1 ft .1 Il OAACY ýMcKEOUGH,th Minister nf Municipal Affaire, delloors hic "tentative proposai" for the regienoîjoation et Peol ond Hltoni. cl impetetine choct the egionol edmoieistcation direct the ploonie; of chesc focilcîces on on edequate becis and mith fineeciet resocee co match itc need. 2. BALANCE 0F INTERESTS Ou eodcieindmns htargo hudhv helancrofccltests so chnto once grocp con he comptetely dominent. The epplication cf chi c cctocion has ptaecd e necy oarge r-o ti coggrscirg chat Pccl ood Helton hc ercted rn o cingle region. In thc Cocty cf Peel for exempte, che topcd rteI et whcch ochoncoottor hec proceeded in the soothero mosicipccîces has led 10 o prpondecencr cf erhon-cxientrd incerests in choc cocty. At ptesrnt, tht zdciiincslrotice cf che Oee lahours ander e dcfficclt schemr cf multcple otcng in C ocety Coonicti. Wr must more more cloccly to the democrttr concept cf ceprescnceccce hy populetion. To do chic, cehen centes mili he combet michea soflcciectly large rotai aee ce helence their sopecete ceecercs. Dy ccctsng Pretl end tielcon, thervoîcrof che rral end deneicpceg erre cf che regcce is sîrengchrnnd ris-e ris tho major eeheo commenilies. 3. AOEOUATE FINANCIAL BASE Wr here eccrpled e chîrd criceecor mhich cs: There must he e ftnncibeseedeqee carry otcginei prgremceacO seccsfeclory lerel. We fret cercein thel che erea mhcch mdll he pcopcced today %vif soit thiscriterion edmirohly and will do moch bo eqoae the fînontiel eapecity of tomer-coer monicîpelîtire mich the obligecions chcy fece foc pconcdîng comvices. 4. SIZE The foech cricerion mhcch cheilie odhrred ce rn a progcem cf rcgtonei edmieistrotion for che Province, a s foc the Peel-Hoiton eiree, is: The Regîce should he lerge rnoogh so that lecel rexponsihility con he performcd efficmxntiy hy ceng edrenlege cf economîrs cf scele. On e centotcve becis, the stce cf tho exil 10 he edvnced ccdey epproximoîrs 900 squere mdles. This cx conscderehly lorger shoe Meccopoiton Toronto, but mie point out choct The Rrgcoeet Mesicipeicy cf Ottema-Carleton, et 1,100 squae mdles, ctdfl dors sol sorpess on optimum core foc che circemrconces of choc regice. The recenc signng cf en $88 millhon egreement for the South Peel Semege Syslem ic one exemple cf thr scope cf projeccscthec cee bc eccempced el the rrgtorel terri. Ir is or htope choc onder o cegionet molci-perpose administration, soch pro'iocts cen he pionerd end cmpicmenccd mith e mech cmpecned hscmlcdge cf the regice's fucure petcere and cxtcsît cf denrioprnt, and cf the implicatioes cf soch mejor capict progrteme. Ir os orperectre cor the crdriy ecoxomir gcomth cf the provnce thet el soch mojor projeccs in futoce he cncereted mithcx cher contetcof e syscrm cf reginel pions co hie dreford and imptrmreccd ac the ocgccnel terrlint conjoeccccsn mthctheprovncial planingeagecy.. 5. INTER-REGIONAL CO'OPERATION The fifch criccrioc for cte design cf tegiceel govrcement ecqocres choc regiceel hoeedecres should fediitote meximum tntrr-rrgionei cc-cpreict. It is My opincon chet co-operecton miii hre more ceedcly eccecerd if regioxel gcncrxmrnts are cf epproxiscoiry eqeet size. I sherefore nisoolizr one scrcxg regîce becon Hemilton end Toroeto. t heve eccrmplrd bo tcech epor somne cf the compiexîtîrs choc moite e deccoion se difficoit in thr ce cf Sotltngton. Wr ar, cf course, eogerly omotirg the findixgs cf The Hemilton-Sorlxgton-Wetmorth Locol Gonecement Rrsccm Commission hcfcrr mehing o finel proposei. This report is expectrd doringi1969endîinrafe mo hs therOfletthepsition of lioclînglen ix certein te he cieeriy drl'tcd. tn thîs content homener, 1 must strss thel me do ncc egeriy oeicipele che dey mhe the Toconto and Hemilton Regions mecc in the vicincîf cf che Credîr tRier or Oohrdire Crecit. Wr fret mscrod choct che recoraement cf locel 000055 end partcipeton in the demccetîc procccs cf gercmonl warransthcreton ofecatgon ntcf rgconl gorrrnimrrt hocoren Hemilton ond Toronto. Wr mill indicete for porposes cf discossion hcm the Tomn cf Sorhingtox mnclti fct inso fhîs cegior. cCoxcbsoed on Pae S8)

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