* The Canadian Champion, Wednesday. Januaey 29. 1969 f.., Jim's Jottings by rm nuis tnt been htaring a lot about tht mateictites on optn.dump buming ru ibis part of tht coanty but ont moriltra if aire tentrictions me as stringent in tht Dahoitte mea. Retsming rathrr tait frute a County Board of Education meeting mai metia t noteil a heatthy gtom in tht tky la tht directiou of tht fourtb tint Oaknitte garbage dump. I titoideai to tooia il over ted foanti tht gtom mas coming frote Oumes itapint a gooni 20 fart o tht arr ut usidaigiai. Pechipa tht Omets arr preferrabit to tht amoke aad hane tome kind 0f peioruty. Ir setter anasat mentiaga of organizattous arr nu different thon tt'oar of msoicipatitits. Uuteo tbme s au isme ihai mdtJ nerate conflits or debair, jasi tht Ond in ntcessary to ariend. ta tins a cniterion of out att oh tu tnttrtaiamtai takes precadrîrce? O You mouldut thinia a mater mua moald suffer frote agr. Sertes they do. Noticed tht other day thai tiar Toroato Commissioner of Woriaa reporird "tubercalation" bas tut ihe capocity of oid mains ru 4h par ctut of tht desigutrt capacrty. Cteaning ted rriming art recouttetudeit la a St? militru, 20 year prugrate. Guets iii somrthrng tht hnrtiening of tht atirrits. a if your orgouizatron a tookrng for an interrsting prograte arrange miih tht touniy ctrrk's officr for arn 0f tht coantys prior-minuino Oint, riaticit Couniy, tht Man ted the loy. h is phoiograpbrd ratirety in thr coouty ted I doabi if anyoor car ciaite they'vr arts ait ibe piacra shoaru in beautifut cotor photography Mahta you pretîy proud of Hation anti nom il i goud rime foc a huit priait n ibis ou county. n Did y ou tort notice ibat ait neos rtteaars foute unions aatooaticatty, it arema, quote tht total mrmhorship n tht openiat paragooph to support tht siguiutctecr of tht pronouncotetot. tf me oroircoantit irpoots thai may etery acticte moutd hoor to go sooethiug tht ibis, Hatton Couniy Councitora, rtpttitntitg SOtet 40,000 citioros, agrerd to. n h man ou onpncci.t coud of maniorpat officiatu ihai amatirai tht mord of tht Minisiro of Municipal Affairs on rrgioual governorni o Toronto ast mrrk. Adource copies of tht Minisirra spttth distrihuird 50 tht prom, qaitkty founti their may to officiais houai. Tht Minuter jokragty refrorrai to tir namber of preoo reps there as ho riehorreti bis remariai to o ara of doonturord heado fottowog his moarian ou tht miarte papers. Gui ihat irreti ferhng? No monder. Dîti you iauom ihai ru 24 houra your heari brais 103,809 tiares, your htoori trovets itio,000,000 miles, yoa hototiar 23,040 trots, you ininit 438 cuhît fret of ao, you roi V!0 pounda of fard, you drink 2.9 quarto of iiquid, yoa sptaia 4000 mords, you mono 850 muscirs ted y oa enrociar 7,000.000 brain crIs. Down[s] in this [Oîth roy doons Corner Is Municipat Affairs Mînister Datcy McKrough'a proposai for etgionatrzation of gaoemmrnt la Hatton ted Ptet rtattp uem9 Or s iijuntrevertingtoa forte of district gonernmrnt that mas popatur la Ontarto i77yrarsogo? Hisioricot rrcoraiapf Hoinon inaircait lite county mas once a part of a regionut g oveonteeni embrar me 100 couaties almosi imo ctniurira ugo. h mas Haiton and Wtuimorth la abute doya, but t mas tmu-county goototerni urteriheltas. Canada mas 'diaconertri te t534 hy Jacques Cariirr anti tht diacovery mar foiloord by 200 yeurs of niom gromth anti turmoti. Oner tht Froncia bail ginto up tht ueo frootier ru tht viciorious Brittul forces, tht attires htgan fluekine to tht atm ted. Ateong thtm merr 10,000 Uniteti Empite Loyaltsts miro moord hero frote ohai r nom u.S.A., begrnning n t 702. b 791 Canada mas tiroideti no procer Uppor Canada (Outaîro) anti Lomor Canada (Quebte). They more re-unitoti n lOdi. limas 867 hefore tht triiish NaîlS Ainerica Art esiahttshrd Canada as a Dominion. Uppor Canada (Maioly mhat il ram Southete Onlarro) mou dîvîdeti toto cour "disiricîs o t 770 by Lord Dorchostor. tut t mur Canadas frîsi lteuirnari-goneroor, John G raves Sitecte. mbo eslabtisheti lite Orsi rogionat goveruterni iv ibis aiea o 702 Sitecot catitti tht forîr districts Castoru. Midiard, Home anti Western anti Hattou Couoty mas pati of Ihe Home Distiret Same lime afin ihai tIre dnîlîrcis more furaber droideti anti ohai i nov Hahion County cadrai 0~ o o moroor mith Weutmarth Coanty n an area cattrd the Goto District. Hattan ai tha hotu rocludeti tht tomoshîpa of Beoertoy, Dutephoies. Esqurstog, East anti Orsi Fiambaro, Nansagoorpu, Neison anti Trafaigar. Weoimorib containeai Autosite, Burton, tinhrook, Braotford, Utanford Onondago, Tuscaroîa anti Saiuileet Joonthîpa. Tht Orsi artitersîn miaut is nom Haiton mere koomo to have cotet arounti 703, but tht eouuiy mas not îoo poputous ru the .days of tht Gore Districts "regionai gootrointot o faci testorianu ump mary of Oit previoarly oaord tuwnsinps huai bren rougtdy surntyrd anti mariatti oui ou oaps bat hoti nu miatto inhahitants. Mort artiters arriord n tht ponoti brioron totO ard 820 to hutiti tenir anti t uma sites. Earty population fourra arr diffreati 10 fluai. but t s hoomo thai hy tht year lOt?, Hotton coniarneti hti84 poopto. Whto tht fîrsl Hatton Couniy Cooncai mas foîteeti n 1853 tarte mrrroo ouniciputititu tooge toough lu br caîrd or tuons. Tht cuuoty munîcipatitirs mero irrieti ootp as ibt tour tricot lomnshrps Esquesiog, Nasnagamtya, Netson ard Trafalgar Tht tomnsofhlitton anti Gahoitit mere attirai io t857, tht ortiage of Georgetoon n 805, anti ibo nuages of turtîngion anti Acion r 074. Tratitryr regorrat granorotirrot proposai, a merger cf iheeotirecountîes of Hatior aod Foot moto a 900 square maie 'supri tertio' area. te a motiten forte of regionatizaiton. Ioday tht pbontoce mania a buffer strip 10 kerp Toronto anti Hamîtton frote spreading tomard ont aoorher.Tboymantataioeaioaoperoitng mith local onnicipat eounctts 10 preserne areaautoaomyaodahrgreorrrnalcouncd tconersoethemorksolthtgtantntso 100100. lis a fan coy froro t 192 ohen tht mtrotr noatiroro pari cf rire province mas regrrrnatrztd toto four amure iv, tiroir ruhairertieti toto noatier distireti tike rire Gorc, anti iroaiiy boutai doyen 10 ooe-coaniy gooorroenr Il PEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST Il MILTON BRASO ANO REE~ èAND mua Jaclu Cunony. CbanluJaheaetJtbt Bain.. picturatu bacit n tht iBOOn n tht. 1511050 Fred Codmnrt. Aiep Aemetrang, tutu temettu by Ourlet Jouie, lu tract art liii Clnarten Jacte, Bath min. Bah l4atriarn, Damne, Olehi GoUttes ted Lac Jacta- Jîm Mann Tom MtD~lt g~ ~ gnaesd ente, BIII Armsteung, limai Litdmay, ucai Steve Cocwmy. AATTLESNAKE POiNT tien ut? ru tht Ont thînt ahoat tht mountain-its a nenuir distance as buteur toucha hmak a iran spot ru bath teinter anti sammer.-lPbnto tuteurai tht esturponut hum Walkers Lînt hy Merle Gunhyl ~ 4 6laepIikt <aweile4... No longtr is regionat goveroruent somo vague torte suhjoct to vantai interpretutions in tht Hulton-Peti artu. Minister of Municipal Affairs Darcy McKeough tirem a rIeur picture of his tiepartruents interprttatiou crf tht mhjtct ohen ho actriresseti his "tentative proposai for rogional goverument" ta municipal officiais lart meek. Tht proposai is far-reachiug anti mitI ho tht suhitet of alircussion over the nent 12 months but it ir tht mort intoiligtut proposai ta tome froru uit that hunt hoon rievetopeti ut peut cost inctutiing tht Pluniacti Report anti tht MTARTS report. There are criticisos tif tht proposaI, 0f courso. Perhaps aur vision is non mfflciently etevateti hut me moulai have preferroti ta srt Peet anti Hatton units tofi soparato enen thoogh haundarios mitino tht units more altereti. Tht Ministor ouptains ins proposai for mergine tht Imo counties as ntcesrary 10 avoid domination of a tehole region hy ont municipatity as might toko plate in Pool by Mississauna mith its 135,000 population. Reprosentatian hy population han hotu inscriheai as ont of tht sacreai precopts au minch tht nom regionat govoruruont is ta ho haseti. Tht logic of this is ovtrmhetruing but tht practicatity af it ir discouraging ta rural areas like Nassagameya. Reeve But Hoey anti Deputy-Rcovo Aune MacArthur put their opinions quito forcefutly ta tht Minister, in no uncertain tortes too. But tht Nassagamoyas case. Iiudor tht Minister's proposai they are ta corne inta a unit mith Mittan, wîlir tht exception ai tht top oce-third that is ta ho coi off anti thromn ta Wtttingtou County. Nom tht Mitton area that moulai inclntdo Nassagamcya s tht smaltost 0f those proposoti for tite region anti t moulai have anc representutive to tht Regionai Councit. Acton anti Goorgetomu havo hotu thromo together in a nortiatru area mith nortborte Esquesing for ont Rogionat voire. Sa that ohito Nassagameya anti Acton sharo a common ropresentative on tht County Boarti rtf Education, Nassagamtya rs to ho tossoti into tht Mitton area for regionut goverument. If you atiti ta this tht narying urtas it s connoctoti mitia n Items of federat anti provincial ropresontation it hccomes ohnious thut tht îomnship han hotu stîceti anti scattereti. These are Ihe points that miii ho amoof tirose morryiug tht townshtp couvert mci citizens of Nassagameya. Ait of thete are a direct remit of tht basic precopu thut reprtsontation teust ho by population. Arta it 001 a contributing factor tom though a farmer muy omu 100 acrea anti inn urban caunterpart omns ont flfth 0f un acre, rach is ta hart tquai voire. lu totos obniaun ta us Chat tht province, since it coulai not touch tht preanot Burtington teinte it la tundtr aitother local goveenruent toviete, waa forcati ta tram tocat unroatistic linos. For instance in tooking at tht Milton area praposeti it moulai put southeru Esquesiog anai noriheru Qakoitto into a horizontal unît mitia Mitton that is intorrapicai ai tht Burtingion hordor. There it joos around north Ourtingion to go up anai tuko n att of Nassagamtya to ion south of a tino parattetino tht southero tiruits of Acton. When tht Burtington area is officiatty inctuaieti in tho Hatton-Feet unit it moulai ho mucia more togicat to have a horizontal Mitton area that includes uorth Burbugion as it dots uorth Oakvitle, anai south Nassagameya as it dots south Esqaosing. That may ai trust tht reteuinino uorth of Nassagumeya (att 0f it) routai ho retated to tht Acton-Georgetomo area. It in encouragino to fluai that tht province propusca a ima-tior fooru of goveruruent. Whilo tht Ministor dotît mainty on tht senior or regionat tevel ho lefi tht desigo of tht total tevet quito open. Presumuhty il woutd require etoction of officiaIs on a mard basin that moulai insure repiosentation for att ureas. Tht councit otecteci, it mas proposeti, montai thon chooso ils ropresontative to tht rogionat councit. Direct otoction of reprosoutatives to the regionat councit has heen propostai bat it moulai nette more practicat to ciesignate tht position, it. tht mayor as tht roprescutatine. That may tht voters moutri koote mho tbey mort choosiog for tht senior tovet anai likcty the mayor or sonior position moulai ho noteti ou once the ontire area aoymuy. Ltoking ai tho representation proposeai for the regionat councit ot fluai in Hatton Ouknitte mith thote voies, Ourtingion mith four, Milton mitia une anti Acton-Goorgetoon mith tue. Sevot in tht south ami tmo in the north. lu Feet, Mississauga moulai have seven anti Chiugniacousy ioctucting Orarupton anti Oramatea moulai have four. Athion, Caieaion. Botton, Oraugevitte anai parts of Aruaranth anti Mono, Erin anai Erin Tomnship moulai have nue. Simpty stateci, if north-routh cousitierations have auy meight, there moulai he seven representatives ahone Stectes Avenue anti 14 belote it, Or put another may, Hatton moulai have nue reproseutatives anti Ptet 12. Tht three ruetehot coruruittees frote Peef anti Hotton, that tht Ministor han requesteai for oegotiations anti di scunstoon, miii carry wîtb thein serions responsihility in tienisine the wisost anai mont practicat systote mithin tht guidehinea art timon hy ahe Mininter. Repreanntatioa by poputution is a precept tht Mt:rioter han hetai ta be mandatory anti tht rural mninicipahitita mlii fluai Ibis tht mort seriolos handicap ta titir canes for expanciesi represviitati.in lu utebarqianul rraiitoriais me mOt attetept ta rital milh fianclions 0f tht itreta of goverururne nati utirninintration. Sugar and Spice by bru amiley Cunudians, unhice Scandinoviana, don't commit suicide durusg ibm long, cotd, dnrk minier montbs. At lenat flot more than the usual aumber. lnsttad, they jonC half.kitt abtarnelve. by attrodîsg a teinter camivol. This mukes them feri ta rollon foc tht folloming meek that thoyer su glad lu be alite again tisat tbey mouldat even conlemplate suicide. Ive reen people 08e 50 yoaes doring a mittet comival. Dool talk to me about the Octobte bret-fesi in Munich, an tht carnivat of Ihe boita in Pamplora, or the Mardi Gros a Nem Orteans. Thote tbinga go ou for a oeek, or a mootb, and theres o lot of lnditcriminatiag kltsiag, ted dancing in the sftrrtn, ted drinking. Wr Caoadiaas, hardy lot that or oct, cumpersa the obole Barchanalite orgy into a mmkend: tht minter camivat. Enesy self-respecting Canadina taon bas o misite carnival of arme tort, ard if tht govemmeut bad aay bruine, il moutd drctarr a national festival for about Ibe Orsi meek n Februaoy. h ooutd bru great presmrt-tetitvor. No work, att play. We'd gri rid of ose miater frustrations, our haired of coid aud mom. Wr migiat touk and fret tike shetrites ohen il mas ovro, but ord be purged of our bang-opa. Ptrsouatty, id br mitting to kits proctrcaity teybody, ted douce in tht tîrrrîsshoutd il he i2 brion, 0,d drink almost aoyihiag rucopt anti-frette, if I had a oreka ruminaI lu tank formard to. ted bock on. It ooutd break tht bony, rigid bath uf minier. Wr'd joui be ttimbing bock into ose ruts about Valentints Day, ted there ooatd ho aprino, right arouud ihe corner. Tmo yrars ago, as acrutroniat projeci, tchoot had a Frosty Protit. ta mas brautifut. Thrrr mat nu organization ai att, mhicb n tht arcrrt of a gooti lime. Ose hrigbt, ointe Frbruary day, me marched doon ru tht park, trachers ted studenîn in sirp for onte, brhind an itupromptu bted, ted had a heck of a lime. Ski-doo races, iug-o-mars, anai irachers briat ovtrpomtrrd by mobu of bide sod hunlag tuait farta meg maubtd la auto. Pur ut Ituet a moesth hOtte that, me dida't bain eaeh othte. t ment ta tht utomuhot race md Onisbed 2tut. Weat la a tug-o-mar and mua draggtd 40 parde Ibroaghi tht tente by enubtearti, yetping atudenta. mme ytars ugo, ton Hugh, tuden mtth echoot work ted muuir, ted not dolng 100 oeil in rithar, btggnd to be nflowad naja to tht Qurber teinter carnivat. Ht 17. Afler tht umaut aoal-aearctslng, hedgtesg, ted predictions of ditauter, me tel hlm go. Ht mas entranmd. Att thona Quebecois dancing in tht tinette, belat mtery, tonmg are another. Ht came home, ment ta mark, putird sp bis marin by 12 pet tent ted paettd hie ptrformer'e muait exam. Therupy. Nom 1Dm bas been ianited tua manter tamival, ai a uaweraity, by tht Juil-bird t mentiaurd rereatty. Shoutd tht go? Sht's tt, or anar enough. ta another country, ahe'd b. murried, olth ut teaut ont kidinCupada, ehe'a jonC a baby, mith ytan of educatimi ahead of ber beforeahe coatd ente think af marriage, tri atone babies. hi mdi ait sort oui, but t thiak tht minier caruival ina peut institution. Wlaea ii'i ai over, theer are huebteda tonking for oivtaaad vice tersa. There arr peopte mho have gant througb tht tarin a Ski-don ted saved their lites onty by a hasiy application of ioddy 10 tht tanuny. Tht mintre tarnivot bas somtthing for everybody. For tht kida, theer is tht encitemeut and tht cotor aad tht chance of bing rua oner by a inoomobtit. For tht soinging set, ibtet are oitd rides through tht mooda, aad thr parties, ted tht breaking of hanta on tht niai kilt. Pue tht middte.agtd, thtre n cartlag ted coarpanionship ted rtmtmhtriug tht gond otd days bofore thoar uoisy darard inoomuhites otre inveaird. Long tive tht min ter caraivat. But tris spread il oat a lutte. Foriy-tight bouta of kissing ted dancing auni drinkiag briaga enta a stsrdy Canadian lu bis kures. Ste you ai tht camival. Pages of the Past f rom champion filme 20 years ago Takea from tht ituue 0f Tht Cneadiau Champion, Janaary 27, 1949. Again minier or spring nîorms couard mosi poopir incunvenience duriug tht tast ortiaruti, ointe uibtes tajuptai a forceai holiday hum iheir ouria. Bp mideigiai Sunday, tht roada asai sitiemaika orre a sheet of ire, forord by tht tigiai raina. Bp ourning, road tontiuiions mere su arriour. butes teaviag for tht citycancetird tbrir tdp. Botia tht Oaiaviite and mueken bus tu Otorgetoon fautai lu uporair. Homever, buses 10 Tomoto and Hamaitun infu ai noon miaite tht Oakniite bus commutai iii uflemuon ternice. Tht achoot huart diai not operate Monday. Mary other muekers tirinint to oock ta tht utighboring tomas arti villages starteti but retsmrd ru their homes us they founti ririning conditions tht morat of tht minier. Trafllr oas reduceti 10 a minimum, tesoki fading to begin upoeatious anti tondiag operations mere coopteirti on ihe higbmuys, Cao douve ai rrduced spotai on tht sireets la toon anti no aretous accidents meerrepootrai. Tht Hou. Dara Pontrr ted Mes. Porter muet guesir of tht Bourd ted teachers of Noinon Tomasbrp ut iheir arnuai banquet hetai ai Giramotrai Schout tant Tuesdap nigbt. Me. Fotter, iniroduceai by public school laspoctor L, L. tkuce, npokt of tht lacetate la tht importance uf education in octal yeon, Ht rireai, as onamptes, tht tremendous ruceroar la ibe proportion of oducaironai rosis horur by tht provincial goverumeni, the appointment of a royal cumimuion ou rducatiuu ted propoard changrs in achoot cunitotute 50 years ago Taken frum tht ioue of The Canadian Champion, Jansary 23, 19i9. Mutturites report aming robins tari Sandap. On Mondan Ren Hume picked a danaitiion bionsoar on Victoria Ave. Tht rscepîionaily mitai orather of tins mouth bas helpoti 10 rrtîtvr tht cool situation, hy îcduttngermnsuoption. ttsuitsrorryone rocopi Ihe cuotrîs mian tîanr hati hartily uuy sport. Tht pretiimnarp cooperition for the Ontado Tankarti, fineai foc Tatsday, mas potipoceai. On Tataday moming Louis ted Sasit A-, tht imo traItons cumadrtrd for triai by Polcr Magittrate Bare, of Bantingtmi, ou tht charge of operatine an lilicit ahi mi thein faem ai Applthp, mere ueraigaed before Jsdp Etiot, They pitadeai gaiity, They mare Oned $500 for bath md ordureai tu pny $164 10 tht Reveami Departarent, double tht dlatgitty tictese fet. rend ut tht conte of tht prusecatlon, a .otat cf abOut $tutO-mlth nia temathu in Juil au tnt utteosatite, Tbty mate neatenonti to une month racia in any rase, dating frum ibeir arcelo on Dtcember 20, They settitil ted mere mîtuard. honing put la tht monih la juil. Their outflt oas coulSsctied. 100 y.ars ago Taken frum tht isase of The Caradian Champion, Mition, Junauiy 20, 1069. Three miii be a tetture tumorrute entolag n tht Toma Hall Miltua, hy Mes. E. H. Stome, MD., of Toronto under tht patronage of tht Directurs of tht Mechanirs Instituir. Suhjeci-'Womte". Wr quote the fotomiug frum an enchooge: 'Loti rvruing tht public huai an opporiunity of tisteainu to te etoquent adaiersu on Ibm subject by Dr. E. H. Stome, formurty a ceaident bere, nom o medicat practioner ai Torouto. Tht tecturre deait noter bruoy bioma againsi tht stuvrry of fashion, anai argutai ntrongty tht importance uf thorough educution for tht femair arn. Mes, Stome is perfecity arif-posarsard la front uf ber audience, ted sponian in o nerp ilirtinci marner ted telth an agretabit noice. Shr prearnted muay taudabte thougbts, yet ber couctusimis meer enideaity not accepird en marte hy tht audience, Tint lady is morthy of rrspoci, ted thoar obu bote ber misia ber oeil. Omine to bre determinution to maintain te independent position, she bas perarvereai amidat many discoaregensenta, mitai tht bas sacareaitai la obtainistg a diptumu as a physician. ted is note seeining la ber tegiuimuit spbtrr lu puy attention to tht cure uf diseutes, tspociaty tht diaraset of motuen anus childetu.' THE CANADIAN CHAMPION P.&t*ad bu maso, ami~ ~ a.~,.. O urre. boueurs urso t0o E loto,., 5.0e asîso Onlo 0,0.,, aa,.,,.,ra Ourme, Oru,. Orr.,o SiorO., uiO,.CeeedOemeeit1 ta me nono toe.iar rOoOoteOumurOr. seOeehtoutotomn .0.r. eteeto.. $400 incerederteeietieOuetu arru,,. siter., e.e.r te.o e *rr oumeite r. .oouia e, miuOm i~ imoasearo .00e. uue,~ ie,0e, air meetuate emarmi ne meitieSi. mie mmi ,teimeemhOa toe, aumeMen e0OO~. e,. totem mou ~ea6et toit mi 5. ete OOe.Oietee e, ire., r, urr ara rm se ,etaumesneucone. 0,rloeread - ateird han tOi te 6e Par utitu neenonu. OSitot.