~~41iampiofl YO'UTHM FRONT, R The Canadiee Champion, Wednnsday. .ianuary 29, 1969 si, u, id aMs 111f« hmr laetu*# By Marnie Ha,, Reports are: Schoot Spirit tas liesn picking up! Lait Thursday the atudents were given the tast period off to ttotd a Pep Ratty je the gym. The junior and snior etteerteaders, Midget, Junior and Senior Boys' Baskethai tean and the Janioc aed Senior Girts' Votteybat teamn mere introdurtd. Thre chterttadnes thea lad tht studets in chiters. Att» 'lu"sdy, tht Girls' V.lrlit tem ptayed the Perdit tea.. Onze girls test. Friday wtt Teachers' Convention-Students' hayday, etc. Grade t1t students wtnt t sen *Romeo and Jubet" Thnttday. Today tht Grade 12 stedents traeied te Toronto te set "Otiver". Tht stadenti hope this interest in cuilgraa deetopmret aed the arts lecteasts. SNOW ROYALTY, as decided lr the people's ban ao e M.DH.S. Grade 12cponsored Snow Carr irai Saierday wmme Dor Hearc and Kelie Kelmar. Here the 1968 Snow Kirg Keeth Higgs One of every ffive (lefi) aed this yetr' cmener Do e fnes (i ght) wac athe new qore is rocned by Jaie Sraob, the 1968tnosQueen.-Stait Photo Student workers tînd ,it tough in A ci ai ap rmpiay breCi s de CC ea C Ar a il. ce srcecnd far rceie or dee? lettr stamyr. C ira pus 1 tle an( regreu Wta bel ail lus a ceadi do ae jkna Che brc $ea. ' t ese cd ptia they bri tfcusea They j teanpora world demanidiog Et,,,Jane rrier arase seiecccaCeof pern ente liep justiteclcrug tir gel elcr bid tercole Oef rire Yrar dce ce. WItY?'?'! Ca braileacrr'obudarcr fircrffec, ilrs beeause aien Plrc ccre ion alr cammeri C ar0c in scoel ce cira firr nient and,.uniarronacriy. place. Tlryas paoii cclelry. 'abconceo' rrijecarcns dereeard erbc edoeaied 'xepct eaierceceoy rafi fie. ilicevarc iicgrIorspprtre flcsanieecar gaecg as jcr aes cira iligir scial scage irau ocily up ancd dccer îln a coia'incrxccccl. butccenarey idtes, rcc'cr reociro Ie arer cerdd maseby car'terr ion. ofteu carrier ercpiayrcere. .crdoert1l tichcceir ik'er fiCcoele quitteacecCluegoatu ,ss if' Croc don'C erre 'se echol lelre daye. and acre cetireandrcdadcaedcarcio Cakcecg inc conedroa Clic arr . u hcuccfrtulately accoreerrof'e nerrceycspen oC ofcr lite percers arr Cajlird celr ctaes cr Cis Caciliy. cc or, s cella l dcre oly a c r"e studcenîe eccu' pay addilcceol Whira cclier altrnative eunise Sure. ycer argue, bort dcc Cokae? paye rire taxes'!?'!?? Yo do. Ce aad cricccorr correceceil kilo,,. Btrricralso ias cialare cecI brrr cr ara aiea ce anîd tira errecy ccc pay tier ced of coerlere lcelp NceusraeC forrsue. ca rernoliaccuali oed LIS ei erm errrrcgi cc lielp Oc in rcknrrlwldga Sceeidc echîcl; CIaClcrcr Careoogi fr WC cercla eerr near bitl ' boraxable. If ce ceocrer Cclr or appliirone. il ui srirdent roire, echliirrps and brce ecarj ancd er.odc ei ercilr o eil r aeds crearey ciudarce rs. epred penniee uni errrld taentante IlIge clî aned aeeeosiyceait giacirateo. And as lac as eciel: im ercily lu gr e tài cea ce c0eeiîd, rîcal amotecc or ccc elleog w icrgrclliC edrîcacecere rercde re in eceercem ycu cccrrparore Cc Cre burdga et Lt euoppiy aned dorceaed seanedard,. id re cars he eco acec cl ciMaarrrrc o gîna d eaeac eapiy> obos eiecocrpped with reicî.rceod. anrd colia1r Crac, il, aricaper.eICNgýrceCooclg uses,.buorerlecallereîltirelccog degreo ccl iorerrrccroe cci ilcc ccaclrera. ccîthe drerd rer Wcord,. crleieri cor muere higicl edocaied appreer l'ivce ieediceduale. leur dora, aced ererel ( n businîcrîoerdocci1.ccc o ily chlîre on refliC dir esala i ecle eroa ro tu bcc cagoc parc. Ir o Ce tire rer of uppliicg are cc or diceeay icocraccr. tceocrrcco sureelc tire piroleicc. Inn ipele n .rerr lelri il [cavcel ti dare dntltlîarcc)a w iCctonWrarc uppesed ecoaerfdupoce clenieaferede able Ca gar rcrll'payrcg oCtr ilicra or fu er f s,.yet haerr earegccceg reeccerylieacarn errîeried il bout ar a wreac erra the~ adder, yol alaer cie abce fio ahn a fora thlir t rccog. hard carcdaler. Pacicapc f C corcd ceaCi ( I l t l ý , :ir, acaecnd ir invis',i'le iaddrc lcrrd aCa lidîrlu brrr L itraCcca iallrjcrrder il ar ce'. ared îlat ion ce ce il c i 1]1 t elLS co1c [ c 1 e IÉ ce j1 ac e cc ee C reptorecel iýicLld 1,0 -111 ,o cecrri ral eecc are e absorption. tor's sCoCcsCias shoer ana five ntudenin eran able Ca I sommier ponsiion. This Pollock< and Ctre raCe ere are grieg. lC tarky if or makie une»ti C m b l cyr argue Cbey ran't Manutartoreri et te ire trmmer blp. IHIGH GRADE MEMORIALS It bave to tamt aroued MM RA NRVN cee agace wrtb tIre rebaâtît IC EGAVN rie tht flu Wtty shoiaid 62 Water St. Noath, OALT mante tinme hirieg Taîephsase 621-7511 eytelp mendty hae experience TOP 000.. top sculpture, je fart, an Milter seoipte-jadging cemmcntee head Jtni 'tîguon Distrei Hcoh Selenol's Grade 12 irip-sponcorrd (second trom rigliri alors 12 t membrs Malcolm So Coreceol Satordar mac this Grade 12 B Mantord, Jerry Legate and Bill 0111 jet the gond entry ..a rom rck-Ceci St. Respect law theme in Oratory conlest Borys ender 1le ycaof agrarc invitrd co Cake a whr at public seakire agaie ilis yer. ordr Clic scronsrshp ofi tire Milter Opcreecce Club. lie 1961 Borys' OraCicrai Ceerrsr mac arraured by Opccceirnîd reetJ iCariCar. ThCrer arcd oicial Cir of the celeeese ar"Respect for Lawr CarrereCetre of Cieechip". .'cfy yaoCtlivinecg cet Miton or distict i c lcgcbi e toceepet irnc C ice Morale 27 eenl MtoCn Ine lInel. EntrantCe arca deccrd Ca coacttrie hn reccrel picripals, anyreeber crf Clic Opeccerse Clucb ai The Carodion Cihaaecpcee Taneglir ar M.D.H.S. Che macce ofHciare "Meer KancpC"' erili bc shuere, starting at 7:30 p.m. Ail You cananct pst the samie shor arc welcome. un every fout. Because of Soveral Phono Cails as a Resuit of a Recont "Champion" Article, th. Address of TEMPO MAGAZINE la: "TEMPO", 982 Paehview Ave., WINDSOR 16, ONT. Or You May SeIng Yeur Subsarlptlen Ta W. J. KOSKI LTD. MILTON FOR THE FINEST IN DIAMONOS rosai branciZe 4dt We guarantee every diamond is a full 58 faceted brilliant and also that the diamond has been carefully graded. [FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE -if you would prefer to choose your diamrond in privacy, at your amiure af e, our regular store hours. fP CHONE 878-6341 For an Appointmarint Store Hours: Sat. - Mon. - Tuas. - 9 arn. to 6 p.rn. Wed. - 9 i.m., to 1.00 p.m. Friday - 9 arn. to 9 p.m. 220 Main St. E. AiSon itE To CHOOSE A From Our Selection I of Modern, Dependoble USED CARS In Milton Plaza - Milton 878-2883 "SERVICE WITHOUT COMPROMISE" PARTS & SERVICE DEPARTMENT Open Until 9 p.m. Tuesdays and Tlsursdeys CLOSED ON SATURDAYS r-----------1THSWKI jMONEY TO YOU!: iBring This Cutis-Coupon With Tou Saturdoy, February 1, and Cash in on the One-Dey Collection - Builder Sale! ALL REGULAR $5.29 VALUE LP ALBUMS I INCLUDING. -~ ELVIS' TV SpecIaI DEAN MARTIN LEAPY LEE'S I "LITTLE ARROWS" iFor only $3.33 Mmn7.oro REMEMBER: SATe, FEBRUARY 1 9 9A.M. toi6P.M. THE LATEST SOUND 158 MAIN ST. - MILTON - 8784751.