ARddition for Pinoviow School among flere le no plante 1 trenhfer uEteet nt tht north end of Onkvikl to other echoole ia Speber, D. S. Laten, elaetdirector of edlucetiont told Trustee L D. Wood ut the motegof the Hulton Couoty Bor fEducatn lust week. Mr. Wood reported! rvallooî teeteore in the norlh of Oakvifle umong etudeote, thut they wouid hc attetdiog a différent tohool in Septemott. "No conuiderution bas heo gîventeu1 aay change of hounduriet f or socon dary schoola", Mr. Lawiete poiattd lnurtqolar busintss tht hourd oamedi a 12.inmmhr Advinory Vocationu Committect iacludiag six momhtrs of tht hourd. Board memberu include chuirtoan F. Anoitage, J. C. Blokttock, G. W. Johuston, J. H. Price, W. J. Pritetnet and Harold Thorpt. lndustry and employet represeotativet jaclude two fromt Oakvillt. Ami Dunchan an auto parts tuletsman and Uoyd Thuthali o hank manager; two ftom Barliaglon, William Edwutdsano advtttitiag accoant executive and Wiliama McGilvray a production manager; ont fromt G eorgIle towno William Bouchentidge a Senttrai manager; end one fromt Etquetiag, T. Van Sickler a lawyer. The Board, meeting for the first timt in its Qativite administration ctntte, alto approved te memhtehip ftt of $4,612 in the Outario Sclioot Trueteets Association and tht Ontario Schao Trcusttes' Council Oalcville trustete Douglas Wood is pteaident of tht Counicil. A petition front Frnch speaking catepayeta in Georgetown urgtd the esta blihment of a French languae committeeto 10 latO hilingual edacation as tht ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER Ejarch. - M.R.IC. 13A MIII Street, Site 2,cActn Telephone 053748 or 20 B1uvébeck Rd., Port Creedit 274-3M.2' Office Hom y Aepulinteuent ACCOUNTANTS EARL G. BLACK 'B. Coin., R.IA., C.A. Chartered Accoudtmut 163 'Main St.. Milton Pliant 8764342 CHIROPRACTORS A. P. KENT, D.C. Doctor ni Chimpractic 237 Kinge Court Creecet Corner Mertin St. PHONE 878-2031 BY APPOINTMENT INSURANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Autolome, Protoetioa-Aecld sut and Sicknesu - anily LldeiiBty Parus Liability Yoor Milote Agent AIre. Thea Kuru R. R. No. 1, Milton Phone 87341 mThe Muloual Lit. ROBERT S. HART Agent 341 Orvile Road, Actan Bus. 416-451-3460 Rtc. 519853-1527 FUNERAL DIRECTORS S MrKERSIE Funerat Home 114 Mein St.. te Milton Our 161k yeur ot belptel, cocctetous service. 878-4.452 OPTOMETRI8TS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. 104 Main Sir, Milton Phune 878-897 Rut. 878-9678 Tueadys 9 am. o 5pari. Pridea, 9 amn. 10 i prn. WM. C MILUIGAN, 0.0. C1.B trftpga]LI. ebnen UIBRARY NOUAS Touay, Tlcsreday and Priday 12 mm to 5_110: 6.50 ta PA0O Meu&dy. 12 noces ta 5,30 aumuil Wednenday 8.luday - 9J.lIî; 1-4.5 projects okayed by board loten.Spraedn R. K. Self peomlied a repott on tht subject 010 Inlter dat. Board Chaitrmun Atreitage nottd there wat suggestion tht Board tricot in other locations in the north part oft tht county. Ht prod tht houtd meet for ite semdmeeting in Fehtuary in tht Acton-Nasiagaweyu aresa tnd fot tht second meeting in Marais in the Georgetowen axea. Tht Board adviced tht chairman tu choute the locations. Rotation of tht mou-C hud houa urged in an edito la tItis paper 10 give citizens an opportonity ta aettend. Georgetown trustee Erneat Bodntt qntstionrd Suptriattndtnt Bruce Lindtey on the husit etqatsts wert htiag ftrsrurdsd 10 coanicils for fanide. Mt. Lindlty reviemtd the teaturtra of aIl muicipatities hadl atttndtd a meeting ohen it wot agreed tht Board woulil teqaicition counicias for fonds tmice a mouth until Match 1 on the hiaise of a petotîtate of tht pust tacation ltvira. Mote accutute indications of thr outrent hudget are tuptcted hy Match t. Tht Board isîthoanot involvtd in hotrowing tht fonds, il wra poitted out. Directot J. Singleton explaiaed tht municipaiity can tend sepauate tan hills coveting tducation to taxpoyers o includt it on ont blI indicating clearly tht amoant for education. The Board apptovtd an attendantt tu ils otgant .zational plan, adding a Pl annin g department position which woaid teport to the assistant director. This office would hie responsihît fot projectiug genwth patients, etolments and indicating the areas in wich ntw school accommodation mould hi t ecessaty. The position is lu hie fdltd in Aprit. A detailtd oint page coutlint KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mitineter: Ren. h. K. I. McGoten, BA. 878-6066 878-2652 O0 tome let u morehip tend hum down; let tee knout helote the Lord our Muker.' SUNIDAY, PERRIARY 2, 1969 9.45 a.m.-Sr. Chuirli Sciant. 9.45 a.m.-Y*ng Peopîtus Bilble Clats. 9.45 a.m.-"The lthinkers.' 18.58 a.m.-r. Charcs Soon. t1.00 a.m.-oMorvig WorthIp. "Worh out Your Oson Salvation.' Il1.00 .cm-NursMr. Wedntcdoy, Feli. t - Get-Toge. cher Group pot luth sopper meeting on tht Sooday Sciant Ranut ut 6.30 p.m. MILTON GOSPE HALL 306 Ontario St. N. 8782822 Christians gathered in tht norme of tht Lard Jecue Christ. Lordes Duy SUNDAY, FEBRIJAIY 2, 1969 10.30 a.m.-Breaking of Breadl. 12.15 p.m.-Sunday ScIant. 7.38 p.m.-Gosptt Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m. - Pruper and Bible reading. Att are seettome to thout stivces. Tht preaohing af che cross i ..tht power of Goil. tnt Cor. t, 10. EMAMANUEL UAPTIST CHURCH Commerciat Street, MItton fisiorn ec. Cteyton Cotes 878.4473 878-5542 Tht Lords Duy SIJNDAY, FEBRUARY 2,.1989 9.45 a.m.-Sunday Schanl. 11.00 a.m-Morning Wordulp. Mult ly Junior Choir. 5.38 p.m-Youth Time. 7.08 p.m.Eveing Wordùsp. YoattgPeoptîts Choir. Wednesituy, 7.38 p.m. - Bible Study and frayer Moul- ine. Nursery at Sundny servies. BOISTON AND OMAOH PREUBYTUBAN CHURCHU "lneter: Ren. Stantley E. Smtith, BA SUIJNAY, -PBU.0RY 2, 1969 10.00 a.m.-0utaos; Worthip Service. 11It5 a.m.-OCmaji: Chtereh sehouL. 10.30 .M.-Boston: Coterd ItîlO ass-Botlon: Woecllp, on internai echoul organizatian mus upptoved, outliting the tesponcihihfties, of tht principal and oice-principal and hasiness manager. Stcondary schools with an enrobaent of 1,000 toi 1,400 moutd have a hasiness manager te meil as a vice-ptincipl. Director J. Singleton bold tht Board llte plan 10 have a hbuciness manager is En relieve tht principal ad vice-principal of t htei c mott toutint administrutive dulies. Il woald tnd tu "gel the principal hock mbt the classroom" fot deonstation tessons and 10 avoid hte losing contact mith tht teaching fictions. Ht cuggested tht rote of husintss administrutor wonld lie wmll-uited 10 a yoang man advancing in edacatio or tu n reticed hatik manager. Appointouent of a tecond vict-principal would noS tolhe place thtn unhtil tht tehool exceedtd 1,400 students, deponding an the particale progamt in tht tchoot. Suptcvisocy ailowances for principals in etemtntary schoots ortre detaittd in relation 10 taching actas. With ixn 1 orne ttaching actas a principal mould lie teaching 50 pot ctnt of tht tirne. With 10 to 13 teachmng actas teaching tinte mould canrge ftomt 50 pet cent to ntonet deptttding on tht progoare. With 14 or mort ttaching actas tht principal mould h ave no traching timt. Vice-principale mould ho appoiolad se elementary schoole mith 19 or more teeching sts. Wheo tht etrolment eucetds 1,200 t e cond vice-principal may hie appointedt. Tht salary of co-ordinatots and assistant co-ordinatots mus set hy tht hourd haud an a 12 manth yeac wlth a four meek vacation poriod. Co-ordinatots oit hte paid floin S16,500 ta, $18,500 mith inctements of $500. Asistants mutl le paid fromt $15.500 to $17,000 with lnctemets of $500. Tht Board accepird tht tendtr of A. Pttersons Liruited, Wiltowrdale, foc $373.342 fot tht construction of an addition to tht Finevirw Puhlic Schoot ar Hocnhy. Tht ttndtr wus accepted eflet tht hoard nottd dtletiont fcom -the ociginal tendets- iocluding a relcactahît stage, mincit clianget-ut.mleri.ot design and elimination of paving on tht parking lt. Tht original htd lied item foc $406.000. An applicution tu tht Ontario Municipal Boutd foc $425,700 foc tht contruction and eqoipping mas approvrd. Apptoval mas alan gtanted foc tht construction of tht Lord Etgin Higli School in Buthingion to accommodate 1,450 students on a 13 acrt site fading Newe St. Additions of 12 clausrohnts it tht Mohawk Public School, t1t cluucrooms aI tht Ttcumteh Public School and 37 additiona classtoom anits yet to lie Tht appoinîments licoaglt to 13 tht total of county assictant sopttinttndrnts. cadi paid annuel salaries of hrtmrtn 520,000 and $24.000. Namtd mer M. E. Clarkt, principal of Oakville-Ttafalgar High School; Donald Gentleman, ptincipal of Boctingtn Centi High Sciant; G, R. Heaver, ussistant principal of Aldeeshot Higli Schoot and R. S. Campbll, principal of Tecumteh Fubilie Sciant la Buchington. Tliey wil ussume Ilitir otew duties Auignei Alto namtd assicteant suporintendents mere A. W. Nichols, vice-principal of Wlsitv Dakt Secondacy School vihoe assumes hic nete duties Match I and Miss E. M. Robinson, e progrunt consultant mith tht departttment of tdocatîon. Mite Robinson, a former principal oft Nelson Higli Ochoot fi Burtinglon. Mit slndt liter tes S ent n as si s ta n supttintetdnts, four frot dttrmined in location. Construction of 32 clutam mret to lie planned in tht nt%: utas and 15 tu 20 in thet er edaication oet. Tht apptovalu folloed sulimicion of a detailed rtsiem c of p rojecîrd rltmentaey entolmenît. Il mas noted annuel geowth in tht mest (Buttinglon) area e 1,000 tu 1,100; la tht tut (Oaloville) 400 and la Georgetowen <noctli) 310. Tht ttpoct thoted accommoliation la Nascagameya ic ovec-cromded. A flot year fotecaît on capital construction indicated facitities ettimattd at $38,172,500 wrr plnnned with $8,370,000 aclirdoîrd fûc 1 969; S 1t,172,500 for 1970; $7,825,000 fot 1971; $8,620,000 for 1972. Onlctite tere named at dh, hoatd's prrvtous meting. il. Wimfl Iaeds ATTEtwilm IR Atiz CIA OWNR Joseph Wiâoit mes elecai WeW Cie 9HraflYt chaitouan of the Milles it ppoe Evrgretn Cemetery Board a, WhlC tht group's animal meeting bobd cautdian lire Friday et the boom hall. paS Turieft d~ Ht succeds Edwin Hurrop châiiman fot ceertai yeats, minlst eu gave up the cliifnclip thIc yeur but trmains ce tht hoard Vice-climant in William RandeL mith C. A. Martin as proparrt> chairman. GIbet mrmbee. include E. B. Clements, Claente Feacoch, Wilfrtd Crociet, Roy Carrie, Ciuyton May and Freds Dînon. Alto Cooke bu iat secretay-treenter ced Jite Timhtts is cuttodian of the groands. Reports thomed 1968 mla anothet avetae yeat, with 7,^ horlais conductied. Secouean Cooke taid blle cemeten normally bantls hetotto 7W ced 80 buttais pot peur. Expand sorvict To ptovrde ouprnvedl osevce to0 Champion cuttomece ae ddiuotai telepione lote hi heen added ta tht office facditiet. Tir atidissonal tint in aintd us meeting iocruoong groothintdit numhrr of tic classifie advtttiing tustomers mho, place thein adas hy telepione. Tht additian iringa, la thrt lunes the numier taied! in the eeus*seteandudvertisiq itutecicc aT he Chempion mu 05 continues 10 parelliel geomth je tht ceeu. Cleteeified udvertisinl cubters ir s0 til urged! ta, pleut thela momuse uin âa usnoe ci tht Teueduy teau rmg-off thm. to insuse l la iltdud in the carrent mcek's u. Six ptincipals and vicr-principals mett nard assistant suptittndrtts hy tht Conty Board of Education la a mteting Thuttday, ai tht Board's Dahoille Administration Centre. ST. PAULI$ CHURCH of THE UNITED CNURCH Or CANADA Main St. ar lautes St. Mitister: Rtc. C. A. Hainer, B.., B.D. Dvgunist and Choir Leader: Mrs Harotld Magee. SUMDAY, PBBRUARY 2, 1989 11.00 aum.Youtdr Sunday. Sermoon sohjeot. "Wlere Do We Stand?' CHIJRCH SCHOOL 9.30 a.m.-.Suniday Sebiool for aIl boys anti girls over 8 ytO 05. t1.00 a.m.-Inlant Nursery iu charge ut registertil nurse andl nursery departutont. 11.00 a.m.-Kindergarten and Frimucy Deparcmtnt, aes 4-8. Invitation To AUl GRACI ANGLICAN CHURCH Milton, Ontario. Ntctor: Rct. R. 1W. Poster. Assistan.t: Canon F. H. Maien. SIJNDAY, PBRRUPeRY 2, 1868 Septuaesina Sunday 8.00 a.m.-toty COntununmon. 9.*25 u.m.Jr. Churab Sohool. 9.30 .m.a-Mattins andl Se rm on. 10.45 i.m.-Sc. Glorch SohouL. I LW1 ..m.Holy Eotharist a.nd Sermon. Thorsday, hoooary 30, 1969 - 10 amo, Holy Communion. CNURCN Or CHRIST No. 5ttidecod ancd 4thLine Trafalgur SUY-DAY, PERRJA-RY 2, 1968 10.00 a.m.-Bilte Sthant Clasc- es fr att eget. 11.00 o m.-Moroing Worubip. 8.00 p.m.Preacbing nf tht Gospel. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCN A local assemhly of THIE PENTECOSTAI, ASSEMBLEES 0F CANADA Pastor: Rot. M. Cbriutencen. LDRD'S DAY SUN-DAY, .PEBRUARY 2, 1969 9.45 amu.-Sunday SobooL 11.010 e.m-Morulng Woterellp. 7.08 p.ut-Rvaugelstlc service. Wtdntsdey. t peu. - Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Prldey. 8p..-ýYteg People' Sevie. A Church Yan Cels Matou Yoce Hmee A W&Mee Welcomu e Bvenyns The Canadien C hodyu ores' 00W. erti Caaien Tseeus 4-eel BR886 S85919 PACKAGE Liuitsd Tins, Dluer 'Custo Boudodu Drake Liange are luured 40,000 miles or 36 menthe coIsTo BODEssn Sav ALL 4 WHILS __IRAKE LINIRSIS 20% $ lit sntluc C1 PRo onura Olae0 puiCevots 5QUIPMENT model Canadice Peutieus 1959 -68 PLYMOUTHI id De -s. 10 di..,. 17,90 INSTLLAION DOIGE PRODUCTS -l - h. 11", 18.90 ANTRS FORD PRODUCTOSocc 18.40 Malle Caudim Tire tot one-dem B s.k. onorlo 0000, % 5t, os.., e..os.lli $4 or àt te tmplute relsgeof Brale ssc,. tC.e, ,,eceu c,, T.ezdOa, Whs.] Lises ad Calie, Stplld Sellms. h0.5 q C., Mua ..t 1 Lens. Lamps, sugthiue ced evueAlilap Foocee lit lgs.en.: , ,,y tay Fil, 110Ld. Sm, with Canadian Tire MOTOASTER PARTS for a GIide-like ridai PS. ho FINu.tI Mim Mmd MAf.I.'Mieo, MDI-@MA1I DjA~.e ::~ Suspension Shock Absorbers V Du JOINT iaDASSEmBLY Equai la ce hilter Ihie Fit ý p lCi...I0 m 195-8 origine Eqc«pm qrulity. .3.9m cete .60 I .37 Guom.us30,000amileo SUPERFsSERVICE oucAcera. »a. soeu &..N I-t - Lýý~ ~ ~ -mid Shmg.mC .1.9 ,id di , i1,»b - -r P. m in M10 e& ec.t e*ssmille b* Ms« KEYSTONE cm-2nacn~ausu ee9 ~m eitstce6 leu IOT ý1l157 5.'5 12.45 7a 1 i c ~ i' RXIIUAIII Cash &Ci"r BONiS mOPN M. juin B eBs ?B Nome four principals two vices-principals Phone 878-6043 ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT & GROCIRY STORE Freele Green BRUSSEL SPROUTS..... ............... 25c lb., Julcy FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT---.....10 for 69c Con. No. 1 SPY APPLES _ ...6 qt. bld. 79c Firmn Red TOMATOIS _ ............... 23c lb. Vimeguard ffd N4.~ Tb SOCKEYE SALMON ...............49c e. Tulip Brand MARGARINE........ 25c. IL Pure - 48-ou, Tins OANGE JUICE ............ 3 for $100 Primo Berand Uigbt Meut 3%u. Tin TUNA FISH..._........................ 19c «. Deviet Brand RINDLESS SIDE BACON _ .....69c Ib. Pics. ftreub Ilb. aend tep ROASTINO CHICKENS ........ 41C IL Leasi Butt PORK CIIOPS _ 5 .... ... S L Tender Plump FRYER CHICKENS ................37C lb. Ml f ÇJ(DX Sue. lera Tieurti 7 à9 pm. THASet. MaNnel. THURS. . Pl. - AT. JAN. 30 - 31 . réb. "MtANET 0F THE APES" - Color CHARLTON HESTON ALSIO CARTOON FRATURE SUN,.-MON.TUES. FU 24 0fl4E THOMAS CROWN AFPA!V (COleer) CAdaîlt STEVEN McQUEEN, AUDREY NEPBIURN 0SH*JK HUNT" tOuluT SOUAD0 - Céioce rW.TRUIt...AT. M. -7.8 17HE GREEN SURETS (Adolîl <Caoor) JOHN WAYNE BAT. Miel.. M. a IIT1E WNITE WARRIr COLOUR CARTOON Doctor on voluàntw plan Treats 180 Indians doily emplon, Wedmsday, Januery 29, 1969 Chufch Services at CESO medical mission Wormns. Gutrol iordaes tee .. ancd the meoud doratian meoym ut i el apubf And ce agrtcaitual eonomny mus et Cades, as ettlement =yu mart innedfsu. mhicb mufftred seato dapousilon enAcOaeun te f uite, No n=Me la p l nhtebm minte sugles market meut An 1tmte 80popedel mare cdxte R5 plan, domo, due 10 paliticai ctzife. vicited! Dr. Aikenetdc cIniu but expenes andlving qterm Tiret wtre sortie of tht mteey oit theut indineedy ce mu meSl ua lie oumeY modklng clieracteristico of St. Vincent, a direcly u"Segfrontthseblgh and fecllti are tEnde aval"l. tiny West Indien Icland ote wbicit uncantrolind hlath rate.- Dm. D. Aikmtthtad af Milan Appronimtely 50 pet ceut oit agent lie tint moulu itrout Oct. tht popelation la ander 15 years W0d flaee muet eltenys b.e 271tu Dec. 26. ofaitug and infant utortalty la the caneedered as harteftel. tethougi lb m naintrveatîn. ighcst in the Brilli Wmt fie -y li -ed inforuet A iinte mentcatht fries, ha muid. operioot fat concetructie islatd after heariug ait therCESO ni elc thng in thi p aop cs n . ungi 1 (CaadenExcutveSe pierspet i Dr. Allsnheed or aielmting utissl regmeetetion. Overceat) plan .. - .hlch tends$ nnîotedfin reemi bierovice n Sncb "preemribed" fires, esperincmd prafessioal St. Vincent. It'c made use more homevet, arc lit otely misen Cunadians 10 dtvtioping appeclative oit conditians bore coneditins are tlghb aned won countries foc u poriad oi tlime. mhen me teelice tht itlced ite coutrol equipinent la an hand, The fis monti mat upaut eit Georgetown .. .an Acban-sized 1000 ie norbimert part of t 18 MlN878-3272 hy 15 mile, squae-mileok..T