10Tire Canadien Champion, Wsdeuuduy, Januael ignition mutle tareitg at a demw I% M IM» 1% »g IMJqlJ lqj 11%i sed in a desrted parking lt. 1 Y oeu con irasncte tir r safety if L 'tire pomer sti "dier"-BUT SPECIALLY SELECTED - VALUE CHECKED - 5 .6 LB. AVIRAGE rt needs eotra eff urt, asd iruri mentat andi pirysica adjurtreent. fet of manuat strering; lit cooldSH U D R penent a moment af panic one ALWAYS TENDER - LEAN, MEATY REUNION IN PLORtOA viaseagut rastwnek irbtteeeonnu day."TT ~ A Iton eouples at tire hme of et Mîltoncans Scotty anti tusann PO K B UT R 0 A S. -r on. Tire Patoos, nom residing ce Nepler, Fte., irosteti tire "A nain mue caoe nesen r ltogetire anti everpose poseti on Seotty's ten' cal toc tis photo. utteety miMhesu; ire waots te min ~ uSV WC IHTI N RC limon. tire lait are Mes. J. Ricirardson, Ment S Paton, Mes. R. applause and tirerefore ire IO AETIEWTHTI N RC Coang, Mr, C. Hilton, Mrs. G. Straînand Mes. P. Maties. Tire accummodaier hmmlf t0eD D < M D vuae D005 anti Paol Mathies, Cy Hisae BobrMeçuaieJac oihrs" -Goetire BU Uf PWUMK CMUWS -7 3 irdsun Gond Stcai nanti Seottg Patov I >RNBY BURNS MILD SEASONEDI HillrestUnied WmenPORK and BEEF SAUSAGE c oian banauets and bazcr IRINDLESS BACON i B K.79c By Mrc. Jcm Hamilccn The tenecol meeting of thr Hcllcees United Chcccch Women wshelti on Wedccesdoy nciht Jan. 22, a(c pis, ai Achgcccnc Unccndi Chuachl, n'cch 25 ladies prosooln. Mcc . Clifford Wccgglescsorch, ltce president. n'elcomed the laches to the meeting cslch sice opened ooclh o poem called, "A necîpe for a Happy News Yeaî.' Mcc. John Wallace aod Mss. Broce McClure o.ere ncharge ofte devoccconal poîcod wsionch ocs opened n'clh hynsn 575. Mcs.'l:Cicre read apoemnoo 1 ho c Yeor. Mcts. Wallace ciconod piolctrson tho Cronss ond Resurrconc nshich n'as follon'ed hy an inceresccg and Ienglhy dicssion. The desoconai peccod waonclosed 011, tho snnong ai hymo 595. Mcc. Wrîggiesn'orih lhosked the ladiescincharge ofthe pogam. ing the business bcoot Mrs. Veenoc Pîokel gave the seccecoyseeport ond Mes. llcosic Austin reed the Mutual Aid '69 election H alono I Mocoal Aid Fceefighting Servcce, o geoop of firefighîees feon' ttalloe's fine fine deporîmenîs, helti ils ana meeting ood eleccion of offiars ce Milton t'cee Holl Toesday eenecg of losloeek- Georgeton'n firefcgter Bill Henderson n'as nameti 19h9 chaiîmon. soaaeedcnt fccefcghlee Glens Sîcceger of Milton ce the post. Vice-pesideslccflShecn'ood Hunme of Milton, ondi Rîcir Boîgin ai Bonlingloe i secteelary-easoroc. Auditorsar Jcm Jeu eîîoo andi ice Pceeoy of Bccc inglon, Chîi Dooglas Wison af Oaknciia lice co-oedtri o atu Molual Iacd iviisies sHallon. prescded fcr lihe elecican.« tHe annocnced Chîi A. E. Clemeni of Milonn'ooid agacn e h cc depaîy c-odinolor foc 1969. The ,oucp lias heen hcoldincg mceetings sncce 11153 10 keep the fice brigadec' personnel co-ordcnalod in ficeecghliag aod cnelhads andoeqocpeocc, so ead, hrigacde caoi anci lice ccheco cncch mai0r icres. The eccpicy dconcacld hy licliln proncc.ilacalge Jonces R. Black, foc the h Oni alla,,dace ai m'eecings darccg lice pool( ooc, n's on chcly Burcicccf,,,. lcl,îccc haIod ieýId I dc leso pccly caaseouccveiy c.roc,, 19112 tc,, 1967, A con icîe C acccpccocng capreasan lalcc s ira,, Iac Il biregade wac arned la alloInge the groap'sannol honquetlin Api. Anacher commîlîse n'as applcnled coonsen'e and rerise the geoap's conîstiuin Future mceetings cane pionneti for Matchi, Jupe. hepîamher and Novemher of 1969 ELECTRICITY IS OUR BUSINESS *HEATING *W#RING *NEW CIRCUITS *ADOITIONAL OUPLETS * OUTDOOR LIONTS FEATHERSTONE ELECTRIC 878-6378 treasurer' s e p o rt. Cocrespondence n'as cead hy Mcc . Le' Sampsun. The ladies cnece remnded of the meeccing n'hich will ire held ac Christ Chuech in Clarkson on Fer. 19, or 9.30 an'. n',rh Mes Ronald Smith af Toronto as the gurse speaker. The ladies n'eea eemcnded ai che Junior Farmers' Banquel t aiS1en'arlon'n Hall on Fer. 7. Dlates n'eîe sel forcîhe anefral lorkey dinener on Wcdeesday, Oct. 22 and the fail hazacr os Sauuday, Nos. fi. Mis. Keiîh Han'kes islalîdl the e officers foc 196r9. Mr. Wrigglecn'orîh closed lire omeeting wcih ployer. Lunch n'as ceîned iry lire Sewn'cg Cicrae Unit. Tire Reacealcon Commirîre af lire Boyse Communiîy Ceerre heid a cuacre paccy os Fccday nîglîl. Joci. 24. Tiree n'ene 17 tbler of ruche in play n'ilh cire pelles going la lise follong wnnerr, Mcs. Joe Ellir, Bock Burtoîn (n'ho played as a lady) Ton' Bousfieid and Alfred Ford. Tire locky dran's n'ere wn' iry Mcc. Robrt Croicr, Mes. Elîcros Bull] Donald Douglas and Fcack Hadley. Luecr n'as secved iry tire comohircee incarge anduarocial visclcenjoyed. Tihererpusse foc cluliie for lire Ontario Hospital at Nem Toronto n'as spustaneour. Tirese mccc delineeed iry Jase Hall miro iras compleled a t'a moccli training course sn lbis hospiral. Sire is speedint a meek's iroliday uithlie Laureecians irefoce reromiot hec training aI cire Toronto Western Hospital.- Gel meIl n'isies are exlended t0 Mes. Lloyd May n'ir i a patient in the Milton District Hospitcal. Tire Norts Trafalgar Fachre Cloir heid lhir neekiy CuCche puccy on Salurdoy ncghl. ion. '5. Tcere n'ere 1l tairlec ai cochre in play scîir lIce pelles goîni locthe fcllown'cg n'cnnerc, Mîs. Wihert Nix, Mcc. Maelio Richardsoe, Mes. H-arocld Malîhews, Harvey Daîi., Wimer Mcacon ond Fred Smith. Tire lucky dran'r mec: n'on iry Mrc Coine Beaiy and F.-aek Peacock Os Tirsday nigiri, Jan. 23 McrcS. Tiromas Homde enterlaiord t0 ladies ai ire irome mires o demoscacion o emirroidery iry pucel n'as pur o, iry Mes. Doris Scoye uf Adtos Follomieg lire demoncirulcon delicious lunch n'as secned h tire irostens. Miss Fcances Marshall o tdlinglos niscîrd un Wednecdaî milir Mr. Elner May, Mr. anc Mrs. Paul May and Serry. Feiends in ibis discict mii kmcm Mes. Elsie Bloor mcli ir soirry te heur sire dîrd on Sarurday evnint, ce thi PecI-Memreocal Hospital. Sire mcl ire greally micord iry hec mues fîcesds and neigiriors. Sincr sympaliry is exiesdrd t0 Mr. and Mes. Jcm Bloos and famdly. Get l i msies are exiendei la uitile Jimmie Marcimeni mire isapatientin etlie Soutir Peci Hospital, Cooksnille. Jimmie irad lire miofocluse t0 fa]] and injure iris spise. Birtirday greiefs urc exîesded ru lire follong miro are cerîiuo irelidopo, Bdll Stout con Jus. 3l, Janet Hill an Fer. 2, Taeya Dimieg on Fer. 4 and Mcc. John Wallace on Fer. 7. Asoinecracy greerints la Mc. and Mr. Jee Salira, miro milI celeirate tireir medding aoeineesury on Wedoesday, Fer. 5. Due locthe suobrireof sick rerideelos ir te local commusiry cire Hoesiry lerliruce meeting mus cancrlled for lire monlir of iasouay. Me. and Mes. Frankr Hall and familyn'ece amongiire gests ai a hcclirday dmonr paccy ireld i the tmperia] Room ai lire Royal York Hoîri, Toronto, on Suoday. Jan. 19, mmcn family memirers and gcandcirildren gatîireed ccc honoi Mes. Bothwmell of Petecrboroughr, n'ho n'as celehcaîieg hec 8ti ireliday. Mîc. Bothwnell cs Mes. Hall's moIrer n'ir irai ieenncnclting n'cch the Hall famly forîthe pas n'a n'eeks. FREEZ E 9 Ilwaya Tendi MiId Soasot Prlmrosce STEAKITT Ibm. $2. !TER11111111 m 6 #539b 63e aed 8c Z. TINS SO0U P 41049c icuIT - 3 I4S SU E (6 Rol 89c POLY PKG A BAGS--m 55c )RN 31R49c. COMPARE AT 72c cn FIRST GRADE B yCOMPARE AT 2 for 29c - CAMPBELLS - 10 O 0TOMATO COMPARE AT 33c I By -The -Sea ii 61A Oz. Tinsh *LIGHT FLAKE U COMPARE AT 43c - CIIRISTIE'S - 16 OZ. 9KG SODA BI~ COMPARE AT 35c - 2 - ROLL PACKS DELSEY Tr COMPARE AT 79c - MOTHER PARKER'S - 100 Waldorf TE COMPARE AT 2 FOR 41c 14 Oz. Tins CULVER HOUSE CREAM STYLE C' COMPARE AT 43c - CADBURY'S - From Great M CHOCOLAT CARROTS 3 CELLO c BAG 17C No. 1 - COOKING lis" COMPARE AT $2.05 K X -F TIDM$UL7 KING SIZE IE li7 COMPARE AT 89c 7 LB. BAG F F IK 5Ic COMPARE AT 2 FOR 45c - CuIver Mous. - Choice Quai e 19 OZ. TINS - SMALL WHOLE F Ro POTATOESL 2 "7 COMPARE AT 97c - Hershwys - 2 Lb. in - % LB. EXTRAM INSTANT Chocolcate85 M Powoe ifurm Do pou have pwrsarsg Waaderfut , iciot itrwrseeig Sut don't foeyettdut if tire drive boit brak, ortire engine statto. tire car tudttenty steers tike a truckr witr flat tires; or so it ters. The Ontario Safety Loagrar suggests you Jtait miat te espeet iry tuitchiot off the .-~1~ mi Pal Ber Lac Me tic HC LET--- Our experts cut, set your hair ln a style to flatter jYOU more. Ça/il capur 133 Main St. West 878-2131 THE HALTON COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION The Board hais decided for the time being that the Central Administration Offices wiII be et 166 SOUTH SERVICE ROAD EAST, OAKVILLE, ONTARIO Arrangements or@ beine sm" wiih tire Beil Tub. pires. Comspany fer the Installation et Zenith nusihurs se ihet aspoe in Naisis Ceunty may salif lire. efficss wiiimeu lune distant Ssii charges. Ussil tire arrangementus -r compiutsd, moyee colline tire Castrai Administration 001is le roqs.si t. sali Celtisse. Osiville 845.5501. I I ~ ritain - 7 OZ. PKGS. E BISCUITS3