4Ih ThdIe Caie Camioednesday, Jans.ry 29, 1969 ChaIkI.y fires pair Juniors top Sipartns îles Chaiktey, le ehe Joosor Merchalits lboc-ep for lits foost gamne and Tom tioodieg each ucre in on the of the tocats' four tonds thot gave the home tram a 4-2 tictory oter 1the Ajce Spactans lirre Pcidoy. Chotkley bepcai and ened the sorleg witb courettrs le the finit pei= aed le the third for o taglyoeventfüatie ehal sou ehe Merchans miss on o hoot of apportunitiss. The Merchcets ouchot the visitans 4t- 28 bot the foot prcod Boal uco eat rnpceded n'tiehe third period uhen Tom Gooding bctged tbe tue oeaooisted os 11e chipped 001the pock ubile Hugli Cope roonded bits own nertot cleor it. Tbe puck THt MOST PROLIFIC POINT GETTERS te date in lhe Milton Toesday's pont en Strmctsle. Other top scorero on the team cms Junior C M. chants ieeapare the captaen and assitant captains et Marty teado witb 15 goals, 20 assists; ced DoeHcearns with 19 goals the teco Grahamn Hern, Rick Cole ced Ted llood. Captait Cole and eigbt belpers. Se fcr tbc Mcrcbasts haee lîreti 112 goals and ocît signifies his 58 poits (30 goals and 28 amsistot wbite Hern et le,0 bas 43 bave passed by eetmisdcrs Lloyd Vaughae atd Brian 21 goals aed 28 assists tee a 49 total, and Hood bas 14 goels ced 28 Boociston. -(Staff Photo) culosts foc 42 points. The totals include the weed camte but net Ltrnmpon prti Phie Asked for 15 ggQls Bantamis ,'9-e asked 111cm tu produce 15goals, and îhey did il," Mdton Legion Bantamns managler Bdll Rowney said, sîilt mopping bis brou. T het te am put ouI a supe rbumoan effort in a tri-county bnop game hr Satueday agaiest Sîreetsvdîle, and hoat tht vsitons 15-0 as evety membr of thete110 (except goalir Brad Evans, mbo regesterrd t11e obotoul) gui 0010 tht scoresheet. Ttam management tttimnaled, on 111e basis of a tri-count statiotinat report, that 111ey coutd record 15-O win take the league titte feom aecb-ciculs Oakvîlle if the teom coald pot 13 goals bchied the S treetoville netmiedee ie Salueday's gante. Coach Glenn Dace and manager Roseeey gave th1e ptayees c Pop tatk brfoîe tht gome , taid tbrm the situation, and "tbep Wtnt out there aed peodocrd." Milton btinked tht ligbl lia tiaies in tht openleng peeiod, addrd Ire in thersecondoand came bcck uilh six, mor il the final sîceca. Harold Mtttp' bcdl six goas and brce assitts, Hugli Marshatt 1-4, Rick Jabb 4-0, Chorcbmach 2-2, George 1-2, Garcy Gooding 1-t, Colten 0-5, Ktc Kitche Kim Mountain 0-2, Wade 0-2, loc McCarthy 0-1,101 Grenke 0-t. The Legioonaotes get loto tht plapoffs and play hibrin rit home pet Pcb. O. Tht sqoad endcd ops total of 105 goais for, i teagut gatneî. Threc plapers mccc among thetal scocers fot tht yce. i1ton Minr Hockey , _House leaque happening~ NOVICE Mid-seasoe stono continues Ibis wteek en tbe Novice bouwehoid as Cresî Hardware edged Little Pirtmîn 2-1, tht Little Puntiace doubied Rthohsb Lodgt 7-3 and Muwbeay Puels oquered c t-O wiî oser Beccb Bras. Kevie McCay, with bellp fromt Jimi Clarfide, scord for 111e Pirtmrn, mith Jim and Timt Pearson notcig one tocb foc Cecît. Geore Teenci Oas Cccii assîst-man. Pontiac seoretsînctuded two eaeb foc Pal HoaIat and Kevin Howdee and singles from Geg Emms, Peter Rots and Davidi Low. Assists were acked upby David Loo and emo each feom Howdee and Rota. Krvmn Kitchets csstributed use goal and tus> uscisti lu 111e Rebekob tlle, tubent Burke gui ont goal andi une assisi aund Docey Nadalin eannied 1the eemaieseg goal home. A boost feom Murray McPbail heiped Derek Grîffithi jt tht Mowhtop Punis eetey tu lheco marginal vitoîpusen Becb Bros. PEE 9-EE The board stocnd 4-3 îoecemi Pet Wee action ibis wcek, one foc Milton Lumben ve Ccecdion Tire and agate foc Pay's Plunshieg ostî Hood's Chickro Kiags. with Milton Phainnacy's 1-13 shuteut oer McCsuag lostance eompîeting tht scorie. billon Lumber shaepshuutets inctucici AI MacKîenon, Mike Arnold and Rue Rosley sîh a dooble; wîih Imo assisis (tom ManKinnon and une fromt Rue STUDS HELP Tests by thr National Safet Caocll's commnittet on uleter drivieg hazards chou tirat tcdded snou tilts offer ppclyl maor traction on icy paeset tho regolce mnou tires. Pot em ergeccies, relefocced lire choles provide thse ulehealo le tractioe. Cote. Tere goals mccc att scoeed by J. Smith. Pay's courtiers camne front Pool S tover, Bruce Bailey, Steve Mashall and Tercy Douglas, wîth assîsts by Stover, Bafley ced Bob Langeidge. Chickee King tally iecluded Imo feom Keîtk McKieuue ced a single fromt Bead Smith; Wilb Imo ausists fom Dan Irmin. Multoe Pbaemacy's otat winrwssored by John Roskam, uncssîsted. BANTAM A 4l-at lie by Beomnies' Bombees and Bell Bros' mas înctuded en Bontam action lait meek, white Mlon Police beotatized Mdlon Depcetmenl Store 7-2 andwvent on to dmp Local 4970 4-2. Potice goals againsI the Depanîment Store iucladed Jive fromt Rîck McTeacb andon each fîomn BilClareand Sttvc Heudeeson; mîîb Tom Elliot racking op three assiste, Kent lsmund gctting tWo and McTrach a sîngle aosist. Depacîmeni Stote ibuis oece by Gord Meechan and Lee PoIler with asitsby Bill Pelleck and Ion Robertson. McTcach agaîn led the way againît the Locals, scoeing thee lots to go with Rouks sifnge. Assistants ioluded rt eom Braîcice, two froon Kelmon and ont feom lscnond. Local tigbl bliekeen re Lloyd Rynotd and Prancey, u-îtb assis to crdited to Ryeold twict cnd Rob Steinger and Hosdeii once eacb. Austin mieked up thece ofth1e Oollis successes agaist he 11 O Isivs, scith McDougal rounding ouI tht pIture. Tom Wdtls and Coctis assisîrd once loch. Brownoes' loto came from Bi Claeridge lmice, Altan Ayr and Bilt Tardiff once taeh; and Jotin Suhreihor, Crcig Brown, Taodiff and Clocnidgr Bol n conlol rach. MIDGETS Harris Stationery deféated Pigment and Chemnical 6-2, Keighta' Men's Wear edged BISs' Acta Betty 6-5, and Ledullh's Saper Setters tcek a 7-2 victaey away fromthte Pa a squad en Mîdget actio wttk. Harris mcocilo ieludec ir Daee Mcece, two foc Evans aîd ont for Doug with John Hopkins machs cuisIs, and SUntl, Mahi Evans gelling ont each. P shooting cees fromt Aton aod Ceai. Smith witb Presnsak assising. Benny Npjhott fied goals for th1e Kuighs' cre Les Wilson ocoeing tino Dorante gctting 111e siatb asnistane came frotti teelet and fromt tales, Crag and Durante once Gten Gibson and Beenît Js gct Ihtee ced 1550 teipe foî tht Auto Body men belp came trom Prt Mati Gcmoed, lioddy Thoma Jitn Dance once ecd, anc froon Barry Beaton. Ledwîth countece on two eac for Johnson and and ont tach byb Co Yemm and Duosmore. C bcd two assiots, wite asoisîs came from Jo Matcolm, Hobner, Hanne McTrcch. Park Fanm goas by John Penoon and unassistnd. Three lasses for Flyers Tbte losses in tht paît week laesct give Miltoe's Nodatîr Etecîrc Plytîs mucb 10 Wirite home about. TWo gantes mdce close-o 3-2 toss 10 Borliegloe onJan. 20 and a 4-3 exhibitioe lois ta Bueliegtoe Tboeoday-bot ol Cbiegoaeousy Thuesday 1the hosl club bocded 111cm o 6-t tocs. The Ftycîs exyccîrd a bye Grec lelo th1e fieals but a tbrîî.poiît Hood peealty Oee the sigeeig of an Pllip ueîegislcecd plar ecacîcer ie tbe e 0-2, stason bas forced 111cm lu meet Bekarth11e Hespelce club lit 1the fooit d Mark round uf tci..uuely playoffo. They open il Hcspetîe rTborsday aI 7 and eceuc ebreceei a bye Monday for o 9 p.m. gaime. shotd Tbied gante if neednd mdtl 11e le ne on Mdlton tht following Tbuesdoy altO0 p.m. with a Mdltoî coutdn'l kîep the puck t -2( un Litîcî sticks inî the Brampton Midton game, and enedd up wilb a 3-2 p fie los. Roger Rowlcy frd ont goal, Gary Nayteî the olbee, witb Marty O'Neil, Rod McKeesie aed Keith Higgs gaining assisis. Gary Naîter shot a paie ptus anO assist in tht Boîlieglon e xhibition gamne, white Rick Colbeck pottrd 1the tiid Llly. S Keidi Bridgmae and Ray Toîcîti h ad assiols. Tb'oesday's dioastîr at Clunguacoooy oaw 111e hast ctub's Geore Naka, a hot Daiey prospect foî o Junior A ctub, foce n ibis docte goals and cegisler lîeo thme assisto ogaioot Milton. Marty Danep O'Neti seored tht Jotes' tonte daboe, tattp, ut a poos fromt Dote ntWo Morley and Roger Rowey. unad Tevor Roberts ssas a standool lient mî ai11e Milton net altbougb 11e Lgwns had Utite support atosg tht frant lgtire. Roberts sloppcd ai tcast tix Gere beeakawaps oretheescore migbt bave been doubted. wmitb and J. mlwhte ,lyjholt Leslie, eacb. sleuson ctivetyi . Thcir t, tce eludcd Evans, oksoe, ooksoe singe bnson, nand loce Minor tuait a boac that ekipped it ineotheAaul. = .akhe Ajax goals le the third porlod et the casne and 16 minute marks. Paul Kitchor gcleed o ehled p -io cater uith ssis fromn C anleycd Goedlg, and le thr lent mieute of play Challey's long shat salledl doua tbe ice leto te Ajax net left usatlonded uhen the gealie mus polîrd for s pouer ploy. Tuckuell got Isa third amsiat of the seasioo on thot goal. Onty tua majors uerr picked op inehe game neen by 723. Ken Partain cnd Dcc Plalcounki mixed it op le the second and dreu fite minute flgbtleg penalties follouleg a skismish Junior C standings îecludung Saines of Soedcy, Jan. 26. Teare GP W L T GPE Lindsay .................. 29 21 7 t 179 Miltoo ................... 29 20 6 3 169 I Neumauket ............... 29 17 6 6 179 11 Ajax....................... 30 15 13 2 117 Richmond HiH.............29 I4 14 t 141 1 Boutecevile .............. 29 13 13 3 140 If Georgetownc.............. 29 12 12 5 145 12 Oakvdit ......... ....... 31 Il 15 5 141 I l Strtttsvdtt................. 29 5 22 2 113 Y~ Thootiti................. 28 4 24 0 106 I1 Main executive is returned to Halton Bail Association Maine cecutive of tht Fltooi Coonty Bcseball Association wco retumed 10 office Satoedap, at the aniual H.C.B.A. meetleg nl Qakville. Atf Baynton o) Watedown is bock as president witb Len Andilreus o! Campbettvdtle, Ross Dodmn of Wcteedowct and Diîk Ctemect of Milton vice-peesidents. There are also Il dietors. Thc grop forwmrded no ameîdmects to the O.BA. constitution this pear. About 50 attcnded tht annoat gathering. Tht discussions got aroond to club prospects for tht '69 seasoe ced il appeaus Toronto wiSl retint to tbe teapue, Campbellville bopes to hase an leteonediatte ectcy, and Mdton's fotore in inermediate bail loohs a bit shaky. Red Sou peesident Dick Clement said coach Doog McCotchtoo bas moved out weot and whbdr Milton 'vil sarelp bave a juvetite club, hie Was't too bopefut about tht inteemediate entrp. Don Carlson of Ford Motor Co., a former stoci-pro baill plater ond a noted sperttsser, wsguest speaker at tht dinner. 1s pony day here on Sunday The Junior Marchants bans scbaduead Pcsy Dey forSandayn ganms, mises tiey mass the Oakville Bladms. A oeteai Shetland Pcsy mli bemwon hy smnenatsnding Sursday'a games, acrerdine ta Marchant excuctise Murray Whis"l. The pony gem on dispiay et thea Plana an Prlday evesing andl in dameleme Miltas ce Saturdoy, te Merchants aspect Ta claim ths psny yau'l hans ta, ha praent at tise Suay homs ane. The Frldey niebt sassion hetmeecn tise Marchants andl Oahviiie lsaoctuciiy Daknilla's isome tienne. Officels note the seascs tickets miii sot ha hc.cced fcr Ibis reasor bul lbe camne is e Mercaant-hacleti seslsio. Dalteilie mas uaale ta arrassa le lima fcr the Frlday tiame andl arracged fcr il la ha playa i n Milon. l4ow Much Does It Cost You To Own Your Automobile?? FEW OWNERS REALLY KNOWB ENOUIRE TO-DAY ABOUT OUR SAFEGUARD LEASE PLA THE ONLY WAY TO KNOW THE COST IN ADVANCE DIAL 878-2355 TO-DAY MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 388 Mais Si., lton Caditllc - Pontiac .Buick - Beaumont P irebird Acadian ancd O.M.C. Trucks Heme o the Milton Miecc Hockey L Fcb. 8.: forward wears No. 9 sweater. Or- WEDNESDAY iaaly frote Exctcr lie joloed hcbseay \ L the local Rotary Midgets Inn 1965 S.30-6.20 ...........ll K cit-' and is 00w in lits seeond year 6.20-7. 0............Hrrise %s Bs wih 1the Junior Merchaoto. te 7.00 Kgh' ePak Famn bail a tre out wî111 the Hamiltono 80-8.50."** LedthesPgpeel Red Wings and on bis tel=a SATURDAT ta th1e Merchants la Iavig put 6.30-7.20..... Fiecee ce P.ntiaus second higlsest scorer. Grahaom 7.20-8.10-. ebekah vs Mocteey GRAHAM BERiUM s 18 and attends Sheridan Col. 9.00-9.50........a. Toe vs Fayloe 9.50-10.40..... . Ooe'e- MC.aig it~ Wt1> L U 10.40-11.30.Locbecev Phoceeacy 4L Il.30-12.20........Localevs Broccoo JJ5 1*2.20-1.10 . O........._l vs Police' .V-- . - PECIAL PAK thé CHICKEN SNACK t lcso lnrirsP *2 Pieces of Chscken ReadY Boci Chiken 79e ta Serve $2.19 FAMILY PAK ~ o CHICKEN ina BOX 14 Pseces Of $ Jan 31 , 3 Pic cof Chickes Chicke Souais *779 to cb Pt rench pries Cole Slow Hooey \Buteredeo $Bu AR A Tornt yH0ocesip of Paoi BoitO oc f C11c 5.5 $rwlFie 1111 Binei Order TeaitsgAu club plkd cp h. aerlty cft th. porttles toig 13 miacrs a theb Merdcals' cice. Miltoncs Mleer Hockey tenste urre pesta of tise Merchacta fer Pro-Arn leugue~ McDuffe lead to 5-4 win ov By John McLece Bruce McDuffé flred tue goals and edded tueceoits ta Iecd Thompios ta a 5-4 uic over Laumence le the fonit gaime Tocsdoy. A] Reid, Art Metcrsant aed Wayne Timhors addrd singles. AI Reid cssted onea pair uhite single cloîts uet te At Brooks, Art Mrtceson ced AI Tomner. BiSl Barboce ceplîrd uith a pair for the losing Laureece cmuw ubte Harold Poeson ced Merv Fletcher aise coooted. Bob Laurence acsisted tuice uhite Brion McDuffe, Htarold Pense., Dave Aceolton and Warren McLay dreu single assista. Peddie beat Wilsoe titill by a 5-4 murgie as Tom Rasoub and Des Lecreont actched c p ai f goals apiece uhilete Leureece scomed ontce. Bnryaen HlIaoe, Garry Ellueed, Dote Moore and Recale Bertoli ccoioted. Sinogle mcrkers came frot AI Reid, Bilt Joyce, AI Jordae ced BIS Barboter -te coceit fer ehe laers. AI Jordan "sied tuice. ythe Saie ced hbout 200 ecap :e.echcots' =od te Miner Hockey WeekMebs af the MitN Ot Pp ud pcovlded nom.i betmeee-perlod estertalstiet. s Thompson Dr Lawrence The fini geone on Thursday scm Cois bonib bicLeesce 5-t as Andy Berry paced the Cale Club wlth a pair of goca. Bruce Gates, Gerey Knoutes ced Murray 1e4ài added uingles. Beuce Gctos tord the aist colemer os hoe mas le foc thee bripers. Other asslts came front lcgtl (2), Les Applrton ced George Brown. Tht MeLessan tally came fromn Pre Massey on a plus frere Bd McLeod. Garey Mecetale mas te big gun for Prestldgr, flrleg four goals ta Jod there ta o 9-4 victery avec Champoux. Art Brooks waa right bhhld Meantain aos1he boat te twe tbree titmes wle Jho Jehnson and Wayne Sharpes addcd slegles. Carl Smith, 8111 Roberts, lim Johnson ced Bob Neueil ait assisted! twice white single belpans ca fronm John Hopkins and Wayee Sherpen. Roc Mcflugh ted te toes wlth a pair ubhie Watt Kelly and Harold Tomptos singted. Watt Kelly, Gary Parilh ced Tom Pew asaîsted. PONY DAY SUNDAY à F.M. MILTON OAKVliLL! éLADESv. MILTON MMCHANTS PONY WINNU MUST DE PRUMT CLEARANCE AT FREDERICK'S MINI WEAR YAR ROUND NOW SUITS. 20 f. 50% ALI WOOL WORSTU SPORT JACKETS PlainTt, ffots 20 to 50% CordrsysOFFI OuT COATS An Wo.l JACKETS 2 o5OF- SUEDE JACKETS - $64. Oaodc Aselmesi Laft of COLOUR DRESS SHIRTS 20% off SPORT SHIRTS 20% off CORDUROY PANTS MI Off SWEÀ&lms 20%OFF HATS and 20%OFF G NOE873O V 22 aiNi STREtlr _ ILTON ONT