Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jun 1969, p. 18

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j The Canadien Champion, Weitn«eay, lana 4, 1969 TED P-Lt/K Assistanti Agriculturu t Representi Nome Westerner Ted Peluk assistant agricultural rep. A nom Assrstanti gicilirat Repeeseniatrue fer Hairoîr Couniy rot- office un Molnday of t-ru meet-. Ted Felot- lprunouced Prit GOOKI arrised dii HalttsilasimweekttsfiltherrOacicy causedhby t-e receni resigiraiir cf Jior lent-rus Mi. Petut- has tosi gruduutnd froni tic University of Manitoba ru Winnipeg mîrth a bactietur of Science lii Agrcutture degice. Born and educainit ai Ladysueit. a sillage about 40 miles uert-eat ofWinnpeg Mnib, lire upîoa strai] mied faimr. Alter iiirigi ticlirilt.Le iikithe four yea core ai Winnipeg. rne lirs graduaion May t t-e rias beeri lrelprng t-ru faurly mt- tlie seeding aiiteir faim [le espects t ive in Milton andmr- oui of fic Mloniofficeofitrflicrtrio Deparuent of Agriculture and Food. 4-H Club news BEEF CALF CLUB By R. Bnotb Tbe May meeting of the Halt Il 4-H Serf Caif Club mon laeld aI t-e Parmn of Sot- Mrrry Tursday, May 27. Prenitient Doug Gaedt-ouse opened tbe meeting wîtb t-e 4.-H pledge, repeated t-y ail membrs Bob Merry rntroduced the Charolais brred and its history lu t-e members Laser aue ruperrence 10 membrs and leaders mos a duoss of Charolias herfers lt-ebcjadgrduit-reasnu given lter t-y ait. Jim McKay gave t-r official pluerng of flire clasu. Henry Stanley led a discuson on t-e brmeding and t-e portance oi ui beel heeit. Dong Kee lhunked Bob Merîy for t-e use of t-e Chrarolars cartln aid bis t-opiaity. JERSEY-GUEIRNSEY AYRSIIIRn CALr CLUB By Guri Nixon Gn Wednesduy, May 14, rlire Halon 4-H Jersey-Guernsey- Ayrst-ire Cuif Club lrid thir meetrng un flie fai orr f John McNabb. Tire membrs disirnourd lire possrbiliiy of ourrng t-e Gntario Agrcullual Coliege, G.uelphi, for ther June meeting. Bruce Pieckering leda discoission mut- flie members on mit to lookt-fur in agord dairy cou. A cla-sso ut iree-yce-otd Guernoeyo ti unît, ore jodgrd t-y t-r club meut-crs. Tire juir an seos sepurur ed and flire juniors discussrd flire dîffererîr pedigrees of dairy cous, ut-ile t-e seniors t-ad a tesson uir moe tIrent. Mit- Commission of GOntario Pueidmon, t-asrng ru do uir t-e Herd leulit- Progruer firai fie meut-ers are orudying. lT-e ueeing cdosed! mirO Huriey Pickecring lliaulung Me. McNahb for rnrtirrg t-e meut-ers i i rincer ai ltrs farni for prnviiting as with an excellent clous of coos ru judgé, and t-e refreut-menlu ohiet- eneryone enjoyed nerf mach STRAWBERRY CLUB By J. Hanter lT-e Holton 4-H Slraoherry Club heid ils thîrd regular meeting of t-e year on Monday eoening, May 2h, or t-e farut of Peter McCart-y, Geoegetoun. Tire meut-ers urrited t-ta large peur and appie orct-aed ut-ere Mi. McCarthy eoptained bis merbodu of gruftrng, plantrng, anrd prunrng flie lie. He soued t-e club t-tu struberey irrigation sysieu, t-ut orrforîunately mas nit ut-le 10 pot ir nto operatron atthe limie. Tire meeting uooed indours toe t-e business ut-ret mas conducled t-y t-e club preurdent. Roseuury Boh lu tus decited t-ut t-e Struuherry Club sbnuld enter a drsptuy ai Miltron Fuir. Tire tesson on pluvtrng. ueeding. and speupref mas pîeoevred t-y Keriri Autin, tlire Club Leader. anrd tlire troui unit Vegerabie Speciulrst Evans Lutat-rooku. Folluming t-e distrit-utioni of oeed sprays t-e meeting adjourrîrd. LIVESOiK JUGGINC, By Ted Pelut- On Thursduy, Muy 29. lire anurîoo practîce lioret- kjudgrsg coupritrirn mus lreid. On tlie faim ouf Fred Nurse, Georgetomwn. clusses of Iloterîro and Jerseys mere judged. fullomed t-y rlire judgirrg of une duoss of iwu-yeur-uid lereford trerfers, une dorss of yearling lierefurd linifers, sud one cuos of Suffolt- eues ai rlire fatin of Peit Meturtîf. as of Georgetown. Ait Huiter 4-t-t Lîvesîset- Club mouibers mere presenit, aiong wihterlocal leaders Mr. Dunford, Assistant Agricutral Represertu lion. anrd Henrry Star Repre Mer pointr of ras While each for di yea r classer Fo eneryr of Mi officia Jeffre Thi Bea o Sire. Super regula Canac lias 135-1 Liii t-y M Ot-io.- Hîs sire ru Lîndule Beacon Bus. t-scellent. Srlnerrand Guld Medal Ouperror Sire. cit- 47 lested daugiters tirai average 9,409 lt-s. nit-k,485 lt-o, fat, 5.15 and us40 clîssified filai average 87.79/i. His dam, Lîrîdute Avonlad Gludys. Very Gond. mînuer of 100 Goid Meduts. lias o Lîfetime Production of 109,308 lt-s. mut-, 6i.334 lt-s fat ru Il lactations. John Dunford goes farming Bp H. J. Stanley John Dunford, Assistant Agricultural Represeutative for Halton anit Fretl Counties for t-e paut pear unit a haif, follous ru lt-e Pootutepu of Jim Jent-ins, former Extension Assistant ru t-eue 100 counties. John lefI at t-e end of May to lt-ke up dairy farming in t-lu home cunty of Peterborough- He, t-lu olfe, t-er too sons unit a daugbler, olI t-e fanrring t-et-lit bis hume farun, proitacing fluid mitk. Att olut John the t-eut in t-lu ueo undertaking. Hiait,, Jee men on "enkt Soul Canadian caille in South, Central America Twu Haiton Jersey breders arr tourrug tour Souith andi Centrai Aurcaîr cuuntirrs mout-, urarct-rng fo er markets for t-e espoir of Canadian Jersey caille. Ken Ella of Hoeebp mnd Dont McCaig of Noroal. acciruipauteit t-y John fineute of flire Agricultare and Frirerres Braîrcî ofithefandirn lepartiriei of teduutry, Traite and (ommerce. rnfi May 18 te vssî Peso. Couru Rica, Nicaragua unit foateniatu. Whnithrylly lierreon Jlie 11 tt-ey hope o trave coninced uaoy ofitiisecoutnes' prominent agriclIoturoIits 10 nisi t Canada ulico ticy re in t-e market for sote qsalily foundatron stock. Tbis ru t-e t-rut Jersey juket of is brit, t-ut accuedruf lu Ontario Jersey Clubh seceetaîf Dudley Oliver. Toronto,.l i ru 00 t-e oraraof along range peograu ru rurereut dariyuen front 10eg outist shep ru Canada, T-r four coorties rirry are orurirog arr "emerginfi' cosolrieo. -Ttey ruve t-r oroney, bt bey arr e uitt--prodocing nations," Me. Oliver esplirsd. -Tiere os a big de rnar for fresh il ndt ui tiiey hav I boy il.- Jerseynirn Iere hope ta influence t-e agrculturalistu ru Ilîrse courtines t-ai Canadian Jerseys miii proerde flire brut foundatron stoct- for t-e brdis ofî'bte future. Andt rgtt nom t-e CanadauumarktrforJerseys ru ai is peat-. Catltrucî t-loue t-e neu Ontario Mit- Marketing Board Por t-e prescrit glurleit marktl Jersey avnd Guernsey ult once commandeit premitum priea Promt t-r t-oulets but under t-e 0.51IM.B. plan rt rates eqoal tu unît- proitucet t-y orber breeda. TheJerseyumen ere force to tout- oulside t-e country for baye r s The entrent sa-les misson ru DJON McCAIG aciually a joi venture of flire Gsitario and Canudrun Jersey CUSTOM WORK BALING PLOWING COMBINING DISCING G. S. HILLMAN ____________878-3454 orgareuiunu. Me. McCarg rseo r nt Goarrio eroorro sut--comurîrec t-r t-e Canadran Jersey Caille Club, andt t-l. Ellu ru preuiteur of tie Ontario JesyCu.Whlficbyr KEN ELLA t-ry frnd unIl t-e lurrking ai t-e elire Caurdiau muret foi animuio, t-S pet ceni tif Crziiiais Jersey poprulatiîon 5 concenîrarein Ontario. The junk-er utîl nul t-c sclling animaIs durrng t-e vrsîr lu forerge counrries, jusrpaviugithe oay for future oales 'If carilemen front any of t-e four ceuni ries cour ru Canada lot-mng for fouedaion cous, Cauudrarr and Ontario Jerecy officiaiu mi prootite rIrent mut- transportatin unit asistanrce mt-ile ru Canada. Similar couiderrronu mere roleude to ne orutors front Honduras andt Guemala miro laeporeirusei Jrseys lien durug flie puol 10 peurs. Luit fait un ruporrîngfi fru from Lima. Ferla purchuseit 300Jersey trerfers fi Canada and oneofiflic Canadiens ut-o hetped select tlire olîrpueni lter meni to Fero ro îodge o t-rg caill stchow.r Tire Canudran Jersey Club prordeit a teopt-y for flie in f n luos ai t-ai showr. UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF- ONTARIO Wr trave irait covuiderat-Ir enqoirres front a nombr of ilinse ontes, particularly GuatemraasaitMr. Glaner. Jo R. CulTie, 00 OPTOMETRIST BURLINOTON MALL TIIIPHONE 632-7788 0 HOG PRODUCERS ' "PRODUCING HOGS CAN BE PROFITABLE" took four stops ta market 1. Macrei Pisaat Fo ia Pellurs 2. Marar Secnd Feed Fia Palliers 3. Masr Pru strtcer Pellets 4. Mautar Pro arowur Fous irrusiaukivo nia fceds rtah. soubltr progau ror profirable t-oq rururea. Asus fo rois . Neereit 1. MATRHQFEIGPO RM trled end provea 0 If peu arautt raciaîrr es grefet à retare frear peur balai et pea wold like, porraupa we motip be ahie ta acelast peer IISTED &ELOW ARE 1CM! OFPTNE SEVICIES AND PEOGRAMS W! HAVE AVAILAIJI et the Macace Pede Eeaarah 2. HOO CONTRACTS. Wr bave a comec gor fard eetp er we cen suppip food and liarle plus laebjeee se apgaroale.) 3. LITTLE PIO PURCHASINO AND SILLINO. 0ur terrleary moe oe In contact wiia Moay sow and pig aperatiech and wilI try ta elisâ ou in aither baepieg or seiiine ltrie pies. 4. TECHNICAL ADVICI AND FMD SAMNG. This service where noeed lsavnIlable frase our had afflue - FREE. * Su CON eCORN GROWERSe 0 SEC ORw rfil hune rmas Mrarrtries nf Irait Cure to offr USE UNITED NYBI SuED CORN THIS VERI * ATRAZINI Wr have goit supplies nf ATEAZINE ced ATRAZINE OIL on bond for menai cueirol in Cure Fieldis - ORDER VOUES NOW. *ll ANNYDROUS AMMOP4IA INireogee - Wr have ANHYDROUS AMMONIA for epplicatin un por one cure cmop - Tbis cs nirrogni te frmb of gos, applicdite rsurit and tusecond t ru net rufaite are nf pnue elreogenreqoireueeu. * Anhydraca Aamanei la iwer in prie hi per 0 SUPPLEMENTARY PASTURE AND FODDER GRIENLAN SORGNUM - SUDAN GRASS NVERID - We have sead suppiea an étand. CROPS NOT WEEDS Nom s t-e true ru t-e plannieg poor werai sprayieg pragruein. Wr carry a comrploee sint-c of meet avd t-rush sprays. CAUTION: Atoapu srop cnd read aed fuloe t-c instructians michet- rt-mno-acarer t-es preinid on Herbicide unit Insecticide labels. Tt-is mutl gie ymn gartber ingormarin an how ru applp t-nue ebeerecals and on conititons wt-ict- cill affect resolis. Wr carry a noupleir stock- oi Green Crass and Ctsprvae werit kilrs. - W. stock a full lino.o MASTER FEEDS MASTER FEEDS RA0 2, G.orpt.wn DWi 077412 a~ 9-CLEMENTr M FLOOR COVERINGS FROM CARPET TO CONGOLEUM 12 0 Expeet Installation 123bemens Se. 8829 WBF MDDYNjIA o nnplnt. f, nf u.1 .1.e ee u ,dselan atoies.Cniiiur Muc.ii.înare Ce oucraî.rne FACTS Co.u.n , K01- C -dW rovrounds a AT apra Rarîn Enaae efen t , ari f rî. ,p nfî,yere.r nUseabhercnmncdediratr und5 sOc f,ý, ýetid Recauvrar the omit Fus Ossuer yi0100 v ofitiable pre-iu c rues tui C OP gssi.erviiao airois. CO-OP Store 000 ERONTE ST. LJ MILTON 878-2391 1 n1e y , Agricuttural t e * 2 @ senatie. rUitDC ironhanwh meeng morts were shown key lu s 0 look for in t-e judingl1. h claus by the club leades t e a e m f t n f7 7 0 ail club meruberu plad-ýI en efr ra ioto oftflie five classes, reasonu oing serwre reqoired for lu reuponuse 10 a requeut front the Generul Farm Organizution one class if oue mas a first Caurparge Committee, the Goverument of Outario bau întraduced t-tH member. and for t-rer tegrulation providrus for a plebiacite by farmart lu decide wbat kiurd sfor oîher members. of organization tbey mont ru have. The vote lu eupectýed ru loke Ilowing flie udging place oniune 24. crie arsembîrd ru the loft Tbe important question on tbe ballot ru wbether fanuneru mont a r.McCarrby's barn mîtere General Farm Organrealion financed by a cbeckoff (nul to eucned 1placings and reasonu $2 per $1000) on ail commodities marketed by marketing bourds or Nuse, ilI Sclblars oh marketing ptanu. Other queutions on tbe ballot conceun memberahip nolIsWitlmolt, an od the structure of tbe organizarjon. HunIer. In order thal farmers may he vieil infnrmed of tbe proposat for a General Furm Organizalion, a group of informatinn and discussin metings ult bie held during the neot thee meeku. The meetings milI aJuperlor sire be held rn Boyne Communily Centre on Jane 11 t 8 .J0 p.m., and tn Broot-vrttr Hatl on Jane 12. Other meetingu wilI bu anstounceit tler. e Jersey bull Lrndale On Jone 20 tbe Provincial Campaign Corumitten witt hold a ratty ni lchu, Excellenrt, Slber and meeting (firme and place lbe annoancad later.) old Medal, Senior Sasrerror "This iu an important decision for farmera in Ontario, for nue ra ue t bree ede ihned ae futureeas farmers may depend on having a aurnng, mett-l'rnauced lions approved hy the organizalion 10 sprat- on o0e hehaîf. The farmerus voting power lu raie Jersey Caille Club. Ir diminiubing ar an incrrosing rote," uayu Tom Foutr of R.R. 3, y0 îesrei duglrrers urrîr Camphellville, ctrairnraun of the Hallon commitîee. lu mode ai fine years and Thiemany problemuolrhicb confronl uscannor bnolved by flai avcrage 10,213 hos. indrordoal effort, Iherefore the need for a Generat Faem 52-5 hois fal, 5.14%, B.C.A. Organreation is apparent. 8, andt hi clomsifrei t-or We must be careful nul 10 creore an atl-pomerfal bureauceuy le 86.02, finit mould have fou far-reachrng pomer over tbe individnat.c Ihtin date Beacun Eclro oas red aerice Beaiy, Milton,' and iscoold happen if the majuerry of farmers are apaîbetre athim lime, hie 1 i1. -vos,, warneit. fCDnee tro ae~ 5 eve tuy the Gaflccdet Catiqoe engeance exuma. ta Janau,th applicaionu fauma urveit endtire funit murves jttery ail ofavec. Neeerthelea, me compteteit thumn immeitety Wonsr the iteuiae, Febnuuey t. The mautha ceepi by tnrturauatp. Then one day ta March, lt-e forns cor uit- sncb unexpected force uhat our miatit hado't recovered Promn tise shock enoagb lu bogin concenurating an t-e mark t-at loy atrait of aus. Bat the deuermaiuliou uhiet- had steengohenet us op la nom, pauhed as loto tcying aur t-rat oas the exama, Tua ohote doas. tler, mach lu lt-e relief of nue totlly exhusteit neuuork of Ihought, the enan mere uver unitvme coulit finatty sit bock unit malt, Aasxiouu mucha fuit mitb aIl sorts of morriru of lthe unpredictabte, cruoteit agoeizingty t-y. The finaI day of May appearet ruitiaatly, and t-moume even more so, when me recriveit word front lt-e Cntlege. Wben me reait the peeclous letter, utating t-at mie t-uit! pasaeit nue exuma, il koocket us off aur gart completely. lT-e dan henke! Att the tensions huât op wothin t-e tuait Pro moult-a meteit rapily amay. Gar bappiness anit surprise mere initesceibable us the moniterfal arma PetI on nue cons. The long montha of hart mort- hait finaltp polit off! Neul pear wi11 probobty t-ra mach brîler year Par t-ose mist-ing to try their loch on t-e Galtoudet texans. We sape t-p tbiu utnry, ta express to our reuiters the t-anar Prît t-y us of t-ring the linit stuitenlu front 0.1.0. Miltn ta try anit panai the Guttuaitot College entrauce exalta. Dianue Hoitgins, i Roman Kazragis.

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