Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jun 1969, p. 19

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7h. Canadian Champion, Wedneaday, Jane 4, 1969 17 RETIR ING OAKVILLE CLERK Shel Featheestove arceptson uen the gitts presentesi to bim as the rtstmonial aluner beid in bis bonne. This gitfil a photographie portrait presenteti 80 Oakeilin Mayor MacLean Anderson on bhhat ot tbe towu couei.-(Staff Pbotul CAMPSELLVILLE Women"s Association plans cet.nnial tea Ietceeded for lart aeeb By Mr. George Inglir Mies irnuifes Andrews cutestoied about 40 frierds utra beeakfast pasif follemreg tbe Noise Dorme graduation formai as tlire Hamiltons Golf Club ai Aucastesaon Frrday. May 23. Mr. and Mss. James Robersonu cutcstined ai a duucsinflrer o_ f Mrs William MePîrari on Saturday evesriug. Gacrî rc Ms. and Mr. David Heudesu of Meffat. Ms. and Mer. George Coke cf Louder, Ms. and Ms. Dasîdron of Actou, Mss. Boyd Anderssai, Misr Asînabelle Anderson aud Mss. Florence Larby ail ef Gepb. Progressive ceebse mas esjoed hy ail in tre afiesîseors befote district. mn" Murray MPiaiand Ms. William Rab ers eutestarncd ar a rbemer fus Mirs Suzannue Payne of Kingrstos, Brul Andrears fiunecc abese rbe mac prcsruird mitb a bridge table aird feus chtais. carsr and a corseraole. Mrs P. P. Jeffoses and Betty aud Lucya si le alto fiteld a mrccelauecarrlrower for brrr Paynecrecertiy . Ou Tirursday May 22 Heus'y Jecurer of R.R. 2 Capheilvilie tegeiber unir iris mifc arsd famdfy acre tesidescd a buffet dînne and dance pasif as Surer Villa su Puslincb on tlire occasion of fls bOus brrlirday. Dancing mar eujeyed miti relatives, lits siries Mec. Emma Cirisser of Deumas ho iro visitrug fus tme nîeutbs, aise Mr. Aura Marie Ltnessen of Drumosk Wbo is ciayiug for ibrer acekrl tnpll Serlebrair the bappy occasion. Ms. aud Mss. Llayd Craferd acre garnis ai the cbrsueuiug of Keuurib James Bell, infant son cf Mr. and Ms. James Seli cf Elasa lait Sunday ai Knos Prccbfterauclhrucb., and as drusses frriiomiug tire secrerce ai tlir ne . Ms. aîrd Mrs. Chaurles Nussîsi rtf Guelphr acte Frday gaes artîr fIs aird Mss. Lloyd Craford. Mss. Wallace Kinsg aslrrrtesr lu tire bay mteeting of Si. Davide fPrsbfteeian Womcr'r Ascrocito trutrs Tuesday aftcstriusr munci flrs. Jamues Robertsonr pîrsided anrd tire iractess gave tlire secrtrs report. Mrs Edgar Cuirtis liadt charge of rlire deoiosta i perrod ,trrteed bfbss. RobertHuteni. Tire prerîderri gave tlieinnc repoirît itfire absence tif tlie trseasurc. MrsAT.bMore gave flire qurilr reprs, fus. Doublas iglir tlire clir reprti Mîr Citarler Iislltie Ceiicirriia reprt. Tire p recîderri refui tedl tri tire plonc fos arr Oid Frsiird Tea on Juste il fîorr 2 to 4p.s. at tlie cliscl fo sa Ccirteliria celfebsotroîr Cerrieitiol plates and tonsy trotes are se bc rrrdesed for raie. bic. bouse rîiei tlie ladies ru conte Iu lir flousectweek troquili aird frra shrtusirss mseetng. Fioerad wrr rdered by brc. Robert Hurreri fer tlire ceointes y bedi. aird Mss. Keretr bouse te te prîrciase kitcbcu cuppies. Tire rolali mac ansacred by "Hum if Plait ru Cbanrge My Fiemer Sede". Aitr tire siugieg cf spit 590 tlire meeting closed mii Irle Loedis Psapes and gsace mas sngrard a sacrai baf flieus foilomcd. Tbc May mecing eýf Si. David's Womn'r iiot ,togeherthoray night ta say godh t Sheidan A. "Shel" Feoihersiane. seau cerk of Oukeilie for 22 Yeats. The Holiday Inn os Onkeille mus the serre of tbe testimonial dlimner at wbicb Ms. and Mes. Feabrstane rrceinrd mouy of their nid frieudu, boib front muici pal and prinate Ilfr. Ms Fetheruter aire bas tored ail bslf safs n mile soutb of Milton, recriord mouy glowing iribuies frain tbe men bie bms kueu rn Iris mauy fers of servlng Ookville andibhe former Trafalgar Toawnship. Afr leaning Milieu bigir scbeai, Ms. Frathersioe aerked for îwe yeoss ai the Milieu brouch of tbe Souk of Tocante aund smo more yeas rn the mole office ru Tarante. lu 1944, lire mas appoirted seretasy -ticsastier of tbe Trafalgar Townsbip aires sebeol board. ou Fersary i, 1947, lire mou appeinted cierk of Trafalgur township. Ai fibit limie, tbe office staff cousisied of brmseif and tbe ireasuer. Afies a fcw mentra, tbe teearurerresiged and Mr. Feaiberriene eau the aboe eperation by lrrmseif for tbrec or feue feors. Tire total staff of the seau nom numbers clure te 3002. WAire Trafalgar toansbip aud Oakvrlie amalgomaicd ru 1962, Me.' Fcathersone mas sriectcd ta bc tbe clrrk of tbc oea muurcrpaiity. "Sîsel" Fearberione is a parst master of Si. 'Clair Maonie badge, Milteu, pari patron of Acton woman quilt winner Wiuners rn tbe Halien Clrapier Ne. 280, Order cf tbe Eariera S9ft a nneal dsow mcme auunounced derug Meuday'r segulur moutbly meeting. Mer. B. Bender, R.R. 4 Acien, litfie quils as fiss prize. Second price masoa fibergias trop won by Mns Gene Boss, 25b Otesief Read, Milieu, and tird prize mat a cure fioec cbip'u'dip dîrb won by Mss. Besuice Kennedy, 270 Sydney Si,, Milieu. Orial a Champion ad-iakcr ai 878-2341. Champion clasuifirds reccift mas beid au Tltnrsday afcruon at tire homeof Ms. A. Peteso. Mrs. A. T. Meure prcridcd and oered wrtb a peem "Tbie Doy" or tbe eaui te aorrlrîp,alftersabicba bymn mou sorg. Mns. Robert Hure inersad fibe seripture arcried by frayes fronttMtt. Llotyd Crasefesd. Miss [aura Black gave tlire ecretasY's repars and fiuancrai report mai grer by Mss. Wrlfred Grcuices. Fus tbc frrerrdclip and seerce cummîtice. Miis Elizabetb Kenuedy sepurscd ors cails mode. Tire prerrdent madl rl lette> un missin msk in Formosa. Mire Kailrasroc Mufiredran gave tire rrîrdy buok îaik arr "Tire Wesk 0f Oas Mîrerurracres ris Japon." Teri mcmrbs auswcsed trs roil coul th fil mord "Secd". Dunations secte liandcd in for eupport of a cird ocessear. Ms. Mioute tiraokcd tlie tancer and ail tutoie alto îooukpartrirrtire meetingf Afiet a lryuinsrg ad prayes. grace a ranig and a rectal tinie etiuriied rîcesa epuofslea. SCE"r Repreenatin' ANNS F. LEE 878-2619 eO DRU PRCE E YAY E tLLEY NXPHASIflNOR FICEARIN V2 MAI A, i' ýMLO T.stim honori oniaol dinner lli i roti ring cderk Haltan Chopine 280, and on have cornte sa for te spend ibis eider of St. Poouls United Church oigbt with yen." heryin Miton. A oea set of golf clubs uioog Ken Needhon, Oaiile tome wiib o cari and bog were mnager, sent o message ta Mr. peeseoied te Me. Feoiberstone Feaiherstooe which said simpif, by Moyor Ansdersononst bebaif cf "congratulations on a job weii coonicil. He aise presrnteda done." pbcstegroph of the retiring clerk. Clarnce Oulelte of Windsor, Ookville teoseres Jobn White pont preuident 'of the Cierks' and aise, made a preseutton on Trnasurrrs' Association cf behaîf cf ail the pneople udr» Ontario, breagbt geectrugs fraom gathernd ai tIre dînnet Il e the associaiun te Mt. walked oceroeanebec coered Feaiheestone, abo is aise a pars by a table civils ourdi liaid broc president cf the association. Mt. standing ru tic corerail Quintte tl the audience the eceuing. The clous ors wcirrpped large atrudance eithie gatheri off te reuel a co ei eiiiru rbewed the brgh esteem set. eceryn bield fer "Shel". lie Musser cof cetemeerer a mecs enttel]d the greupeofMr. fermer Oukile Renne Ileeb Featbeesere's outstavdrug Mesey. Secesai merubers tif Irle reerce te tbe clesks' assocratri. defuici Trrfagar clrcil board Oukerlîr mayor Mac Anderson and ceunicil once amougftie wus eue of tbe bead sabie guerre gueta. and in bis speecb breegbt Ms. Frasirerriene pilrre ru play eceeyoue'sattentieon se tbe fuot golf and ftcb titis semmet and lire the wbele Oakille tewe cecil andlits orfeoril ieiakrrgaoip oas ru atiendance aithie direct, te Earepe laiesr ir fli eri 01 [le r )Id tire gaiberrng rt mac ru fer, and thirnend tir be isîcf a testimonial ta Mr. airg a lot usore evion The~ ~ ~ ~~ - Caasie ahmin coulsay meekend96 500 OakviIIe scouts aftend first camp out If yeu acre lu the neribacri The eulp facilitres avarlabie lu section Of tbe M dieu orna ibis tbe scouts ai presritei t lie asca past acrkeud aud spettrd about are a anli and a bydro rune 500 feras mevsug rteaiibriy euerug utc site maiu lodge tbrougb tbe buisbt, yea anec as abicb rs stili beisrg baith lu tbe middle of au iuvarion. but Tbe tecouts cassird ou ile nets acre lu tbe middle cf tbe activirer dasrig tlie eekeird Ookntiin Bey Scouts' "Pioncesr sucb as au ase-makrug coutesi, Dace" campasse. log samrug, Olap-jack flhpprng. The boys acre camped ru filnt bread aaking oves an open fisc. veto camping gsiunds au 50 freg jumpinrg, a sodel canie ars 'if land on Nossagaaya's race and miaking valionr pimiste Sixiir Lice aunre sbry creaird casts of tire otorsnîs of eocirtiiirpastables. hercher arldlife. arid rorkslIoiieip fasrrre tbeir SaiemoflthebMltonisceps liwse iiiirrcelo a ra. parsîcîpated ite beeknd. FAY'S ELECTRIC ACOMPLUTE ELECTRIC SERVICE O NOISTRIAL S COMMERCIAL 0 R00 DONTIAL O ELOCTRIC HEATING S Cascade "40" Watee Hatter Sales & Reattala .jQjBr048 for FRI IIII-STIMATE SIM PSONS -SEARS atýo' &x dcai9z e WHY WELL-DRESSED, 1BUDGET-CONSCIOUS MEN CHOOSE SUMPSONS-SEARS FOR PDERMA-PREST CASUAL SLACKS 1-Year G;uaranie Guaranteed with Confidence Because: 1. Lob Testeel: thir gabrhnic barIee testedl far Llnralitv ai l:e'iassce. Teetei agaiu la ous are laine- 2. Tough Blend : 505f Fcree aul50% otn Poe olie extra.srrruparrr]longrpucarug. 3. Wear-Resistntnl Ykve: n .ol,ýt. sîgint OxfodIer,1 4. Pcrma-Pretst: La Srrira.rresis 'rani ne iscuiug JrisJ,it istaiire, oasi, mrille tcY, anl er 5. Soul Release Finish: i eaus rîr aoi andi gruesan iitir bu agt-uni oir sua ncrmal reshingi. No t, ston det.sttt n-lrrg, s Reg 8 9.9888 Thos r i, et ceat -otici tr F., ,neae .,iiroiai .eai or rourinreere backI, o i n fous r ii. s .riuo rainai tls i,Blueio ror A i>t>ro, ib>>i.iiLiercis o Fol-ittirîr nuel iii> beit ciii' i -rr, 32 La 42. Ied a i ad 31' se0>.> ,ire, 40 .rid 4iiei.r a.,>e L iiacn î0- os, "2,Sicý3 t> >'> bI i . . 3, 2" nseo.L> rdy. 38 Ibnsecsrars i» ord»rasti,andoaot aaissle in 3e" cr 32" rusmîrs. Sri 36 nuli -ar in r2 tIsumsCe id 3> Oa,,tsier t aid ivi,oar>'i 32"ue rn.S 36 - ct ai bi L, i ia i> il YonT'N'T style wihbrieeelop ais sea,,nres 28ela36 KORATRON 'W k~Z~LVH7 ~'~îLI Ugb Telephone B-SEARS wI 632-4111l Burlingion Nktos Linune equalimrd as llere's proof. ... quality cosis less at Simpsons-Sears t *1 copedta the Wednesday and fleda eot moue whn tempreosuaes reacbed the 80'. SA VE ON SUMMER Vacation Specials FRGULF "Barhecue Starter "Camp Fuel Cha coa Onthoard Motor Oit OPEN: 7 a.m. ta 9 p.m. Delly Exept Sunday Sentinel Gulf Rose Lino at Orltarte st. 878-4311

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