ALDERSHOT GIRL GUIDES 1st Association of Girl Guides was held in 1940 at the home of Mrs. Scotchburn. Officers elected were: President, Mrs. Scotchburn, Secretary, G. E. Stevens, Treasurer, J. Lillycrop. Guides:-Captain, Miss Helen Gallagher; Lieutenant, Miss Sylvia Harding, Brown Owl, Dorothy Attig, Tawny Owl, Ora Sinclair. May 1940 Miss Helen Eydt, Company leader June 27th, 1940 27 Guides enrolled in 1st Aldershot Company by Mrs. Lionell Milne. June 1940 - First cookie sale April 1943- Mrs. W. J. Deadman, District Commissioner. Ladies Auxiliary officers added:- Mrs. A. Unsworth, Vice-President Mrs. Mayberry, Camp Convenor Mrs. C. Thomas, Badge Secretary Mrs. Hansen, Assistant Secretary October 1943 1st Aldershot, Capt. Mrs. E. Davis 2nd Aldershot Miss H. Gallagher Lieutenant Mrs. T. Jackson 1st Brown Owl Miss Kellar 1st Tawny Owl Miss Storey 2nd Brown Owl, Miss Scheer 2nd Tawny, Miss Green October 1943 - Hallowe'en Party at Mrs. Deadman's November 1943 - Mrs. R. Todd and Mrs. A. Unsworth appointed delegates to annual meeting in Toronto. Mrs. Crouchley appointed treasurer- yearly fees of 50 cents introduced. Uniform committee became active. Mrs. Deadman financed purchase of material. Feb. 1944- Special Guiders L.A. meetings in Hamilton, Mrs. Wyne Connor presiding and lecturing. Election of officers resulted as follows: President - Mrs. R. Todd 1st Vice President Mrs. A. Unsworth 2nd Vice Mrs. S. Nash, Secretary, Mrs. E. Bullock Treasurer Mrs. W. Crouchley May 1944 - Miss Vera Green married, Brownies acted as Guard of Honour. May 27th, 1944- Rally day at Oakland Park, Waterdown, Burlington and Aldershot represented, and an autographed quilt was started. June 1944 - Uniforms were completed, 2nd Aidershot Company in uniform. Mrs.Davis retired from the 1st Aldershot Company. September 1944 - Miss Gallagher passed away, Guard of Honour at funeral. September 1944 - New Guiders positions: 1st Aldershot Captain Miss Eydt 2nd Aldershot Captain Mrs. Jackson 2nd Aldershot Lieut Mrs. Armstrong 2nd Aldershot Brownies Mrs. Ringer Cooking Testers Mrs. S. Nash, Mrs. W. Crouchley Sewing Testers, Mrs. A. Unsworth, Mrs. E. Bullock Prizes awarded for neatest patrol. October 1944 - Three hundred boxes of cookies were sold. November 22nd, 1944 - Union Jacks dedicated