THE DEDICATION OF THE CHURCH THE ORDER OF SERVICE SUNDAY, MAY 27, 1956, AT 11 A. M. (The congregation is requested to follow closely the printed order.) ORGAN PRELUDE - Fifth Nocturne - Layback HYMN 638 - Ye gates, lift up your heads on high, (all standing). CALL TO SILENCE - the Minister. "The Lord is in His Holy Temple, let all the earth Keep Silence before Him. Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth." THE ENTRANCE INTO THE CHURCH - Rev. John Mutch. "We beseech Thee, O Lord, graciously enter Thy house, and within the hearts of Thy faithful people establish for Thyself an everlasting habitation, that they may be glorified by the indwelling of Him by whose building they live, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Peace be to this house and all that worship in it. Peace be to those that enter and to those that go from it. Peace be to those that love it, and that love the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. PROCESSIONAL HYMN 164 "The Church's One Foundation." PRESENTATION OF THE KEYS - (at the Chancel steps) - by the Architect, Mr. Wm. [William] K. Allen; to the Builder, Mr. Don Hall; to the Chairman of the Building Committee, Mr. Earl Sovereign, who shall say: "On behalf of the East Plains congregation and with thanksgiving to God, and in recognition of all who have labored on and for this building, I now deliver to you the keys thereof and ask you to dedicate it to the service of Almighty God." ACCEPTANCE OF THE KEYS- Rev. S. Edworthy, President of Hamilton Conference. "In the name of the United Church of Canada we accept the keys in token of the trust committed to us." The Keys are placed on the Communion table. PRAYER - by the Minister. (All seated). READING OF THE SCRIPTURES - Rev. John Mutch. 1. Concerning Prayer - John 16: 23-24. 2. Concerning the Word of God and the Preaching of the Gospel - Isaiah 55: 10-11; Revelation 14: 6. 3. Concerning Baptism - Matthew 28: 18-20. 4. Concerning Confirmation -Acts 8: 14-15. 5. Concerning Matrimony - Ephesians 5: 31-32 6. Concerning the Burial of the Dead - I Thessalonians 4: 13-14. 7. Concerning the Lord's Supper - I Corinthians 11: 23-26. SOLO - 'How Lovely are Thy Dwellings ' - Miss Mimi Johnston Liddle DEDICATION OF THE CHURCH (All Standing) Rev. Silvanus Edworthy, officiating: Forasmuch as it pleased Almighty God, to put it into the heart of His servants to build this House for His worship; let us now fulfil the godly purpose for which we are assembled, of dedicating it to the honour of God's most holy name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we do this. To the glory of God the Father who has called us by His grace; To the glory of the Son, who loves us and gave Him self for us: And to the glory of the Holy Spirit, who illumines and sanctifies us. People: We dedicate this House. Rev. S. Edworthy: For the Worship of God in prayer and praise; For the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, crucified, risen and exalted: And for the celebration of the Holy Sacra ments of His grace: People: We dedicate this House. Rev. S. Edworthy: For the giving of comfort to those who mourn: Of strength to all who are tempted: Of light to all who seek the way: People: We dedicate this House.