WEST PLAINS UNITED CHURCH Dedicated Cross At the Sunday morning service of West Plains United Church the Rev. E. A. Chester dedicated a plain wooden cross which was presented to the church by the Woman's Auxiliary. The cross is the workmanship of the United Church minister, Rev. Eddis Fairbairn, of St. Mary's, Ontario, and is made of beautiful cherrywood. The cross was presented by the president of the W. A. {Women's Auxiliary], Mrs. W. L. Crewson. At the same service four new elders were inducted. These were, Edward Windsor, Charles Goodbrand, George Brett and Keith MacDougall. WEST PLAINS UNITED CHURCH General meeting Woman's Auxiliary. A general meeting of the W. A. of West Plains United Church was held at the church with the president, Mrs. W. C. Tyrrell, conducting the meeting. Mrs. Norman Dalgleish took the devotional. A visiting committee, formed to visit the new members of the community includes Mesdames W. C. Tyrell, W. Crewson, Harry Glaves, Keith MacDougall, E. Winsor and N. R. Dalgleish. Arrangements were made to hold a fall bazaar December 4th with Mrs. Jack Easterbrook Sr., as convener. The W. A. will cater for the Plains United Churches Men's Club supper on March *9th at West Plains United Church. The speaker will be Dr. Clifford Elliot of St. Giles United Church, Hamilton. Refreshments were served by the Dorcas group under the convenership of Mrs. Keith MacDougall. WEST PLAINS UNITED CHURCH Extends welcome to new members. April 5th. Mrs. R. Neelands opened her home for the April meeting of the Dorcas Group West Plains W. A. Mrs. Gordon Richardson presided and welcomed three new members, Mrs. H. Coale, Mrs W. Halleas and Mrs. E. Thomas. Plans were discussed for the annual tea and bake sale May 9 at the home of Mrs. Al Gibson. Assisting in the program were Mrs. A. Murray. Mrs. H. Glaves and Mrs. W. Anderson. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. T. R. Scheer and Mrs. H. Fox. Photo of: Dr. & Mrs. Stokes, son Fred and daughter-in-law. First Minister of the present West Plains Church