THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR FRIDAY MAY 15 1953 Clippings of Photos: HONOUR CHARTER MEMBERS Corsages were presented to three charter members of St. Matthew's Anglican Church W.A. [Women's Auxiliary] at Aldershot, at the fiftieth anniversary celebration held in the new parish hall. Mrs. A. W. Wright, vice-president of the Diocesan Board, also presented H. Read with a life membership pin. From left to right are: Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Read, Mrs. A. Scheer and Mrs. H. Klodt. 55th ANNIVERSARY... St. Matthew's W.A. celebrated its 55th anniversary on Tuesday. May 13th, 1957. Shown here are front row from left to right: Mrs. R. Cutter, past president, Mrs. J. Vyse, Mrs. J. Klodt and Mrs. A. Read, charter members, and Mrs. D. Kellett, Educational Secretary. Back row: Mrs. J. Quigley, Mrs. G. Gallagher, president, Mrs. C. Wright, Mrs. W. Griner and Mrs. W. Scheer