A10 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 10, 2006 HI-GH SCHOO-L REPORT RSAD AHED Next courses: 2 Weekends YOUNG DRIVERSIf and (Saturday & Sunday 9:30 arn - 4:15 pmn) 0fCad Jan. 21/22 & Feb.&" 4/5 irFb 11 81 U Your licence to survive. www.youngdrivers.com ISO 9001:2000 www.youngdrivers.com Registered MT PRVDBGNE RIE EDCTON CORSE PROMER~ S~..--~ - .-----.'--.-.'.-...,.-.-..-.--,-..-.".-.--..... -.,.. -............~ ..- -. _____ I - i ,"MUSTANG MESSENGER", Meghan Sinclair Megan Cheema Sara Kilmury MILTON DISTRICT Hion SCHOL Welcoine back M ttstanrs' Put awsay those Chri stmas trees. set those alarttt cocks atnd start getting to bed caris as \s e are in the home stretch of our I st semiester at Milton District Higlh School. As eservone is'scratîtbltîtg to finish surntîtatives. essax s. and preparing tor exatts. take a minute and catch up oit cieryone's holida s1 January 2-5. Mr. Cino and Ms. Mendes look students down to Vermont to hit the snossy 'dopes for 3 days of' spectacular skiing and snosvboarding. The pictures seen being exchanged in the hallsvays yesterday and the stories being shared tell the rest of the Mustang population that this trip svas a tremendous success! Despite sonte nîinor injuries. this trip %vas very memorable! Start counting the days! The trips to Belize and Rome are coming up in March to bring even more pictures and more stories to Milton District! As many of you have noticed, the Mustang sehool stores as begun to selI snack items and different Mustang gear. The Student Parliament took the time and effort to repaint and set-up the store in use periods three and four in the cafeteria. Come on out and check it out! The girl's volleyball season and boys basketball seasons are coming along well as they have started practicing already for the Newv Year to come. Mustangs: Come on out and show your sehool spirit to watch your boys and girls take on their different rivais in exciting matches! Exams are coming up and for many of us these scores could decide which university/college accept us. Even though this is a lot of pressure let us give you one hint: relax! Take advantage of the sehool's resources and help clinies. Keep pushing your alrnost there! For the rest of you: study hard and good luck! AIl right Mustangs thaî's tl for another 'veek! Take tl easy! Natlhan Michelle Malt Laanstra Dubois Lalonde E.C. DRURY HION SCHGGL Michll - 'HeyNathan i lof %,as yur vaaion'" Nathtu t 'Is fsa ie, I1tcs Michtelle "V'asisrn? Nathan - "Wel, 1 really ciiîoyed rcla\itg for tsso sveeks. But itoss, the hioliday s arc osver atnd Ive're aIl back to siltool. Michelle - "That*s îlot so bad. Sure. 1 could have used a few more days off. But l'nt glad to be back." [enter Matti Matt - "Hey. guys. I had the best vacation ever." Michelle -"What did you do'?" Mati - "Weil, for starters there were aIl the presents. 1 also went to Montreal for the new year and partied." Michelle - "The whole family came over to my house and we had Christmas dinner. It was amazing." Nathan - Il got to hang out with my friends and my broth- er. 1 had a great time. But nosv 1 have a mountain of homnework." Michelle - "Tell me about tl. January is going 10 be a very busy month. what with final projeets and presentations." Nathan - "Not to mention our upcoming exams." Matt -"Oh. man. I almost forgot about that." Michelle - "Yeah, the end of a semester is always a stress- fuI lime, especially for seniors. But if we work hard and manage our lime, 1'm sure we*ll be fine."I Nathan - "Speaking of seniors, the university and college application deadl ine is fast approaching. January 11lth is the cut-off date!" Michelle - Il applied a few weeks ago, and it was a piece of cake!" Matt - Il guess I should get on that. Thanks for reminding me."I Nathan - "No problent. Well. looks like it's tinte 10 start working our svay through our homnework." Michelle -"Good luck." Nathan - "Thanks. 1 have a feeling l'm going to need it!" E10a ROYAL RIEPORT", tn Hathertîgtcn Lindsay Johnston Cameron Smîth Julia Rtddett Bneanna Claicy DISIIGP REDINO HIGII SCIGOL Welcoîne back, Bishop Reding! We hope you aIl had a svondertul break, spent with family and friends. We wish everyone ail the best for a healthy and happy neis year! This Christmas break was a wonderful lime for everyone 10 relax after a very busy fcsv months back al school. Sometimes, we forget 10 slow down and enjoy the simple things in life, like spending time with family or carrying on special holiday traditions. We hope that everyone took the lime 10 enjoy these simple things during the holiday season. The break is a great time for get-togethers of ail kinds, whether il be with friends, family, co-workers or even some strangers. Christmas holidays are a great opportunity for seeing those long lost family members who you may be "100 busy" for during the rest of the year. Il is wonderful lu catch up with cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents alike. Il is this limne of year that family becomes the focus, and so the lime spent with Ioved ones is cherished. While the holidays are perfect for spending lime with others, they are also a lime for rest and recuperation. For students, il's a much needed break fromn the husîle and busîle of classes and activities. At this special lime of year, we can focus on doing what we want t0 do, without having t0 fit in homework and extra-curriculars. The inside sources were busy having fun in different ways, be il an exotie trip, or just staying home with family and friends. This break has been thoroughly enjoyable for alIl. As we return from holidays we hope everyone is relaxed and prepped 10, face the rapidly approaching cram for exams. We may not ivant t0 go back, but your inside sources are eager to bring you the inside scoop on the happenings at Bishop Reding in this new, fresh year. Stay luned!.