The Can adian Cham pion, Tues day January 10, 2006 - 22 6disaastr ibungtetan telph ndirectorie msemaail ablale rnte ay FoR-%cx,,r mre Ai mbm 1laeci 1-866-881-0490 CREW OFDRIVERS SoZ diceiue teaepenee neuredrr P emangvle Consumerg Shw avion o MrondistrHalio Meia Gtrtu ou a TheuaI/red canddat w006. e aiabe msddua thiat sses ucellet veue SoelFn mre hafni reures c Fot re.Y u ll bie rqre o wr appr oraey upog0-20ut pante vekand cess e e plqusr ed eprecerqie I ner epeu 1over youra eam PeieiCosugrmier CosrShowu diiino im ithe subect ina, o la ie n Th e oprfecaniate ifl n e a creIal andvenba commenicronkli ae de oon finteviewr/ be cotacted. 0In Cana ru yus wle rsonsleader ahes- dsitngi C thercgrT u la onu sovfis inhe seedu liato andu di -si te rons ffr ighu Canda Woser reqre sdynsmic teh payer Tto-g cammunîcatun 20 iterpe sa ski/lu e ab ndsy mte ex iule wt paua eus: d f l conum Grade sho Educatrun eial voAbl tuandI ay lit tiosgvr' l cenA paie attid TIsfru an enry lee asibu unw d lu suitenbf campeatie Puremra Cnsue eStensiv beei B ae hlip utoe SolaerIc Mhanae OSGar Caa Ltd.06 Thakyo appa// t e wftae oip4tee sfailett our aron intrcviee e//be cntacted. Lý..,- BOOKING FOR SEMINARS $t2/bour evenîngu. Pant-ime, Mun-Thu, ttpm-ttpm Apply in Pansus Jus. 9th ort10ti 7pm-8pm at 151 City Centre Or. Surite 602 Mississauga. 1:1OR We ore nr need 0f a dynamic, energetic and ns erenced Office Admin itator for our GorPs aie Head Office. Thekefilsonsdblties include: Ans-or and direct calls -Greet and direct guests :Mail and caurier (incomisg and outgoîng) General mass mailings *Responsible for the mail meter and repleniuhing fondu *lncomirng inquiries - traclang leads tram the website /lesponsible fsr ordering and maîntining inoentary of sample chaîna, ail cumpany literatare and office supplies -Adminintrative assignmenis and data eniry MinimumQualificationsý -Office Administration Diploma -2-3 years of Administration vaperrence -Excellent communication and cuotomer service ukîlls *Strong computer okîlis wih aboos avarage skilI set for Microoft Office Suite ttîlînigual is an assaI Wa are in iee ot an auparîaniced Maintenanca Helper for ooî production faciliiy. The kayraponsibilities include *Aîd in ttaubleshooing and provrde soluioans t0 equîpmest mulfuniclions *Complete aIl wark reqoîsîtrans as autined by Maintenanca -Training Operaiams an the proper ose of equîpment *Monitor and maînitaîn the inaentory levels of parts ana al bools -Enaure aIl saei practîces are adhered ta and report infractions ta the Production Superoisot *Asîst in enuuring proper maintenance for ail equipmenl *Assîst in euecoting ffhe Preventative Maintenance actredule for ail equîpmeat Minimum Qualifications: *Hîgh uchool or Trade uctruol -3- 5 yearu of prearaus maintenance experience *Strung mechasical aptitude *Struag communication, and otgunizaiual ukîlls Please simî a remume tai Itulmes@olsn cam or Pax: 905-877-7383 OLON ru as equal uppartunity employer. STOP COMMUTING! WORK FOR ONE 0F CANADA'S FASTEST GROWING COMPANIES "xý i . ,o SunOpta lac. (STKL - Nasdaq) (SOY - TSX) is looliing for the rîght peopla to fl tie fallowing positions: EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Tha ouccesolul applîcoor wîli prooide assistance to a flamber of aaacutîoes and must be able o fiandie o vide ouriety of administrative fonictions in a buofi cor- porate office envioîrent O uties t0 ticlude odmîn support Io euecutioea. produce correspondance scfradulîng uppointmenrs traoe '-oordinalor of IT program, fiîing and other dutîeo Qualifications -Collage or avoociaies cielre *ffîlîsgua lPrench iEngîrool witO translation aOlitv *Euposure Io laga & financiar areas an asuer -Minimum fîve yearo eaperieoce ini reîated field *Solîd communication skîlîs. verbal & -stin -Excellent probiem soling sirills and judgment -Superior knowledge of PowerPoint. Excel & Word RECEPTIONIST -Rasponsble for operation of relepirona system. emnait & fox *Tranuferring cals t0 appropriare persons/dîaîsîoos *Receioing aisîtors *Coordisating incoming & ourgoîng mail *Prepanîng courier packages *Assîotîsg with oarîouu administrative tauku as requîred -General clerîcal support where seeded Qualifications: -Minimum hîgh uchool dîploma *Knowledge of Word, Excel and Outluok *Telamt ployer To t/nd oui more about SunrOpta lac. oîoîl our wub-sire ai Send your resume ta Michele Aibrechi. Oîrectar of Humas Resources E-mail: mîchale albrecht@sunosta.pom or faxo 10(905) 455-0253 Pieuse suie, snly those wha are chouan for as interview wîll ha conlacted. $40100ÙTÔ $160,0011l'YE .. AR We are expariding to include a new pre-owned suverstore dIvisIon We have irpriiediate need for CLASS "A" TECHNICIAN $50 to S90K- year. Chrysler cxperence an ýsset but not requ[rec, I ariJ nIJs,ý 'FJat Rate' shop with veli establisi custoniei base SERVICE ADVISOR $45 ro S65K_ year Týw) lune four car Diive -Thru & bLjsý rrodetn shop Revic)lds & Reynolds exp an asset out rM rcquircId This position -s for an expj Service Advisor vproýen track tecord who understands that Custûmer Retentron' s Job #1, Auto dealership exp or chain stcre experience (EG CanadýanTire Goodwrencfietc.) NEW & USED AUM SALES RER $40 Tc $100K year Our Pre-Owned Supercentre lot is currently Linder construction & due to open scion, We recuire 2-4 Salespeopie VI citer an ex- cellent training prograir pay ýou whie you train. generous commission plan & support ou, person- ncl to ensure thev retain theu CL]StOMcrs Auc- sorre potiential Ait applicants trealed with strict confidentiafity! JMOUE CHRYSLER DODGE EEP VVALKERS î -iNE AT THE CEVY' N BURLINGTON Pax QOý-631-82- 1, Pholre 905-C' 31 -8'ý nC Prýajl info n ýL)w Service Mýr Nataiic Martin Sales Vigr Gcoil MaVIiý,r,,ie QUALITY ASSURANCE 2-3 years experienca in plastic industry. Knowledge of ISQ an assai, EXTRUDER OPERATORS 1-3 years related expar/once. Able to work 12 hr rotating ah/fta GENERAL LABOUR 12 hr rotaling shits. Some heavy lifting involved WAREHOUSE PERSONNEL Shipping/receiving knowledge an asseI, Heavy lifting required. The succesultul candidates muai be in good physical condition, have a positive attitude and be a team ployer. We olter competitive wiages and bentelits. Fuyward Resames ta Hu- mas Ressurces Plastmo Ltd. 255 Summerlea Rd,Brampton, ON Fax: (905) 793-3997 BURLINGTON LOCATION Nove Hiring We are currently seektng enthuaiastc individuals to fill the following positions: PT Front Office Cashiers Assistant Office Manager Please submit yeur leaume tei: Leonas Furaiture 3167 North Service Road, Burtiagtea U7N 3G2 Fax: 905-336-2744 Immediate opening for this position is now available. Must be able toi: *Do repetitive lifting, 50>Io60 lbs. *Excellent English written and oral *Math and computer skills *Be organized, tidy, detailed oriented *Possess a strong work ethic and be a team player *Certitied torklitt operator an asset Fax resume (o Fresh Start Foods at 905-878-9010 Aftn. Guy Ramsay NOW HIRING Chartwells Food Services @ Sheridan College, Oakville for our Tim Horton's, Harvey's and Cafeteria FulliTime & Part Time Days & Evening Shifts Wa offer poid on the Job Training, Uniform, meols & Benefits. Please sels Luke or Mary-Lau 905-844-8532 - 1430 Trafalgar Road, OakviIIe, Ontario L6H 211 Lot Person req c e Saturdayo ff-5 @ Buddu' BO akville. Reuponsblitres isclude. maialaining loi, washrng & moorng oehîcleo plus oanîouo other dutrea. Must haoe vaîrd drivers licanse, dlean driaîng record & abiiity ru drioe manuaono- mission. Bring resumne to Budda BMW 2454 South CONSULTANT/ REC EPT/ONt ST! i SALES ASSOCtCATE Pleave drap off rervume in person an HAKIM OPTIQALI 79f0 Guelph Une ZW Fairvrew Attention Jeif CONSULTANT/ Pondase( dri1 a ,of L>eiouiiea n k[eroon at l A Ssendro n rsM ngerso i OAKVILLE East Distnîbutor RECEl VER il SHIPPER Muni be eupenienced at onder p/ck/ng and using a tork Ifrî. Dut/eu include stock maintenance, packaging, labet/ng and ail around warehouue tunactions. Looking for a mature teamn ployer that iu esergetc and umbitios. Salaty commensurate with espar/esce, Heatt benetits. Fax resumne ta: 905-844-9401 *Be able to work some avenînas Wvrk weil wib minimal supervision *Have oves vehicie and vaîrd driver licens -Be wirlîrna ro do de/roarras -Be a quîck Leamen *Be varv vriable and responsîbie B e wilriîng Io work ciosey with our youih carnier force Have o proiressiona phone masser *Be cvmfroabie wîtir computers & office equipment Ptease send pour resume end avaitabutty achedute toi Cheryl Babineau e-mail: Fax: (905) 878-4057 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE EXPERIENCED TOWMOTOR OPERATORS FULL TIME DAY & NIGHT SHIFT Candidate must ha phpscaly fti, capable of heavy lifting. Other dutres may appro. Work is oursîde in ail weatber Opes Cab on towmoov Candidate must be a wvii orgasrzed andîvîdua wfo iv a sali starter and cas wonl ith a minimum or supervision. Indîvîdual sh'ouid ha Safety orested. Day shi Sterling Rate $15.00 per tir. Nl9ht Sti Sterling Rate $16.00 per tir Benetits and Bonus Syatem alter quatttying period Appty In persion ONLY 9am to 3pm Cherry Forest Products Kerr lad. Park 24 Kerr Cres. Guelph (Aberteyle> i-avvivv Expvvvvay outrrovm Guuivpo cnn von Welingtonsv Cvvviy Rd, 34 Ri al fvI cvvvvva.Aways Nvf4 i o n er irnvvCvvs Clarke/Persista Orup, u lead/ng munufacturer of Elustumer roll cavehnga, buued in Mississa uga, ont rquire s: Candidate shuuld be a highly mutiaed and dnaven indiv/duel veti an abave average knawledge of/sn- dustial applicationu, Pasueus effective t/me management, Techsica and Prududt presestutian ukillu in arder ta ma/ntin and groanves rtîng sales ferfn/t. Annual ua/ary (base + commission) cor ailaveance and benefitu. Pieuse tuveurd pur resumes ta: Sales Manager by: Januany 31tst, 2006 Viu fao. 9054670-3634 Or e-mail: OrfI appircuntselectaa for an intiewe wili ba cuntacted. o phone raia pleuve. Ciarfi'Persata trania ait appircaria ix advance for Mr intenaot.