Great spellers needed to take pâl tt uc uaraty spe1iiig »ee The Canadian Chamnpton Flrtday February 3, 2006 - B7 Enjoy 'An Evenin ç of Romance'. next Fniday Ever dreaîned of beîn a chamipion spelier? The third annual Grate Groan-Up Spelling Bee. put on by Literacy North Halton, is shaping up and organia'ers are pre- dicting the May 4 levent xiii lie an even bigger success than last year. Teani spots are ftlling up fatst. but there\ still some room tel for groups of three wiso xvant to showv off their spelling prowess. The deadltne for team regis- tration is February 28. 'Me spelling bete will take place at Halton His Banquet Hall in Milton. Already. the bee has drawn interest from numerous businesses and itîdividuals in nonth Halton who want to tend their support. Many of the teams already registered are returning spellers hoptng to nali that coveted bee bauble. the Grate Grian Up Spelling Bee trophy. Businesses or compa- nies tnterested tn enter- ing tearos can caîl Literacy North Halton at 905) 873-2200 or e- mail literacy Ca ADVERTISING FEN Residents don't need to go dowutown Toronto toi enjoy a fine musical experi- ence. Next Friday, Milton ,Concert Presentations will present 'An Evening of Romance' featuring special guest maestro Kenry Stratton witb singers Vicki St. Pierre and Andrew Tees, pianisi James Boume and guitarist Diane Bialek. The concert will star! ai 8 p.m. and take place at St. Pattl's United Church, 123 Main St. E. Ttckets are availabie ai the door and cost $30 for alut and $25 for students and seniors. For more information, cai (905) 878- 4732. Organizers of the Grate Groan-Up SpelIing Bee (from li) Carol Dougherty, Theresa MacDonald and Wendy Somnerville show the coveted aH aes Aalbe Bee trophy for prospective wlnners of this year' fundraising levent for Literacy North Halton. lbe bee i8 slated for May 4 at the Halton Hils Banquet Centre. Cat or dro .15 an mkanpo inten o PURE treSlim Revohîtionizes Weight Los *n The GTA flte Tuiiech's aeight problea traoumaeedser fsrtsears. Shc tred eser'r'hing fsîm the lsa dicts to shakes to salorie counti ng resteras. Netising aeorked. ln despecatisse petto and her husisand. Calin wstis heip from a physician frend. and scienrssts a aiu South African esedicalinrstitutions did research that ultimateis' Ile tise creation ot tise Sures_;ime WX-eigist Loss Ssem. Their kes disses ery a as that hormone imhalacces avere tise major cuiptits i n aeight gain. THE RESEARCH Contrary to poçsiiar isetief. thev foucd eut risere reas mach more te aeight gain tha diet and mxercise. Tises discevered tisai using regsslar foods tie couid bnlp people acisice dramatic weight lis by isalanuing tise hormones tisai cectrel tise hody's metaisolism. What cas equalis' extraotdinacs as that usmng tis SureSlim svstem tise' coutl achirve these sîaetlîng resuits esirisut a massive neduction in calies, tise use of suppiements. specialis prepared fends. et srrtecu ee.rse Perte a'as tise first candidate for tis nc aeigisr ioss sYstem no cenowcss as tire SuteShime QL Ptegtaa. and isrttesuts %vertecetiîgshorttof daar. Sisejest 88 poucds cn 5 soeils and lias kept tia wergist off frt 10 vean'. Het tapid and isealtisv a'ergis ions cisanged iser life, and Petto and Calvirn wcre detetmsned te iseip otisers lese a'eigtr aust as quicsis and safejs' tn 1996 tises' cneated tise firt SuteSîres Wellcess Clinîc- It is cea' tise fastesi greaing ptofessiecai arrgst los-, systea in tise accu1 asts cnet 130 cheris cn 1l coutils enetîdade. Te date, civet 175,000 drenîs have lest an average ef 15 pounds cacis mentis asing tise SureSlim a'eighr euss systea, TMis tei revelurinnatv cencept isas fical corme te tise Greater Torento Acea aftet mucs demnand. SureSuam Wellness Chersc Mississauga isas epened tis deors at 3035 Argentia Read lecared ai tise South-West scornertf-sjjl &'~sssn issrtCisi THE METHOD lise secr et ot Suteslýiras l liessinres extensive atrica teeatsis as a'eji as t %crectrfic and ptttocaizcd lrarg suire taises a apptssaci tss sctrgit jsss 1acis clirent undetges cemtsteesscisrd resrscgrss detesic rcdsesduai meeabiss and gtcerai iseaitis Drt Claude Morrn, suteSien cetpsstate phis 'ssan. aiale tise iioed tests and sel sic consultation asts Sutesîsass îeaan of experts, aichis cude a clinicat cutnrtsocs cteares amedicaly isîd earscg pnogramn hut n achis rdivrdua's isleod tests and medîcal histnry. Tis pregrace li dmsigned te correct tise drents metaisolisa se tise hormnem emponsihie fer sneight conttul can isegin te work ptoperlsî again. «As a Canazùan pbysrcîin lise eca/iaated theiarands of blced reins front Sut-eSlîm. The tmprîsed f/lau, ep result have ofteti beerastonsirng 1seriusijcecrnend a, onerctestedrin usegt/aoss orustrespred her/ts te schecks eut tirs progt'aes fer clseinse-es " sans DrMstiV,, Pilfe' mîd C.a/c. T-fikch ceft..dcd THE PROCESS Once aclient's casînarzed eaîsng program is creaird, tise client is cateful> and indinîdaal cnaeied absout isew te isesi implement tise weigist lois plas. SuteStîm aergst le is consultants are specially rraîned te support clients trregh tis process. (Clicnts eseer sseeisiv se pnssarc asts a cossultant rs ise acsgscd and tsi dîscu ns rir ecightr isss pttsgtaa lisete arecno puice gi se. SuntSira offrs ptogtaanrl sort a aide rangcof ttqustcaectn snciudsng Korsit, Vegan, Bteasriedscg. Pnegrncy, lnnn and Hîndu pnograas. A onetitra, upfrocr fel is cisanged attse segrncng ofrthe ptogtaa Tissfee covens tht cosr of tht isiood tests, tise lort fée and tise sndrsduaisedecating pogan. le addition, clients arill telt an cting plan tsar aimaws risr te attend socia fonictions, a plans te rtisare tise>' don't plateau isut continue te lose arîigt and a maintenance progran te enaisie tisea te maictain theit desiredarigsi SureSie Weilnms Cheris hold frequrni, free haif-heur information seminars, Fet more informsation absout tisese semitiaes et tise SurtSlra aeigst less pregrain, pIease phoene: 905-286-4949 et tracs us isy t-mail at' misssssaua@surenliiac SO yl ed evttsts ofet? AWr*e Reied CreiYuIlYau lu thre wit ln te puW qWugh tu Fe n eso blon asg r ene ot5elP»Ou. ila a pu yens a dieit trat ispr M * desqred terYeu. AI SsgaShm, 905l8 Rd.49 1 e abosm tlr- esor a ilc Mh 109ls 3035 ArgentiaRd test an esrsir pian si esc:rsed to (sw corner of [oeW i . *eMne1 msmsi fe w l Wlnston Churchill Y,"eg va sea' i se t ce wsrs il I* nsvorn ~e~ss crp ~WELLNESS CLINIC