20 - The Canadien Chamnpion, Tuesday Match 07, 2006 ICI.g INDEX: *Real Estate 100-135 * Busness 140-169 Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-29 Fax: 905-876-2354 Email: classified@miltoncanadianchaMpion.COM Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57 Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classýied ads also appear on www.haftonsearch.com' For CIRCULATION cail: 905-878-5947 A submission by mail or in peson The Canadian Champion, 875 Main St. E., Milton, ONl [T 3Z3 Deadtines: Mon., 10 an,, for Tues publication, Thurs, 10 an., for Fri. public Papmnent: We accopt cash, cheque, loterac, Visa, MasterCard. Americani Express. Ail adls piaced are non-t-etaadable and ne credit wIilIlle lssaed. Business accounits cao be opene CHECKC VOUR AD THE FIRSI DAY IT RUNS lu ensure the information in correct. Contact yoor Classitied Consultant within 24-Hours tf an error appears, An error in a Fri. publication BIRTHDAY Lord>' Lord>' SLook Who os Forty! Happy Borthday ,Ç Bill i/e~I~e&S MARRIAGE Richard and Joyce Potb ut HuSton Hilîs 1 are pleased tu aununce the marriage ut 9 beir sue Uisa Lynu Geelen daugluter ut Frank andt Milie Geelen ut Mississuga. The Wedding lu take place Saturday March Il1- 2006 je Trunto. ;le SELLERS Fisd OuI What The Hume Duwn The Street Suld Fur. Vieit www. hattonhomnesinto.cam Ren &Wanted CAMPBELLVILLE Equestrian Centre, 19 stalîs, arena, huge sand ring, 10 pad- ducks. For appt. cati 905-854-0575 A tub ut hume. $493.97 meekty. Mail murk un cum- puter wurk. Gu In: www.MyHomePcJob.com code 16 or write lur tree datai/s ut 3-11 Beltrose Dr, Suite #122-16 St. Albert, AB T8BN 5C9 905 PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS lui uner 4 miltion adult reader in SuIS Central Ontario. Bouk pu adnertise- ment in uvur 75 Metru- lasd cummunîty nemo- papero mîth une phone cati. Cail for informa- tiun un meekly work ad packages (internét list- ings oncludeci) 416-493- 1300 ext 276, 288, 237 wwwmetri[Utîdot $SMONEVOS Cusutdata dabîs. Murtgages lu $100% Nu incume, bad cradît OK! Ontariumîde Fi- nancial Curp 1-888-307- 7799 A 5-yr @4.85%. Alsu eguit muregage prxgrams regardtesu ut incume un credît. Cati Nurm ut 905- 844-1245 ut nisit us ut www.sinclaircockburn.com Fi aFrRent MILTON spacîxus, susi- ny 2 bedruum + des un maîin vl ut bungalow. Central location on quiet street in oider Mit- ton. $1350/muinth on cludes utîtlies, basic cabte, parking, new stuve/rîige, separale entrance. Ns-smoking, relerences, tirst/luot ne- qoîroci. 905-878-0970. DOWNTOWN Milton, large t bdrm apt., parking, inctudes utîtities, Anaitabte March IsI. Cai 905- 878-6912. DOWNTOWN MILTON Miid Towers 82 Mittaide Drive, Attractive quiet build- ing. Spacixus brîght dlean 1&2 bedroumn units mith laundry tacitity and social room un site. Ragular resident anents Open 7 daya & eveainga Cati 905-876-1249 www.reeater.ca ACTON Apartments. 1 & 2-beclrooms asailable . Fridge & stone, laundry lacîlîties. No dogs 519-853-4374. Open 7 eiaysiweek. Same day appronal. GLEN EDEN COURT APARIMENTS 122 Bronie Street South, Milton We are now accnplîng applications Ion: -1 bdrm For more information and/or to make an appointment, Pteeee Cati: 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leonard à Penny COUNTRY APART- MENTS 2-bedrooem + des/office or 3rd bed- ronm. Si .200.00 anaîlable îmmediately. Large i -bedruumn $850.00 anaîlable May tust. Heat and appli- acces included. Laun- dry & hîgh spaed inter- net/cabie anaîlable. Cai 905-854-0651. DOWNTOWN George- tome very clean 2-bed- roum apartment, 4-apptiances. $1,000, menth plus utitities. Anaîlable immediatelp 416-553-2785. GEORGETOWN , Ray- lamo Crescanit i -bed- ruum aparmenit. Large malt maintainei in quiet 6-plan. Heat/hydru/wa- ter/parking plus 2 appli- acces incladed. Anailable immediatelp. $900/munth. Caîl 416- 948-0948. GEORGETOWN r- bedroom/2-bedrooms apurements. $775/ munth and $875/ month. Avaîlable March itI Inclades heatl hydrol cable. Parkingextra. CalI 905-873-6284. GEORGETOWN 2 bec- roum, $830/month in- cludes utîlîties. No smokers/pets. Avaîlable mid-March. Fîrst/laut, Cal 905-877-5536. GEORGETOWN 2- bedruom apartment, dlean and quiet. Preter single or couple. No smoking/pets. March 151h or April rot, Reter- ences. 905-877-1209. GEORGETOWN 2- bedruom, gruund Ilour, $875/month utîlîties in- cluded, hirst/last, cluse toi GO. Reterences re- quired. Anaîlable imme- diatcly. Nu pets/smok- ing. Cali 905-873-3063 uSter 6:30pm. eroani GEORGETOWN 3- bedruumn main Ilour ut house. Garage / taus dry. St ,200/month plus 2/3 utîlîties. Fîron/lant. Nu smoking. Auailable April ltI Cal 905-702- 3888 GEORGETOWN. Gor- gnous nnwiy renovated 2-bedruum basement apurement. Oak kitch- en, Granite cournter tops, A/C. shared back- yardý Nu s>moking/petsýý 51 .OOOlmonth inctudes auriies. Refer- encescredît check. 416-418-4224ý MILTON 2-bdrm, 1 bath, branci nem, separ- aIe entrance. Cai 905- 676-0987. MILTON cusy 1-bdrm (fl baisement) apî. Nu pets. Parking and uttte inctuded $850/munIS, 905-878- 9888. ROCKWOOD lange 2+ bedruum aparement. upper levaI, cxmpletey nenuvated. Near at amenities. Anaitabte immediatety. Nu appli- acces. $800/munth + hydru. 518-856-9854. DERRY & 415 Lise, new 4-bdrm nemi, blinde, dock 5 appt. garage, etc. $1585/mIS 905-301-6202. GEORGETOWN i 1/2- sturey, 3-bedroum. Ex- cellent location. Newty renxeated. 4-appli- acces. Ne smoking. $1,150/munth plus utilîties. CaI 905-877- 1465. GEORGETOWN -3- bedrxom, 2-bath, tic- îshed nec. ruumr wîlh waîkut. Brand new kitchen. no appliances. S1,400/munth plus utitîties. No smuk- ing/pets, Cail Kathleen at 905-877-5211. GEORGETOWN Iairly new 4-bednoomn house, clnse lu, GO Sta- nion/garage. AIl appli- unces inctuded. St .200/month plus 2i3 utîtîties. Anaitabte im- medîately. Firut/lant, references required. Cai 905-877-4967, GEORGETOWN large, renusaled 3-bedruumn main tloor ut bungalow w/garage/laundryappî- ances. Wutk lu schouls, malt. Nu smoking/pets. 51,300/montS, 905- 877-2771. ~o. eca eaUnuîuxuiiuyeauinesmiayary. ciwîth an apprunee credit application unaitabte trom pour Sales Consultant. imunI be repunied no Iterîthan Mon., 10 x.m. IPÀC]Fà Hbis Craft Craits MILTON, brand nom 3200 sq. f. 4-bdrm, 3 bathruum, stainless .. -- steel appt , $2500/mth FO E A TP I TN neg. 416-931-8704. pnHueI NICE 3-bedroumn bon- CLASS REGIST RATIONS galow in Milton. Large F e lot. 51550/month. Nem Sut Munit i OOpm -3:3Opm 4-bedruum, 2 sîuroy Sun Mur 12 i OOpm - 3:OOpm St800imunlh. Cail 905- C.lt r 864-8777. Comptle Lina ut Puinting Supplias Custom Wood Cuttieg MILTON 2 tumnhouses jM u fog atn 3-bedruum St 300/mIS, ltI & last, plus utîlîtias.PI S15 - Anaîlabte îmmedîatly e-V 30 & Manch ltt Cai Gave 905-878-5444. - IMMACULATE, Mîltný 3 bdrm Tuwnhouse. 3 bath, 5 nam appliancas, A/C, close shopping centre. Nu Smok- cng/pets. $1 300/mIS. Anaîlable Apr 8th , 905- 876-2032 OAKVILLE- 3&4 bed- rxumn tuwnhuuses avait- able Aprt It. 4 appli- acces, Hupedale Mal area. Lakeshure Manage- ment 905-676-3336 LARGE ruum, se- ctaded country hume, prulasîxna mate pre- ferraid, Guelph Lina & 401, 5425/mIS. $11 O/weak 905-854- 0359. MATURE temale, ruumn lu test in Milton, park- ing asaitabta, Internat accesu. Must like pets. S550/mxeth.. Cati 905- 299-2171t MM Acodaton SHARED eeecutîve semi, for an urganized prolessîunat, Inmate prelerred. Der- ryfThompsnn, dlean & peaceul, Private bnci ruum/bath. 5550/month. 905-569-3233/416-390 1928 Hanna ~~e e ECE Mum, wîth 10-years eupenience Nutrittous meals, in- door/nutlour actîvities, sale enoîrunment. Fuît and pare-lime availabie. Upper Middle / 6th Lîne anea. Reterences anaîtabie. Cuit 905-844- 0969. STAY-AT-HOME momn has Fuîltlime spaces asaitable. Police check, Hawthorne Village Area. Melissa 905- 878-8185 POT rS: Jenniter and Jereny are pleased Ix unnoasce the Valentina's Day arriva ut Elle Katharine un Pabruary 14, 2006, maighing 8 tbs., 12 uces. SpecialtIhanks tu MGH nurse Jean, Dr. Cnatic, and tui Dr/Aunt Julie tor a sote deivery. Place yor Blly'lfrkâAnoaoet az,, thMt.a mpinm and you MiII reoeve o voucher for %âii.WePîggîes.ton 905-25 73] 1 -41& Coll 905-878-2341 t0 place pour oosouncement The Classifieds Attra ct Readers. Looking t SeOl pour used car? forntShtngs? need a job? need an empinyse? want te see your frtend's 40th birtlîday milestone? Place an ad on the Classifieds! It's a fast and easy. Cali 905-878-2341 today to place your ad. frCanabian (bampion CLASSIFIEDS classitied@ miltoncanadianchamplan.com ipLove Mom & Dad BIRTHDAY MORTGAGES 95% oeilf empluyed, 95% new immigrants, 95% NO CREDIT 95% dîscharged bankrupts. 416-777-0878 muregagesulutionslv NEED A MORTGAGE 1 00% Bankrupt or Pour Credît 95% Seit-emplupeci, no pruut ut Inconme Delerred ctusîng c0010 prugramn Cati Nom t -877-57-funds 905-864-4561 guldengate muregugas.ca Appty un tise. 1-BEDROOM base- ment apureiment in Mit- tus. Prînata entrance, parking. First/Last re- quired. $680/munth. PIeuse catI 905-876- 4135 ý,; Q ; 1 . M