PI' The Canadirn Champion, Tuesday, Mardi 7, 2006 -A5 ~ Goal is to help each i stuaerit oýe successiui -from EDUCATION on page A4 îng that average hy 2 to 3 per cent ihis year. Sadier said wbats also a key to keep in mind when talking about targets t' that the hoard bas a main goal in mind - to foster tbe most successful stu- dents it cani. "Our goal is to make each indîvidual kid more successfui." The phîlosophy of the board îs that teachers are heing given more of an opportunity to specifically address the needs of their students through a van- ety of ways, officiais have said. Its calied "differentiated instruction" ru which theres no single template to instruction, the supeuintendent saîd. For example, the Halton board recerved an extra $1 milion from the Province to huy texthooks, sud an addîîîonal $200,000 in a lihrary grant that allowed the hoard to buy more booiks tu stock shelves - books that are of interest to younger students. GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION GRAND OPENING: Zellers ai Milton Mail celebrated ils newly-expanded store with special guests over the weekend. Here, two-year-old Lauren gives Dora the Explorer a high-tive as dad Dave Bruce looks on. Woman wins $1 00,000 Together wîth two CIBC head office co-wîrrkeîs, 53-year- old Elaîne Thompson of Milton recentix' cashed in on ENCORE - as the co-wrnîrer oft $ 100,000 Februtars 25. The luckvy ticket was a Irce play won troiri a prevtous draw aud was purchased in North Ysork 'at a convenience store in the main lobby of the CIBC building. Much lîke ber bank's clients buîld up inîerest, Thompson sud her two jackpot couniterparts - [romn Oakville aud Pîcken-ng - had certainly but UP their chances of wînnîng, having played the lottery îogeîher for the past 16 years. ",Its kînd of hard îo helieve," sard the lucky Miltonian 1I thînk the mosi we'd ever worn hefore was about $ 120, so ibis was certain> the hest free ticket we ever got, for sure." An IT test co-ordinator, wife and mother of a son, Thompson will use ber wînnîngs for home improvements. Astrid Lakats CI arle red Acct11 uln1 "WE DON' JUSI ORGANIZE YOUR FINANCIAL NUMBERS; W! INIERPME THEN, TO NELP YOU IMPROVE YOIJR BUSNESS' PERFORMANCE AND PRORITAIUTY." Serving You In The Following Areas: Consulting -e- Profit Improvement Analysis ->Strategic Planning 4- Buisiness Plans <'WSucceasion Planning -> Key Performance Indicators Accounting *pAudits, Reviews, Finanejal Statemenfa +Cash Flow & Budgeting * ovemýment Filinga ï- Bank ProposaIs Income Tax 4* Personai aud Corporate Tas Retumns 4, SR & ED %ln Credits înîng 4-%a and Estate Plar ACCURATE QUAUIY SERC IN A T1MEY, FRIENDLY MAMI Meniber of: %ui F /I ASTRID LAKÏATS B.Sc., MBA, CA Astrid Lakats * - Chartered Accouinlant Please caU us ait 905-875-3936 Or visit our Website at www.lakats.ca ASTRIIi) L4IKATS Beat Thne Tar Man Its tax season, and if you're like mie tbe thought of paying thc goverrnent more than tbey arc enîitlcd îo is, to say the Icast, annoying. Really effective tax planning starts witb knowing tire rides aird doirrg a lot of litîle tbings correctly tbrougbout the ycar. As part of an on-going series of articles, Id like to focus on some deductions that are otten torgotîcri or under-uiied. Tbis week Id like to deai with miedical expenses. Medicai expenses paid witbiit any t2-rrîonth period ending in the calendar year miay be eligibie for a rax credit. Tbe t2-rnontb period ending in tbe year may be var- ied from year to ycar, bot you cant claim tbe saute expense twice. TIhe tees paid for a beaiîb or dental plan cani be ciaimed. (check ro see if these pay- ments are deducted front yonr pay cbeque montbiy) Expenses reimibursed by your employer or a private beaitb plan are not aliowed, bowever the non-reimbursed parts cars bc claimied. Fees paid to a licensed medicai practitioner qualify in respect of medical expenses. Tbis cooid include itenrs sncb as bonrcopathy, accoponctore, cosmetic surgery borox injections, bair transplants, liposuction and tootb bleacbing, or even a weigbt-ioss program offered for therapeotic or rebabilitative reasons. Where social workers, famîly and roarriage therapists and guidance coonselors are members of an association governing their profession and treatment is as referred from a medical practirioner tbeir fees may be claimed. If oot tii-province medicai expenses are trot reimborsed by OHIP they are osoaliy allowed as a medical expense credit on your tax retcrrn. Tbe transportation costs for tbe taxpayer and a reqîiired attendant may aiso quaify. îrayments for attendant, nursing or institorional care rnay be deductible. For example, tees paid ro air institutioni wricir bas staff speciaily trained ro deai witb Alzbeimer's patients wiii osoaiiy qtiaiify as a oredicai expense. Make sure ris reraîn ail receipis ftor yoor niedicai experîses. You iay claii iredicai expeirses irr yottr rax retrrî for yoorself, Yior spocise tir for depeirdani relatives. C-areflul tax planning wîii pot îrîorry back wberc it beiongs t i yoor pireket! (Pleeoe keep in ?ntnd that the foi/swving ideas are general iît nature and1 are flot inteid- ed ta serve as a replacenment for professional adice. Yon shoula' consiîh wtth your char- terea' aceounîant regara5ngyourparticular set of circumîtances.) ACCURATE QUALITY SERVICE IN A TMELY, FRIENDLY MANNER. Nutrition Notes How can local business help? *Volunteer in a school nutrition prog ram X ae a financiai donation - Sponsor a prograni with a food donation *ioin the Halton Food for Thought patinership conrmintee SHalton Food 905-845-5597 ext. 201 tfrttrolhugh(w gco. 4W The movement for active, healthy living 1-