A26 - The Catiodian-Champion, Felday Apnul 21,2006 Bihsh M U eah 3et TIMBERS - Derrl and Allison (ne Bar- row) are thrilted to ennounce the birth ai their daaghter Psyton Isabella May weighing 6tbs 9oz ait Milton District Hon p i toi on Aprit 5, 2006. Firot grandchitd f or DaUg and Joni Timbera ai Miltas and Bruce and Lynda Barrow of Barlinglan. Weicomed by Uncie Brent. Sixth great grandchild for Stella Portos and firut great grandchild for Isabel Timbers. Thank yau ta Dr. Cvetic and the wanderful nurses ait 1Milttun District Houpital for their cane. ing Auntu Deanna, Wendy, Marcia, Staphanîe, Sharons, Grandpo Sussny, Grasdma Edna, big brother Stevie and big sioter Mia, and eucited firut time cou- sins Bruoklyn and Nathan, and ait aur thriiied friands that have ahared aur juy. LITTLE - Jen & Slow are pieasad ta annausca the birth of their sos Jesse James, weighing 8lbs, 8az March 27, 2006 at MDH. Jesse is weicomed by Gradma's Merry & Shirley, Grandpaos John & George and eutended tamily and friands. A big thank you ta Dr. Mel, Nurses Kim, tisa & Jenn for her quick catch. Burtington, Ken & Shirley Carmichel ai Milton, and Eerl Woodley ai Fionidea. Special thanka tai Dr. Rajiiingham and aIl the won- derful nurses who took greet cane of us dur- ing aur stay. Friands warmly welcome this bundle of jay. Special Thanks ta L&D. HORN - Fraser anmd Samantha ara pnaud la ansaunca the arrivai ai Abby Semantha Horn Apnil 1 7th, 2006 71b Buz et Oakvilla Trafalgar Hospital. Baby sister ion Kalsay and Alyssa. 7th gnandchild ion Bob and Batay Harn. 3rd grandchilt ion Jasai and Assette Glowacki. LIVE in ce egver far MILTON nie in ce egiv p-y ut chitd Lobh et seeded far 1 chid, hausekeeping Sume 6rs, Cel 416-999-4320 Sets taps $8.00/r nr fau resume uo 905- Jop (905) 876-2534 791-593X Griswold, Donald Budge (55 years old) wold. Dion died as a resuli or a cal acci- dent in Oltver, B.C. us March 30, 2006. Remembered by Scott Ksowtes, Peter, Judy, Janice & Jeff Griswold, Linda, Bill, Robent & Michael McLauchian, Merry, John, Adam & Katie Mclsaac, Joan, Les- Iey & Greg Warren, Michael, Shemni, Kethy & Jashua Gniswold. Memoriai services ta be announced. IP;LICa1 fTha Cakse fTanu THE fmil othlaeJck Pcddje wisu te, ex- prslherharfl thasrt ailtuhe reltives an red h ad terepectsartheluner-u a]rice Spea as toait the staff arAI- lenale ScttFary Fneai Home, Dr. tvan Hune n h Revred u.unCroit. The Fin & Ildde Familee ublctces IMcNaulicNoies Make this Mother's Day Special Place a greeting in aur classîfiedo. InueurNanîu-& Nuiuheru.rîh heuumesage. Message hust he 20 %vords or le-s for $15 (plus GÎS. part iu atuaur. by cash. cheque. Vi sar Masir Uara> Yeeur messge willt appear Friday,May 121hj Fan. phone or e-mail pour meuuage to theÈ t% addressblc The Canadian Champion Phono: 905-878-2341 - Fas: 905-876-2364 entait: etessrttedîpiteenadranchamptoe.cem ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting oi tho Milton Evet-grees Camet-ry Board oi Directoire wilt be held et Hugh Fastor Hall Manday April 25, 2006 Beginning ait 7:30 p.m. Interment Rights Holders Are invited ta attend For more information caîl 905-875-1404 DUMP sites centet tan roani building materiel and/ or dlean tilt. Wili grade est levei. Celi 905- 84.4-4330; 905-634-s2684 MILTON temiiy toaking for an eepeienced live- in ceregreer. Cing fon tcu chulitren, with housebolit chares. Must Se flexible lt fit parent's shiftwork. Sent paur resume andt reference ta: gela L@sympetico.ca NEW home daycare apening Jane. Brunte eit Heaiap. Fenced perd citti adjacent plap- graunni. F/T-P/T exaîlebie. Ail ages. Receipts. Waiking dis- tance ta J.M. Denpes Schosi. Cati Kathy (905) 6093-1276 oSter 4:3Opm un ceekendo. MOVING ru Milton, neet canre for 2.5 & 5.5 pear ulda starting fîrst ceek ut Auguot in the Chrîs Hadfinid Public Ochual erea. Please contact Shetiy eit 519- 653-3794 in the eue- ning ur 519-888-71 il nat 2294 durîng the dlay. IMonday fa Friday IN my home. Ages 6mths-4yrs. Heeithy lunches/snacks, play- time, son-smoking an- virsement. 10 peara espenience. Refer- ences eveilable apan requent. James Snac Parkcay & Main St. Cai Angela 905-875- 0643, celi 647-295- 3656. LIVE It! Nec bealtti & celiness magazine 250.000 copies. Cust- effective directary sis, card tados, Cai totap ta book fan the June issue 416-493-1300 est 276 stugeey@metroand.com wForSl APARTMENT sîze casher, drper, stove, frîdge, sec hot cater heete r, etc. Stering $25.OOlee. (416) 219- 7055 COLORADO blue& green spruce trees, uariaes sizes. Cati 905-854-9960 or 905- 299-9677. 300 square feet of brand sec premîam peviso stases. Cool aven $1000, seli fur $700. Milton (416) 855- 9310. WESLO space saver cushrus dnck Ireadmll. $50. f905) 878-3190. EVERYONE-S Gei a l>y 0airie 501, Comptler uî1C an Iel P4- SOll CPU starting Sronn 99 cents/day**! lucluites eueiytint eau need: FRE Software, 17" Perfecry Fier Maodr, Wtins OP (*Bank Act ea Plus S/H & Taue> Cal 1- au-m3-164 Isul DINING ruom table & 4 chairs Pecan, beautfai nicti coud grain $500. 905-693-1339 Lealie. A dîuing ruum, cherry- coud, duble pedeutal table, 8 chans, buffet, hutch, douetail cou- struction. Nec st11 in boxes. Cual $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-0400. A King Pîlloctup Mat- tress Set. Nec in plas- tic. Cuat $1600. oeil for $450 905-567-9459. AIL Steel Buildings, menp cabanrs, 20ax30 $5500. 25ax40 $0700. 30'x40 $10.500. 32ox50 $14,000. $400x60 $20.000. monp uthens t1-800-504-7749 ccc.pineerouildings.ce BED, Amazisg bargaîn. qucen unthupedic pîl- luctup set, sec ru plas- tic, carnanty $250 905- 567-4042 cr11 delîver. BEDROOM Cherry- coud, Beit, cheat, dresser. 2 nighsad Duuelail Cunstructi. Neuer upened CusI $8.000. Sacrifice $1,900. 905-567-4042 CARPET 1 banc seucra 1,000 perds of nec Stein Master & 100%u nylon cen- pet. Wiii do liumn nsom & hall tan $369. Induites cen- pet, pait & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-633- 8192 HOT Tub (Spa) Covens beat prîce, Best qeelity. Ait shepes & caoanus. Ceil 1- 866-585-0056 www.thecauergap.ca POND Supplies, acre- tors, tounitaîns, bloce dye, etc. STOCKING SPECIAL e' RAIN- uow TROUT .99 (in. 100). MORE SPE- CIALS & PRICES (51 9)833-2559 c su.i- veanssati posds-com POND Suppies' eenetam, foasitains, blee dpe etc. Stucking speciel 8" Rein- bac trut .9ents (min. fOOt. Mure speciels & pnices 519-833-2559 ww.seercreerids.nomn TREE Clearance Sale Ose time osiy. Beautfa 6'-15' Colorado Sprace, $150. each. Deiinery & plasting assistance avait- eblt. 905-854-1936 Aries Waned L'QOK BEST Ca$h$ Peut- Art, Astiques, Callectibles China, Cryntel, Siluer, Figurines, Royal Douitux, Scerounki, Glass, Pottery, Etc. Entate Specialisto, Top Cash. Oeil John/ Tracy 905- 331-2477 M oiara & *Garage & SCareer Training LIIII CaerTann fileurd Sales Yu--ar~ S , ale ,s.me If yRaRem"Il. î-DjmMO(AGE SAuL Satorday April 22 8am - Noort Hoty Rosary Charch Hat 139 Mentis St. Donations accepted: Friday Aprl 21 - Sam - opm GARAGE SALE Sat. Aprîl 22, 2006 8am - Noon 690 Syer Dr. GARAGE SALE Sat. April 22 7am - lpm 769 Byng Crt. Old tools, licence plates, toys, golf clubs. GARAGE SALE Sat. April 22 8am - 2pm 301 Satok Cres. Houseeold items. folk art books, fabric & more. 905-878-1775 Garage/Moving Sale Sat. Apr 22 and Sun. Apr 23 Noon - 5 p.m. 221 Satok Crescent Many household Items ucns IÀ@ Aucin AUCTION-RUGS Suri. Apr 23rd, ai lpm. View-11am Otello's Banquet Hall 2273 5 W or Ford Dr, S. QEW. Fers ýoa,-a'Wgndss ',nc-Dlu'(l'e': 'A'ntique, semi-ant, ffa-nd-- knottedwool, eg. Kashan, Isfahan, Heriz, Bidjar, Tabriz, Mahi, +ant, Estate Rugs. Rugs from 20'xl2' to 2'x2', 4'x4', etc. Many Runners 6lo2O' + smaller rugs. Also: highend, New, hanclknotted wool, wooVsilk in Modem Colours- Chobby, Peshwar, Agra, Jai= "different sizes, eg. 9'1*x6'3" to 10'8*x8'l',+runners. Round in 4'x4', 8'x8' & 9'x9' also sm. pics. No Buyers Premium- No reserves 150+rugs in sale. First list see www.on- lariclauctioneer.corn or will fax/email Terms: Visa, MC, Dabit, Cash R. Blackbeard Auctioneer 905- 714-9597 email: handlgr8lake@aoi.com PUPPIES for sale. Lhasa Apsa, Cocker Speniel, Bishan-Pao, Int shuts, de-wormet, fiee treateit, uet checked. Raffina Pet Centre (90s) 875-0470. 1995 Chen Caaier. Biack/4-dloar, 2.2L, 236,000km. Needo some engins mark. As is condition $950. Mike (905) 693-1470. Tlrcs rSle 1997 Ford F150. Lots of nec parts, gouit shape. $5.500 as is. Please nat 905-877- 3788. Vans, BEST Cah. vie boy il ail.E 4-WhO l D ive Astique fumîshîingo, Royal Doutn, Hummel, Moor- 1994 Lamine APV Van. cr05t dinsercare, crpslal, Used datp, good condi- situer, clocks, mîiîterp lion. Na rusl, aauo A/C. items. Partial/ fuît esteles. $2,00 Cai 905-702- Ed, 905-634-6300 0589. EXPERIENCED dlean- îeg lady, reasonabte rates. Cou Kim @. 905- 299-1321. FOu ADMRMINQ YOUR GARAGE SALE 125,. uT MUX 40 WOID PHONE: 90578.23411 011111lao 1.i Aultelu Non-Prufit, cummusi- toi baed urganîzetios. New Meesumbqa Heip an Adaît improun thaîr basic 1 literocy skilf s ASEIL LSIAIIL If yuu ara currasty un courue recostly lîceusedi cosderîsg a change tram pour carrant broken or taoking for a sec caree, Pao e tl ta pourueft b attend this semisair t'as WIi Finit Oui About *Who shault cunsider mea estate (and chu uhuuld suti Provsincial iicensisa course *Royal LePage training, persosal deuelupment andt suppot *Hue lu get a quick start Hoe ta maurmiza yuur incurve 1luia% A"r 271k, 7:U0pM MMI CIUINT CHIT 10241 BOM LIU (ktwo ldg> M a Tu*l SaMu~) Sealurg iu limiteni cail nue lu reserve a ueal' Milton 905-8 101 *Campb.lle 905-8644101l ROYAL LEPAGE Geocgelowi 905-877482 ým Actais 519-853-847 "'- Missiseaugea 9W5821-3200 Brueripten 905-4M-5448 Need help getting into a Trade? NoEaperierce Neceusory Pre-Apprenticeuhip Training an a Truch and Coach Mechorîc What you gel- and il's FREE! Empisymant Reodisess Worhohops Level 1 Training at Mohawku Coilege -Pid Worh Placements Call the VMCA in Burlinglon @ 905-681-1140 for dlails www.ymcacareerdenelopment.on.ca This pro/ct îu furrded bp the Guvarsmesît ofOnlano. 3 Medical/Office Administration * Cali Centre M Accountinq * Computer Support Technîcianl Purmhdîge1hgîbi1i Qualtypîrst Project Coordinator for Qualitye Firet 35 hsars per week Contract Position Requlred *ECE DiplomalDegree with 5 years esperience *Esperience in AdaSt Edacafion P raiect Management Espenesnce *Excellent CommanicationlOrgasizational Okitto *Mast prsvidle own transportation Apply ta, Lynne Saila at: or tax resame ta: 905-876-1273 Deadllne: April 26th, 2006 Only those chosan for an interview wili be caffl.. Position fonded by the Ontario Tniiam Foandication Ad iitrtv AssB *a e P so ScotiaMcLeod, ose of Casada's Ieading Foul Service tsoestrnent Firms, has a foli-time apporta- sity sn their Oshoille Branch toroan Administrative Associate. The soccesoful candidate must be oeif-motivated, posoeoo otrosg orgasizationa SkIS and demosrate esceptional client service abilitieo. The candidate ciii work eu within o large Team, oopportisg o fast paced, eotablished inveotmest Etecutive. The preferred candidate ii haoe previouo induotry eoperiesce and be fully licenoed as as Inuestment Represestative with the IDA. Piaasefao y sur rasumae fa the attention of Christine DiMalteo, Bnch Administretor 905-842-9001 Or emoil chrisedimatteaecotamclead.csm Zbite c~anablan cibampion