The Canadien Chsampion; Fniday Aprit 21, 2006 - -A27 Camails Caer rnreiz Caal ýcreï r ery kW z Drves zzDd The Reidos Heriage Group af campamea as one of the uargeaI hamnebumtdivg, de- etpment and gorera cantnuclîrg aperatians mn South Western Ontario, vils proteclo activety ondeseay ait a number of sites in Guetph, Cambridge, Kitchen- vi. Waterloo. London, Kîncardîne, Part Etgin, Owen Sound. the Bruce Penînsu- ta, Cottîngwood. and Huntsvitte. Wv are presvntp taakîng for a top quatt Deuetoprnrt Engineering Techoo gint and a Land Devetoment Ptonner ta loin our tvam. The successfut candi- dates vitt Semonotrate orotesomona integmi positive dispoaition, outstandmng team spirit aad a passion for evcelence. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIST Reportmng ta oui Devvtopment Engîneer, yau wîtt be inaotoed mn o vmae range of actîvîties inctudmng; assstmng in the preparamon of apdaling budgets and ached- oies, arepaîrng and adminîotratmng prmcmng requests for smat tenders, respand- mng 10 fietd inqaîries and externat alto seivicmng contractors. coordinatmvg and ut- teodîng on sile plan defmcieocy inspections. A dîptoma in Engineering techaoiogy S ACAO expermonco are toqaîremens for thia position. INTERMEDIATE LAND DEVELOPMENT PLANNER Roporting fa the Directeor f Ooveiopment Ptanning, the auccosfot canidate ii be resposibte fot a wite range ofai lvîies înctudîsg. oîganiaîng and moîrtaîs- ing tond deveiupnent prajecl fites, aaeraeeîng preparatian and submiaamon of applicatioso for aile plan approaut conaent unit minlor variance. asslsing Iîth0 registration ai pianso0f subdiviuion, oooialmvg in ait aspectu ai condominim ap- pîseai unit management and gutherîng unit proceuoung tard devetapmenl relut- oi t attica. A planning itipisnutiegiee from a recogsizod oducaliona t vitl- lion esulit be preforred tor Ibis position, Eacellent communicatian, interperuonat akilto and aaperb argonîzatioau skîlia aro crulucai 1oi the uucceaa of baQLh positiona as wautit ho a strorg woring knowt- edgeo0f Word, tacot and MS Proiecl. Pleaae fax a covenlng tetter and resume by April 28, 2006,10o 519-65804039 Attention: Human Rescurces Or respond Il emiail ta Or by completing aur anlIme Job Application Forti Pleuoe, no phone calts. Onty those appicants selete for an interview wilt bu conlucfed. For more information on our Group of Compantea niait - - a nae Hosdorsus Parlseru, LLP ts aioading firm of charlereit accoustonlu asd prufousioao advîuoro uomîing entrepreneurial people and argosizaiona. ROLE DESCRIPTION: Hosdorso Partnors, LLP is curronlp tsukîsg fat a Manager t0 tais the Tax prac- lice in our Oakaitie office. Au a ioad momber af the a loom pou eutl wark ctaoipl wilh the Porlners or ta planning initiativeu andt requiromonîs. Yaur or- gonizaolsakitta wiit onabto yau la direct the wank of junior saof, îsciaitisg re- aiowing Ihoîr wore for uccuracp unit campltenous. Addilisnatp, psu wîtt te- oeorch andt proporo ta-piunnsrg strotogios for aur cliensu uni tlake the ioad on the preparulias of las relurnu. The idoot candidate enjoyu the spatiight asd sols the standardt for junior saol. JOB RESPONSIBILMES: *Looding stii and medium sîzoit client engagements; *Wortsing cisoislli ofh Partner os a senior loom momber un ax planning waih for clients; *Planning and organizin.9 leomu for the preparalian of ta rolurns and canductîng and preuenbsng fax research; *Prueiding angoing support and meosng for the prsfosaiunui doveopmosit of KEY COMPETENCIES REQUIRED: Technicoi Expertise: *Minimum 2-3 peura upecioiizing in Tais apublic occountîng Oirm *Professionol Accounng Desîgnation (CA, C MA sr CGA) *Compiellun of Punll f at he CiCAus Is-doph Ta Courue os ossol *Eocellent people managementl obtus; higbip mutieoled isitividuoi, douire tsi * xscelient client service ukitis, abit undorutund the cliients' buuînouaoo; *Abiiity ta oufobiah and muintoini utung ciient reltiounu; *Slrsng projoati management and urgosîzolionot skbtfs; To Appty: Attention: A. Purpura Humait Resourcea By fax: 905-825-1454 By ornait: Haule Ouvîduan- Faalwean la a goarnn divisian aI Wolverine World Vide, a toadina gtabat murktueer of brunded fualvoar. Account Sales Representative Southwest and Northern Ontario If yau're a hîghiy molivutod, deicaloit sales prsfosaîuna wilb the drive and ambition lu mako our mork wîlh an esergetîc cumpasy, Ibis is yaur chace ta canîribute ta aur gruwth and auccesas av oe of aur ms prusperous torrîturios. Au excellent cummavicolor wilh strung preseutotias abuta oand praven suies experienco, pretOrobip sn the folweur initustry, ou cssbiuaiiy utrive 10 acbieeet oals anit sales objectives. This suie, bosed iv the Greater Toronto Ara, wili ueo you mainloîs the bronit image ot the rotiait fovet, au weil as participati in marketing prugramu tur tse territor. A pesl-uecaudury edocabiou as eupected. In relars for pur contribution, we effet an attracive romuerutisn package, mîlli a car atioanee, vapeose roimbursemeut and training apparlusîlies. Tube the firat slep tswardsaun eocîling cureer bp aesdîng paur rsume ta: Woîverine World Wide Canada, Humant Resources, 4600 Hickmnore Street St. Laurent, OC H4T 1 K2. Fax: 514-344-5973. E-mail: hr-caCiwwwinc.corn KARLEY-DAV1DSOL j Locafed in Oakittv Pot CnstructinLmtdi a coattengirrg, smatter company enoîrorment within the dynumic pubic infrautructure seclor. LEGAL COUNSEL Seekrag tuwyeî wîth min. 5 years ai practîce tn construction or corporafe/commercial taw. Repart- ing ta the principats, dutres wîtt inctude mutters of contract taw tien ta, construction risks, insu- ronce, aurtU emptoyment and wankptace satety law The osuccesotut candidate witt tend their sound business tudgment ta a vide range ot tegut ana businesa isouva and work ettecliuety weuh management and protect maragement safff Ptease torvard reaume by e-mail ta: pasîtî An. Carotîne Browning t We ttrank att candidates fon rhumr inteneor, hawver anty triose axtecteci fan interi wîtt be cantacted me on Boa1rd lewadlna Oppoetufl ..School Bue Driver* Wanted L Peuple la un reire roe-ar-vxmv parents apie aithrs a-ime air rm v ne evhils rakina eau, pixauhuoralong v croeu E rer wri avaiixie Requireu STOCK TRANSPORTATION ILTD. Fnierdiiness & Reliability 2741 Plymouth Drive, asîiîe la eaak rtdepecri Oalcitle, ON L6tl SRS A hiai, o aiv, i v i lamn Phone: (905f 829-204e -A gaaa driuvg reord 1 f800) 822-3732 -*oaai iaaaament skîis Fax: 18001 829-2080 We Offer: Entat:r -Fie trainingx oakvapps@uî Sepovembcr la Jure *Campeiie caxes Reavivr PT hours Noatacmr, s e hbusecat invitez you to.. Beat the Rush SIarI free training now. SIarI ditrvîsg now. Take the sommer off and geî a beîter route for Seplember. , Oar operulors une star 9054377-44«, UNR FOR FITES PALiRFOII eug imau Un JIIÎT 08FR JOB FAIIR or iax o.te 4aaa AMU caowe 239.5 Trafalgar Rd. Oakv2ile, O Requiroit for peur raundt wark Must have drivers ticose axrsici90-87-90 a w ~ ~ee~ntetHj GntrlHl ~flhT~iok~o~ I FORMULA ~-~--MEUA CROUP GRAPHIC ARTIST Formula Media Group, a magazine publisher Ilu looking for a Graphie Artist O work on a casual basis designing editorial Iayouos and advertilsenoents for varlous magazines and print projects. Q ualficatuions *successfutly demonstrate crealive ubitities in todesign, Phososbop and ttlustrulor *Good undersoanding of preparing fltes for prioo -Excellent îypisg skitts. wiîh au attention 10 detail *Become au integrat member of a leam *Work witb minimal supervision *Ability to work 10 lîght deadtines Pieuse seod resume 10 nadiltube Quote job # 3892 in subjecl tine. DUE TO STEADY GROWTH WE REOUIRE: - 310 T TRUCK TECHNiCieNS - 310 J TRAILER TECHNICIANS 3rd AND 4TH YEAR APPRENTîCES *EXPERîENCED PREP AND PAINT STAFF WE OFFER t - BENEFîT PACKAGE I N HOUSE TRAINING SCHOOL 4 LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO tWINDOR. WATERLOOMILTON, MISSISSAUGAt - PROFIT SHARîNG PACKAGE - ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNtTIES - SIGNING BONUS 'STUDENTS WELCOME" PLEASE APPLV 0V FAX, EMAIL OR IN PERSON 8050 LAWSON ROAO, MIL TON FAX 905-876-1719 careers@expresswayvovo.eom POSITIONS ALSO AVAILABLE AT AIL LOCATIONS îmmdiatley, fuilt-e Premium wages, paid lrairsîsg, benefîts avai- abte, sicestveprograms nDrap off resumne, Fax 905-844-2017 or cali 905-844-9792 Mapiegrove Drivei Comwal Road TIm Hortons Oakoif le JOBS AVAILABLE Production work sn the MILTON urea. $124$1 3hr. Att shifts avoulable HCR Fax: 905-876-4090 or Tel: 905-876-4661 310 Main St. E. Ste. 205, Mitton WANTED Part-Time Cleaners for evening work in Burtiraglon orea. Moni-Fri Ideot for o couple Cat 905-333-9537 Louve nume & number T530 SEC lueneicom Cai905-86-326 Lav me5ssage02 Ta Assemble Producla . Sluffîng Envetopou, Mait- Avoulable. Up Ta $1 ,SttitWeek, No Esperience Neededt FREE informatise ut: ~wwCunudîusWarFramHome.con Reforosce: 3-113 L00 #WE'RE GROWING! Chieck out new eniploynieist opportunties on page 3. JOHN GRANT HAIJIACE LTfl Nov hittng DRIVERS for tanker operatioF within Ontario, Ouebec and U.S.A. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING: Excellent wage & beneftî package Houry r.r.s.p contributions ùpon eligibliry Drrect deposîts. 1 t stat rrslidays Appry [n person or send resume 1-905-822-2142 2111 Lakeshore Rd. West G R'NT Mississuga ON L5J IJ9 Cls ifid. S7-3l Fa 876-2364S claZif e mi1tncadanhmiHetpo Prsperityd ONVE BRANCH ADMINISTRATOR 1 MANAGER TELLER SERVICES Prasperiy One Credt Unian os a fuit-service tisas- ciat services argasîcalias serving the cammusîlîoa of Milton, Geargetown, Aclas and Baringlon. Oar currosi ausela under administration are aver $140 millitas We are dedîcaled fa praviding aur mem- bos hil a fuit ronge of fisonciai and 'vatue- added' praductu detiaened fhraagh quaiy peruos- a service. We currenly reqaîre a ulrosg 'leader' ta manage the refai baskisg aiea of 001 George- town Brasch. If you have sotîd eperience ieading a teiter ser- vices area, preferabty in a credif unios, ysa demansîrale exceltent attention la dolait and underslasd the impartance of accuracy in at areas af wark, yau are a 'peopte persan', who uues an .empswering management utle'o, sound îudge- mont and proves communicationsakittu la molîvale and iead your staff fa be 'the boul lhey cari be' and yau have a guif for meeting the seeda ai cua- lamera, yau are a 'fit for suftleam We ttsaakait casdidate, hacee, os4' foae ta lie istemieeed eititie caatacted, Pieuse appy sn conidence, lai: Barbara A. Dullin, SHEM Casulting Asocialea 1297 Grooniaus Raad, Oakviiie L6J 6Y3 Emai: 1 General Help Generai Help 1 General Help