i The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - Ail Police thank volunteers at special event Big youth event here Sat. j from VOLUNTEERS on paqe AS search. We're extra eyes and ears for the police," said Karen, who, with husband Bih, also volunteers with VSU. Seniors Caîl Back - a branch of VSU that operates exclusively in Oakville - was created to give senior citizens an opportunity 10 volunteer with Halton police. Participants donate two hours a week to contact vicîjins of cnmes such as break ms to vehicles. Victims are updated on the status of their investigation by way of a letter. These occurrences normally relate to investigations underway by district task forces that are învesîigating minor crimes involving many victims. The senior volunteers making con- tact save investigators coiintless hours of having to contact each victim 10 noti- fy them of ibe status of the investiga- tion. Bud Brown - who retircd from the Town of Oakville after 35 years - explaîned that seniors' issues were important to him îhroughouî hîs career and ibis fact hasn't changed. For exam pie, he chaîred the Seniors and Law Enforcement Together program for six y'ears and is now involved wiîb Seniors Caîl Back. "The communîîy bas been 50 good to me and I alwavs feli I sbould gîve back," he said, addîng thai the prograin helps lend Iaw enforceitierti a more human toctch 'Seniors scekome the cal! back anti I gel a goot! teeltng too. \Vith solunîcers statltng ibe .\cton Store Front. the eommunitv bot paroi officer is Irce 10 go oui aud î.otiiintte bis rounds wbile the office rematus open for tIse public. They ausss er. if possible. anx' minor questions a citizen max have or take tîme informaîtoti aiîd hase ibe officer bollow îtp 'solutîteers ssII also clîntacî the olficer tbrougb conlinuisi- calions for more senous situations. McHugb. wbo '.sas horo and raîsed in Acton before movtng awav for decades dunng bis polieitîg career, is delighîed to be back in town wbere be eau - you guessed it - gise back to the communit>' '\bu're neyer too old to help peo- pIe," hesaîd. In addition to MeHugh, there are two other volunteers who rotate their lime beîween 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Mondav to Friday Dunng 2005 they donated 676 hours. Fundraiser for Crime Stoppers Food, musie and fundraising will be the focus ol Kiltîng Two Birds ss'ttb One Scone' at Gletîeaim Golf Club Fudas; FIse eveniug eveut. hosted bv the Halion Regional Police Service Pipes and Drum Band and Crime Stoppers of Halton will sîari off witb a scotch tasî- îng and hors d'oeus'res eocktail reeep tion. The esenl will also include lîve and suent aucîtons and performances bs tIse pipes and drum baud aud the ( hîsholm Daneers Tickets cosi SIsO eacb ot 5100 for a couple and are aviilable hv c~illtng Dave Brossu aI (9Oi) 8~3-4777. ext 5200 Glenn Maîsîto aI >510) 853 1224 ot Suanue .Alg.it at (005; 825-61 )3* si 204 t r i' t;>' .; III' efleetîve bridge beîween the publie aud law enforcemrnî aîîd as such he's proud 10 play a part in ensuring safeîy is a pri- oriîy in bis eommunity J ohuston - of the Nassagaweya and Milton eommuniîy polîcîug eommiî tees - explaîued thaî these committees perform a vital role by working with police 10 idenîify and resolve issues fac- iug the communîîy iueluding traffie, vandalism, loiîeriug, crime îrends, drugs, neighbourhood disputes and more. These committees enhance the communitys abiliry 10 have a say in Ihe mauner in which their eommuuiîy is polîced, aud the issues or eoneems the police service consider priorities. .ioge i oui uic pi ,xuc tise lîke cous muuiîy dean ups - to the reacuve such as solviug probîems wiîhiu a neighbourhood. lu addition 10 regular meetings where police and the eommuniîy mem- bers diseuss the issues and eoneems, the commîltees perform other fune- lions such as holding special informa- tion eveuings for the publie. The com- millees generally meet six 10 10 limes a year and are eomprised of core volun- teer members with oîher resideurs wel- come 10 attend. A special Volunteer Recognition Nighî îook place yesîerday as part of National Volunteer Week (April 23 10 29). FULL HAIR & ESTHETIC SERVICES OUR IN~HOUSE~1c~t&s~ fJ,' <~fwJjN~~ ~S' g b itfJt~ Fa~ass M~3liV6 Main & Wilson 017 Wilson i)tiw, Milton' (905) 693-0878 Tues 9-7, WSd 9-8, Thurs 9-9, Fil 9-7, Sot 9-3 Sun & Mon closeci * .. e e o, o 2006 n"' kw Wl RELA Y FOR LIFE W Invites You To Attend The,, E YEN T SPONSOR LAUNCH PARTY FOR & TEAMCAPTAINRALLY MONDAYMAY iSTAT 7:00 PM HOT ROD'S * 121 CHISHOLM DR., MILTON Light Snacks & Refreshments WiII Be Served v Sign Up Your Team v Purchase Luminaries V Information On Being a Team Captain Please RSVP Nanci 81905-854-1885 Join Us At Loblaws SATURDAYAPRIL 29TH * 11AM-3PM For Team Registration Information And To Purchase Your Luminaries n Memory or in Honour of A Loved One For Mutons Canadian Cancer Socisty Relay For Lite June l6th-l7th 7pm-7am Make the difference n 2006. interested n volunteerîng9 Contact US! -~ M ~ 905-332-0060 * www.cancer.ca O, k.> k'> \ktiII lu celebration of International Youth Week, the Mîlton Mayor's Youth Advisory Couneil will hold Youth-a-Palooza from il a.m. to 6 p.m. aI the park at 77 Thompson Rd. Hundreds of leens are expeeted to turu out for a barbe- eue, games, contests and more. A $5 wrisîband will gel teens airhrush and henua tattoos, unlimiîed air bounce games - iucludiug sumo wrestling - and elimbing on the rock waIl plus a food and drink ticket. From noon 10 2 p.m. a taîenî show will be held, with reg- isîration at il a.m. A youth softball game will be held at noon. TherelI also be an art show a youîh hall hockey game aI 2 p.m. agaînst emergeney serviees and a BMX demo aI 4 p m. followed by a skateboard demo. To participate in the sofîbaîl or baIl hockey game, caîl (905) 878-7252, ext. 2754. Then from 7 to il p.m., the Evenîug Baud Show will be held upstairs aI Mîlton Memonal Arena. Admission 10 the concert costs $5 or $4 wiîb a wrisîband or cauned good. r