DLÜuNTEER APRIL 23 -29 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Aprl 25, 2006 - Al17 :VOLU ~~ ~ ~ D LNTEERSCMUIYuN FR To ail our Volunteers Thank You froin the Board of Directors and memrbers of the Milton Chamiber of Commierce -To provide leadership in pmomoîng the cihen oftihe Bfusiness Cornmunitv in Milton" wv wwniiltonfarmesn armket, coin SVoluleeri lq... A worL of Loceri! Your contributions, large or small, enhanoe our Centre's activities and services, creating a frîendly and carîng envîronment for seniors f0 partîcipate in activifies and build new fniendships. THANK YOU! New members are always welcome - caîl ua today! MILTON SENIORS' ACTIVITY CENTRE 905-875-1681 VOLUNTEER ý.1SERVICES UNIT 878-551 1 exi471 Oakvll ON L6j 5C7 The Haillon Regional Police Service has long been soppnrted fhrough the efforts of many citîzens. who have donated their time volunfeering for the Police Service. The Service înoold like to recognize and ihane the memrbers of the Vicim Services Unit, Aoniliary Policing Unit. Citîzens on Phase Pafrol. Acton Store Front. Neighborhood Watch, Commonity Consultation Committees, and other individuals wo volonteer their fîme, The dedication and wore perisrmed by these people certainly enhance the services provided ta the commonity by the Halton Regional Police. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Halton rfPf/q44x; Thank you for your compassion. commutnent and generosity. Over 476 chidren in our community beneited from your support. For Infoemalion about how ta get lnvotved wilth Big Brothers Big Sis1er, of Maiton, plese cati 905.339.2355 or viei oeJr web, elte w ww.bbbtiattlon.ca On behaff of Town Counicil and thse citizoris of thse Town of Milton. 1 would like f0 ttsank thse volunfeers witii tiss organîization, for tiseir assistance in a variety of service sreas including: *Miffon SeniorsAcfrvity Centre programs *Milton Fire Department progranis *Boards and Committees of Mifton Counci *Summer camp programs *Miffon Leisiure Centre Fnidays. Youfis Progrars *Communify event programai Yoeir volunfeer service fa tisese operational. reareaioal and comritee actiites enisances me services provided by the Town of Milton. 1 woui fite atao fo faite tis opportunity fo thwait af lton vokinteers for helpes ta butta aur consenurty as tme tiest place f0 live, wo<Ie ad play. Your oyirientf ta caning and siharing es essenial ta aur comenunity. Mapan Gord Keanîz and Mernbers ai Mitton Couiol Thank you VON Halton Volunteers! Thdnk you to our dedicated volunteers for making a positive dîfference in the lives of s0 many in our commUnity who counit on us. Your generosity and commitement to Caring for Life helps us reach out to thousands of people in need each year. You are treasured gift -thank yOU for ail that you do! Lierc Nonrh ih Halton . AdlpLteascyl 905og7-880 We oul lie or thank vv.ou dedica TuoA or memewyMebA e Literacy North Halton eeigad Annural GeneraMeeig Fo eait aot hoitos becmea evot ounteers 905risrs Of7ic 2200te w Supportin, at-rlsk chlirs, youth, Young aduits and ther familles since 1981. T"Nt YLLe fd ta ma ~ Male 4 &dit*eiegee For Iefor8fon on velueteer oppertuultes, contact Neathor Thetupso. et 9054-6513 ext 64.or tol fre ait 1-888-389-5535 oir visi Our webstt 8fW.tfybfaton.ca THE ONTAnîSTo Lu Fot)NoAroN TRILLIU iý TeILIM FOUNDAiON DE Leî'ONTRIeO l V aain scité Lei s lake Canmcer Histo-s i1 M i 9 3-3 1 I ýM ec 1