il m A20 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Junie 13, 2006 ~:,AskThe If vou have anv questions these "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion i 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontarjo L9T 3Z3 or Fax to: 878-4943 INTELLIGENCE 251 Main St. E. Suiteo 201, Milton Hlead Office: 5280 Solar Dr., #101, Miss., ON L4W 5M8 i l 'ciAGMAÇ Copany John Cavan, AMP 905.878.7213 Mortgage Consultant SeIf-employed? Arranging a Imortgage can be quicker and easier than you think Ove the er au nresn nmher of Cunadrons have bcorne seit empicyrd, :rften beaueo cruat eonizn r, insorr cass t.he desre tu everage therrknowli ud nd eperinen an e ntrpeur nironener AcrigtuSatitc aaa approximateiy 17 pr: cent of Curada': work force::s sel-eploed Sef-mplymnthas numerou bnefit ad cerariny ome chaleges aswl.Ofet sefemlye ndduair are surpn:sed hen tey fnd ildffilc and ver fiie onsinng o scur amorrgage. They quily ioarn tey don'r ft the de most mrigagetender pr r ionai fuil-cime emplovaient tahere pay sculls privoe Man 'vsf-mlvdidiul::orcmeet heoo:reor.: lid out:a:h:he:rilend:rg:rnsti tto'ee hogltear fiacr.:ty sourand dcati a::ilymancia:rrher p.:xn:er: ma:rr:on proidrdrnay r:toh.og:ond enoueh :fo:r trfn.rnciat:institution Londers tvpi calli vOnto krov chat Pravrirensr c ma:de forrheî::o::::hno.:e:e . nt:Otis'e hor nov: vea. ti:et nd revenue ciiair fhre Dod no::::il:voir elt-ni::pl:owCa t ft,:ileâo eidcKhcai Cer,:tainledor re tilts,:.::: ::o:'i: ,':::o::: an:d l:oo ::]r,cd .at:o,o fr,e ipp:: :i::o tnaitr:d r t': J::in Ca:'uu r: a (::rr:%uitant wurthI: tt:guge Inteligence. Il o%, vire:v:feeem:aergage: ru. Ial toay o .ra raeo-atrin evc IMPACT( CHIROPRACTIC AND REHABILITATION CENTRE DR. MARC DAVIS DOCTOR OF 917 Nipissing Rd., Milton, ON 19T 5E3 HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE Tel: 905-693-0003 Fax: 905-693-0069 HEALTH AND WELLNESS - Witlx Dr. Marc Davis The Milton cuumuniny wekuomes Marc Davis, Docte: of Homeopathjc Medicine. Marc A. fDavis rs :l Ilcco:r. A .oor Molicine: Ct:::Icl K tnIit N tjtjj) Coon.oot:antaned aspecialt il :roon.atrooto::: He i,,, ,f ct..ih, Unie:rro.i4:Guelpfh 1 oHo:reopathc Co:itteofo:tarat He :oo::rr:ettîa fer0::oe.i:mt.or:oiand rt ic Ortho'ro:euar S(ict, ot orod:ic:e lOrt. Daio:,a tuoor t,n livti fr:ooot::,noi h,,r.itd ithleture eres"Thelont ,f:.ieH::e::ohootî He::o::,:oore.Le 4,naot,ýMy ) h,:r:ot:f too. and Jha:rh::red nuro, article AHit.oesini naoralmicni nd btenn: h:teri ,t'otacr.][[\,:e:an Iitn)ltc :::tooor Wirat r: Hornecipathy! The %roi hooreooofarotoyi, r flictreth :okeot:o.o n0:.::::o::ot.::oiiiýr:iî:oto o::.:r::roo:::ffcr:ro"H re::o .:reot:r:::,ifron '::::.oor1 , rl)e:to:o:ooo:o l.: t1:1,11 ed,i n0.o f, , , ~ 't too H, - t ý airro::Ch 1O::: taChrairnedr::rCh, VOiro: eue ro r ýrar :0 , r -n,: anda i:,,roarka:il-,:,:, t :ttooto:e :0000: KJ, :to: lm,0.0 46tcIcniiats o'oo:o t:::, n)0 a:0: t nn oi to o:000 t::i dt,,aI rot: o: oI', t ::I:m o:: J :0 :::: li t o, o: il,0 "'11 1 , 1' : t,, in' ý- I,ý /IPARTNERS IN PLANNING Iir FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD) *Fonancrul Planning I Retorement Planning Muuai Pndu R.R.S.P's G.î.C 'o *R. R. 1. 's Lita Inourunce Toi: (905) 876-0 120 Fax: <005) 870-2934 420 Main Street East, Suite 203 MALoP H u , aiiga Miltonr Ontario L9T 1 P9 MCFROCLEP Q: My daugbter jusi graduatel fiton college andl bas ber fi carrer job. What aulvice sbould 1 give bier? A: Frv of ai], cengratetate hier on sttcking fertlher drearno and cernpletrng tht: stage of lier frormai educortron. Thrngs are net a: simuple as they used rr be. Yeue. daugiter wuiti need turther educttonaui pgeradrng just t::remuin cerin- Petrirve on the w:rrkpi.rce. lrvrinportant chat recent grdeaird retor n their tormuer renve rit frrrgaity. Many vo:rn oduits ree rohar ther panents have accurnulited rover 201 pie: yern.tmrrrage and expeci chart they rh:outd have tho saine rrghî a:oay H:opeteliy. veer daughier alreordy tnt::: chat vhe sh::utd save tfor: ha: sihe roorrrtter thote rush tnte: debr Fouer blot eovons are: t1: T o::: îlt::n ho: rea:rv Set.: îoer::noi r,::n e pon:o budgot a:nd uiItat o get aihea. -Î looI :.o:.attenttion:: f:itc 'h o :00 tla\ inr::it.oottt.ot III iiee, ra s Il %::o tf teto,:::: 'o45D er t at: nd.0 .::, t.: t:: j Sl0.00 o iiet titi o:hi 0000'0:0 t h h ': di 4:0v'::liertttO:o\0000.olto pat oltOt holorot.:: thot t\e 0:00:0:t:.: b Il ii::i IL, Oic' ftor ooft,,f tolkim:::: tîor :0::00 Oto:ri fritur 'ou:tro t::: t r turtfcr rotformon AFP LIATED WOTH PARTNERS ON PLANNING INSURANCE SERVICES INC. fl75 Main St., Ste. 10 Mitn Medical Buildings Jillian Guari Wendy Cook Catitteet Mclavish Hyan Woaver (Hans. 8. Sc. AMI RMI RMT B.Sc., RMTr The Muscle Spasm The phyhielegocal respense ef muscle te trauera rtf any type (everure. orver- load, hypertension impact) r: tighîentng. Tht: tighientn.2 s facrlitated hy the nervîrus system and rerelîs in a spasm at the exnact sprot rhere lire trauma o'cured. A spoîrn is a gronp of tnuscle liber: hield in ceetineotus (tetanoof contraction, unable ter secure it: orvn release -a rîgîd knot. Because spavrus are an extension et the nornal co:ntraction procers. n:rîfîng oblI sfhow ap ton x-rays or diagnosîtic magong. Il i. ireever. a malfutictoon. and any portion et a mercle that r: net wv:rktng( for yoe or xxorktng agrinrî v:ou -ACTIVELY1 A rpastn te a muscle can reverely imnpactl t: ahîlîty t:: c::r:racl andI relax Irelease). The portion efthie muscle rnvelved in the :poornt r: unable fil w:ork. forcing tfe remarnder 1: orre excerrtxely. A c:onpr:orr:red otturcle ir a :xeak one, orfocli fatigues qurckly. Wîtf coonîinued ure tfe rpar::: fee:o:tes aJygra- vaied and enlarges. caerrng par: and dr:conitort. Woore Yeýth oh0 forltel libre: rît tfe rpas:rrresrci tfe :ftlt toI flie itîtcle t:: ho rIrcîcoe: to til leni.otf. oA mus:c le fhat co,0000 accornodate lte :::::eoîeooî îlaced l tOtO I pull or01 0 e:er: ea:. Ifur, a :r:::e:r:e::î orIbm tfe rate cooroexo fecorer. enraIe tofen rfertentg anod rpavi rer.: peeeto Tfe :1.00 Or 0000o t elofor otie firral o::ervîretco ::ro,:o tO icît 0 ill prooltco tfe tt.OroOe of atale: htorse o:r srinonLo toIhfc tottIe. yol.oooase l' o: ellectro e tfc.tltttetl tfor Ottorce :îo,:oooo and Co:tl1rOct::r 'File lleaoO mol tire technitqu:es lt: reduco patin icidl tttoce,0 tfe loocal 00:000- l:t:o:r t:: 10011:redorce tfe opovo:: Motre tttpo:rlattlî , flictaIteî:ooor 0:011 oiel: pro- 00:00 tecuire:tce if te rît.:::: bot co::trdert Ilte COtirO:s or: la:ifbtotc- 100rs ando reductro', tîteor elleci. CIinic our.: Mon.-fi 8-8 ri ut. 10-2 Cloed Sunday t XDRUG MRT - Open ta midnight, 7 da s a week -L 3 Carnage Square, 265 M~ain St. E. DAWN__ 905-878-4492 ROSS Question. Horvd lirea Bee trW Il s g an li Q citIii a do o viliein Answer: it or ertim,îîed that one peron on 1001 r: revereto allergic to stiupoini nsecI :enom. Each year deths resuit fromt :ting reaciors Most peuople :tung wrll expert encr a local reactron moth rednerr. paon. :mellong and sortie olehingo nly oit the :ting rite. This urually iregon: 2 t:: 60 mnuntes after the :trng. Noernally tht: reactieu xvtll go away te a Irro hotu:: Soortie peoople uray have atarger bocal rercrtron chat lart: te: day:. The tmoore xeere otlergrc reaovnr wrtt ruxtoive gencerootrord ilchtng. hiver. rhrrner of t reath. voheezoug, trourea and abdominal cratnp:. There require irr:rt:edrorte treaînrent and a vonit te, the ettrergeno y mont.: The :000:0 rexere reoc ron teod: t:: doflrculty hre.othrg and.r::ot or :: waI inio, a drrop ru btood pressuore an d aucorsusOne::. Thist: aoi happent vothon t5 to 311 mionutes and r: catied attrphyliaetic :hoe . This requore: etseergeucy otredicat treaireent a: der:h car: Orccur ex thon 311 mtinutes. il yorre sain, :tonp v:hoorlot check i. t:: if' the fee lef a rtorrger behord. Orrîr the lloo:er Bee h:: o borbet rtonger evhoch ovoti ho tel: on the :oon. Il a0 :trrger r' lt l o: hoolot he o:to:itrcr:lv :crapîed otfsil tortor 2 te: tor:: tie:, tli: tlic \eo0 sac0: t,00 1:::::ct ait il' ven:o:r: The .re. :hoooto be ox orfcd car::eloll: ox if :oap anod 0:01er. A cot or 0 ie paock coor be ar1o1otod rllea ito: e of0.:1 :1b.korg ,: .olfan :0,00e: con be u :ed o Iltvdolcoti :oteO c l4r. Dhbing ,ororo t:,:: ,tir: belli nile pain: and:o ttcho:e 0:01l anotito::::: 0e: con he token t:: jeolc ri00te reorcOron. ando .ocetoior000tie can: oeil: the 10.0:: Higti:v sensitive T:: 10:0:r 0:0 fot-, LiNoe r au:: v0 Or:::: htooo aroil t flic r t1 q:ig o:ecý aberc c,:: ho i 0000crr:orto:okel 1 oi l 00ito a000 n t, orii :0:1:000 r o:: iloand conrOtct a00: iiIc :rocl extrinao r 0:,0:0 tooo l befc o: stand o::l 010001 000000 ni 00 ma00 Nc':c'ttttoýc,tilocIt an:d Ocrver rike o01 o::n tro a o o:00: or: foc, ANoro liaiottces o::t ove.:: hoie-htl colooo reo cloolor tio1 hnd 0.0: toefict oittt. ooti:o:or: :00 kee0: food tord hexotreer oeid Questions? Juxi a.nk -vour Healtîwatch Plîarnacixt! MaiynJ ames LB 11084 Fifth Line, Milton Ph. 905-854-4942 Fax: 905-854-5211 Marilyn J. Sanuels Q: 1 have heard that women can't mediate effectieely and therefore don't do as welI an men do in mediation, is that trile? A: No ti or net truc. Wormen cen mediate quilte cffeeîively altirongh îIrl first mari tevereome tire hurdle of mirai me have heen traine o 10ie mici j the aecrrmiodating ceretaker and Sortme- eueemire or not rupposed tocasscn tireir ern inîrresîs in media- iou. Many men iroroever have corucerus tirai they will do werse. hocanse mediaors may arsume tirai momen should ire tire pro- nrory parents. recoive ondetînote suppot, and remtain in ire mat- rimonial horme. Onoe onc..r lot: xvoren or lirat they w:ll ire prerrured onto unreaornaire cormpromesore wooh respect lo sharrng time woth chidren. dc orron-makong. or: lir standard ofI living. Modttos murt rereet tfo: doorrootio virolence t:: enrure agree. rorerrî aore reached r oouaieoîor oaud 00 othoret dure::. "Trust nie," "l'Il take coore 0:1 xo" orr ad "We havre agreed not t:: exciramce bîrono ti distoorure" aie conorrefrai tn:, but ýooor:er: s bort porootecion0 or: :î:odotî o: it ulotnoncotol cli:cloo:ere aol arn unde:rrrotor:p o toeI 010otot,o : tier cari rî:oko î:toorr:ed doco- Mn: Oiiottit îo:ocr nitioto liîîo.îî:on becaoor bhey loto Ic: Ieocc îo::oflo::: ho \ alkIoto lt fcr tirait: limo: o oo:rcoo elro do: IMt::10 (IOc'::t \0"oOtttott \%fi: bol LooootroL or: footl ooo,î:::,îee %OCvIo00 l at O i"lttcOlo feý tO:Ot ar lter toof0 :00:0 thc':i oi i00 o'r d and foot conc:rroo atteî:: tire chidrer: are lter: oer:ousl:. il a couple ct folr.oo respectfulty., loo:rl\. atnd as: Ca,00 pats.rO. then exo:: or: \r drfficul co:euro:rîancer o:îedoortî:îro: wil a:uotll proodece .0 uniqooue agoreemeont more0: effo- c'eteoll. and: rerut or: goter coo:îeroooo:. .01 e:oo:sodorob le::