Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jun 2006, p. 22

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A22 -The Canadian Champion, Tuonday, Jiino t13,.1/i BARROW FAMILY I,, 180 Ontario St. S. Milton ~ (905) 878-4994 oMat/ %-w, Fax:(905) 875-4485 Email: drabarrow@& HOW CAN CHIROPRACTIC HELP WITH MY ALLERGIES? Millions of people suifening fromn a wîi]e variety of conditions, allergies includei] bave benefiteod from î.hiropractic care even ithough chiropractie is flot an allergy trament. Why? Recause chi- ropractie is a metho] of bealth cure thua permits your bod]y 10 fonce- tien ai is best. That is especially important if you suifer fromn aller- gies. Ytur immunle systemn is svbaa recognîzes and i]estroys anyahing abat is flot suppose ao be in you: hacteria. viruses, pollutants, dusa, pollen. deugs, tanlors, dead pieces of your own celîs, etc. A beaîîhy immufne systein means bîgb resis/ance 10 diseuse and] infection.i bet- aer ahilaty to deal wîah saress, and greaaer healtb anld ssellheing. Your imîmune sysaemn s utfluenced hy yt/ur nerves anld httmoines, by yt/ar dîet anld hy eflittit/nal sarest. If al t unhealahy, tl uay faîl to r atgueund] remeove ahîîtmnsîul celîs ta toay at /verct/5e infec- a/:tao iuiy tivorreaca tii tttroîn substances. hec/mme i]epressod m/r oese aatack itel/t %s îth aIle rL/os, s/bai i/cc/i/t s bai tho i//i//i i/tos ts /tii/ s iii i/i ulls'/gOt ituti poîlls'n, tîlk. (log m/i nuit datitir. ýtr/ns brios. etc.) Fai/d pît/dîctoi /mmtm - îî.îî eu/ruîlî,îîî citticls otýcaIte i u tu//ie ot t in/o/ ict Il titi reloasiiip Stress//n the nero/ stîtt s/o//i t.btttmnrrtn ic lionîit, alto i/ii/iittt/ sss/OiiI tt/ funictitti tmnore effectively. stntu/htiîo î allos sattorers noed. A boalalîv ne/s//ut systoîti h'olps tlhe immunetii tteni. Chirmpracîmrs correct a basic 0,/use t/t b/tiy iial/ttnctti f hoil tho imune sytett A hcaililî boîdy is capable /f/ aciti/rlizitig ihee t/n/c substances and a bo/dy aliat bas iiialfuctitînîup de/enoe iiiec.b at//suis canai/t The enîphatit t/n allergies inasit ho t/i buîtlîng a1 hoalthy btody, nîî t/a try/ng tt use osas/se tactics by eliiiiiiiaîing aIl the allorgens. D.Ron Strohan D.Optometrist Wakefield Professional Centre 106 Wakefield Rd., Milton Dr. Ron nirohaen Optomettist 905-878-5882 THE WORLDS GREATEST ASSUMI'TION IN FAMILY HEALTH CARE AND VISION Chîldren are haro wtb /wo full size] adoît eyes. Vîsual acuîtv or de/atîrd vision however is developri] over a perîod of years. If one eye is a dîffereut power (one more farsîghted) iben the image wîll be clearer to the brain with one eye aud nol ssiib tbe weaker (farstghaedi) eye. The braîn wîll iherefore 00/ develop the sseaker eye't nerve pa/bways und] the chili] will i]evelop a 'lazy eye' or amhlyopia. The des'elopmienî of vssou for aouîty contonues un/il approsi- ma/dpy the age of eîgbi years, and tf/bhe dîfference i e - e power is n0/ de/ected prior /0 tbe age of etb/ flic vision cati be germa- nenily impaired. The grea/esi assomption a parent cao make is tut asstume tîteir chili] can see S/a/eioent lite: " He/She cao see bnete itt 1 cao. Tbey tan tee the plant' int/he skv heftîrt 1 cao ' Noss t tha tsi/b one or bttb o -ves? Tto ma/ny chljdren hase impaire] vsiton o ibtît evt'i knonwîng il. BtthIen of ct/trtc are ibey wiser ihan adtilis'tt? (.bildren can he esamuned hy the age o~f 6 tonits atiecom- /oonded hy tht' Canadian Attociation tif Optannotrts 1/ is imotant to delermine if [lie nbild is ai vtsk aI auihlyotp/a Sirice îoanv ttnnup/it/ons antd pro/est/t/ns roquire thetclari is far rvistion la o copiqaI in eacb esc, aitd bant' ocIl balîncetl binotsla ev/t//on ft//dep/b perceptioni. SI i/ t/t// s hîlîe to/tsttr cary' and eepretn'nlta t//r respt/i- hills it ' ,b aig veui li/uaI liraI/b attsenttis. Stîcl seri u- es arcvere tvoi h be Mmi s ofl Healih sîp toth lb' g' ofl I9 cars n/a. Mark Crosa 905 876 1188 'A P B.Sc. D.DS. W' towne m fR tus AI- Dry Mouth The teehnîcal lerm for dry maulh ns xerastnlaa (ZEER-ah-STOH-mee- ah). It affecta apprasimaîety 25%/ af the population and ns eauned by a reduclian in the amaunt af saliva praduced hy the ualivary glanda. We aIl eaperience a dry maulh ait timen when we are feeling nlrtnnned or nervaun, bat tor aChern il may became a neriaun and debilitaaing prablem. Medicalîn are the cause ut mare than 90% ut neralamia cases. Over 400 differena medicatiana, including many rammanîy prencribed anea, may cantribate ta nymptamu annaciated wîth dry mautb. Othar cammon causes ut dry maulh are dineanan nucb an Slagrenus syn- drame, radiation therapy abat damages the ualinary glanda, cbemalbherapy, and] damage ta the fiera/n abat tll tahuvary glanda lu make ual/na. A lack of saliva eau cause dîfficulmas in lantîog, upeatmog. nwallowing, and chewîng an melI au au ncr/anti] chance af devaloping dental docup and nibur infec/tions nI the mouih So whai cao me dn about a dry wnuth? Freqiiemitly nîppîîîg waior, especiuîîp ai tîteals. mn boudicaI as ut cheusîug sîugarless giirui Aaoid alcnhlnn. caffeine and tobacco sînce il/ose dry nul tbe n//lb, Artilicial ual/a suhtitites tac/i as Bînote cati ha aerp heîpltîî. Be sutre an brunIt and îlots itntaiiughîy in holp decrease the chances nI getîlng decay and] ask ynar duntint about prescrîhîng a flunrtde gel an ose ai nig hi NovaI approacbes for lrealing neroniomia are h//ing inaentigated uni] ana nf/thotu whicb shows prnmise is acuîpuncture. If pou le/I pou hune a dry n/ou/b, ho sure an meutin il an our danmal ar bygienna. TItep map ho ahle lu help pronîde relieft Y$àMffFI INTrERIORS5 ' Where we make yau tee/ait home" Carpet - Vinyl -Ceramics - Hardwood Paint - Wallcoverings Showroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Geraldine Hesketh 845 Main St. E. Mikoi 878-420 Spice Up Vour Lufe When tl cornes to decoratîag. brown sn't as (1011 as you thank. to nay mini i s one of flie o/osa versatile colours oua thete. Havang hrowns wiah a green base trom sofa & subtle t0 rich & warnî as an excellent tounadation and] comtpliments blues, greens. rci]s. cream & taupe. givîug you versaailiay. Petaluina is a muddy green brosvu, goang deeper ary spec- tram rock. a great toue in your naster hedroorin for those svho are n//t afruai]. For those of' you sviîh a qaieter tatte, almnond toast is the choice lti yoa. then pt altongsîde deela or uavy blues - reat for the boys' rîoaaî. 'The brossus svork excellently svîîb the Latesa ai ssood Iloors a ni] fornitare ns ah easaera flavours. be tl hamhoo. ieak. cher- ry -aIl svork esceediingly wsell. l'lie roi] base hi ens aspicior stil. el iniiely a siaieenin li a dtani roi/na ('ioaio ambhiance andI tise celours such as Benjpamnin Poîwell test. in/incemneai, citittehark. Try, sitie sarip- ig tîsiup a plaze ltis ss il, certaiiîly i/a/p/ess yetir dinner Prttidi Lametii niasv i/ta ho a.s ssll Lutins il as e/lier hiaiids (ii pini. ht uiue c.t/lîut s anst god qital leoir be a lit- île dîte et/ila t/ot Os Oty ine eIsc ait] asît sertie silice ito yîbur île. A sk Us A boutt Otur Design Service! fsolnas cTaylor Nursery ~~ 7429 Fîfîh LUne, Milton Frîphi ai tho caten ouifm Main SI 905-876-4100 Phit Lawton I'd love tor have roses in my garden but V've heard they cani be difficuit to grow. Acctmrdîng t Land sca'Onario, rtoset hase an utîdesersea repu/i//ion as beîng ha d /tm pr//w Whîle earlîer varie//es t/t i//ses may have been moire delîcate, we st/w have new. hardy varie//es ot' rotes tat are nîach lest temperantal, yo/ j//si ts beau/i/aI' R//ses mîli bhrise in Miltint dlay st/il a/s ltoup uts tr is weli draîined and] bas been amended w//h lts t/f seasttned inanure sshîch prtîvîdes essen/til nuarienis. Keep the gardes free tii' /allen leuises abat can cause mîldew ani] rote dîsease. Co/rrect pmuninp Idif/erent ior each var/etyF betps r//set prow and dissouaue the miiser a/ diseuse. Hyhrid tea roses are the classîs I/tnp s/eîmed roses. They shoald be pratîrd mn sprînp bacs- tit ice tt, tivenoo/d s/r/tnp sienîs. eiicb suth thre o m fise bads p~er branch. Select branches /tha/ wmli mmmni ai i/aes vase shuipe. Branches bat cretss one an/tber tir prms tnwued miii block lîphi and ir /rîîm ture ceaire otf the plant. Floribunda roses are shtrnd ts avbue mul/tiple blîtîîts ton o,îcb s/em. Tbey sbmmald be pranea sît ibui uite to sesen s/cims reinain, cacii %tsih lise mi seven i udt Dasid Austint English roîses bitte lage. mini tsbimneti blm,î th ci/i/e i i î.ny dîfferetît h rot/stl habits bai ouii s iail ci/i i/il sîse y//i/tn spenîtîn pr//ampg Parkland and] Explotrer series roses aire h.mrdy. lti/t telile Cauai]iaii tet ehlied tises. Tbey itees i mîmmnîmîî.u ntro ant i/no cis tr/mm mmenîuîlly lrîeadly, haveic superior dîsse% tOsîsit/Ice, Ihtmntt cnini/ tus y i/Il tii/iier. refit/c miimalut înmîiii]r a sr itiluibî' ii iin a n//lt/art mimd suzes. Foir nîiole infomtaion/ onm erîît mm/c r//sos mît Canau, lmsu 3inwcanad*anrostesocîetv o rg and cn iF s th lcblîîul slail i Tayfiîr Narsero t Elayne Tanner & Associates lnc. ABElayne M. Tanner BABS.W., M.S.W., R.S.W., OIP. SOC. ADM. ~' Cou nselling & Psychotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 Elayne M. Tanner Q: 1 have been feeling down and weepy. Thtis lias been going on for a number of nsonths andisn fot gefting better. Amn I depressed? A: The easiest way ro test for depression is a simple self-ussessment. If your results indicate a problem, talk to me or yonr family doctor and together decide if medicuajon and/ or counselling are warranted. For each of the following questions ask yourself if over the last 2 weeks there bas bren a problem: NOT AT ALL; MANY TIMES; MORE THAN HALF THE DAYS; or NEARLY EVERY DAY. 1 . Ltttle tnterest or pleasure in doing thîngs 2. Feeling down. depressed or bopeless 3. Trouble falhing or siaying asleep or sleeping too mach 4. Feeling fired or having lîttie energy 5. Poor appcttte or overeattsg b. Feeling bad about youreIf -or that voir are a faîlure or hav e let y oursîlf or vour lamily domun 7. Trouble oncentrating on bhings. sunb as reading the uca, paper or ssaînhioo_ oelosojon 5 asrat pcakin,_ Ia soM t h,î a/ote people îtuld hano n/mticl FIl flic 1/Jastintu sca Iidgcty ort îtos ai vau banc hoon iio/s/u ,iîîîund ,, let nio han usîîî i 9ý l'lînîpiîtS Ihat \OUa \WILI hC botit l dcîd. ai il hurtîno1 acoîsoîl Il] 0 Oule Il tour tîls\uors r ,itmIntl wt the 'oi ai aIl'catconavt. you migbt ns ut ta tail ao soînono about thîsý. Yau do aue hia\o tai I\ nomsth depiesîon. Taole t/s cari conte Up ýiIt al plan af ain Io£,,t voiu bis k ou ira5k a' a happs\ fle. 1-";L Pî1îNc 0FFh HLE1-P 0 LR SLF" 'à If vou have anv questions these "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3I

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