Few details disclosed in Sunday morning stabbing -M Man suiffcrs non-life threatening injuries Police remain tght-lipped aiter a local youth was stabbed early Sunday morntng. At about 2:45 a.m., Halton Regional Police received a cati from Peel Police reporting an 18- year-old man had been taken to a hospitalitn their area after being stabbed in Milton. Investigators determined the victim was We believe... in helping. Anyone. MLAS stabhed during a clisturbance on the strect i a subdii\'sion nea i Founth I.nie anti Hearst Boulevard. IThe vitîîm was transierred to another medical lacility andi is heing treated for non-liue theaten- ing injuries. Police wouldn't comment funther on the details of tite incident, whtch is being actively investigat- ed. Anyone with tnformation related 10 this malter is asked t0 eall police at (905) 825-4777 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). beII'ocddio ÏM ngow ddnes P 111 2!si (oil J 8J}11 Quiwand Bediiig * Hom w4ad m mAc Fuuhmw r * ff 8o pmil pa a BSs Demd G 500 Steele Aven Eust Miltm 905-693-9888 1- 1 "The business that considers itself immune to thse necessity for advertising sooner or later f*nds itself immune to business." Derby &0"tn