Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jun 2006, p. 5

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AII-way stop near piark Iikelyr to rernain Proposed removal nixed by committee By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF A praîpusai tcî t etoc an ail s'ay setop aa the tntersectîion sol Barclas' t rcle anci March t russîîsg osvos gis en the reci lagbn bs' a Tson cesmlosttee last ws ck. Tbc matBer wetot before te ciomît- nity serviccs cîsmmatec, wbît b dc ecie to gco againsa Town seail's îccusissneiduî- taon ant iînstacd supposrt kccpiisg tbe sîgnagc in place. A rcport [rom Darector tif Engineering Servîtes Paul t rapps expiains bis staff rccentiy notîccci te aii-way stop bad been puB up by tbe subdivision's developer. Tbe signs wcre actualiy crcecd several years agio. Subscqucnely, staff compieted trafiat tounts ai tbe intersecBion anti, based on Bbosc numbers, found tbe stop signs aren't warranied. "A rcvicw coi the tbrcc- scal collisicon bisBory at tis intcrsc tion andîcaies tbat Bbcre base beeîo nus rcpcirîahlc cosllisioins, Bbc reporît osas's. Il gIses ionn tocoBe tbaî, 'Dctiiiîg tise totinos, nomercitis c bildcii vvc csbseî scd c rcssîîog flic ioda sutis asic iti- laze the parIý anti forBisc tisai tlies ciiti safels cross as tberc vsete acIccîcat gapis ul obe oraffit.- Hovseset, Nases Drise testlcsit \Iist: t Ctett argucd abat ehe bigla volunme of- cbildren crossing Bbc road means Bbc seop signs nccd to stay in place. 'During tbc spring and sommer monBbs, tbe amoune of pedeserian Braf- foc inceases Bhrenugboue the day and the removal of thesc stonp signis tan pusse a risk Ici Bbc peoîple, mnaoniy cbilclreîo, wiîe tise ibat park,- lic aoid Blic cia- intnc [bhe reisniv,îl of flbc ssop sagnis cati ipose a risk aosd couilcstion fnr cîsaîdreis wh'u basve nions irec accus- nuiîssd nus ibese saeî riles thibat îsc bave lcairncd.' Clicot, in ceinjuniciion wieb tbe resi- dents an Blic arca unf Barclay (ortie ansd Marcb Crossang, rcquestcd that tbe stop sagns renriain instalicd. Cnipps said staffias afraid moonsts an Bbc arca wi begîn Do ignore tbe stop signa, creatîng a dangerous situatbon if a cbild assumes Bbc vebicie xviii stop. He sand be spene an bour aB te intrsection one day and of Bbc 122 cars be saw, oniy 56 stoppcd, 25 made roliing seops and 41 didn'e stop aB ail. Ward 1 Councilior Ritk Day puB for- ward a moton, wlsicb tbc ceommitece cBsdursed, Bei relaits Blt' ail-was' stbop ai îltsubbjcn intcrscticmn. Il aIse support- ccl trpleicriontg BOaIl stol) at Blic inters'c tiron if Bennet'i andc Arsi ronsg bilc arl-, T1 lit' Boatici wil tII ý go15 Vh5nlc nt tovvi0 c iouisuil fuir c îîîl' iless nteo 26. \tîluiii Ilfu'iiisu' iîr Is' wisl ii trif i The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 20, 2006 - A5 ~ <PITCH IN L CANADA 0f ail the reasons to switch to TD Canada Trust, this one fits in your hand. Use EasySwitch to transfer your main personal or small business chequing account and get a free iPod. Because YOU have more important things to do... Vue cciii provide yeîu wstO tie lîe'is ruf îorofessiusoutai iuuiii' manage'ment, udhi-re-isi ina smîîîîs rîsk iiiomdgi-mi't piirities anid st rilgem osurîtfoio monîîitsoring. ni, 201 se-rs exptertise' nions Bristua, (I eii itnadCmblvlesne20 liisto iariusanîoup Susig VlimondCmfeBvtn ir-20NmsbtBu s vice Preieti, Fiiuoiiiai Piainnir Cail today and ask about our îniounuininnnn sinnt Oio MO Nesbill Burns Telu 905-854-4540 managed asset programris. toil F rece.0 0-6652-0283 diana.hfininia, nbPril c011 wwinaauunbriiîiuiaium B O0 Ns tBrs Niow, lor a r îooîîed tirait',i cai gel ,sîî il'od flY aianfe o ua moasin bcquiaog accon tali i [D Caisada iToast. Amd lfiaîks Io uaitisySwsitcli" pîrcess. insuSimg yîrsr attosomis as flassle-lfree because wc dis the wîîrk fl'or ysre If' yuu'e al loess (i- exliig persoBi cssolei swilcii tus a TD tuuisada TrtList tflequîog accraot aîîd set up cither a Direct i)epssî unr two Pre-Autlosiied Paymcmîs tir gel yciua very swm 5I12 MB iPurd shaile. To upgrade tus a I GB aPurd iaoaau, jusi make the same switch ucs abuse and add ciher a mew TD Gunid [russl' Viiui tard oi- us iD Goud lise' V'isa t'aid For siniuui bucsiniess cuîsîîrneîs. gel ylotir Pod shistfle k ss î î o ti u osinecss Cfseusimc Accuîit. lui gea vulur aPrd mualni, ssitch aur a Bussiness Cfleqsssîg Accrîsnt andc add the TD Visas i as et Reso urds Pi lgran tsi ynu aîes ir existiog '[D Busianess Visau Card. Wiîh ousr assaad-wimmiog sersites and now ibis greae îPund unifer. there's meser beco a hetier lime o sssileh tus TD Canada Trusi. Off ci emds Augusi 4, 200f6.' To transfer your accounit, visit your branch Sfor details or cali 1-866-657-6641 ovstus at C nada Trust o u l a Banking can be this corrnfoi-table i Ta receive on iPod ofluffle, customer os required ta dlose fhi main pensonal ai business aflequiig accourt ai anolfier financol instituton end transfer il ta a new or exisbing eligîble cflequing accouait ont ID Canada Trust, usîng FosySaitch. Foi personal mctames, fie TO Canada Trust mananpt must alsa fie sel up arifirat lot 0ne direct deposit or tac pie-outfonaed boyments (con fie oea oi existiog) Umit one fiee gifi per peisosol or omail business austomner aid per joint oauunt. Peisonal customor must fie 19 eurs of aige or aider. NII canditons of theo offer must fie completed by September 30, 20060 ta uoli for ahfe fiee gift TD Canada Trust reseises fie rrght ta extend or aiifldioa titis ofler oi on lrne witflout noce. Difler aooditions may apply. To reaeîue a 1 GB iPod flcia, austomer must complote ohl cflequing accoont conditions abovo and concoinently on fie dote of inibfing fie [asSaîwtch, WI for peisonal custamero, muai also opply foi ainea ID Gold Tracel Viso Card cr10D Gold Elite Viso Card aid fie approued by Augusi 4, 2006 (thle " Viso BEid Dote"); as (ii) foi soaf business custamneis, must olso appy foi a 00w ID Bosiness Viso Card aitn fie 10 Viso Troue Roaards Picgram (thle "Programl) aid fie appiooedl for fie Oea nard fiy fie Viso End Date ai enroli n fie Pnogiam asifi your oîrnning TO Business Viso Card. Beisfing ID Gold Troue Viso orsTO GoId [f ite Viso aardfiolders and eeistigq Pnagiam members are not efîgîifle for fhis offer. Quefle residents cannai oppî y arc telepnone for a peronl BD Viso Card. Applicatioos for nea BD Business Visa Cords or emolment ict fie Picgram for exinflng cardinaldors must fie campfeeid uts fironafi fy fie Visa Esd Date. This 1 GB fiPo nana cffer mcv coi fie used or ccmfied arifi 00V oifiei TO Viso ofler. iPad rsca tradfemai f A pple Computer flac, negîsted in tfle US. und atfmi coros. Apple s naina sponsor cf, narua panner in fhis pramatino olfer. 2. For afleqaing occoanms apened via fie phoane on aei, accaunit cpenrig and BoSpaitf documentation must fie signed and ieinnned ta BD Canada Trust by Septembe T, 2006. "Viso fnternational Service Ossocitici/bcessed user. 'Tiade-nctk cf Oie Canada Tust Company. *Trude-niaif cf Thle Toront-Dominion Bank.

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