Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jun 2006, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 20, 2006 -Ag HJGH SCHOOL RPR "M11USTAING MESSIENGEn" Meghan Sinclair Megan Cheema Sara kilmury MILTON DISTRICT Bie SCEGOL One day of sehool is aIl that is lefI of the most incredible, evenîful, and fun-filled sehool year yet ai Milton District! The halls of MD are overflowing with excitement and anticipation for the summer te, corne. It is arnazing 10 see that the fact that exams stant on Thursday has hardly put a damper on things wiîb the srnilles on everynne's faces not showing a hint of stress. The latest buzz in the halls is a huge factor in aIl the excitement taking place. Prom is only a week away! Prom dates, dresses, after parties, and limos are only a few topies being discussed just a week before t6e big day on June 28th. AIl graduaîing seniors will uithout a doubt have an unbelievable lime celebraîing their years spent aI MD. and everyîbing that aivaits îbern after graduation. Along with prom, for the grads that uvill be leaviîîg, the last day of sehool also cornes sviîh many difficult goodbyes as they take a huge sîep in their lîves and ceave hîgh schoîtl. These grade îwelves graduating bave been such a huge part of MD life that il %vill be bard to imagine thîngs withoui them. Wr aIl knosv hows the Student Cîuîîcîl. Student Athletic Association, sports îeams, and ail other clubs here are nothing but tbe best! Much of the success ot these tbîngs is because of t6e seniors graduaîing that made everyîbîng possible by beîng greal leaders. From aIl t6e Mustangs ai MD. suc vould lîke ci svisb aIl the grads good luck in tbeir future endeavours! Wr uvill miss you! As the sebool year uvraps up uvîîh everyone agreeiîîg th,îî tbe sommer holiday is definitely a mucb-needed break., uveve still aIl got 10 admit, school hasu't beeîî bad ai aIl. The year bas bren full o) liomesvork, assigumenîs and tests, but as ive aIl leave atîd go about celebraîing our sommer, 16e school year actually gîves us a lot of really good mernories 10 look back on. Fînally, t6e Mustang Messengers svould like to îhank aIl the Mustangs, parents. and community memibers suho have read our article uveekly. We really appreciate t6e support sve gel from the communiîy, and hope that yîîu uvill continue coming 10 t6e "Mustang Messenger" next yrar for your sveekly scoop of life at MD. lu the meantirne study bard for exams Mustangs because just îhink, after îhey're over, you are absoluîely free! ROAI AHEAj 4 DAYS 4 DAYS JuIy 4,5, 6 &7 JuIy 24, 259,26 &27 9:30 arn -4:15 pm 9:30 arn -4:15 prn 905«875«048 www.youngdriver 0 YOUNG DRIVERS' MTO APPROVED BEG, UsER DRIVER m EDUCATION COURSE PROVIDER "DATELINE DRURY"" Nathan Michelle MatI Lcianstra Dubois Lalonde E.C. DRURT BIUM SCHGGL 10 ..9...8 ..7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2 ..i. SUMMER! That's right, folks. Summer has arrived and school is eoming to an end. Summatives are finally over and students are now scrambling with some last minute studying before the exams. The weather is beautiful and the days are long, and students throughout the sehool can't wait to get out there and enjoy it ail. The excitement is palpable; everyone is eager to weleome the summer holiday with open arms. But it's not over yet, s0 don't forget to study for those exams and finish ail those little projects. Summer, here we corne! Along wiîh the festivities at the end of the year coînes the Election. After an alivesomne year as Prime Minister here at Drury. Monica Szymezko is stepping dosvn and handing the reins over to the next leader of the sehool. On June l4th, students had the opportunity to hear speeches from the two hopeful candidates, Laura Prusha and Kym Baker, followed by a vote. Who will be next year's Prime Minister? That svould be Kyni Baker. Congratulations! In more mielancholic ness this svill be the lasI article from Dateline Drury. It has been an awesome year, and we're proud to have been a part of Dateline Drury. Unforîurtaîely. aIl good things must comne to an end. We hope yoiî enjoyed reading about the happentings at Drury throughout the year, as we quite enjoyed writing about them. We also hope you tune in again next year for more exciting adventures at E.C. Drury! Good night, and good luck, froni Michelle L. Dubois, Nathan Laanstra and Matt Lalonde. ""TEEm ROYAL REPORT"9 Erin Netheuinglon LindsaylJohnston Cameron Smith Jliua Riddel DISHOP MODINS 1101 SCRGOL Weil BR, the summer îs alrnost here, and with the end of the school year approaching, everyone is getling pumped to have the best last week of school yet. Student Council is organizing a great day on Friday- the first annual Summafest. Also with the end of the year cornes the end to sorne careers; Mrs. Yarema will be sorely missrd tbis year. For the grade eights leaving the comfortahle world of elementary sehool and entering high sehool, a used uniforn sale is heing held. Wjth the summer season quickly approaching, BR studenîs have been looking for ways 10 enjoy the warrn weaîher. The Studeni Council's first lever Summafest on Friday June 16 was a perfect idea for those who wanted to soak up the suni! Those who joined in the fan werr treated to free popsicles. a jello castle-building competîtion, and an acoustie guitar jam session, among other things. The festival 10(1k place daring the lunch periods on Friday afternoon and ivas open 10 any siadenîs who were interrsted. Special thanks go out to Ms. Kuch and ail Student Councîl Memibers who mnade the afteinisin such a saccess! Aise, on Jane 161h. a very special lady was honoured ai Bishop Reding. Mrs. Yarema, a former principal of BR as svell as an Assistant Superintendent of Education for Halton Catholic Board. svill he retirine ai the end ofl îhis year. This pasi friday afternoon. in order 10 celebrate her career and coînemmorate ber time at Bishop Reding a prayer liturgy Ivas held in sshich both the senior band and choir perlormed. The service sxas a iscîlldesersed send-off iii agreai person sîho helped shape tlîe Bîshop reding commniiy Everyonc ,lviild ]Lîke i.uh Mrs. Yarenia goiid licalih and the besi o) luck in her retirenientl Since everyone is so busy sviih exanis and culminatine aciit ies, yiiur Insîde Sources throughî we should reînind our readers <if soiiicihing îhey prîîbably have ni cousidered. Duriig exarn sveek used uniforms eau be dropped olf 10 be sold. On Mondaý. Jatte 26 and Tuesday Jane 27. used uniforrns uvill be taken in front 4 pm until 7:30 pin. The sale (if the used uniforîtîs uvîll be held on Tuesday July 4 and Weduesday iuly 5 front 4 puî until 7:3Opm. Uniforms ivill also be sold during the grade 9 day BBQ frorn 10:30 arn untîl 1:31) pm. The date of the grade 9 BBQ is Wednesday. August 30, but volunteers are ueeded tor the sale!

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