Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jun 2006, p. 39

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 30, 2006 - Bll Datcline lis afrec listing of coming (vents only. The column is avoulable to local 'c;îmunity gioups to assist in promoting their future event' i)nly charitable or non-profit cornmunity gioups InaY use chus serice. W c(an only guarantee onc issue of pub- licit ' closest to the date of the occurrence although more iniser- tions are possible if demand is low Notices for Dateline should be handcd in at the office of The Champion, 875 Main St. E., faxed il (905) 878-4943 or e- mailed tii miltoned@haltionscai-ch.ciîm The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday -for Friday's edition. Dateline items aien't accepted by telephone. Saturday july 1 The Milton Mayors Youth Advisory Councit presenis its Teen Zone at the Canada Day fesnivities ai the Milton Fair Grounds from noon to 5 p.m. with challenges and activîties. For more information, cati (905) 878-7252, ext. 2755 or visit Monday Juiy 3 The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. (rear enîrance), invites students in grades 6 to 8 Iooking to play a game of pool or jusi bang oui îo drop by between 1 and 5 p.m. Find Our What Your Home is Worth On-Lino Visît: wwwhalonhmeevauationcom BE PfllU o.C,,Ral THE CONSERVATION ZONE EVERY KILOWATTS COUNTS EVEN AT THE COTTAGE! E s tr esre Pier LuOtai c t My rotr as Chief Energy Conservation Oticer Ofiinypa a vital rote in Oniario's ongoing enrysiraicgy. "Thi. Conservaion Zone" is tesignr'dio hctp ý ou lîîîd %ssays 10 use rnerc's more ssî sely. and M hi..corne pari ot Ontario's groi ig Coîîsr'rs iion 0 0 ai, c. eCari no longer take. cle.îli eus 0 l,- i g. o i aîued. And ss uuh hoi u înirc is >~ shere. eccr\ siaed kilo\l iti Couist > a; ufpliser ratcier Rlprouce the exila ectii ,, ed io kccp 0iriL 0 \Ii o taie off l'o otti, lc Coului,,î tl- 4j 0 siller. deiî llc.Cii. c,iiîî'. ,î l > ~ ~ .tandl M uI of e enîi..îsi\ 'uing ideaxý E ha 1i. suorkrct aiiouind \ Oui' 11o11ni,o11i 0 ýF~5,0rjL uIS \lFci ut the roîî,îC, <~Coft«ae rps for Using Enery Wise ~ ~ WKeeping screens dlean and in good repaur S wîtl dttow you in open ssindosws \Fside to S catch Iliose cooting cross-breezes. E - Ccîlîng fans arc also an energy-efficienî 0 way îo be comfortabte on hot days. S> - if your cottage has a elothes dryer. save it ~ Ofor colder days and use an ouidoor lie to gel S that "fresh air" feel in your ctothing. W > 0 ' - *Use compact fluorescent ligbting (CFL) jJ -~ ~ nstead of incandescent tigbîs. -Purchase "ENERGY STAR"' rated equip- ment and apptiances. 0 Use solar panels for bot waîer or elecîricîîy, 0 if possible. > +j -Wbîle barbecuing in generatty the cooking - method of choîce ai the cottage, the tess you Euse your oven, the more energy you'l save. Use a microwave oven wbenever possible. E Older frîdge modets cao bc real kilowatt guzzlers. A new fridge cas mun on as ltile as halfîthe etectricity of a ten year otd unit. But new or old, wben il's not in use, unplug il! - On a rainy day, spend sonne time cautking and weaîber-sîrîppîng your cottage. It wîtt betp in keep cool air in... .and insecîs out. ucou otant saviog eoerg at homo ohile yoo are away ottb a programmable thermostat tbat oets bock yoor air condiloong weon YOD ceave for the cottage anuhmps In bock op wben yoo're on the way bagne.i Talle advantage of the Conservation Bureau's Cool g,m Rebate prograo, 11,f off.,, up to a $75 rehate onu acofltcor.torstalie progranunable themnosta. For more Information oo tbis and othor reata progroms, coUl 1-866670COOL (2665), or voit wmWcolservatjOnureau.on.cp Monday july 3 - 14 Khi Community hotds ils Khi Adventure Day Camp for kids aged five to 13 with crafts, games and a daily field trip. The cost is $70 per week or $16 per day For more information, cati (905) 875-1022 or visit wwwkbîcom- munitycom. Tuesday juty 4 The Centre for Skitts Developmenî and Training offers conversa tionat Spanish courses in Milton for those wbo wanî to brush up on their skitts or learn Spanisb fromt scratch. For more information, cati (905) 333-3499, ext. 115. The centre aiso, offers free Language instruction for Newcomners 10 Canada (LINC) and Engtish as a Second Language (ESL) classes untit August 17. Moming, afternoon and evening sessions are avaîlabie. For more information or to register, cati (905) 845-1157, ext. 102 or visit www. Milton District Hospital botds a one- on-one breastfeeding; clinie wiîb a cer- îified lactation consultant fromt 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. For more information or to TAKE UP A SUMMER SPORT. Tîme t0 gel actîvely învolved in a new Mazda. Vînîl yosr dealer today t o m and experuence te saut ai a sports car in every vehîcle w. baud ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7030. Catting New Parents, a free pro- gram for parents and babies aged 6 months and younger, meets wiîb a public heatth nurse to discuss parent- ing and infant care. The group meets ai the Ontario Earty Years Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. For more information, cati (905) 825- 6000, ext. 7299. Hetp for Parents, a Halton parent support group, meets in the evenîng in the basement of the cburcb ai 5720 New St. in Burtington. This non- 206wzsas~,~2006 MAZA3 SWANT G;$ý NO179"Y EP unAý I counmm otCI11> rWosAc P $199*î NO SEouRv 05.0w iAy a ffi eawsbcs tRIsas Am SD E 2006 MAZOA5 GS NO sccsîvisry u"51 PAvaci,, uvcuibius FiNars AMc Fît. 357 Queen St. East, ACTON, On 519-853-0200 1-866-620-3248 "OUR DEALERSHIP Is NOi THE BIGGEST... OUR GOAL Is To BE THE BEST!" READY i(TO ROLL 5î PoiNPe oEuER iîis.i tioNs . REîîîîuîî îiniîiA PRORAM - MAîî LEADERSHIP isîgîcus ASt itiui OUR OUTSiieîiNG uiuiUiEHENIit set PiWEIUL19iIîiu wA iliY(OERAG 05K ABOUT OU0 iSiALTY Oiit0i FOR lXIiTING MAZDA CUSTOMERS. GAUATIli GEi AR ADDIiIOUAL tAie AWARD Of U tri 5i,0ii TOWAADS A t'iiR-CfýASt OU iIASR. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'v liiu .,FiL.Jl-ý1 I ýI ,-,- -~ ~ cv~vrc.sciuci-.a.,.. 1.c1cs (HiLLEN

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