AIS - The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 30, 2006 OPIN\ION fume to celebrae ail that's right with this great nation Tbey're a world away, living in lesir Ihan ideal condi- tions. They never know from hour to hour wherc they may be headed or if and when they wîll return. Their thoughts are often of their loved oncs and the beautiful country that they caîl home. As we prepare t0 celebrate Canada Day îomorrow we should ail pause and îhink of the countrys military per- sonnel wbo are risking everything in an effort 10 improve the lives of people less forturiate. This us not the tîme to politicize the war ti Afghanistan. It is, however, the lime t0 conte together and appreciate the men and women who are continu- ing to fight for the freedomir that we take for grantcd. Let's not forget, t00, the îhousands of Canadian peacekeepers who are selflessly working in far-flung corners of the cartb t0 offer sccurity and provide coin- fort by their very presence. We can't possibly comprehend the living conditions i f you can eall them that - in Third World count- tries. How could we begin t0 understand unless we have seen first band the exîreme poverty? Yes, Canada bas its own homegrown problems but notbing compared te tbe millions îrying t0 eke out an existence in countries plagued by drought and disease. Our country is richly blessed witb resources and we bave no reason te complain. We need to embrace ail tbat Canada bas t0 offer and celebrate loudly Ibis won- drous nation. We are an impressive role model for bow s0 many people from so many different cultures can live and work together. Canada Day ia more than backyard barbecues, social levents and fireworks dtsplays. Its a day to acknowledge ail thats right with our nation and feel proud îbaî tbis is your borne - our borne. Reader-sWrite Send your letters to mitonai@haftonsearch om or drap themr off-a_75MinS Let's ail support our veterans JuIy 1 DEAR EDITOR: This is an open invitation to, the people of Milton - new residents and old - 10, corne out iomorrow (Saturday) to Victoria Park to cheer on Our veterans. There will bc a brief ceremony ai the Cenotaph belore the march to the fair- grounds for the Canada Day opening ceremonies, starting ai noon. This would he a wonderful show of respect to the brave men and women who - at a very young age more than 60 years ago - gave up the comfort and safety of home to fighî for our free- dom. They are the reason we are ail ahie t0 celebrate juIy 1, Canadas hîrthday Hope you will join us. LAURIE MACNAB 151T VICE, SERVICE OFFICER ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 136 Thanks to technolog soon A wiIl enjoy aur new theatre zbr' C~anabîan cbtaînpion Milt' eCorrinurli ewspaper Sirice 1860 875 Main St, E. Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Ectitorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Adver-tîsing Fax: 905-876-2364 Classifted:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Woondy Mciqab Managing Editor Karen Smith Production Manager Mam Cales Circulation Manager Charlena' Hall Office Manager Tari Casas lThe Canadian Champion, published every Tuesday and FRiday ait 875 Main St E., Milton, Ont, L9T 3Z3, is one of the Meteoland Pnnrting, Publisliing & Distnibuiing Ltd. community newspapers. MAderisg is acrepied on the condition chat in the eveni ofa rypqa5a eer rOat porron of te adaeanising spanerrrnupied by the enneous item, trqethea mii a reasnaloe aiireanre fr sigra toremil notiiehaeifr. bt e balaeo hie adersessrwmi e pai forathe apicable ate rhe puishef eseanes the dgirîno rategne adveisesseenis nr decline CCAB Audited Recognized for excellence by Ontartiao Coneiîy '--'S- Newspapers Associatin Nlewspapers Associatinn IK é Suburban Neenspapees r m o nerina The anda Champn i aproud media sponsor for: Hallra Healihcare Finally, a mie theatre in town! 1 can almost smell the popcorn and hear the crunch of wayward kernels underfoot. Who doesn't love the anticipation of standing in Uine for that certain movie you've been waiting for montbs to corne out? Recently, 1 received a couple of e-mails from people in the deaf community who weren'î so quick with their excitement over the new theatre, wbich opens today They wondered if they, too, would be able to eIlo the movies tbanks to closed cap- tioning-or if they'd been overlooked. Wtth Milton's large deaf comrnunity - the E.C. DrurySchool for the Deaf bas 137 students in their secondary program. alonte - this was definitely sometbing worthy of beixeg checked out. So 1 did tbat, and rieu have some good news and bad news to report. Bad news first: There won'î be anything in captioning, in which reflected captions place for the deaf community until at least appear on a Plexiglas panel at the seat. the faîll Nobody except the person at 1 know that might be a big dis- that seat sees it. appointmerit for many people, Unfortunately, there have especially teens who may have been lots of problemrs; with the been loi forwiard to catching system, she said. So, insîead of somte Hicks clver their surmmer installing a faulty sysîemt in break. Milton, Cineplex is working on But the good news, according identifying a new systemn îbaî'll te Cineplex Entertainmient have better results. spokesperson Pat Marsall, ta the Cineplex hopes to work wiîh company ia aiming for technology -.-- - sorte local folk6s in the deaf t0 be in place by the fait for the community t0 deîermrne wbat'l deaf and bard of hearing, and itil be a new best suit their needs, Mat-shall added. technology that rivais wbaî currently exista Altbough iî's unfortunate the îechnology - and often doresn't work - in some the- lan't there now for everyone te enjoy the new att-es. theatre, 1 hope movie-lovers in the deaf comn- Mat-shall tld me soute theatres are munity will be encouraged tbat they baven't equipped with wbat's cIl rear window been forgotten. i-cc 55Mi.~S ingle Bell Fond CANLA ,A UNITED WAY 0F MILTON TV AUCTION MILTON SANTA CLAUJS PARADE TH1flfFNA U Showcase Miio GAIA ~Aad.,