Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jun 2006, p. 7

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9 The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 30, 2006-A7 Town council doesn't deserve ail \MiltOf familles in dire rieed of the criticism it has been receiving provisions to get through winter DEAR EDITOR: Lately I'vc noticed thaî our lown councîl has been receiving some very negative comments. lî's at this lime that 1 would like t0 relate a positive slory about our lown counicîl and staff. Recently 1 hadi an issue with a company that involved me mak- ing several phone calîs 10 gel tbe issue fixed. The situation was, 10 say the least, very frusîraîing and lime consuming. 1 had been lrying 10 gel thîs issue correcîed since fast Novemiter. The company would neyer retumn my calîs. lie colopan>ý gave mce s ete ai dates îbaî the problem would bce fixed, buî the days just kept coming and going. The situation also made il quile dangerous for citîzens itecause îhe sidewalk in front of my home had developed a sink hole under iî as a resulî of îhe work lthe eompany had done. In May i contaeted Mayor Gord Krantz. The mayor and his staff were mosi helpful. They eontaeîed the company and finally my situation was correct- ed. 1tîruly believe if îî wasn't for the mayor and bis staff, my problemn and îhe dangerous sidewalk wouldn'î have been c ortetîed. 1 tbink some people failt b realize whaî a diffîcuiî job the mayor and bis staff have. You can't please ail of the people ail of lthe lime, and ils unfortunate that only those who are dis- per. 1 think ils ti lic realize that comne out of îc sîncerest than mayor and bi valuable belp issue. Mayor's recent comment regard town's growth are DEAR EDITOR: 1 can't speak for ail residents of Milton, but i don't bave anyîbing of sîgnificance iaying around from 1965. So wby sbouid a polîlician bce in office titat long? Wben Mayor Gord Kranlz commenis thaI building ail îbese roads would bave încreased Multon's deit, i say wbaî does ite expeci - bat growtb comes for free? i tbink thte deai wiîb Matîamy wili in no way affect titeir profitabilîts; but will only bituld on their fine national reputation. One sbould wonder wbetber thte mayors feet dragging on titis issue caused many would-ite ituyers 10 go t0 anoîber communiy îbus robitîng us of increased revenues witbin thte town's itor- ders. By ail accounts, Krantz presenits bimself as a forward-tbinking mayor, bt wbere was Ibis highly questic enligbîened îbinkîng wben ail endure longer travel limes as a lion on area roads, witicit couidi volumes? In the end, i itelieve the oniy titrougit is lthe presenit mayors c of thte establîsitec Vicionian coir the lowns itorders, wbere prop exploded. Titis only feeds lise 'us îaliiy, and does noîthing bo dras togetiter as a witoie. 1 ask thai ahi wbo are conc future of ibis fine lown ask tems Mayor Kranîz done for lthe îowr wbat my answer wiil ite on electi GI Just qexactly who is driving town'st DEAR EDITOR: At lthe lasî lown councîl meeting, I asked our council t0 request te consultant wbo's completing Destiny Milton 2 on bebaîf of thte Town t0 indîcate wbere eacb of te vision direc- tions oniginated from. Dîd tbey come fromn thte Province, te Region or were tbey posed ity our town councîl- lors, îown staff or come from Milton citizens? Thte question was asked s0 titat, as taxpaying citizens and soon-îo-be eiecîorate again, we could aIl cieariy see wbos defin- ing our future. t wouidn't want t0 bear tat iî was thte citizens of Milton wbo directed wbere we sbould bte going 10 in our fasî we sbouid if in fact il wa wbo dîd so. We need 10 Just wbo i future? 'Time Capsules' are gents of infor- mation exracted from past issues Of The Champion and other publications in ortier to provide a window int Miltonl past. Explanatory comment Is sonxetimes provideti to place te situa- tion ini conteut. February 1908 ~'" Toronto is nol thse only place wbere belp is needed to belp molli- me îhaî the pubt- ers and babies tide over tbe winter. rtany good things Owing ta tbe temporary sbuîting wncouncil. My down of tbe two brick yards for .s go out 10 the machiner>' repaira, and tlie very s sîaff for their severe weaiber, tbere is some bard- in soîving mry sbip and wanî amongst mnany wbo bave corne 10 Milton in thse pasi yesr BETTY MIRLE or two and bave not yeî been able to BE1TY MIRLE gel upon tbeir feet. Fuel, fooî and MILTON bed clotbing are most needed. Any * contrbuis sent to tbe Rem Aj. I inaBell will be gladly received and dis- iibted. Immediate help is needed. inable U ols ektewahro resîdents bad 10 tionally muld, tbougb tliere was plen- resuit of conges- ty of snow. L-ast Tbursday morning ilt cope wiîb the conditions cbanged witb a vengeance. Toronto Observatory iruîb îbaî shînes reported a temperature of 149 below ot (F). At Milton il was 150 below onîiiual suppor Tuesday morming wss a record break- imunîlies withîn er, 18' below at Toronto and 20' eriy values have below bere. Tuesday was tbe coldeal and them' men- daysince February 6, 1905. v' ibis fine iown 6 a The Halton Press Association erned about the meeting at Georgetown decided thal elves, "Wbaî bias in view of te increased cost of ail i aîely?" 1 know prinlers' materials and bigber print- on day ers wages, adverlising rates and rates LENN CORBETT for job work sbould be increased. Up 10 lte presenî time lbougb tbere bas MILTON been a general tise elsewbere, in Halton îbey bave not been cbanged r 7 witbin tbirty years. A tise in suit- iftu scniption rates is among lte possibil- tdes being considered. future and bow 0 0 ite getting tbere, The residence of Wm. B. Gunby, îsn'î the citizens Nelson, was destroyed b>' lire on Tbursday afternoon fast. Tlie fire know, don't we? origmnated upstairs, it is supposed froni a defective chimne'. Il was furst s painting our noticed by tbe eldest daugitter, wbo immediately called ber brother and BOB BEYETE îbey made every effort to exuingusi MILTON te blaze but it soon got beyond their Milton Time capsules conîrol. Neighbors came to their assistance and most of the contents of the house downstairs were removed but tbeir clotes, bedding and everything upstairs were con- sumed. Loss estimated at $ 1,000; no insurance. Mr. Gunby was away au Waterdown at tbe lime of tbe fire. He is already making preparatons to rebuild (Burlinguon Gazette). The Nelson Telephone Company, Ltd., bas been given a charter by the Ontarto Governiment to operate a phone system ini Nelson and Trafalgar townships. Authorized cap- ital is $10,000, and head office ia at Lowville. Farmers and others want- ing phones sbould apply to Geo. Ramshaw, Secretary, Lowville. On Thursday Clare Ford, aged 10, son of jas. Ford, lst Concession, Trafalgar, was operating a cuîting box witb tbe assistance of a bired boy, Clare's left band was drawn mnto thse macbine, the two first fingers wer£ cul off at tbe first joint, and the other two were badly mangled. The boy was brougbî to town and left ai tbe residence of tbe surgeon wbo dressed bis wounds. Tbere was great difficulty in getting bere. In severai places shovels had to be used to open up a road tbrougb tbe bunge snow drifts. Since tbe fast urne il drifted every one seemed afraid to break tbe track un tbe road from James Peddie's gaie to Peter Peddie's gate (Regional Road 25 soutb of tbe 5 Sideroad). A youtb froni up nortb tried to sbow people bow to break it but wben baif way tbrougb bis borse got down, tbe cut- ter upset and lie bad a sorry time for a wbile. Tihis material is assembled on behaIf of the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dills, who cati be reached at Soiccer Bail Snacks T-Shirt Songs Photo iU EE h . Friends Soccer SkiiIsA I OBible Adventures Monday, August l4th - Friday, August l8th - 9:00 arn - Noon For Children entering KG - Grade 6, this Fall. outhside To register cal e5qýnianty Curch 905-878-5664 2850 Derry Rd. . Y K Ne"TT Mitton Summer Soccer Camps sC>ZZF juin0 j12006 ¶1wempha*o.ýi O C cffll) isU Ail lev"o f exporionc woelcome - huom Boys & Girls ages 5 - 15yrs old firet time players to "1aspiring Eb.ckam'sr Date: JuIy 17th - 21st 2006 Camp Feu: Haifday sessions - $95 Full day sessions - $165 Mommgsp 9amn - noon î Affemons l2noon - 4pmn M% - iîo,"' Location: Lions Park Thonipson Road, Milbn 1 YIM4 o ft e (beîid the Mirton Lesure Centr) - pemitit&ue eunpp Visit our website for our convenient onine registrationi Ph: 905.299.1266 E-mail. pete@yknoit com

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