Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jul 2006, p. 5

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School boards raise development charges By Tim Whitneîl SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Susarng land vafues have prosiptetf hth of t lafttsus schsus hboardfs te, raîse their etfucatsunal develtîpset charges (LDC) patd hy devefuspers. Both btoards passed aissendisents tts iheir LDC lsvlaws at recens public mteetîings. F DCs are whai landt tfeveluspers pay tus bosards whus in surn use tise instsny tts isurchase land for future schtsol cton- struction. They're on top of the local and regional municipal land charges developers arc requîred so pay. The Halson public board ts noss chargiug developers $1.260 per resi- densial dwelfing - a 34 per cent increase over the $94! in the 2005 bylaw. The non-residential EDC, whîch covers uew commercial- iidustrial- issitusional faculities, is uow 35 cents per square foot, a 42 per cens bîsost over the previous rase of 26 cents. The public board based iss lasest EDC updase ou the coss estimats osf purchasîug land for building projeets fouud su îss 2003 Capital Ssrategîc Plais. J usi two years ago the bosartd estimatcd is ueeded $58 million tiver 15 years sus bus' land for 17 elemeusary antI fise secoudary school sites. That ftgure lias jumped ts $)2.5 iion. Tise I laltuit ( ,tlstt boardl alsus atseisted is EDC by'law receuty. lIs îsew figures are ais flC tif $808 per îsew resideutial uitîtwell up frusu the $59)2 ofC lwo years agis - while the uew raie ftor isusuresiential dlevelusp- meus is 23 cents pcr square f oot, up frtsm 17 îuss tws >,cars ago. i he public bosard bas heets dtsîîg au anistal revîew os! is EDC hylaw% sînce 2004 anîd has huusped up ihe rates fusr bssh resîtfeutial antI uoî-resîdeusîal untîts in csu.secutive years. The public btoards facîlisies superin- tensdeut said prime laud scarcisy iu this area, due in part tus greenheis legisiasion coupled wîîh hîgh demand for housing here and a good ecouomy, is driviug ris- iug land cosss. Gerry Cullen saîd developers have kuown about the boards EDC inten- sions fosr abous a mousb. He said they have au appeal period of about 40 days if they disuagree wish the figures. a! shough he doesu't thiuk shas will happen. He guessed shas most or ail of the EDC increase wsll be passed ou so homebuyers by developers. i supposse in a luot o! cases shaîs whaî they dus f fas wusuld bc part of sheir (pnice) negosîaîîug protess, said C ulleis. Mdane thanks 10: Thse Toronto Bise Jays The Toronto Raptors Conservation Haiton Marineiand Milton Leisare Centre Thse Ontario Science Centre Wîid Water Kîngdsmn Casa Loma SB Electrolysîs Tise Hamilton Tîger-Cats Tîm Hsrtsns (Steeles Srancis) Rogers Vides The Dance Shsppe Pasqualîno Café and Bistro Home Hardmare Matt's RiS House The Harrop Restaurant Wtight's Corniers Restaurant Nature's Fire Kidz Korner Zak's Pharmacy Cshiaws A& P Jay's Ice Cream "Theatre in the Park" Day Camp Smiss Chalet M & M Meats Mike's Barber Shop Zuliers Dr Gamishir Tht Evans Famify Goodiife Fitness Club Tthe Buik Barn A special thanks as wel goos Io: Tise Girl Guides of Canada, The Bey Scouts, The Oplimist Ctub, The Mitton Soccer Academy, Miltos Fire Department and Kim Beivedere Thse Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Juiy 4, 2006 - A5 Turner offers brochure on childcare benefit the fedetal gisver-nmenit-s uew childcare henief-Il. I he local isusisian sait! hc has recctved mnany requests for informaiomn un the ttspic frons flscal resitients. 1 want ail eligihie famil tes ln Hlion lis recetve this payment,- hac sud. The benefit, which camne intus tilt' agc o i . l'amulies tlrcatfy retetitsig the cfstldtf x hcnreft or whus have ajspltcd fosr t in the past wsll autinaiically hegin recels- ing the payîseuss thts musnth. Hîîwever, famîf tes nt recetv- tng the exisstîsg henefit whîs tnay fot have applîed ftsr is pre- vtously because they fel s heir îîsctîîses were tîso high wif I have ilic ( itsitla Rýcscîsor( Agetu s Wch site at ca osr ai local Service Canada centres. Thcy can sake twîs tus thre îssuîuhs /0 sruscess and pay- isents rais bc backdaîed tus a msaximsum tsf't Il motshs tir sus the stars of the prusgram. Tumer's broschure is avaifahie hy calling (905) 693-0166 or as Permanently in 2 1/2 hrs itogardiess how many times you have tido ui heps0wl stop smoking INSTANTLY by somînars end. You wilt/be taught how ta relax how to tower stress, and ltow to controi your weightt atter poyu stop smoking -designeui to overconie ai your faitures on the past The tirst haur, 1 miii expiain hsw P - - -- - - - --q aynoe wosan emThestaen h30 : 80 cash LOSE WEIGHT anyoe ca be ypntize. Th nex 30We feel we have youe hest chance of minutes is for anyone wtts munIs ta lose I*losing weight and keeping it off than weight. Weight losa session is tree tor Il anything eise on the marke. smokers. The last 30 minutes is tor , L* M e U" pCw Yssr ssbcsnscisus mind csnitrsis ail st smskers anly. Vou wiii amoke your last 1 yaur behanisurs and eating habits. You cigarette whiie Seing tttpsotized. 1 IrtR-aofm tC must put the prsper information ino Seminar Leader---------------- - -- -- -- -- --' pour subcsnscious ts recuise the proper Karen Naganosh is a Neero-Linguistic PARTICIPANTS AGES 12-16 ressits. We oeil only Hypsosis - sot Programmer & Master Hypnotherapist, HYPNOTIZED ABSOLUTELy Sundreds of dollars in pis & programs! certitied by the National Guiid ot FREE! Hypnotists. She sas a clinical tsractice MUST HAVE ID AND SE ACCOMPANIEO Presented by in New Hamburg, Ontario. 13YAN ADULT HYPHOSIS, FOR A CHANGE SE ATI NG I S LIMITE D RAMADA INN & CONFERENCE CENR HOLIDAY INN NIAGARA HAMILTON VISITORS INN 161 Chlsholm Drive, Milton St. Catharines Main St., Hamilton Sunday, July 9, 2 pm - 4:30 pmn Monday, JuIy 10, 7 pm - 9:30 pm Tuesday, Juy 11, 7 pmn - 9:30 pmn Reglatration la et the door only, 1 hour before sominer. and we are looldng tor carriers 10 dehivs Canadian Champion.II' Get somne exerise and enjoy the weather. ~#~b il Deliveries Tuesdays Friday's door te d E' (7Thndblidn 'hdmiipIn 'mr doing okay, but i wiah i didn't have diabeea. FUL AR&ESHTC EVI S The people af F__ULLHA__1_RES____HET_1_C__SERVICES CDA makn it OUR 1IN-HO0U SE easier." 1 SOMEONE YOlU KNOW. CALL 1-800-DAN lO0ê6! Robert Baldwin Public School would like to thank our sponsors for their contributions to POIBUR vp ur recent fun day!

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