The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 4, 2006 -A9 _WM 4wor4im Halton His Fine Jewellery ... Downtown Milton's Hidden, Gem! Visit this weicoming famil; owned lewefferyi Anita and Max bought tire business in 1989 and store, Iocated Iust west of Martin Street at 2 18 shortly thereafter re-located te its present location at Main Street. 218 Main Street, Anita is well known throughout the As our beautîful town of Milton continues to commun îty as a generous contrîbuter 10 various expand. many people are unaware of the appeal of charitable organizations and is passionate about downtown shopping, HHFI is a friendly and customer commitment and satisfaction Anita will ccrurteous business mirere customers are ensure t hat you are pleased wîth the quality and encouraged te browse at their lersure Wîth the value of your purchase Whether you are lookîng for warn weather comîng and the openîng of Milton s, a small pair of gold earrîngs cira Canadian diamond open air Saturday market, srop in te leave your platinxm engagement ring, Anita wîll ensure that lewelleri for a free cleanîng whilv you browse along you are grinnînig from ear toevar Main Street. Wîthîn tire store s anotirer hîdden Gem Mîkealso Homeowners insurance can be your MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION SAEFAO M S R A N C , Devis Posers Agent Office Houri 917 NipinntRoad Mur. Fr 9-5, Sat tt-2 Milun, ON L9T 5E3 Exening & Weekend Apts. Bus: 905-876-1667 avu uSbe daxe.peern qg7 @xtatetarm com LIKE AGOOD NEIGHBOUR, STATE FARM IS THERE.CS Providing Insurance and Financial Services tuie Faix Fiee unu Casuai9y Company - Cunaian Head Ofnice. teaiburuut Ontrio eeaasiiiacN 02 i0s a part of the lamîly iras been workîng in tire business from ils inceprien Mike is a goldsmîtr witir numerous îvwelleri programs under iris belt He iras completed tire dîamend grudîng pregrum wîtir GIA and iv workîng toward iris certification us a gemologist At any gîven lime, you can heur Mîke workîng away in iris office on unique custom îewellery design or repaît Muke an appoîntment wîth Mîke te design an engagement ring or tirat special family hirîleom Mîke is a craftvman commîtted te provîdîng you wîtir your vision for tirut special gift or persenal request Susan iras a sparklîng smile, and years of experience in tire îewellery business as a consultant Sire is always ready te irelp yeu wîîh your purcirase for yeurself or tirat special "semeone Ian Maxwell, mire worked at Halton Hîlîs Fine lewellery before goîng te tire U S.A witir ier huvband Bill v back in tire folds, and Jan McClelland wîlI be returnîng ut tire end of lxly from a mnedîcal leave AIl are aIse on-vite te effet you advîce on tire bvst selection of hîgir grade îewellety, Seaguîl Prewter and leatirer oit wood lewelleri cases. if they do net have vxactly miraI yeu are looking fer, yeu can be sure that lino wîll arrange for avaîlabîlity mîtiîn days Halton Hîlîs Fine lewellgr carnies an extensive lîneeof 10, 14 and 18 k gld and dumends, platinum ' pearls. gemstone lemelleri. Citizen and Seiko matches, Wolf Design leatirer îewelleri cases and Seagull pewter. Engravîng and photo transfer are avaîlable. Tirey effet frtee gift wrapping, free layamay and mîlI dlean yoxr lewelleri at ne charge. Tirey aIse effet a gift tegîstty and tire staff milI be irappy te work tegetirer mitir yox on yoxr misir lixt. Halton Hilîs Fine lewellery wen fuveurite temelleri store in tire 2005 Milton Chiroce Amards. Tirey take debit, VISA. MusterCard and Amerîcun Express and of Course cash te make your shopping experience stress free. Stop by Hulton Hîlîs Fine lemellery and experience a downtomn business ut its best Yeu'l be glad you dîd Editorial siapplied bu Haltes I4ilIs Fine jewreffery located ait 218 Main St. E., in the heart of Downtown Milton. 905-875-2999. aaPeople are unaware of the appeal of downtown shopping. Halton His Fine Jewellery is a friendly and cou rteous business where customers are encouraged to browse at their leisure" 410 idusiral Drive bonl 't let car tubes preventyau oaWer iiji/f'/r swmnun5 v _q/oïn t/e .summerfun! At Hearsay we offer custom swimplugs and earbands to prevent water from getting through your ventilation tubes causing possible infection. Custnm Swim Plugs Et Aqua-Earbands are avaitable ln your cheice ef cefour(ul and can be fit te babies thrnugh te adults. Recummended by Ear, Nose & Throat Decturs. CI EC frar&NCNR 31t Commercial St., Suife 109, Milton Tel: (905) 875-3345 88 Ontario St. N., Unit #3, Milton 905-875-3367